Aux 3 29 Marzo 2023

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Professor: Rodrigo Astroza March 27, 2023

Teaching assistant: Brian Cagua Semester 2023-10


The SDOF system’s equilibrium equation can be expressed as:

m · ü(t) + c · u̇(t) + k · u(t) = p(t) (1)

The displacement of a system as a function of time is represented by u(t), while its velocity
and acceleration are represented by u̇(t) and ü(t), respectively. It’s important to recognize the ex-
ternal forces acting on the system and their time dependence, which can include harmonic loads,
impulses, earthquakes, and other factors that affect the system. These external forces can be repre-
sented by the function p(t).
In Figures 1 and 2, expressions are shown for determining the lateral stiffness of structural
elements. Additionally, Table 1 shows recommended damping values.

Figure 1: P1. Stiffness coefficients (k = V/δ) of simple structural elements.

Filiatrault et al. (2013). Elements of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. Presses inter Polytechnique.

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

Figure 2: P1. Stiffness coefficients (k = V/δ) of simple structural elements.

Filiatrault et al. (2013). Elements of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. Presses inter Polytechnique.

Strain level Types of structures and conditions % of critical damping

Less than 50% Welded steel, pre-stressed concrete, reinforced 2 to 3
of the elastic concrete with light cracking
limit Reinforced concrete with heavy cracking 3 to 5
Bolted or riveted steel, nailed or bolted timber 5 to 7
Welded steel, pre-stressed concrete without com- 5 to 7
plete loss of pre-stressing
Close to or over
Pre-stressed concrete with pre-stressing loss 7 to 10
the elastic limit
Reinforced concrete 7 to 10
Bolted or riveted steel, bolted timber 10 to 15
Nailed timber 15 to 20

Table 1: Recommended damping values

Filiatrault et al. (2013). Elements of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. Presses inter Polytechnique.

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

P ROBLEM 1. The one-storey steel industrial building shown in Figure 3 can be modelled as a
SDOF in each of its principal orthogonal directions. The columns are all W200 ×36 steel sec-
tions Ix = 34.4 × 10−6 m4 and Iy = 7.64 × 10−6 m4 that are fixed at their base and connected

to a roof truss system at the top. The roof truss has a flexural stiffness that is significantly
greater than that of the columns in the direction where the columns bend about their strong
axis, but has negligible flexural stiffness in the direction where the columns are bending about
their weak axis. In addition, in the two perimeter frames in the east-west (EW) direction, slen-
der X-braces, made of 25-mm-diameter circular steel rods, are installed in three bays (a total of
six braces per braced perimeter frame). The total dead load acting on the roof of the structure
is equal to 1.06kPa while the total dead load acting on the perimeter walls is equal to 0.48kPa.
Assume a critical damping ratio of 3%, and subject the structure to a jacking operation
in each direction, where it is displaced by 3.6cm and then released. Find the equation of
motion for the SDOF system and plot a graph that shows the displacement response of the
system over time.

Figure 3: P1.1. Single-storey industrial building.

Filiatrault et al. (2013). Elements of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. Presses inter Polytechnique.

The natural period of vibration in each of these principal directions is then calculated.

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

System mass

To compute the natural period in each of the principal directions, the mass associated with
these SDOF systems must first be determined. It is assumed that the total dead load acting on the
roof as well as the dead load corresponding to the top half of the perimeter walls will contribute
to the total mass that is lumped at the top of the SDOF system. First the weight is computed as:

W = (1.06kPa)(30.5 m)(22.8 m) + (0.48kPa)(2)(30.5 m + 22.8 m)(1.83 m) = 830.76kN (2)

which corresponds to a mass of:

W 830kN kNs2
m= = = 84.68 (3)
g 9.81 m/s2 m
The next step is to determine the total lateral stiffness of the building in each principal direction.

