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The Angelic Vessel The figure felt the power of his faith, augmented

by his Angelic companion. His stature increased and the

The raiding party swept into the wilderness pure power of his Mistress filled him. He knew no fear,
hamlet with reckless abandon; killing anyone they could and no pride in his new-found power. He leapt from the
reach. The Orcs were far bolder than their numbers. window, covering far more distance than a normal man
It was the leader of the war-band that drove them. A could ever hope to, and met the Outsider at the gate. He
massive, horned Outsider wielding a flaming spiked flail landed in a thunderous booming of power and raised his
stood above them, urging them onward. Their goal was war-mace high, looking the Outsider in the eyes.
evident; the stone chapel that anchored the center of the
hamlet. “So, she did send someone to stop me.” The Demon
said, laughing softly.
Peasant archers let fly volley after volley from
the protection of the chapel’s outer wall; spurred on by “Actually, She sent both of us.” The figure smiled as his
the small number of battle-hardened adventurer’s that mace came crashing down.
had mercifully ridden into town only hours before. They
added their spells and arrows to the hamlet defenders.
Despite the much needed experience of the newcomers;
they were clearly outnumbered.

A lone figure watched the battle from

the upper window of the chapel. He wore the
shining armor of a faithful defender of The
Way. He had removed the sacred pennant
normally given a place of reverence over the
alter of this small chapel. He fastened it
about his waist in the manner of a loincloth
and prepared for the battle to come.

“So this is why we have come?” the

figure asked silently.

“There are designs at work here far more

intricate than a simple Orc raid. The
Destroyer has sent his emissary; you are to
be ours.” The voice said.

There was no other being in the

room. The dialogue was contained within the
silent figure as he communed with the Angelic
messenger lodged within his breast, his soul.

“I will not fail. This desecration will not be allowed,

and blood will be avenged. Give me strength and
wisdom according to my faith.” The figure prayed within

“I will grant you that and more; for you act in the stead
of our Mistress. This day you are her Avatar.” The voice
The Angelic Vessel
Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spells
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Guardian angel +1 level of previous divine spellcasting class
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Tongues of man +1 level of previous divine spellcasting class
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Divine knowledgek +1 level of previous divine spellcasting class
4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Angel’s protection +1 level of previous divine spellcasting class
5 +3 +2 +2 +4 Avatar +1 level of previous divine spellcasting class
There are 5 levels to this class

There are many who worship the gods and are granted Class Skills
power by them. Some, however, are granted power beyond the The angelic vessel’s class skills (and the key ability for
god’s other servants because of the strength of their devotion, each skill) are Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal
their ability to surrender to their deity’s will. These favored (Wis), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes)
servants are guided and protected by the deity’s most favored (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
servants of all: angels. Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

An angelic vessel acts as a host and conduit for the

Class Features
power of an angel. This form of surrender grants the conduit
All of the following are class features of the angelic
protection, strength, and even the ability to channel the angel’s
vessel prestige class.
essence for short periods of time. It comes at a cost, however:
the angelic vessel must walk a narrow path, and must always
seek to act according to the wishes of his deity and the angel Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: If the
who shares his body. Should he ever waver, even for a moment, angelic vessel is not already proficient with his deity’s favored
the angel leaves his body and strips him of his powers until he weapon, he gains proficiency with that weapon.
atones for his sins.
Guardian Angel (Su): When the mantle of
Clerics are the most obvious choice for entry into the angelic vessel is first taken, the chosen character forms a
angelic vessel prestige class, but paladins or even druids could profound spiritual bond with an angelic servitor of his patron
take on the mantle of angelic vessel. While many other types deity. This bond is so powerful that a part of the angel actually
of characters can show true devotion to a deity, divine casters resides within the vessel, guiding and watching over him
are open to the divine power of a god or spiritual force already, always. An angelic vessel can communicate with the angel
and this makes them ideal hosts for angels. telepathically, and the angel can do likewise. This angelic
presence is an actual individual with a personality, and should
Hit Die: d8 be treated as such. Note that this angel is not a familiar, as a
wizard or sorcerer possesses; in actuality it is the angelic vessel
who serves the ends of the angel and, therefore, his deity. In
Requirements addition, the angelic presence cannot travel outside the vessel’s
To qualify to become an angelic vessel, a character
body; the vessel is the angel’s primary link to the material plane,
must fulfill all of the following criteria:
and the angel cannot move beyond the bounds of the vessel’s
Alignment: Any good.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 10 ranks, Knowledge
(the planes) 10 ranks.
That said, the angel’s presence does provide some
Spells: Must be able to cast 4th-level divine spells.
benefits to the vessel. The angelic vessel gains a +4 insight
Special: Must worship a deity or spiritual force that
bonus to both Spot and Listen checks, and a +2 insight bonus
makes use of angels as servants.
on Initiative checks. In addition, the angelic vessel can sacrifice
prepared spells in order to gain a bonus on all saving throws for Ex-Angelic Vessels
one hour equal to the level of the sacrificed spell (or +1 for Angelic vessels must be paragons of the ideals of their
half an hour for a 0-level spell). This ability requires a standard deities. Should an angelic vessel ever do anything that violates
action to use, but does not provoke an attack of opportunity. either his alignment or the laws of his deity, he immediately
loses all class abilities. In order to regain these abilities or gain
Tongues of Man (Su): As the angelic vessel another level in the angelic vessel prestige class, he must have
becomes more in tune with the angel sharing his body, some an atonement spell cast on him.
of the angel’s knowledge begins to pass on to him. At 2nd level,
the angelic servant gains the ability to speak and understand GM Notes
any spoken language, exactly as if he were under the effects of This prestige class grants the companionship of
a tongues spell. an actual Angelic being to the character. This gives you as
the GM some very interesting dynamics to work into your
Divine Knowledge (Su): At 3 level, the angelic campaign should you so choose. Instead of a loose collection

