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The speed of development in technology makes people easier to update news

every time they surfing the internet. Some people mainly read domestic news.
While others claim that we should take care of international news due to many
reasons. From my point of view, each of these statements has pros and cons. In
this essay I will both perspectives.

Body part 1

On one hand, local news is the news helps you know more about your home
town. Following international news can keep people up-to-date with information
about global environmental issues.provides people with up-to-the-minute reports
about the harmful effects of climate change. Therefore, they would realize the
urgency of the current environmental situation, thereby taking actions to
improve it.

Body part 2

On the other hand, international news acts an important role in the globalization
area.These people could be politicians who have diplomatic responsibilities,
businessmen who have cooperation with partners in other nations or tourists
who travel frequently from region to region. Knowledge about any events going
on on a global level helps them identify what actions they should take to bring
the most benefits to their country, what strategies they should implement to gain
the most benefits to their enterprise or how dangerous or livable the city they are
going to visit is.


In conclusion, local news is enough for those who have nothing outside their
area to care about, but international information is crucial to those who have
their life linked directly or indirectly to foreign affairs.

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