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Course and Section: BS Crim 1st Yr 1D

Reaction Paper on Duterte Administration on its Plan for Development

One of the development Plans of

Duterte Administration is clearing the
country from drug users. The Philippine
drug war, known as the War on Drugs, is
the intensified anti-drug campaign of the
administration of President Rodrigo
Duterte, who served office from June 30,
2016 to June 30, 2022.
Rodrigo Duterte's anti-drug
campaign in the Philippines has been a
highly controversial topic since it was
launched in 2016. Dubbed as "Oplan
Tokhang," the campaign aimed to
eradicate illegal drug use and trade in the
country, which was seen as a severe
threat to the nation's security and
As to my stand on this plan of the administration, it is undeniable that the drug
problem in the Philippines has been a longstanding issue that needed to be addressed.
The proliferation of illegal drugs has caused untold harm to individuals, families, and
communities, and has often been linked to other criminal activities such as violence,
corruption, and terrorism. Given this context, it is understandable why Duterte's
campaign resonated with many Filipinos who were tired of the status quo and wanted
swift and decisive action.
However, the methods used in the campaign have been highly problematic, with
numerous cases of extrajudicial killings, human rights abuses, and violations of due
process. The Philippine National Police (PNP) and other law enforcement agencies
have been accused of conducting summary executions, arbitrary arrests, and planting
evidence to justify their actions. The government's rhetoric of "shoot to kill" and "kill
them all" has created a culture of impunity where law enforcement agents are given a
free hand to use excessive force and disregard the rule of law.
Furthermore, the campaign has been criticized for targeting mostly poor and
marginalized individuals, who are often the most vulnerable to the drug trade and have
limited access to legal representation and due process. The lack of rehabilitation
programs and social services for drug users and dependents has also been a significant
Course and Section: BS Crim 1st Yr 1D
concern, with many critics arguing that the government's approach has been too
focused on punishment rather than prevention and treatment.

In conclusion, while the intention behind Duterte's anti-drug campaign was

undoubtedly commendable, the methods used to achieve its goals have been highly
problematic and have resulted in numerous human rights violations. A more balanced
and holistic approach that prioritizes prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation, while
upholding the rule of law and respecting human rights, would be a more effective and
sustainable solution to the drug problem in the Philippines.

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