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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

K to 10 Curriculum Guide
(Grade 1 to Grade 10)

September 2023

K to 10 English Curriculum Guide September 2023

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City



This program is designed to help students become intellectually astute, internationally competitive citizens who are ready for anything.
We should put our efforts into providing them with a variety of knowledge and abilities. These abilities will allow students not only to
excel in their personal and professional lives but also to successfully traverse the intricacies of the global community and make important
contributions to it. The requirement for students to be internationally competitive derives from the necessity of equipping them to
succeed in a dynamic, ever-evolving global economy in an increasingly interconnected and interdependent world. Students who are
globally competitive are better prepared to negotiate a broad and competitive employment market, which promotes innovation and
economic progress. People with a global perspective are better equipped to collaborate, solve problems, and advance progress on a global
scale as nations become more interconnected through trade, technology, and communication. As a result, they can contribute to their
own success and the prosperity of their communities.

The idea that pupils must be internationally competitive is based on the conviction that education should transcend national boundaries
to become responsible global citizens. Students get a greater understanding of cultural variety, empathy for international problems, and
a dedication to sustainable development through developing a global mentality. Encouraging students to adopt this mindset equips
them to promote social and environmental justice, engage in intercultural conversation, and address urgent global concerns. It promotes
a sense of our common humanity and the knowledge that our capacity for cross-cultural cooperation is essential to the success of our
society as a whole.

National and global competence, are promoted by groups like the OECD and emphasizes the significance of giving students the skills
they need to function well in a worldwide environment. The benefits of global education on students' cognitive and socioemotional
development are also highlighted by studies in the field of international education, such as that of Dr. Fernando Reimers at Harvard
University. These ideas are in line with the UNESCO-promoted notion of "Education for Global Citizenship," which emphasizes the
importance of education in promoting intercultural understanding, teamwork, and sustainable development.

Shahani, A. (2019, June 13). Making students globally competitive while they learn. Entrepreneur.

Reimers, F. M. (Ed.). (2016). Empowering students to improve the world in sixty lessons: Version 3.0. Harvard Education Press.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City


At an early age, children in this generation are more associated with a vast and rapidly changing world. It is necessary and
crucial to create a developmentally appropriate and engaging educational environment for K-10 learners, fostering their global
competence and citizenship skills from an early age.

Globalization: The world has become more interconnected than ever before. Children today have access to information and cultures
from all over the globe, which has broadened their horizons and made them more aware of global issues. The importance of awareness
at such a young age will enable the students to gradually accept the world around them and eventually grasp how it works while they

Media and Social Media: Children are exposed to a constant stream of information and news through various media channels and
social media platforms. This exposure can make them more aware of current events and societal changes. Rapid change is rampant and
the way they think, act, or behave is being altered due to the impact of what they see and what they learn outside the classroom; hence,
it is essential to make them understand it without neglecting the basic education literacies.

Learning can indeed take place everywhere, and it has the potential to create a significant impact nationally or globally.
Learning that takes place outside of typical classroom settings and organized educational programs is referred to as "informal learning."
It occurs frequently and can occur anywhere, including at home, in social settings, at work, or when pursuing interests and hobbies.
Because learners actively seek knowledge and skills based on their own needs and interests, informal learning is known for being learner-
driven. According to the notion of situated cognition, learning is inextricably linked to the context in which it takes place. It highlights
how learning is not only tied to real-world circumstances and experiences but also extends beyond the classroom. This idea contends
that people learn more successfully when they are immersed in relevant contexts, which can be found in a variety of non-formal
educational settings.

Reimers, F. (2017). Empowering students to improve the world in sixty lessons. ResearchGate.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

An effective Crucial Competencies: Equipping Learner for National and Global Excellence curriculum satisfies the following principle:

1. Holistic Competency Development: By addressing learners' cognitive, socioemotional, and practical capabilities, the curriculum places an
emphasis on their holistic development, ensuring that they are well-rounded people prepared for a variety of experiences.
2. Integration of National and Global Perspectives: It promotes learners' understanding of global concerns, cultures, and interdependence,
equipping them for active global citizenship. It blends national and global perspectives into every topic.
3. Encourages pupils to ask questions, investigate, and think critically in order to foster inquiry-based learning and the development of their
analytical and problem-solving abilities.
4. Cross-Curricular Links: Encourages interdisciplinary links to show how different competencies and subjects interact, fostering a thorough
grasp of complicated issues.
5. Cultural Competence: Promotes respect for many cultures, encourages awareness of diversity, and equips students to work collaboratively
with people from diverse backgrounds.
6. Ethical Leadership: Develops ethical leadership traits by stressing the value of morality, honesty, and social responsibility in local, national,
and international contexts.
7. Fosters a passion for lifelong learning, giving students the tools they need to adapt to a world that is changing quickly and continue their
education after they have finished their formal education.
8. Encourages teamwork and collaborative problem-solving because many global issues need combined efforts and a range of viewpoints in
order to find workable answers.
9. Utilizing authentic and competency-based assessments, assessment for competency measures how well students can apply their knowledge
and skills in realistic, real-world circumstances, ensuring that they are ready for national and international excellence.
Boix Mansilla, V., & Gardner, H. (2007). From teaching globalization to nurturing global consciousness. In M. Suarez Orozco (Ed.), Learning in the global era: International perspectives
on globalization and education (pp. 47– 66). Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City


In order to prepare K–10 students to become responsible, knowledgeable, and compassionate global citizens, this curriculum integrates
traditional topics with a significant emphasis on global competency, citizenship, and character education.

