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sa i “Never give advice. A wise mi © MAN dope and a fool dose Csnit What should | do? ten to the CD and read the dialogues. Then act them out with oa Mer, aidgest) I should wear at Joe's farewell [,fea'wel] pa | Lis | 1 A What do you suggest [s I don’t have any idea for myself, either. | \! BI wish I could help, but yO Fit cough [kof] you've got! Have you tried this new cough but thanks for the idea. YP le 2 A. Oh, that’sa terrible B Actually ['ekt[vali] no, What would you do in my shoes? } | 5 A Myneighbours are eerily noisy. Ihave talked o chem about this at leas 3 tn B_ [fit were up to me, I'd call the police next time. 4A. [seem tobe overwhelmed [,s0v3 welmd] by the amount [amaont] of homework veg get days. Well, why don’t you use some time management (‘manidgmont] techniques {tek’nits? w | 5 A. Asthe end of the year is approaching, I feel more and more exhausted ltg'xst B_ Perhaps you should do some exercise to become more fit. ‘ What should I do to be able to do well at my exams? Well, you could always try some relaxation [,ri:lek’serfan] techniques. | 6 A. Ihaven't been able to get a good night’ sleep recently. I’m too nervous to fll alee. | wi of these expressions do you know? a tick ‘ seg or advie® fed'van Tandcs kérése ee Agha wuld I do? / What ought [oxt] am Mit csindljak? [10 0 «whats ou! advice? Mia tanécsod? Whar do you advise me to do? Mit tandcsolsz, mit tegyek? (What do / would you suggest? Mit tandcsolsz / tanacsolnal? ifyou were me what would you do? Mit tennél a helyemben? 1 What would you do in my shoes? Mit tennél, ha ugyanebben a cipdben jaérndl? (J What do you think I should do? Szerinted mit tegyek? g Canyou think of anything tha might hep Eszedbe jut valami, ami segithetne? | Giing advice Tandcsadés You should (really) try this. Ext (igazén) ki kéne problnod. Pp {think you had better go home now. Szerintem legjobb lesz, ha most hazamész. he should consult (kor'salt Esetleg az orvosoddal kéne beszélned. You could always call the library. Esetleg felhivhatod a kényvtdrat. Why don't you talk to Mary about it? Beszélj réla Maryvel! Jo otlet leher, hogy megkérdezd err6l anyu- | Iemight bea good idea to ask your mother kédat. about it. \ 5 {cammend [reks'mend] that you read ‘Azt javaslom, hogy olvasd el ezt a kényvet. Ifyou take my advice, you'l) take up a new Ha rdm hallgats2, akkor elkezdesz egy Oj hobby, hobbit. ‘A helyedben (biztos) igent mondanck. Th your position, 1 would want more Eben helyzetben még rdbb informici information, kérnék, Ifl were in your shoes / position, I'd talk Ha ugyanebben a cipdben jatnék, a2 igazga- tothe headmaster. téval beszélnék. Ha rajtam miilna, nem mennék. Il were you, I would [definitely] say yes. Fit were up to me, I wouldn't go. 167 Qo Have you thought about switching it off? 1 One option [opfan] may be to leave it as it is. Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep. Gondoltél mi ata, hogy Kika, old Egy lchetéség lehet, hogy igy hagy Barmit is esindlsz, ne aludj ef Yan, [1] You should consider{kon'sido*] talking toa Meg kéne fontolnod, hogy speci specialist ['spefolist]. fordulj. Pecialistahoy CJ Have you ever considered getting your Gondoltal arra valaha, hogy bef hair dyed? hajadat? estesd Declining to give advice Tandcsadas elhdritésa C1 Iwish I could help. Barcsak tudnék segiteni! I wish I could suggest something, but I can't. I'm afraid I can't really help you. I don't know what to advise, I'm afraid. Accepting the advice Barcsak tudnék valami tandcsot adni, de sajnos nem tudok. , Attél tartok, nem tudok segiteni, ‘Actél tartok, nem tudok tandcsot adni, A tandcs elfogaddsa Oo ‘That's a good idea. Maybe you're right. ‘Thanks for the advice. That might work. I hadn't thought of that. ( Thanks, I'll ery that. Declining the advice Ez j6 atlet. Igazad Iehet. Készéném a tandcsot. Taldn ez bevalik. Erre nem gondoltam. Készéném, ezt megprdbalom. Atandacs elhdritdsa 0 oO oO ‘That's true, but what if it doesn’t work? I see what you mean, but I’m not sure. “That's quite a good idea, but I don’t have the money for it. ‘That's all very well, but I need to give it some more thought. You don’t seem to realize how desperate (‘desperat] she is. ‘That's easier said than done, you see. 168 Ez igaz, de mi lesz, ha nem mikédik? Ertem, amit mondasz, de nem vagyok bene biztos. Ez egést j6 dtlet, de nines ri pénzem Ez mind nagyon jé, de még alszom 14 eg) i |, hoey Ugy tdinik, nem vagy tiszrdban anal mennyire kétségbe van esve- ; ebb mondash | Aza helyzet, hogy eat konny' © mint megesindlni. practise the dialogues in pairs using the given Prompts. In ies faa a a with my school results these days. what shoul T co* spl were yous I'd study more. Ty wiydont 01 go on a holiday? 