Stiffness in north-south direction (NS)

The building’s lateral stiffness in this direction is provided by six moment-resisting frames.
Since the columns beinding about their strong axis, we can determine that the lateral stiffness
provided by each column in the moment frame is:

12EI 12 · (200 · 106 kN/m2 ) · (34.4 · 10−6 m4 )

ki = = = 1683.9 kN/m (4)
h3 (3.66 m)3
The total stiffness of the building in the NS direction is therefore:

k NS = ∑ ki = 24 · (1684 kN/m) = 40413.6 kN/m (5)
i =1

Stiffness in east-west direction (EW)

The building’s lateral stiffness in this direction is provided by 12 diagonal braces (six in each
perimeter-frame). However, because of the slenderness of the bracing members, it is expected that
the braces will buckle in compression at very low load and will not therefore contribute signifi-
cantly to the stiffness of the building in this direction. As such, only the stiffness provided by a
total of six braces (three in each perimeter frame) acting in tension for any given direction of load-
ing is considered in this calculation.
Each diagonal brace provides the building with a lateral stiffness in this direction of:

ki = cos2 θ (6)
A= = 490.875 × 10−6 m2 (7)

Ld = 3.662 + 6.102 = 7.11 m (8)

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

−1 3.66
θ = tan = 31◦ , cos (31◦ ) = 0.858 (9)

490.875 × 10−6 m2 200 × 106 kN/m2 cos2 (31◦ )

ki = = 10164.96kN/m (10)
(7.11 m)
The total stiffness provided by the braces acting in tension in the EW direction is therefore:

kEW− braces = (6)(10147kN/m) = 60989.76kN/m (11)

The columns in the building also contribute to the lateral stiffness in the EW direction. Consid-
ering that the roof truss does not provide any significant restraint to the columns bending about
their weak axis, the total lateral stiffness provided by the columns in this direction is computed as:

(3) 200 × 106 kN/m2 7.64 × 10−6 m4
kEW− columns = 24 = 24 = 2243.95kN/m
h3 (3.66 m)3
This contribution to the lateral stiffness is negligible compared to the stiffness provided by the
bracing elements and can therefore be neglected.

The natural periods can be calculated:

NS direction:
84.68kNs2 /m
TNS = 2π = 2π = 0.288 s (13)
kNS 40413.6kN/m
EW direction:
84.68kNs2 /m
TEW = 2π = 2π = 0.234 s (14)
kEW 60989.76kN/m
As can be seen from this example, the period of a building can be different in each of its prin-
cipal directions. This implies that the seismic loading in each direction will also be different, as
discussed in subsequent chapters. It is common practice in earthquake engineering to consider
the response of buildings in their two principal directions independently, while accounting for the
effect of in-plane torsion on the response of the building.

- Circular natrual frequency:

2π 2π rad
ωNS = = = 21.82 (15)
TNS 0.288s s

2π 2π rad
ωEW = = = 26.74 (16)
TEW 0.234s s

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

- Critical damping ratio:

kN · s2 kN · s
ccrNS = 2mωNS = 2 · 84.68 · 21.82 = 3695.4 (17)
m s m

kN · s2 kN · s
ccrEW = 2mωEW = 2 · 84.68 · 26.74 = 4528.7 (18)
m s m
- Damping coefficient:
ξ= (19)

kN · s kN · s
cNS = ξ · ccrNS = 0.03 · 3695.4 = 110.86 (20)
m m

kN · s kN · s
cEW = ξ · ccrEW = 0.03 · 4528.7 = 135.86 (21)
m m
If both c < ccr and ξ < 1.0, then the system can be classified as an underdamped system.

-Damped circular natural frequency:

ωd = ω · 1 − ξ2 (22)

rad rad
ωdNS = 21.82 · 1 − 0.032 = 21.81 (23)
s s
rad rad
ωdEW = 26.74 · 1 − 0.032 = 26.73 (24)
s s
Equation of motion:

m · ü(t) + c · u̇(t) + k · u(t) = 0 (25)

NS direction:

84.68 · ü(t) + 110.86 · u̇(t) + 40413.6 · u(t) = 0 (26)

EW direction:

84.68 · ü(t) + 135.86 · u̇(t) + 60989.7 · u(t) = 0 (27)


u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0
u(t) = exp(−ξ · ω · t) · u0 · cos (ωd · t) + · sin (ωd · t)
u(t) =ρ · exp(−ξ · ω · t) · sin (ωd · t + ϕ)
u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0 2
with ρ = (u0 ) +
u0 · ω d
and tan(ϕ) =
u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

Response (u0 = 3.6cm = 0.036m y u̇0 = 0):

