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10. In this question you should show all stages of your working.

Solutions relying entirely on calculator technology are not acceptable.

(a) Given that 1 + cos 2θ + sin 2θ ≠ 0 prove that

1 − cos 2θ + sin 2θ
≡ tan θ
1 + cos 2θ + sin 2θ
(b) Hence solve, for 0 < x < 180°
1 − cos 4 x + sin 4 x
= 3 sin 2 x
1 + cos 4 x + sin 4 x

giving your answers to one decimal place where appropriate.


*P68731A03052* 
Question 10 continued

 *P68731A03152* Turn over
14. Given that
y=      x > 0
2+ x

show that
dy 1
=      x > 0
dx A x

where A is a constant to be found.


*P68731A04452* 
Question 14 continued

 *P68731A04552* Turn over

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