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PRL 98, 070201 (2007) 16 FEBRUARY 2007

Classical Simulation of Infinite-Size Quantum Lattice Systems in One Spatial Dimension

G. Vidal
School of Physical Sciences, The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia
(Received 19 November 2006; published 12 February 2007)
Invariance under translation is exploited to efficiently simulate one-dimensional quantum lattice
systems in the limit of an infinite lattice. Both the computation of the ground state and the simulation
of time evolution are considered.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.070201 PACS numbers: 02.70.c, 03.67.a, 71.27.+a

Numerical renormalization group (RG) methods ob- to simulate an evolution according to H, both in real time
tained a first remarkable success with Wilson’s solution
jt i  expiHtj0 i; (1)
of the Kondo problem [1] and, ever since the irruption of
White’s density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) and in imaginary time [13],
algorithm [2], are solidly established as the dominant
computational approach to quantum lattice systems in expHj0 i
j i  : (2)
one spatial dimension (1D) [3]. Recently, progress in our k expHj0 i k
understanding of quantum entanglement has prompted a The TEBD algorithm represents ji through a matrix
series of new developments [4 –9] that extend the domain product state (MPS) [14]. See [4] for details on this struc-
of RG methods in two main directions. On the one hand, ture, that we briefly review for an infinite 1D lattice. Let
still in the context of 1D lattice systems, the time-evolving 䉰r and r  1䉯 denote the semi-infinite sublattices
block decimation algorithm (TEBD) allows for the simu- made of sites f1; ; rg and fr  1; ; 1g. If the
lation of time evolution [4]. On the other, Verstraete and Schmidt decomposition of ji according to this bipartition
Cirac [5] have introduced projected entangled-pair states reads
(PEPS) to address the simulation of quantum lattice sys-
tems in two and higher spatial dimensions. X

ji  r 䉰r
 j i jr1䉯
 i; (3)
In this Letter, we propose an algorithm, based on TEBD,
to simulate 1D quantum lattice systems in the thermody-
namic limit. Bulk properties of matter are best studied in an where we assume the Schmidt rank  to be finite, then the
infinite system, where they are not contaminated by finite- spectral decomposition of the reduced density matrices for
size corrections or boundary effects. However, for most 䉰r and r  1䉯 are
algorithms the cost of a simulation grows with the system X

size, and the thermodynamic limit can only be reached by 䉰r  r 2 䉰r 䉰r
  j ih j; (4)
extrapolating results for increasingly large systems. Here 1
we exploit two facts, namely, invariance under translations
of the system and parallelizability of local updates in X

TEBD, to obtain a noticeably simple and fast algorithm, r1䉯  r 2 r1䉯
  j ihr1䉯
 j: (5)
referred to as infinite TEBD or iTEBD, to simulate infinite
systems directly, without resorting to costly, less accurate We use a three-index tensor r to relate the Schmidt bases
extrapolations. We describe the iTEBD algorithm and test for two left (right) sublattices:
its performance by computing the ground state and time
evolution for a quantum spin chain in the thermodynamic
X d
 i r r1 䉰r r1
 i j iji i; (6)
limit. In addition to offering a very competitive alternative 1 i1
to DMRG for infinite systems, iTEBD plays a key role in
entanglement renormalization techniques [10] and in the  X
X d
extension of PEPS [5] to infinite 2D lattices [11]. jr䉯 i  r1
r1 r
ji ijr1䉯
 i: (7)
We consider an infinite array of sites in 1D, where each 1 i1
site r, r 2 Z, is described by a complex vector space
V r  Cd of finite dimension d. Let vector ji denote a In particular, ji can be expanded in the local basis jir i
P for site r and in terms of r r1 r1 as
pure state of the lattice and operator H  r hr;r1 a
Hamiltonian with nearest-neighbor interactions, where  X
X d
we assume that ji and H are invariant under shifts by ji  r r1 r1
 i  j䉰r ijir ijr1䉯
 i; (8)
one lattice site [12]. Given an initial state j0 i, our goal is ;1 i1