NS direction:

u(t) = exp(−0.654 · t) · [0.036 · cos (21.81 · t) + 0.00108 · sin (21.81 · t)] (28)

u0 · ω d 0.036 · 21.81
tan(ϕ) = = = 33.318, ϕ = 1.5408 rad (29)
u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0 0 + 21.82 · 0.03 · 0.036

s s
2 2
u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0 0 + 21.82 · 0.03 · 0.036
2 2
ρ= ( u0 ) + = (0.036) + = 0.036 (30)
ωd 21.81

u(t) = 0.036 · exp(−0.654 · t) · sin (21.81 · t + 1.5408) (31)

EW direction:

u(t) = exp(−0.802 · t) · [0.036 · cos (26.73 · t) + 0.00108 · sin (26.73 · t)] (32)

u0 · ω d 0.036 · 26.73
tan(ϕ) = = = 33.321, ϕ = 1.5408 rad (33)
u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0 0 + 26.74 · 0.03 · 0.036

s s
2 2
u̇0 + ω · ξ · u0 0 + 26.74 · 0.03 · 0.036
2 2
ρ= ( u0 ) + = (0.036) + = 0.036 (34)
ωd 26.73

u(t) = 0.036 · exp(−0.802 · t) · sin (26.73 · t + 1.5408) (35)

Displacement response of a SDOF system

NS direction
EW direction

Displacement [m]





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time [s]

Figure 4: P1.2. Single-storey industrial building.

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

P ROBLEM 2. Equation of motion of a frame with a rigid column Formulate the equation of
motion of the plane frame shown in Fig. 5 for small amplitude motion. The mass of the
horizontal beam CD is negligibly small while the column of height L and nonnegligible width
h = L/4 is assumed rigid with total mass m = m̄ · L. The elastic stiffness of the ground is
simulated by the spring CR while its damping by the two dashpots with damping parameters

Figure 5: P2. Frame with a rigid column.

Katsikadelis, J. (2020). Dynamic analysis of structures. Academic press.

The only possible motion of the system is the rotation ϕ(t) of the column as a rigid body about
the hinged support at point A of its base. The free-body diagram can be observed in Figure 6.

Figure 6: P2. Frame with a rigid column.

Katsikadelis, J. (2020). Dynamic analysis of structures. Academic press.

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

Because the rotation is small, we have:

sin ϕ ≈ ϕ, cos ϕ ≈ 1, ϕ2 ≈ 0 (36)

h h
u = L sin ϕ = Lϕ, δ= sin ϕ ≈ ϕ (37)
2 2

h h
(1 − 2) = sin ϕ + L cos ϕ ≈ ϕ + L (38)
2 2
h h
(3 − 4) = L sin ϕ + cos ϕ ≈ Lϕ + (39)
2 2
h h
(5 − 6) = cos ϕ ≈ (40)
2 2
The forces applied on the column are shown in Fig. 6. These are:

The elastic moment at the corner C MS = (1.5L)2
δ + 1.5L ϕ

The elastic moment due to the rotational spring MR = CR ϕ = L ϕ

The moment of inertia of the mass m M IA = I A ϕ̈ = 3 ϕ̈

12EI 6EI
The elastic shear force at the beam end C QS = (1.5L)3
δ + (1.5L )2

The damping forces f D = c 2h ϕ̇

The external load p(t)

The equilibrium of moments with respect to point A yields

M I A + MS + M R + Q S × ( 3 − 4 ) + 2 f D × ( 5 − 6 ) − p ( t ) × ( 1 − 2 ) = 0 (41)

which after substituting their exressions becomes

mL2 cL2
79EI pL 28EI 2
ϕ̈ + ϕ̇ + − ϕ+ ϕ = Lp(t) (42)
3 32 18L 8 9L
Further, linearizing ϕ2 ≈ 0 gives

mL2 cL2
79EI pL
ϕ̈ + ϕ̇ + − ϕ = Lp(t) (43)
3 32 18L 8
If the displacement u = Lϕ at the level of the beam is taken as the parameter of the motion, the
equation of motion becomes
m cL 79EI p
ü + u̇ + − u = p(t) (44)
3 32 18L3 8L

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

P ROBLEM 3. The rigid body assemblage shown in Fig. 7 consists of the rigid bar AF of total
mass m hinged at A, and the rigid square plane body supported rigidly at F. The dynamic
excitation of the bar is due to the uniformly distributed transverse load p̄(t). The motion is
constrained by a spring at B and the damper at G. Formulate the equation of motion of the
system for small amplitude displacements using the method of equilibrium of forces. The
mass per unit length of the bar is m̄ = m/(3L) and the surface mass density of the body is
γ = 2m/L2

Figure 7: P3. System with two rigid bodies.

