Phys S6

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This paper consists of two sections: A &B
Useful Constant’s: Charge of electron e=1.6x10-19C, C=3x108m/s, h = 6.63 x10-34Js, g =
9.80 m/s2,
 0 :8.85x10-12 N-1m-2C2, me=9.1x10-31kg, Rydberg constant R=1.097X107m-1
Section A: Attempt all questions
Section B: Attempt all questions
Duration: 3hours
SECTION A: Circle the corresponding letter of the best answer (one mark for each
Q1. Huygens Wave Theory could not explain,
(a) Polarization (b) Compton Effect (c) Photoelectric Effect (d) All of these
Q2. Half duplex system for communication has:
a) communication in single direction b) communication in single direction at a time
c) communication in both directions at the same time d) none of the above
Q3. The disadvantage of FM over AM is that
a) high output power is needed b) high modulation power is needed
c) noise is very high for high frequency d) large bandwidth is required
Q4. The resistance of the lamp which draws 120mA when connected to a 6V battery is equal
a) 0.05Ω b)20Ω c)50Ω d)40Ω

Find R
a) 17.5 Ω b) 17.2 Ω c) 17.4 Ω d) 17.8 Ω

Section B: Attempt all questions

Q6. State any 3 advantages of digital technology over analog technology (3marks)

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Q7. A learner investigated the properties of the photocell which uses the photoelectric effect
to provide effect to provide a current in an external circuit (figure). Its photo emissive
surface has a work function of 2.1eV
The frequency of the electromagnetic radiation used by learner is 7.23× 1014Hz.

a) i)What is meant by the term work function of a metal used in photoelectric effect?
ii)Express the given work function in joules. (2marks)
iii)Does the photoelectric effect best prove that the light is a wave instead of particle?
Justify your answer(2marks)
iv)Find the energy of each photon incident on the photo emissive surface in J. (2marks)
v)Why did photons of this light cause the photoelectric effect to take place? (2marks)
b)The same learner used a source of electromagnetic radiation of fixed frequency 7.23×
1014Hz as mentioned above and observed that there was a current in the external circuit.
The learner used a new circuit shown in figure.
As the learner increased the supply voltage, the current decreased and eventually become
zero. The minimum voltage at which this happens is called the stopping potential.

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i)Use Einstein equation to find the maximum kinetic energy, in J, of the electrons emitted
from the photo emissive surface. (2marks)
ii)Determine the stopping potential for this photo emissive surface. (2marks)
c)Where is the photoelectric effect used in everyday life? (1mark)
Q8. a) What is meant by Simple Harmonic Motion? /1mark
b) State the conditions for an oscillatory motion to be considered simple harmonic.
c) From the displacement –time graph shown below,

Use the graph to determine the following:

i. The amplitude of the oscillation /1mark
ii. The frequency in hertz (Hz) /2marks
iii The angular frequency in radians per second (rad s−1). /2marks
iv The maximum speed of the oscillating mass. /2marks

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Q9. a) Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves. /2marks
b) The equation y  Asin wt  kx  represents a plane wave travelling in a medium along the
x–direction. What is the Physical meaning of letter A and k? /1mark
c) The displacement, y of a wave in x–direction at any time, t is given by the equation,
 t X 
y  1.0 x10 7 sin 2    displacement in meter and time in second.
 0.5 2.0 
(i) What kind of the above equation. /1mark
(ii) Deduce the direction in which the wave is travelling. /1mark
(ii) Determine the speed of the wave. /2 marks
Q10. a) What is photoelectric effect? Give and explain Einstein’s equation for
photoelectric effect. /3marks
b) Light of frequency 6x10-14 Hz is incident on a metal surface and the emitted electrons
have kinetic energy of 2x10-29J.
Calculate: (i) work function of the metal /2marks
(ii) threshold frequency of the metal. /2 marks
Q11. a) What do you understand by the term wave-particle duality (2marks)
b) A gamma-ray photon has a momentum of 8.00× 10-21kgm/s. calculate its
Q12.a) Suggest a condition necessary for destructive interference to take place when
monochromatic waves from two coherent source meet. (1mark)
b) which phenomenon is responsible for light spreading as it passes through a narrow slit?
c) Explain the term ‘monochromatic waves’ (1mark)

Q13.a) Differentiate between Rutherford’s atomic model and Bohr’s atomic Model.
b) i. State Bohr’s postulates of a hydrogen atom. /3marks
ii. Propose any three deficiencies of the Bohr Model of a hydrogen atom. /3marks
c) Present the spectral lines on a diagram to explain the following series
(i) Balmer series, (ii) Lyman series, (iii) Paschen series. /3marks
Q14.a) Sketch displacement –time graphs for under damped and over damped oscillations.
b) Determine the factors on which the time period of a simple pendulum depends.
c) A 4kg mass attached to a spring is observed to oscillate with a period of 2 seconds. what
is the spring constant of this spring? /2marks
Q15.a) Explain the terms path difference and Fringe spacing with reference to the
interference of light. /2marks
b) At which condition i) The Bright fringes are observed. /1mark
ii) Dark fringes are seen. /1mark
Q16. a) State Kepler’s laws of gravitation. /3marks

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b) Show that the period of Satellite in a circular orbit of radius r about the Earth is given
 4 2  2 3 2
by T    r Where G is universal Gravitational constant, M is the mass of the Earth.
 GM 
d) Sketch a graph to show the variation of acceleration due to gravity with distance from
the Centre of the Earth. /2marks
Q17. Explain the following term: Postal, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) service used in
telecommunication. / 3marks
Q18. Explain two Postulates of special theory of relativity. /2marks
Q19.The following Hertz Sprung-Russell(HR) diagram shows the variation with spectral
class of the absolute magnitude of stars.

a) To measure distances in Astrophysics, parallax-second(parsec) and light-year

are used as units. Convert 1 light-year into meters. (2marks)
b) Distinguish between apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude as terms
defined in Astrophysics. (2marks)
c) Analyze the above HR diagram and answer the following sub questions
(i)The star Capella and the sun are in the same spectral class (G)
Explain what this statement means. (1mark)
(ii) Estimate the luminosity of Capella in terms of that of the sun. (1mark)
(iii) suggest why Capella has greater surface area than the sun. (1mark)
d) Use the answer like top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, etc. to locate
the following on the above diagram
(i) The red super giants. (1mark)
(ii) The blue super giants. (1mark)
(iii) White dwarfs. (1mark)
(iv) Stars lighter and smaller than the sun. (1mark)
e) Name one star of the main sequence. (1mark)

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