0031-9007=07=98(7)=070201(4) 070201-1 © 2007 The American Physical Society

PRL 98, 070201 (2007) 16 FEBRUARY 2007

( i ) λ [ 0] (ii ) Γ[1] (iii ) Because state ji is shift invariant, it could be repre-
λ [ 0]
λ [1] [ 0]
λ Γλ Γ λ [1] [1] [2] [ 2] sented with a MPS where r and r are independent of r.
However, we will partially break translational symmetry to
α β α β γ simulate the action of gates (10) on ji. Accordingly, we
α i i j
choose a MPS of the form
FIG. 1 (color online). Diagrammatic representation of several
decompositions of ji in terms of a network of tensors, see [8] 2r  A ; 2r  A ;
for more details. Each filled circle represents a tensor  and each 2r1  B ; 2r1  B ; r 2 Z:
edge represents an index, such as  or i. Hanging from an open
side of an edge there is an (omitted) orthonormal basis, such as
As in the finite n case [4], the simulation of the time
j䉰0 i or ji1 i. An open diamond on top of an edge represents a
set of weights  (Schmidt coefficients) for the corresponding evolution, see Eq. (1), is achieved by updating the MPS
index. (i) Schmidt decomposition, Eq. (3), according to semi- so as to account for the repeated application of gates UAB
infinite sublattices 䉰0 and 1䉯. The bases j䉰0 1䉯
 i and j i
and UBA on ji. But for n  1, the action of the gates
are linked through index  with weights  . (ii) Expansion of preserves the invariance of the evolved state under shifts by
ji in terms of the Schmidt bases for the semi-infinite sublat- two sites (see Fig. 2), and only tensors A , B , A , and B
tices 䉰0 and 2䉯 and an orthonormal basis for site 1; see need to be updated —a task that is achieved through simple
Eq. (8). (iii) Expansion of ji in terms of orthonormal sets of matrix manipulations; see Fig. 3. In other words, whereas
vectors for sublattices 䉰0 and 3䉯 and sites 1 and 2. for n sites the TEBD algorithm requires Ond2  space to
store an MPS and Ond3 3  time to simulate a small
evolution expiHt [4], for n  1 sites the iTEBD
or for sites fr; r  1g in terms of
r r1 r1 r2 r2 requires computational space and time that scale just as
     , and so on; see Fig. 1. We
Od2 2  and Od3 3 . The key to such dramatic cost
also recall that in the TEBD algorithm the evolution op-
reduction by a factor n is the fact that, in contrast to other
erator expiHt in Eq. (1) is expanded through a Suzuki-
approaches [6], we use a MPS based on the Schmidt
Trotter decomposition [15] as a sequence of small two-site
decomposition, allowing for a parallelized, local update
of tensors  and .
Ur;r1 expihr;r1 t; t 1; (9) Finally, evolution in imaginary time, Eq. (2), is also
simulated with iTEBD by simply replacing the two-site
which we arrange into gates UAB and UBA , unitary gates expiht in Eq. (9) with nonunitary gates
O O exph,  1 [16].
UAB U2r;2r1 ; UBA U2r1;2r : (10) We have tested the performance of iTEBD by computing
r2Z r2Z
the ground state and by simulating time evolution for the
1D quantum Ising chain with transverse magnetic field, as
(i )
ΓA λ A ΓB ΓA λ A ΓB Γ A λ A ΓB (i ) (ii )
Θ (iii )
λB Γ λ Γ λB
α γ
λB λB λB λB (SVD)
i j
(v ) (iv )
Γ λ Γ X λ Y
λ B
λ B
λB λB
(ii ) A A B A A B A A B (λ )B −1
(λ )
B −1

Γ λ Γ Γ λ Γ Γ λ Γ
FIG. 3 (color online). In order to update the MPS after gate U
λB λB λB λB has been applied, see Fig. 2, we first contract the tensor
network (i) into a single tensor ij (ii). We then compute
FIG. 2 (color online). Two diagrammatical representations the singular value decomposition ofP  according to the index
(see also Fig. 1 and Ref. [8]) for state UAB ji: (i) tensor network bipartition i:j, namely,    Xi ~A Yj as in (iii).
representation containing both an MPS for ji and two-site We introduce B back into the network (iv) and form tensors  ~A
gates U acting on each pair of sites f2r; 2r  1g, 8 r 2 Z; ~ B
and  in (iv) by attaching to X and Y the inverse of the
(ii) new MPS for UAB ji. Notice that both structures are Schmidt coefficients B . All such matrix manipulations are
invariant under shifts by two lattice sites and are completely achieved with Od2 2  space and Od3 3  and need to be
specified by a small number of tensors, in spite of the fact that performed only once in order to update the MPS for the whole
they represent a state of an infinite 1D lattice. infinite chain.

