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Student Name: Leah Rose A.

Meñoza Degree Program: BSED Major in English

Course Code: EL 108 Semester: 1st Semester, A.Y 2023-2024
Course Title: Teaching and Assessment of Grammar
Language Scholarship #4
K-12 Basic Education Curriculum English Guide (Grade 1 to Grade 10) Reflection Paper

“Language: Transcending Borders”

The creation of a thorough K–12 Basic Education Guide for English is a complex
task with an extensive scope of content. The general overview of the basic curriculum guide
provides a thorough abreast of information; however, the effectiveness of the curriculum
will vary by nation or school setting, specifically to the students themselves. While language
serves as a means of expressing ideas, beliefs, and values in addition to serving as a tool for
communication, It can occasionally erect barriers between people, though. When two
people from different cultures try to communicate, for instance, there could be
misunderstandings since words have distinct connotations in each culture. It is frequently
important in these situations to rely on nonverbal communication to close the gap. Since
Language is the basis of all communication and the primary instrument of thought, it must
also be something that can transcend borders, specifically the English language which is
good, because it is the primary goal of this basic curriculum guide.
People can have stronger relationships and a greater understanding of one another if
they can grasp the subtleties of language. It is crucial to comprehend and interpret worth,
and it can also help us understand ourselves and our society better. According to the
Philosophy and Rationale of the Basic Curriculum Guide, language is governed by rules
and systems (language conventions) that are used to explore and communicate meaning; It
defines culture which is essential in understanding oneself (personal identity); and forming
a relationship (socialization). Moreover, it is central to peoples’ intellectual, social, and
emotional development and has an essential role in all key learning areas. It is the
foundation of all human relationships; our thoughts, values, and understanding are
developed through language. People used language to make sense of and bring order to their
world. Therefore, language competency enables individuals to interact with larger and more
diverse communities, access, process, and stay current on information, and learn about the
function of language in their own lives, as well as in their own and other cultures.

What does it have to do in an institutional setting? The K-12 Language Arts and
Multiliteracies Curriculum is anchored on the following language acquisition, learning,
teaching, and assessing principles. All languages are interrelated and interdependent. The
facility in the first language (L1) strengthens and supports the learning of other languages
(L2) as stated. This indicates that learning a second language might be based on a student's
proficiency in their first language. In addition to building on prior knowledge of the first

Barangay 5, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines 8501 | +63 85 3438327 | F: +63 85 8392284
language, this is accomplished by emphasizing the parallels and links between the two
languages. To make it more comprehensible, the guiding principle added that the
acquisition of sets of skills and implicit metalinguistic knowledge in one language (common
underlying proficiency or CUP) provides the base for the development of both the first
language (L1) and the second language (L2)2. It follows that any expansion of CUP that
takes place in one language will have a beneficial effect on the other language(s). This
principle serves to explain why it becomes easier and easier to learn additional languages.
In essence, the learner improves their comprehension of the fundamentals of language
acquisition as they pick up more than one language. The subsequent language is then easier
to learn than the first because this expertise is transferred there. Transfer of language skills
is a mechanism that underlies why learning new languages becomes simpler as you gain
proficiency in them.

Language acquisition and learning is an active process that begins at birth and
continues throughout life. It is continuous and recursive throughout students’ lives.
Students enhance their language abilities by using what they know in new and more
complex contexts and with increasing sophistication (spiral progression). They reflect on
and use prior knowledge to extend and enhance their language and understanding.
However, as true as this may be, some scholars contend that language learning has a critical
window and that, after a certain age, learning a new language becomes incredibly
challenging. They contend that learning a new language after childhood is far more difficult
and that the adult brain is less pliable. (Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second
language acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon.) This is not an uncommon situation or case;
language acquisition is a lifelong process that starts at birth and is ongoing and recursive.
It can be compared to a spiral pattern, meaning that students can improve their language
abilities by using what they already know in more challenging contexts. On the other hand,
some researchers argue that there is a limited time frame in which one can learn a language
effectively and that after a certain age, it becomes much harder to acquire a new language
just like what I said, However, by allowing kids to utilize language to convey their thoughts
in a meaningful way in a language-rich setting, language fluency and competency can be
achieved. Students are encouraged to improve their language abilities and to keep
discovering new language structures as a result. Students might graduate from school with
the ambition to extend their education and language acquisition in the correct setting. They
can improve their language fluency and competency by conversing with native speakers
and writing. This could be validated personally, as the reason that I took a Major in English
degree program manifesting that someday, in the near and possible future, I’ll be able to
utilize it when I go abroad or work abroad.

It is not just about the English language, but all languages. Our L1 can help us to learn
our L2, and while we learn we also make meanings, when we grasp and fully make
meanings, we tend to socialize well, communicate well, to transcend well. We learn when
we use what we know to understand what is new. This is what they call, activating schemata.
Begin by introducing what the kids already know, used to introduce new concepts, and ask

Barangay 5, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines 8501 | +63 85 3438327 | F: +63 85 8392284
them what they already know about it. They do this by comparing new information and
events to what they already know, believe, and experience. They draw connections, foresee
possibilities, consider concepts, and choose courses of action as to what the guidelines

Since this is implemented from Grade 1 to Grade 10, I believe this could still be a little
hard for some learners, as they have different ways of learning, different backgrounds
cultures, and anything associated with their learning abilities. With this, teachers have to
adjust and make their students adopt it so that the implementation would be effective and
have a good quality. In like manner, Teachers would have to use the superior language or
the L1 of the students, or in that certain setting in order to make it more comprehensible
for students, as well as easy for them to learn. Nonetheless, as they are more acquainted
with passionate teachers and more exposed to new learning environments, motivational
settings, and inclusive spaces, I believe that the learners would love to give their best, and
would fancy to interact more.

I believe that this is a commendable and competent way to transcend borders not just
teachers to students, in the same way between students to students, and its community.
The capacity to make meaning through language is extremely helpful since it makes it
possible for evaluations to include not only reading and responding but also listening,
speaking, and observing. Crucially, the inclusion of writing and presentation components
within assessments amplifies these benefits. This strategy spreads its benefits to all
members of the institutional setting, not just educators, it extends its advantages to all
members within the institutional context. This all-encompassing strategy encourages
cultural exchange and comprehension while also facilitating thorough language learning. I
feel compelled to emphasize the approach's broad significance in promoting successful
communication and intercultural competency as a college student writing this essay because
just reading the framework in the first, I immediately think that this could make a great

Barangay 5, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines 8501 | +63 85 3438327 | F: +63 85 8392284

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