vessel’s access to divine knowledge becomes even more of adventurer’s meeting up at the local tavern and setting off in
profound. From now on, the angelic vessel has a number search of treasure, you now have a direct “link” with the will
of unassigned skill ranks equal to twice his character level of a Deity. The Angelic servant can direct the completion of
+6. These ranks can be assigned to any skill that the angelic quests on behalf of the Deity; knowingly or not.
vessel does not already have ranks in as a standard action, in as Now, as with any higher being, their goals and
many combinations as the vessel wishes. These ranks remain objectives are not always clear to us mere mortals. So the
assigned until the angelic vessel rests for 8 hours, at which point nature and reason of the Angelic quests can be quite varied.
they become unassigned and can be used again. The presence of the Angel might be entirely unknown to the
rest of the party! (Pearls before swine and all that, perhaps.) I
Angel’s Protection (Su):A4th-level angelic vessel suggest playing the Angelic host as an NPC, for that is, in fact,
is able to call upon his guardian angel to shield his body from what he (or she) is!
harm for short periods of time, at a cost. As a standard action
that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, the vessel can As a separate, intelligent being; the Angel may
sacrifice a prepared spell in order to gain one of the following communicate telepathically with the host PC. This
benefits for one hour: communication is un-heard by anyone other than the
• A bonus to AC equal to +2 per level of the spell. PC, and may not be intercepted or scryed in any manor
• DR equal to the level of the spell. This is considered whatsoever. If the PC were to have his thought ‘read’ by
DR X/evil. magical means; only his thoughts would be intercepted and
• Energy resistance to an energy type of the vessel’s not those of the Angel. Truly, the PC is ‘hearing voices inside
choice equal to the level of the spell. his head’. Give the Angelic host a distinct personality and
voice in your games. Remember, the Angel is not compelled
Avatar (Su): Upon reaching 5th level, the angelic against his/her will, but desires to assist the Deity through its
vessel is able to channel the power of his angelic companion, service. The Angel is also not compelled to remain always
becoming a true power unto himself. Once per day as a standard in communication with the PC; there may be long periods of
action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, the vessel silence, with the Angel only relaying important information
can assume a form that grants the following benefits: or advice. On the other hand, the Angel could also remain a
• +6 bonus to Strength and Constitution. constant companion; inserting his or her opinion or advice at
• DR 5/evil. every opportunity. The Angel will never lie to the PC, and
• Fire, cold, and electrical resistance 5. will always act in the best interests of the Deity, and the PC, in
• Wings that grant a flight speed of 50. that order.
• Increase to large size.
This transformation lasts for one minute, and afterward the
angelic vessel is fatigued until he rests for at least 1 hour. If the Written byDennis Mohr.
angelic vessel is already fatigued, he becomes exhausted; if he Artwork by Anthony Cournoyer
is already exhausted, he is rendered unconscious for 1 hour.
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Skortched Urf‛ Studios

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Centreville, VA

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