4 have problems with English pronunciation {pranansteifon| [watch films in English 1b do badly at exams / revise lessons more regularly ‘c have pain in gums / use toothpaste for sensitive teeth “d. gett0 school very slowly / try another route e€ geton badly with sister / take her out and talk it over £ dislike the TV programme / enrol at the local library g can't concentrate / learn to do yoga bi feel dizzy every morning / see your GP fe C Ifyou take my advice, you'll go for a dental check-up every six ) That's a good idea. @ read books in English to improve vocabulary b take up anew hobby _ buy a pet d Start doing exercise © give ber a bunch of flowers vite your neighbours to your party %0do tai-chi 169 2 Match the two halves of the dialogues. 1 I don’t know if the library has the book I need for my exam. 2 I'm so bored! 3 If I were you, I’d cook a typical Hungarian dish for the farewell party. 4 Why don't you take a few days off and relax a bit? 5 You could always get a pen pal. 6 Oh, I just love this leather jacket! It’s a pity that it’s so expensive. 7 Mommy, my stomach hurts really badly. 8 I'mafraid I'll get stuck in the rush hour when I'm going for my interview tomor- row. 9. How would you start to organize a trip to Africa? 10 Ifyou take my advice, you'll get a tutor A Well, you see, I'v week. © BOE my exaMe nex B Why don’t you rea the TV? 3 book or sh C You see, Sweetheart, You really to eat sweets after dit nner next time, D If were you, 'd make a find out about it. I woul all chat way in vain, Phone call, dt want wp E Well, I would definitely stare by bron the net to get some starting ideas, : | | | F In your position, I'd take the Tube make sure I’m not late. G If were you, I'd wait a few weeks and ue if they put it on the sales rack, H_ Well thanks for the advice, but you dont seem to realize that I can’t afford one. I Yes, that’s what people always say bur who would be interested in writing letters tome J. Great idea, thanks. The only problem isin not sure I can buy all the ingredients hee. very soon. | 1 2 3 4 5 7 [1o_| Now it’s your turn. Your friend has no idea what to do in this awful weather. call him back? Your best friend is not sure about what to write about for their English homework. Your classmate has had a phone call from the most good-looking boy in your scho' 1, Should ste ol Your friend’s flight is leaving in the middle of the rush hour. Your host sister is not sure about who to invite for her birthday party. Your host mother is overwhelmed with lots of work and she doesn’t know all the cooking for the July 4th barbecue, Your teacher needs to go home urgently, but he can't find his car keys. Whe Your English friend has met a very nice Hungarian girl who doesn't speak mu how she's going © ialogues. ete the dialog comp 4 Re doctor's surgery Good afternoon, how can I help you today? tort 4 Good afternoon, doctor. My daughter doesn’t feel very well. She has an earache oz Isee. Let me have a look, young lady. Please sit here so I can look into your ea. (..) eO8 ell, she has an ear infection. [reretk}. van So what we do now? | You ————— put drops in her ear twice a day. Here is a prescription [pri'skr1pfon]. And I put something over her ears to cool or warm them? gor: [wouldn't ______ you to do that because it might increase {in kris) the pain. jent: Ise. Well, thank you for the, doctor. + You're welcome. Bye-bye. front of a school Tjust don’t —_________. I met her at that concert on Friday, you know. Did you agree on anything? es < * ay ky Why —__ teil don’t even have her phone number. = . chat jana ~ fo 5 Act out the dialogue with a partner. 1 Your friend is having problems learning English. You are trying to help him to imp, Tove oe w N . Greet B, Ask why he looks so exhausted. Say you got 92% and you would be happy to help B with some advice to improve his results. Ask B about his language learning routine. Tell B that it’s important to ask questions during the lessons if he doesn’t understand something, Tell him about some fun online practice options for grammar and vocabulary. Tell B that you will be happy to help in the near future if he needs it. Say goodbye. sitsttai tll 172 @ OTT LL a tad Pd CLs ra or) 2 Greet A. Tell them that you have jugs | got the result of your latest test an got 43%, even though you did the He you could. Ask about A’s result 4 Ask A what they think you should do, 6 Say that you often get too sleepy from learning the words from your vocabulary booklet and you sometimes don’t understand the grammar. You fed that you aren’t practising enough. 