PRL 98, 070201 (2007) 16 FEBRUARY 2007

C2(r) for hz=1.001

10 10
eigenvalues 10 critical
of ρ for half an
infinite chain
10 −10
spectrum of half chain

10 χ=100
10 ε εχ=150 εχ=200 χ=150 χ=200
−15 χ=100
hz = 1.001 10
1 2 3 4
εχ=50 10 10 10 10
hz = 1.01

C2(r) for hz=1.000

10 εχ=100 −4 χ=150 exact
−10 10
hz = 1.1 χ=100
10 −7
hz = 2
errors for εχ=50 ε
hz = 1.001 χ=100

−25 10
−15 −10
10 ε
10 χ=150

0 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
FIG. 4 (color online). Left: spectrum p   2 of the den- FIG. 5 (color online). Two-point correlator C2 r of Eq. (13).
sity matrix for half of the infinite chain, see Eq. (4), for different Upper part: for hz  1:001, when the distance r between spins is
values of the magnetic field hz . For hz  1 the eigenvalues p up to several hundred sites, C2 r seems to decay as a power law
decay very fast with . As hz approaches the critical value hz  (as in the critical case), but for r of the order of 1000, the
1, the decay is less pronounced and the computation of the exponential character of the decay becomes manifest. Lower
spectrum becomes more demanding. Right: however, for hz  part: even though iTEBD is unable to properly reproduce the
1:001 we still obtain the 50, 100, and 250 first eigenvalues with spectrum p of half an infinite chain at criticality, hz  1, (see
remarkable accuracy, the error on p being typically several Fig. 4), we still obtain a very accurate approximation to the
orders of magnitude smaller than its value. correlator C2 r when r is of the order of several thousands of
defined by the Hamiltonian
X reliable results for C2 r are obtained even at the critical
r r1 r
H  x x  hz z : (12) point hz  1 by using a MPS with a reasonably small , in
r2Z spite of the fact that such a MPS is no longer able to
reproduce fp g.
This model is exactly solvable [17], allowing for a direct Second, by switching to real time, we have simulated the
comparison of numerical results with the exact solution. evolution of the infinite system, prepared in the ground
First, by simulating an evolution in imaginary time, state of H in Eq. (12) for hz  10, when the magnetic field
Eq. (2), we have obtained an approximate MPS represen- is abruptly modified from its initial value to h0z  3.
tation of the ground state jg i for several values of hz 1. Figure 6 shows the evolution in time of the magnetization
We assess the accuracy of the result by focusing on the
following: (i) the spectrum p  r 2
  of the reduced mz t hg j 1
z jg i; (14)
density matrix for half the infinite lattice, Eq. (4), which
characterizes entanglement across the boundary of two which after several oscillations becomes stable at some
halves of the chain; and (ii) the two-point correlator value different from the initial one.
0 r 0
Summarizing, with modest computational resources, the
C2 r hg j z z jg i  hg j z jg i ; (13) iTEBD is able to analyze an infinite 1D system, near to and
at a quantum critical point, for which it obtains accurate
which quantifies the strength of correlations between two results for quantities involving up to several thousands of
spins that are r lattice sites apart. sites. A fair comparison with previous algorithms [2,4,6]
In both cases, we obtain quantitative agreement with the involves many considerations and will be addressed else-
exact solution up to several significant digits, see Figs. 4 where. We notice, however, that reproducing the above
and 5. Computing the ground state jg i is particularly fast results with, say, the infinite-size DMRG algorithm [2],
and accurate for large values of hz (say hz 1:1) and, as would require analysing a system with several thousands of
expected, becomes more resource intensive as hz ap- sites, with computational cost that scales at least linearly in
proaches the critical value hz  1 [18]. We find, however, the number of sites. Work in progress considers a range of
that for values very close to the critical point, such as hz  applications of the iTEBD, including the characterization
1:001, we still obtain accurate approximations to the half- of quantum critical points and crossover between quantum
chain spectrum fp g and the correlator C2 r through phases, and the study of the response of 1D systems to
affordable simulations, see Fig. 5. And, most remarkably, external probes. Originally developed to help in the context

PRL 98, 070201 (2007) 16 FEBRUARY 2007

magnetization m (t) [h]

