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My criteria while creating my balloon car were the following.

(.1) it had to have at least 3 working wheels

(.2) it had to be able to hold 10 pennies

(.3) It also had to travel at least 1.5 meters

My cars name is My Mom because it was a group project and I only made the body of
the car. My car performed well because of its lightweight frame and body and its hyper low
resistance wheels all combined to make the car have the lightest weight and little to zero
friction. The three laws of motion affected the car in many ways the first of such is why we
needed low friction is this. If a object is in motion it will stay in motion until something with equal
or opposite force stops it. The second law is why we needed such a light car F=M*A or force
times mass equals acceleration the balloons force needs to be greater that its mass in order to
move and the more force than mass the faster the acceleration. And law 3 is that for every
action there is a equal or opposite reaction this is the most important part of the car because
when the ballon is released and it pushes out air from the back there is a opposite reaction that
makes the car move forward. Finally some of the problems i had while building the car were the
lack of materials and my brains creative juice for lack of better words i struggled most with the
wheels because i did not realize that you had to use a straw and a toothpick to make a axel and
to make wheels spin.

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