Buzz Flight Host Guideline

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Flight Hosting Guidelines

The purpose of the flight host is to host the entire flight and
make passengers have a comfortable experience.
-Do not insult or discriminate against other employees.

-When other employees need help, You need immediate help.

-The flight release date and flight date must be at least 3 days in length.

-Non wearable accessories.

-Each flight must have 3 or more staffs


1. Post the flight in Discord staff server. ( You need to request it first. )
2. Post the flight in Discord main server.
3. Clear division of labor is required 15 minutes before enter the game.
4. Post game link in staff server.
5. Join the game.
6. Wearing uniforms.
7. Spawn the aircraft and GC.
8. Set the SCI.
9. Set the gate.
10. Play music*.
11. Turn off the stafflock at passenger join time.
12. Help passenger if passenger need help.
13. Turn on the stafflock at 15 mins after passengers join.
14. Play Boarding Music when board.
15. Borading at 20 mins after passengers join.
16. Gate close at 10 mins after boarding.
17. Play announcement and use :jpower all 0
18. Give all passenger security card.
19. Play security* video.
20. Play Journey*.
21. Play In flight* at Cruise.
22. Play in flight music*.
23. set :cd 300 if flight attendant is finish service.
24. Descend at cd time is over.
25. Play landing music* at the gear is tough on the ground.
26. Park the aircraft.
27. Use :jpower all 5
28. Take photo.
29. set :cd 120s.
30. kick all passenger at cd time over

*All music is on discord*


1. If you want to create a flight, you need to request it in the channel
first, here is the format :

**Title: [ Flight code ]


Host: [ Host ]

Type of flight: International Flight

Type of time : [ Time ] (GMT+8) [ Date ]

Type of aircraft: [ aircraft ]

Departure: [ Airport ]

Arrival: [ Airport ]


Ping : ( Chairman )
2. If the application is approved, you can send the information in
flight-information channel, here is the format :

Title: [ Flight Code ]

A flight is currently being planned,
Please allocate at #allocation-X to be part of that flight.

Host: [ Host ]
Staff join: [ Time ( GMT+8) ] GMT+8 ( [ Time ] ( GMT ) ) [ Date ]
Aircraft: [ Aircraft ]
Place: [ Airport ]

**Please join the game on-time if you attend.**

3. Also, post flight in the main server. Here is the format :


Host: [ Host ]
Join at: [ Time (GMT+8) ] GMT+8
Server lock: [ Time (GMT+8) ] GMT+8
Aircraft: [ Aircraft ]
Departure Airport: [ Airport ]
Arrive Airport: [ Airport ]

4. Once it’s time for Staff Briefing for the flight, do “@everyone The
server is open! Please join our server! [Airport link]”
5. After briefing, please set the server message.Here is the format :

:h SS _ _ [-] Gate _ [-] Boarding Time: __ : __ [-] Host: [ Host ] [-] “Rise Above Limits


Flight Announcements - Discord

1. When everyone is prepared, then post it at the main server :

Server unlocked - Please head to Gate [ X ] for boarding of [ Flight code ]

[ Game link ]


In-game announcements

Please use “:h” to announce the message below.

(Play random music)

:h Hello! Ladies and Gentlemen welcome aboard this flight. ( Send three times during passenger
join )

:h If you wish to invite your friends or rejoin, please do it now as we will server lock soon. ( Send it in
2 minutes before server lock )

:h The server is now locked, please head to the gate and ready to board. Airport services will be
closed soon.
[flight code] ( Send it when the server is locked )

:h Airport Services are now closing at this time. Please make your way to the gate as we will begin the
boarding phase now. Thank you.
( Send in 2 minutes after server lock )

:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Manager please head to the plane and stand at the boarding
position. ( Send at the same time as the previous one )

:h Ladies and Gentlemen, we will begin the boarding process for this flight. Please be seated until
your class is called.
( send before boarding )

:h Now we would like to invite all First Class passengers to line up and board the aircraft.
( if any )
:h Now we would like to invite all Business passengers to line up and board the aircraft.

:h Boarding Process will be halted for preflight services, please find a seat and wait until further
notices of boarding.
( Sent after boarding in Business Class and First Class )

:h Now we would like to invite all Perineum Economy passengers to line up and board the aircraft.
( After pre-flight service )

:h Now we would like to invite all Economy passengers to line up and board the aircraft.

(announcement) ( Play after all passengers board the plane )( After that, close the cabin door. )

:h Ladies and Gentlemen, good afternoon, welcome aboard this flight. I’m your purser for today,
please listen to the following safety messages.
( After announcement )

:h Please listen to the safety audio carefully, cabin crew start to check the cabin now.


Welcome, onboard.
Please have your attention to the safety audio, thank you.

Please place your hand luggage in the overhead storage area, or under the seat in front of

Please make sure electronic devices emitting electric waves must be turned to airplane
mode or shut down.

Please make sure to not put your items on the aisle for a smooth evacuation.

Please make sure your seat to the original position during takeoff and landing. And tray
tables must not be used during the time of takeoff and landing as well.

Please make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened.

To adjust it, pull the strap until tight. To unfasten, please raise the flap.
This flight is non-smoking throughout the whole flight, including e-cigarettes. Please do not
smoke in the bathroom.

When the cabin is released, the oxygen mask will automatically fall off. Please pull down the
mask hard, cover your mouth and nose, and put the strap on your head for normal

A life vest is under the seat pocket. If needed, please take it out of the bag, slip your life vest
over your head, fasten the buckle, and tighten the straps.

To inflate the life vest, please pull the red tabs down. If you need more air in the life vest,
please blow it into the tube.

During the landing if you hear the phrase “Brace, Brace”, please do the position given in the
safety card.

Don't carry any luggage when evacuating.

Head to the emergency exit as soon as possible. Our cabin crews will now point to you the
exits of this aircraft.


:h Now that we’re ready for take-off, make sure that your tray table is put away. Your seat
should now be in the upright position, and keep your seat belt fastened.
( before entering the runway )

:h Finally, enjoy the flight!

:h ‘Rise Above Limits’ - Thanks for choosing Buzz Airlines!

( Before takeoff )

:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Managers please be seated for takeoff. ( Before takeoff )

:h Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached cruising altitude and our captain has turned off the
seatbelt sign, cabin crew will now start to serve. Flight attendants will provide catering services,
welcome passengers to use. Passengers who need to eat, please put down the small table.
( When CRZ )

:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Managers you may now start serving.

Ladies and gentlemen, have you enjoyed the food? I hope you all did! We're now starting to
decent, please ensure your tray tables have been put away and seatbelts fasten. Thanks!
( After cd over )

:music 14082260816 (Cabin Crew prepare for landing)

:notify admins Cabin Crew, Cabin Crew Managers please be seated for descent. ( When you saw
the runway )

:music 15203955776
(Landing announcement/music) ( When touchdown )

:h Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your destination , before we arrive at the gate, please fasten
your seatbelt. Now you can use your phone. When you open the luggage locker, please watch out for
the luggage in the locker to slide down. On behalf of the entire crew, thank you for flying with us today
, hope to serve you again soon, have a nice day, thank you.

:h Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for choosing Buzz Airlines. We will shut down the server in 2 mins.

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