This generation of learners is distinguished by a noteworthy inclination for digital involvement, cross-cultural connections, and
initiatives meant to promote global cooperation and unification. Because of the digital age, students frequently integrate and assimilate
knowledge gained from non-traditional sources outside of formal classroom settings, including social media and cross-cultural
experiences. As a result, these people exhibit a rich tapestry of many backgrounds, integrating a variety of viewpoints and insights into
their formal learning environments and thereby enhancing the breadth and depth of their educational experiences.

Students' primary focus should be on acquiring critical skills that will enable them to succeed not only in their local communities but
also on a global scale, cultivating ethical, responsible, and adaptive citizens.

As learners undergo the transformative journey towards adulthood, they inevitably encounter the multifaceted realities of life, often
unprepared to effectively navigate its complexities. The observed phenomenon of individuals experiencing feelings of being
“overwhelmed” by comparatively modest life demands underscores the crucial deficiency in their capacity to cope with life’s challenges.

The goal of these learners' development should go beyond simply acquiring academic literacies in the process of fostering and forming
them. Instead, educators, facilitators, professors, and instructors have a huge responsibility to foster comprehensive competency while
putting students on the path to excellence in the world. For the development of well-rounded and resilient people, essential qualities
like grit, perseverance, work ethic, drive, initiative, and gratitude emerge as crucial attributes. In order to provide students with the
broad skill set needed to thrive as competent, well-adjusted persons in the always-changing context of life, it is crucial to integrate
components that go beyond the sphere of academic knowledge.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City


Kindergarten to Grade 2 (Age 5-7):
1. Language Arts (ENGLISH): Basic literacy skills, storytelling, and exposure to diverse children’s literature.
2. Mathematics: Foundational numeracy skills and basic problem-solving.
3. Science: Introduction to natural phenomena, environmental awareness, and simple scientific concepts.
4. Social Studies: Beginning to explore the local community, traditions, and cultures.
5. Arts: Creative expression through visual arts, music, and dance.
6. Physical Education: Fundamental motor skills and physical activity.
7. Character Education: Introduction to values like empathy, kindness, and respect.
8. Global Awareness: Introduction to the concept of diversity and global cultures through age-appropriateness stories and activities.

Grade 3 to Grade 5 (Age 8-10):

1. Language Arts (ENGLISH): Reading comprehension, (ALPHABET) writing skills, reading skills, and speaking skills.
2. Mathematics: Advanced numeracy skills, basic geometry, and problem-solving.
3. Science: Exploration of scientific principles, environmental issues, and scientific method.
4. Social Studies: A basic understanding of local and global communities, geography, and history.
5. Arts: Expanding creative skills and exposure to various art forms.
6. Physical Education: Sports and fitness activities, understanding of health and nutrition.
7. Character Education: Development of character like responsibility, resilience, and teamwork.
8. Global Awareness: Introduction to global issues, cultural diversity, and the importance of empathy and respect for others.

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

Grade 6 to Grade 8 (Age 11-13):

1. Language Arts (ENGLISH): Advanced reading and writing skills, critical thinking, and literary analysis.
2. Mathematics: Advanced algebra, geometry, data analysis, and problem-solving.
3. Science: In-depth study of biology, chemistry, and physics, with a focus on real-world applications and global challenges.
4. Social Studies: Comprehensive exploration of world history, global geography, and contemporary global issues.
5. Arts: Developing creative and artistic talents, with opportunities for cultural exploration.
6. Physical Education: Advanced sports, fitness, and health education.
7. Character Education: Emphasis on values like leadership, ethical decision-making, and social responsibility.
8. Global Awareness: In-depth study of global challenges, human rights, sustainable development, and cross-cultural understanding.

Grade 9 to Grade 10 (Age 14-16):

1. Language Arts: Advanced literature analysis, research skills, and effective communication.
2. Mathematics: Advanced topics in algebra, statistics, and data analysis.
3. Science: Specialized studies in biology, chemistry, or physics, along with environmental science and technology.
4. Social Studies: Deep dives into global history, economics, international relations, and global issues.
5. Arts: Advanced study in the arts, including art history and critical analysis.
6. Physical Education: Specialized training in sports or fitness areas of interest.
7. Character Education: Preparing for ethical leadership and community engagement.
8. Global Citizenship: Culmination of global studies with a focus on global leadership, social justice, and sustainability.

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