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‭ UIZ 1‬

‭Balmaceda, Cassey C.‬
‭Bs Psychology - PSY233‬

‭1.‬ ‭How does ICT influence you?‬

‭ here are so many ways that ICT affects an individual, both in positive and negative‬
‭ways. ICt indeed is a big help for most of us since it provides ways to make things easier in this‬
‭age of life. Modernization has been with most of us for a long time now which is why ICT‬
‭becomes vital to some of our daily lives. It provides us access to information that we need, we‬
‭also need it for communication, and we can also use it to access learning.‬
‭In this modern life we are in, many things are evolving and that includes the‬
‭technologies. Technology makes our lives easier in so many ways and can also give us‬
‭problems in some cases. ICT helps us access a lot of things that were not easily accessible‬
‭during the pre-technology era. That’s why ICT becomes a big part of what we are right now and‬
‭with a proper use of it, we can make our lives easier.‬

‭2.‬ ‭Cite disadvantages of ICT and explain.‬

‭It is true that ICT has a lot of advantages in our lives but these advantages come with‬
‭ isadvantages. ICT can be a way to misinformation, cyberbullying and online harassment,‬
‭addiction and also privacy concerns. These are just some of the negative things that ICT can‬
‭provide. Too much use of technology has negative effects if we don’t use it properly and‬
‭cautiously. It comes with great responsibility if we want technology to be part of our lives and to‬
‭make it easy because if we use it without proper caution, instead of making our lives easy, it can‬
‭be the reason for failure or danger in our lives.‬

‭3.‬ ‭If ICT has already made our lives easy, why are we still poor?‬

‭In the Philippines, misinformation is very rampant. Misinformation alone affects our way‬
‭ f living, our way of thinking and our way of viewing things. With this kind of thinking, people can‬
‭not do the right things in the right way because they are fed up with misinformation. ICT can be‬
‭a great help for most of us but some people do not use it with proper caution. Some people‬
‭misuse ICT and forget that it also provides negative things.‬

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