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Lapras, the gentle and helpful Pokémon, is a Water/Ice type creature that can ferry people across

bodies of water. Its docility has made it an easy target for hunters in the past, driving it to near
extinction. Here are some details about Lapras:

Height: 2.5 meters (8 feet 2 inches)

Weight: 220.0 kilograms (485.0 pounds)


Water Absorb

Shell Armor

(Hidden ability) Hydration

Base Stats:

HP: 130

Attack: 85

Defense: 80

Sp. Atk: 85

Sp. Def: 95

Speed: 60

Total: 535

Evolution: Lapras does not evolve.

Pokédex Entries:

Red/Blue: A Pokémon that has been overhunted almost to extinction. It can ferry people across the

Yellow: A gentle soul that can read the minds of people. It can ferry people across the sea on its

Gold: They have gentle hearts. Because they rarely fight, many have been caught. Their number has

Silver: It ferries people across the sea on its back. It may sing an enchanting cry if it is in a good

Crystal: This gentle Pokémon loves to give people rides and provides a very comfortable way to get

Ruby/Sapphire: People have driven Lapras almost to the point of extinction. In the evenings, this
Pokémon is said to sing plaintively as it seeks what few others of its kind still remain.

Emerald: In the evenings, it is said to sing plaintively as it seeks what few others of its kind still
Diamond/Pearl/Platinum: It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It
understands human speech.

HeartGold: They have gentle hearts.

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