Katsikadelis, J. (2020). Dynamic analysis of structures. Academic press.

As the bar AF is rigid, the only possible motion is its rotation about A. Hence, the system has a
SDOF. Its motion can be described either by the angle of rotation ϕ(t) about the hinge at A or by the
transverse displacement of any point along the axis of the bar. We choose the upward displacement
u(t) at point B as the parameter of the motion. The free-body diagram can be observed in Figure 8.

Figure 8: P3. System with two rigid bodies.

Katsikadelis, J. (2020). Dynamic analysis of structures. Academic press.

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

For small amplitude motion, the forces acting on the system are shown in Fig. 8. These are:

The elastic force f S at B : As it opposes the motion, it is directed downward and is expressed as

fS = k · u (45)

The damping force f D at G : It is directed also downward and is expressed as

d d
GG ′ = c · (1.625 · u) = 1.625 · c · u̇

fD = c · (46)
dt dt
The inertial force f IK and the inertial moment MKI at the center of mass K of the bar due the
distributed mass m̄ are
f IK = (m̄3L) 2 KK ′ = 0.75 · m · ü

MKI = IK · ϕ̈ (48)

or taking into account that

(3L)3  m  (3L)3
IK = m̄ · = = 0.75mL2 (49)
12 3L 12

u u ü
ϕ= = 0.5 · , ϕ̈ = 0.5 · (50)
2L L L
we obtain
MKI = 0.375 · m · L · ü (51)

The inertial force f IG and the inertial moment M G

I at the center of mass G of the rigid body due
to the mass γL /2 :

d2 2m L2 d2
L ′
f IG

= γL GG = (1.625u) = 1.625 · m · ü (52)
2 dt2 L2 2 dt2

L( L/2)3 ( L/2) L3

I = IG ϕ̈ = γ + 0.5 = 0.052 · m · L · ü (53)
12 12 L
The external load is 2L p̄(t).

The equilibrium of the moments about A yields the equation of motion of the system. Thus,
we have

− f S × (2L) − f D × (3.25L) − f IK × (1.5L) − f IG × (3.25L) − MKI − M GI + p̄(t) × (2L) × L = 0 (54)

or inserting Eqs. (45)-(53) into Eq. (54) we obtain

m∗ · ü + c∗ · u̇ + k∗ · u = p∗ (t) (55)


m∗ = 6.833m, c∗ = 5.281c, k∗ = 2k, p∗ (t) = 2L p̄(t) (56)

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

The equation of motion becomes

6.833m · ü + 5.281c · u̇ + 2k · u = 2L p̄(t) (57)

The quantities defined by Eq. (56) are referred to as the generalized mass, the generalized
damping, the generalized stiffness, and the generalized load, respectively.
Once the dynamic displacement u(t) is established from the solution of Eq. (55), the vertical
reaction R A can be evaluated from the dynamic equilibrium of forces in the direction of the y axis.
This yields

R A + p̄(t)2L − f IK − f IG − f S − f D = 0 (58)

or using Eqs. (45)-(46), (47) we obtain

R A = ku + 1.625cu̇ + 2.375mü − 2L p̄(t) (59)

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

P ROBLEM 4. Consider two SDOF systems as shown below.

a) Compute the damping ratio (ξ ) of System 2.

b) Compute the undamped and damped circular frequency and period ( T and Td ) of Sys-
tems 1 and 2.

c) If System 1 and System 2 start their responses to free vibration and forced harmonic
excitation, respectively, together at t = 0 s and they collide at time t = 6.09 s when there
is no separation between them (i.e., ∆ = 0 ), compute the position of the pounding and
magnitude of the load acting on System 2 ( p0 ).

d) Compute the minimum separation ∆min such that no pounding occurs. Take po from iii.

