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Kampus Merdeko ee MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF MIPAS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES PATTIMURA UNIVERSITY ‘SECRETARIAT: IPA FKIP Education Department Poka, Pattimura University Tel. 0911-312343 West ht: blog kp anpatiacid jebsite: http: biologi Eval prodblelop@huganpat acid Giimmm _-s (XG ‘To become a superior study program vith noble characte, intelectual, character, compative and global parspecive inthe development ofisland-sea-batod Biology Education by 2025 in Easter Indonesia. 4 organiang the function, of logy edueaton and ‘komng wih atonal and inematond sanders osu Graduates who are super, ‘ave nade farce: "are" mtlecual have chars, ae compel and havea gal perpecive snd ate able "master and. poy scenes and tecmoogr rensonaly es eaers every edvaionl Unt emarne area oft and 2Grganing esearch uncons forthe development of Bois ence ans Biogy Essien n'a anne nd eontoles mamer order fo overcame Me Brooms of bology eestor and leararg nthe Fe area of he San {Sraamar conmenty sence tinctons a frm of ingore of eserrtr inane saeeach ‘Chis le deveopment tnd uiesion of ogy End Bllgy Eevaton tor he bane of he commun ‘Timemening “2 aualy” edveaton manapeme ‘management, sim” cedbl,” "vansporent sreoutale and respon Sibevelon coopartion wi) various partes to Srenathen he conacty of human resouresn he fla af doar eaieton Cano 1 Pecagogic Competence: able to apply and develop an active, creative. innovative, experimental and fun Biology leaning process and master the subetance of mann sland oronted bilogial stuies, 2 Personally Competence. having a personaity that bebeves and fears God Almghty” and upholds moral and. cultural \alues 25 well as beng an example fr others. 5'Sodal Competence abl to communicate and interact with studens, coleagues, parents, and. other ‘Communes a local, aon, gobal levels efectvely and efcenty ‘rofessensi Competence: able to master Substance of biologie material nd its applestion i a broad ang renewable manner S.Research Competence. able to develop research in the fed of bclogy and science education Teachers Researchers Practitioners Laboratory Assistants ~Ecoonterpreneurship hm - Teaching Campus + Student Exchange GQma Educator Researcher Practitioner Laboratory Assistant -Ecoenterpreneurship Gur Number of Lectures: 21 people + Professor: 6 people “Doctor: 1 peo =Masters: 4 people ===. -KIP -Lecture Academic Achievement Improvement (AAI) Affirmations ~ Student Study Assistance (SSA), ec. mm» Basic Biology Laboratory ~Green House Pilot Garden. = Computer Laboratory *Microteaching Room Biology Education Study Program Ne [tose ‘sue ‘4S _[ Sener cago [a | PANSIE [Monet 2 [5] Choke an ererpa SH] | PINGIT|DesgeeBayLnmngvedagy [2] 5] Chie +n er +i oe—| eo oo TOTAL CREDTS/SEESTER 2 [eo pes Eon 2+] mat [| FPO Teacher Profession Dvepmeré Ton = 7 Hin oe CC sea ra eR TESTER fa Patio Tt Fora 2 ae pat Tee Tee t-test Sita [5a ys ng ae a oe SS Sd brr-=- ited 6 2 £ ‘Must ‘5i_| PBNG06 | Schoo Based Management) cE 6 Choise t a a a) 48 z = Must ‘TOTAL CREDITS / SEMESTER 9 # 2 isa [og TI x oe St a sean =| tt 2 2 5 -Siese— [a PBN 708 | Bosystoatis and Evan 3 T | Mast 2 t 3 Mus 50 [PENT | Biology Seminar . 7 Must z 23a re | Boy |i 7 tea at | | ars [7 [ise a sts i ao a fed ft TOTAL REDS SENESTER ED z a | FLAT _| houston nie Schou Eicon 2] 8] test 3 creo eee CC 8 [tt pve | ar i otra ess 2 emo Tie TOTAL CREDITS] SEMESTER a [pat | ty [| ote: Sesser tee Theaters sad by stats of cs 20722 ‘36 | PBN-406 | Bliogy Leaming Svategy 3 = Must ‘2. MBM is starting to apply to students of cass 2019 aR NESTE tM eane teria 56 nd7 ‘NB cos sehen pon ane ‘Student Exchange perk Practice

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