8 Tell A that you are grateful for this advice. a 10 Say thanks. | | , 12 Say 00 ; pole play® arener. Student A; follow the instructions you can see below. i pork it? oto page 255 and follow the instructions. seudert™ | sah satking co your English teacher, Mr Clifford, over lunchtime (in Bristol). You are soon | rot ungary and woul like take home some presents for your family rnin a «you can't affo + but you would like to get something personal and typically British for your parents, grandmother, sister, and brother cd expensive things, only small souvenirs + ask your teacher, for advice i athe CIT oe ne — a | » Words you need me = Y selyem woollen gloves gyapjd keszryé fal i nyakkendé (wolon,glavz] 5 i ssi valogatas marmalade narancslekvar 1 otmon} ['ma:malerd] PIS2A “y | You are talking to your classmate, Claire, at the language school you are both attending in the USA. * She a nurse in France, but would like to change jobs because she isn't satisfied with the pay she gets. * She i also considering moving to the USA; this is why she is improving her English. * Give ber advice about what kind of job to take if she wants to have a higher salary and more free time. (ideas: secretary, dentist's assistant, medical sales representative, etc.) | Words you need fen q jar, részt vesz medical sales representative orvoslétogané fry [reprizentativ} Ura) fizetés dissatisfied clégedeclen. ify [.dis'seetisfatd] lity, miiszak assistant asszisztens {esistant} 173 7 Now you can do it! Translate the sentences into English, 1 Szerinted mit csindljak? Nagyon kimeriilt vagyok. 2 Te hanykor indulndl az dllomasra a helyemben? 3 Javasolndd, hogy virdgot kiildjek a saiiletésnapjara? 4 Merre menjek, hogy a legeyorsabban érjek oda? 5 A helyedben felhivndm az osztdlytérsaimat. 6 Azt javaslom, hogy irj egy levelet a titkdrnének. 7 Gondoltél mar arra, hogy kevesebb édességer egyél? 8 Szerinted vegyiink egy tj a hajszdritét? Words a bunch of flowers [bantf av “flausz] afford sg [o'fo:d] approach [2\prout{] browse (bravz} cool (ku:l} cough syrup [‘kofsirap] dental check-up [‘dental,t{ek ap] 174 egy csokor virdg , megenged maganak vmit kézeledik bngészik hit vic | k@hdgés elleni szirup fogorvosi vizsgalat parce vou epg zostid) hassel 17 ea wel eetion fi fekf2n] is {ungrizdionts} ed [aovawelmd] [penpel] ription [priskripfon] P peation (,i:lek’sexfon] revise [r'vatZ] route [rut] rush hour [rafaua*] sales rack ['seilzreek] satisfied with [seetisfard] sensitive [sensit1y] take up sg. time management ['maenrdsmont] tutor ['tju:to*] urgently [‘3:d3ontli] vocabulary [vakeebjolori] 175 cseppek beiratkozik kimeriilt buicstt buli halas iny faj a fiile javit hidba, foldslegesen nével vmit gyulladas hozzavalék leterhelt levelez6 partner recept (orvosi) pihenés ismétel titvonal csticsidd kidrusitott termékek dllvanya elégedett érzékeny elkezd foglalkozni vmivel gazdalkodas az. idével (magin) tandr siirgésen szokincs 151B You are Mr Clifford, an English teacher in Bristol, talking to your Hungarian student Istvan over lunch. He is returning home soon, and he would like to buy little presents for his family as souvenirs from Britain. + he hasn’t got a lot of money to spend * give him advice « ideas: father —a silk tie, mother — assortment of teas, grandma — woollen gloves, sister — poster of The Beatles, brother — orange marmalade Words you need «silk ie selyem woollen gloves -. . [silk] nyakkendé [wolon glavz] gyapjtt keszryé sssorement 5 marmalade . [2'sotmant] valogatas ['ma:maleid] narancslekvar 15-2B You are Claire, a nurse from France. You are talking to your Hungarian classmate about how dissatisfied you are with your job in terms of pay and free time. + You can’t get used to working night shifts and would need more regular working hours with more free time because you would like to have a family soon. * You would like to move to the USA; this is why you are learning English at the moment. + Ask your friend for advice. « Your secret dream in the long run is to marry a wealthy American man and become a housewife. Words you need attend jar, részt vesz medical sales representative _orvoslétogaté. [otend] [reprfzentotv] salary fizerés dissatisfied clégedetlen [selari] [dis'setisfard) shift miszak assistant asszisztens _ Bit [e'sistant) 255

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