Figure 9: P4.

i) System 2
k2 kgf · s
ccr = 2m2 w2 = 2m2 · = 100 (60)
m2 m

c 5
⇒ξ= = ⇒ ξ = 0.05 = 5% (61)
ccr 100
ii) System 1
k1 rad
ω1 = = 2.2361 ⇒ T1 = 2.8099 s (62)
m1 s

ω1d = ω1 1 − ξ 12 = 2.2356 ⇒ T1d = 2.8105 s (63)
System 2
k2 rad
ω2 = = 0.5 ⇒ T2 = 12.5664 s (64)
m2 s

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

ω2d = ω2 1 − z22 = 0.4994 ⇒ T2d = 12.5821 s (65)
iii) System 1:

u̇01 + ω1 · ξ 1 · u01
u1 (t) = e−ξ 1 ω1 t u01 · cos (ω1d · t) + · sin (ω1d · t) (66)
ω1 d

u1 (t) = e−0.0447t · [−0.5 · cos(2.2356 · t) − 0.01 · sin(2.2356 · t)] (67)

⇒ u1 (t∗ = 6.095) = −0.196 m (68)

System 2:

β= = 2.4 (69)

u2 (t) = u2−tran (t) + u2− perm (t) (70)


u̇02 + u02 · ω2 · ξ 2
− ξ 2 ω2 · t
u2−tran (t) =e u02 · cos (ω2d · t) + · sin (ω2d · t) +
e − ξ 2 ω2 · t
p0 ω2  2 2

2ξ 2 β cos (ω2d · t) + · 2βξ 2 − β 1 − β sin (ω2d · t)
k2 (1 − β2 )2 + (2ξ 2 β)2 ω2d

u2tran (t) =e−0.025t [0.2 cos(0.4994t) + 1.011 sin(0.4994t)]

p0 e−0.025t (72)
+ · · [0.24 cos(0.4994t) + 11.4508 sin(0.4994t)]
25 22.7152
p0 1 2
Ωt Ωt
u2− perm (t) = 1 − β sin ( ) − 2ξ 2 β cos ( ) (73)
k2 (1 − β2 )2 + (2ξ 2 β)2

p0 1
u2− perm (t) = · [−4.76 sin(1.2t) − 0.24 cos(1.2t)] (74)
25 22.7152

Evaluating the response in 6.09 seconds

u2tran (t∗ = 6.09 s) = −0.0838 + p0 · 0.001374 (75)

u2− perm (t∗ = 6.09s) = − p0 · 0.006743 (76)

u2 (t∗ = 6.09 s) = −0.0838 + 0.001374p0 − 0.006743p0 = −0.0838 − 0.00537p0 = −0.196 (77)

Aux 3 Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua

p0 = 20.9 kgf (78)

Note: Due to approximations, The final result may change

iv) To find ∆min , we need to compute the maximum relative displacement between System
1 and System 2, i.e.,
∆ ( t ) = u1 ( t ) − u2 ( t ) (79)


∆(t) =e−0.0447t [−0.5 cos(2.2356t) − 0.01 sin(2.2356 · t)]

− e−0.025·t [0.2 cos(0.4994 · t) + 1.011 sin(0.4994 · t)]

+ 0.0368e−0.025t [0.24 cos(0.4994 · t) + 11.4508 · sin(0.4994 · t)]
+ 0.001761 · [−4.76 sin(1.2t) − 0.24 cos(1.2 · t)]}

⇒ ∆(t) =e−0.0447·t · [−0.5 cos(2.2356 · t) − 0.01 sin(2.2356 · t)]

− e−0.025·t [0.2088 cos(0.4994 · t) + 1.4324 sin(0.4994 · t)]

− 0.00838 · sin(1.2 · t) − 0.00042 cos(1.2 · t)}

Plotting "(t)

X 9.5761
1 Y 1.37453

X 6.17006
Y -0.022487
" (m)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
t (s)
Figure 10: P4.1.

Rodrigo Astroza, Brian Cagua Aux 3

Therefore, the minimum separation between the two systems to avoid pounding is ∆min ≈
1.40 m.
Plotting "(t)
X 9.7211
Y 1.39382

" (m)




9.65 9.7 9.75 9.8

t (s)

Figure 11: P4.2.


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