[9] T. Osborne, quant-ph/0601019; quant-ph/0603137; cond-
χ=150 χ=200 mat/0605194.
0.480 χ=100
0.495 [10] G. Vidal, cond-mat/0512165; quant-ph/0610099.
χ = 60
[11] J. Jordan et al., (in preparation).
[12] Simple extensions of the algorithm include: (i) in-
χ=40 0.479
teractions hr;s with longer range, jr  sj > 1,
χ=10 (ii) interactions involving more than just two sites (e.g.,
7.5 exact 10
hr;s;t... ), (iii) time-dependent Hamiltonians, and
(iv) systems invariant under shifts by m sites, with m > 1.
[13] For a finite lattice with n sites and a Hamiltonian H with
0 2.5 5 7.5 10
gap  > 0, simulating imaginary time evolution as in
εχ=20 χ Eq. (2) for large  yields a good approximation j i to
10 χ=60
the ground state jg i of H, since one can show that

εχ=200  2 
−6 ε jh jg ij > 1  O ;  jh0 jg ij: (15)
10 χ=100 2
0 2.5 5 7.5 10
time [1/h] Notice that Eq. (15) may becomes meaningless in the limit
n ! 1, where typically  ! 0, or for a gapless
FIG. 6 (color online). Simulation of the evolution in time of Hamiltonian,   0. Here we will not provide a justifica-
mz t in Eq. (14). The infinite chain is initially in the ground state tion for the validity of TEBD as a method to approximate
of H with hz  10. At t  0 the magnetic field is changed to jg i in the n ! 1 and/or   0 regimes, but refer
hz  3. Upper part: the magnetization, originally at a value instead to successful benchmark calculations.
mz 0  0:5, oscillates in time until it stabilizes around a lower [14] M. Fannes, B. Nachtergaele, and R. F. Werner, Commun.
value mz 1  0:48. By considering increasingly large values of Math. Phys. 144, 443 (1992); S. Östlund and S. Rommer,
 we are able to simulate the evolution of mz t for long times Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3537 (1995).
with remarkable accuracy. Lower part: scaling of errors with [15] M. Suzuki, Phys. Lett. A 146, 319 (1990); J. Math. Phys.
time for different values of . (N.Y.) 32, 400 (1991); For third and forth order expan-
sions, see also A. T. Sornborger and E. D. Stewart, quant-
of entanglement renormalization [10], the method is also [16] Nonunitary gates destroy the Schmidt decomposition and
the key to extend 2D PEPS [5] to infinite systems [11]. a parallelized, local update of tensors (11) should no
The author acknowledges support from the Australian longer be possible. For small , however, gate
Research Council (Project FF0668731). exph is close to the identity, and proceeding with
a local update introduces only small errors that vanish as
 ! 0. An accurate MPS for the ground state jg i is
then achieved by simulating imaginary time evolution
with decreasingly small values of .
[1] K. Wilson, Phys. Rev. B 4, 3184 (1971). [17] P. Pfeuty, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 57, 79 (1970); E. Barouch and
[2] S. R. White, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2863 (1992); Phys. Rev. B. M. McCoy, Phys. Rev. A 3, 786 (1971).
B 48, 10 345 ( 1993). [18] The simulations were performed using the MATLAB code
[3] U. Schollwoeck, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 259 (2005). in a laptop with a 2 GHz processor and 1 GB of RAM. An
[4] G. Vidal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 147902 (2003); 93, 040502 approximation to the ground state of H in Eq. (12) was
(2004); S. R. White and A. E. Feiguin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, computed through an evolution in imaginary time until
076401 (2004); A. J. Daley et al., J. Stat. Mech. (2004) convergence of the spectrum fp g. We used a fourth order
P04005. Suzuki-Trotter expansion [15], with decreasing values of
[5] F. Verstraete and J. I. Cirac, cond-mat/0407066.  2 f0:1; 0:01; 0:001; g. For hz  1:1 with   50,
[6] F. Verstraete, J. J. Garcia-Ripoll, and J. I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. convergence of the spectrum was achieved after just a
Lett. 93, 207204 (2004); B. Paredes, F. Verstraete, and J. I. few seconds, whereas the case hz  1:01 with   100
Cirac, cond-mat/0505288; F. Verstraete, D. Porras, and required a few minutes and the case hz  1:001 with  
J. I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 227205 (2004); D. Porras, 200 required a few hours. At criticality, hz  1 and  
F. Verstraete, and J. I. Cirac, cond-mat/0504717. 150, no convergence of the spectrum was achieved after a
[7] M. Zwolak, and G. Vidal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 207205 few days. However, just after a few hours, the resulting
(2004). MPS was able to accurately reproduce the correlator C2 r
[8] Y. Y. Shi, L. M. Duan, and G. Vidal, quant-ph/0511070. for r  5000 sites.


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