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Republic of the Philippines


El Nido External Campos

Detailed Lesson Plan in

Science 5
Topic: electricity and magnetism
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:
a. (cognitive)- define the electricity and magnetism.
b. (affective)- identify the electricity and magnetism.
c. (psychomotor)- describe the electricity and magnetism.
A. Content knowledge: electricity and magnetism
B. Competences: identify and describe the electricity and magnetism.
C. Competency:
D. Valuing:
E. Materials:
 TG page:
 Science in our world 5
 LM page:
 Science Beyond boarders 5 pp.148-151
 Textbook page:
 Science skills
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
I. Routine/preparatory activity
a. Prayer
Everybody stand for a (everybody will stand and pray)
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
You may now take your
seat. (everybody will seat)
b. Checking of attendance
Who is absent today?
I’m glad that everyone is None.
c. Review
Sense no one is absent
today, let’s have a short
review for our lesson
Kindly raise your hand if
you want to answer.

What is our lesson

yesterday all about? Our lesson yesterday is all about series
Very good, when we say and parallel circuits.
parallel circuit what does it Parallel circuits on the other hand, has
mean? light bulbs with different loops.

Very good, when we say

series circuit what is it Series circuit, electric current flows
mean? through a single path.

Very good, do you have still

question about our topic None.

I’m glad that everyone will

understand our previous
d. Motivation
Now class before we start
for our topic today I will
show you a picture.

What can you say about the

II. Developmental activities (the student will share their different
e. Presentation of the lesson ideas)
Based on the picture we
tackled, do you what is our
topic for today? Magnetism
Okay, that’s close but not
the exact title. Another
answer? None.
Our lesson for today is
Electricity and Magnetism.

f. Discussion
Do you have any idea about
electricity and magnetism?
(the student will share their idea)
 A form of energy
resulting from the
existence of charged
particles (such as
electrons or protons),
either statically as an
accumulation of
charge or
dynamically as a
 Is the set of physical
associated with the
presence and motion
of matter that has a
property of electric
charges. Electricity is
related to
magnetism, both
being part of the
phenomenon of
electromagnetism as
describe by
Maxwell’s equations.
How does electricity
- Is made of electrons.
This help conducts
electricity by giving
the flow of electrons
a target direction,
allowing them to
move uniformly
while simultaneously
creating a positive
charge known as the
electrical current.

 A physical
produced by the
motion of electric
charge, resulting in
attractive and
repulsive forces
between objects.
 Is the class of
physical attributes
that are mediated by
a magnetic field,
which refers to the
capacity to induce
attractive and
phenomenon in the
other entities.

How does magnetism

- All magnets have
north and south
poles. Opposite poles
are attracted to each
other, while the same
poles repel each
other. When you rub
a piece of iron along
a magnet, the north-
seeking poles of the
atoms in the iron line
up in the same
direction. The force
generated by the
aligned atoms creates
a magnetic field.
How does electricity and
magnetism relate to each
The relationship of
electricity and magnetism.
Electricity and
magnetism are two
related phenomena
produced by the
electromagnet forces.
together they from
electromagnetism. A
moving electric
charges generates a
magnetic field. A
magnetic field
induces electric
charge movement,
producing an electric
Electricity and
magnetism are
related. Electricity
can produce magnet
while magnet can
produce electricity.

The electromagnetic
field is a device that
exemplifies the Our topic for today is all about electricity
relationship between and magnetism on how this two is works
electricity and and their relationship to each other.
Electricity and magnetism are
g. Generalization fundamentally related. Electricity can
And now our discussion was produce magnet while magnet can
end, who can tell me what is produce electricity
our topic all about?
Very good, can you tell me
what makes electricity and
magnetism related to each None.

Very good, did you really

understand what is our
topic all about?
Do you have still about our
topic for today?
h. Application
i. Group activity.
I will group, you into two. Yes, ma’am.
Let’s count.
The group one will be in the
right side and the group two
will be in the left side.
Do you understand class?
Instruction: make a Venn
diagram that shows the Yes, ma’am.
differences and similarities
of electricity and
magnetism, report it in
Is the instruction is being
clear to you class?
Okay, you now start.
III. Concluding activities
h. Evaluation
write true if the statement is
correct, and write false if the
statement is not correct.
1. Electricity and magnetism
are fundamentally related to
each other.
2. All magnets have north and
south poles.
3. Magnetism is a physical
phenomenon produced by
the motion of electric
charge, resulting in
attractive and repulsive
forces between objects.
4. Electricity is a form of
energy resulting from the
existence of charged
particles (such as electrons
or protons).
5. Electricity help conducts
electricity by giving the flow
of electrons a target
direction, allowing them to
move uniformly while
simultaneously creating a
positive charge known as
the electrical current.
Yes, ma’am.
Assignment: advance study you Good bye ma’am, good bye classmate,
textbook pp.152 Unit 5 titled good bye!
earth and space.

Do you understand class?

Okay, good bye class take care
and God bless!

Prepared by: ANA LUZ F. ABINA

BEED II Summited to: Mr. REMY G. LAVILLA

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