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Comparative Data on Enrolment (ELEMENTARY)

Enrollment data is a crucial metric for schools, providing insights into

trends and changes in student populations. The table above shows the enrolment
data for Tominamos Integrated School’s in elementary for four consecutive years
(2019-2020, 2020-2021,2021-2022,2022-2023), highlighting the fluctuations and
potential factors contributing to the changes.

In 2019-2020, the school had a total enrollment of 294 elementary

students. This number increased to 311 in year 2020-2021, indicating a positive
trend. However, in 2021-2022, there was a decrease in enrollment, with only 302
students. This trend continued in 2022-2023, with a further decrease in
enrollment to 281.

One potential factor contributing to the decrease in enrollment is the

ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic forced schools worldwide to
implement modular distance learning, which might have led to some parents
opted to delay their child’s enrollment until the pandemic situation improved,
contributing to the decrease in numbers and its associated restrictions on
physical attendance in school. Another factor is the competition from other
schools, economic factor, and the demographic changes in the school’s
catchment area such as migration patterns can significantly impact enrollment

In conclusion, the enrollment data for Tominamos integrated School’s

elementary program has fluctuated significantly over the four years. The school
administration must assess she data closely and implement strategies to improve
enrollment and retain currents students.


The graph shows the Junior High School data enrollment for four
consecutive years. It can be gleaned from the data that Tominamos Integrated
School has seen fluctuation in the total enrollment for Junior High School. In the
academic year 2019-2020, the school had a total of 1571 students enrolled in the
junior high school. The following year, in 2020-2021, the total enrollment
increased to 1601. However, in the next academic year, 2021-2022, the total
enrollment decreased to 1482, and further decreased ton 1458 in the current
academic year, 2022-2023.

It is important to note that the fluctuation in the total enrolment can be

attributed to various factors. One factor could be the current pandemic situation.
In the academic year 2019-2020, the pandemic was not yet a significant issue,
and therefore, it did not affect the enrollment of students. However, in the
succeeding years, the pandemic caused disruptions in the educational system,
and parents and students may have opted to delay their child’s enrollment which
explain the decline in total enrollment in the last two years.

Another factor could be the school’s policies or programs offered. The

decrease in enrollment in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 could be due ton changes in
the school’s program, causing some students to transfer to another schools.

Furthermore, the fluctuation in total enrollment can also be contributed to

demographic changes, resulting in a decrease or increase in the number of
students who live within the school’s vicinity. Economic factors may also play a
role in the decision-making of parents in choosing a school for their children.
With these, it is essential for the school administration to evaluate and address
these factors to ensure a stable and consistent total enrollment in the future.

Senior High School Comparative Data on Enrolment

The figure above shows the comparative data on enrollment of the senior
high school indicating a gradual increase in the number of students enrolled. In
the academic year 2019-202, there were 522 students enrolled in the senior high
school program. The following year, the number increased to 683, indicating an
increase in the enrollment. The trend continued in the academic year 20212022,
with 844 students. However, in the academic year 2022-2023, the number of
enrolled students dropped to 802, indicating a decrease from the previous years.
The possible reasons for the increase in senior high school enrollment is
the implementation of the K-12 program in the Philippines, which aims to provide
students with more time to acquire necessary skills and knowledge and prepare
them for college or the workforce, the increasing number of senior high school
enrollees indicates the success of the K-12 program in encouraging top continue
their education.

Another possible reason for the increase in enrollment is the availability of

scholarships and financial assistance for senior high school students. This may
have encouraged students who were previously unable to attend school due to
financial constraints to enroll. Moreover, the increase demand for skilled
workforce in various industries could also be contributing factor to the increase
of the enrollment.

However, the decrease in the enrollment in the academic year 2022-2023

could be attributed to various factors, such changes in the educational system,
the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn caused by pandemic that
affected the financial capabilities of some families, making it harder for them to
afford senior high school education.

In conclusion, the senior high school enrollment data for four consecutive
years indicate a gradual increase in the number of students enrolled due to the
implementation of the K-12 program, scholarships, and financial assistance.
However, the decrease in enrollment in the academic year 2022-2023 contributed
to various factors.

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