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Types of Colleges (or Universities)

• Public or private
• Two-year or four-year colleges
• Others

Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Public colleges vs. Private colleges
Local and state governments fund public colleges and universities.
Public universities in the US, also often called state universities.
They typically offer lower tuition rates to in-state residents. Out-of-state students also
attend public institutions but have higher tuition rates.
There are two-year colleges, otherwise known as community colleges, and four-year
public universities.
Every state in the U.S. has at least one public college
or university within its borders.
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Public colleges vs. Private colleges
While the majority of students in the US attend public universities and colleges,
private universities account for a significant proportion of enrolments – and many of
the country’s most elite and globally famed institutions. This includes the likes of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford,
Caltech, Columbia, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, and many more.

Tuition, fees, and other private sources fund private colleges and universities. Most
private institutions have higher “sticker” prices than public institutions, although they
also often offer significant discounts for almost all students. Student populations at
private colleges and universities vary from a few hundred students to over 30,000.
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Colleges vs. Universities
People consider four-year institutions as a college or university. Both colleges and
universities confer the same type of baccalaureate or bachelor’s degree.

Colleges usually are smaller than universities, but this is not always the case.

Universities often offer masters and doctoral degrees, in addition to bachelor’s

degrees. Some large universities might have divisions within the university called
colleges. For example, a university might have a College of Liberal Arts or College of
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Community colleges
Community colleges are primarily two-year public institutions that confer certificates,
diplomas, and associate’s degrees. Some states have started to offer a small number
of bachelor’s degree programs at community colleges. People sometimes call
community colleges as junior colleges, technical colleges, or city colleges.

In addition to conferring associate degrees, community colleges usually provide

career education, industry training, and preparation for transferring to a four-year
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Liberal arts colleges
Liberal arts colleges have an emphasis on undergraduate studies in the liberal arts and
sciences. They aim to provide an overview of the arts, humanities, mathematics,
natural sciences, and social sciences.
These colleges allow students to explore different disciplines rather than following a
strict academic schedule in preparation for a specific career path. Most liberal arts
colleges are private institutions. However, there are some public liberal arts schools,
including Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and Sonoma State University in
Liberal arts colleges are not “art schools”, and most liberal arts colleges offer many of
the same science or mathematics studies as research universities.
• St. John’s College
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Research universities
Research universities tend to be larger institutions and focus on research.
These universities have many baccalaureate programs and commit to graduate
education through the doctorate. Many professors at research universities conduct
research, in addition, to teach within their discipline. There may be research
opportunities for undergraduate students, but graduate and doctoral degree students
conduct much of the research on campus.

Just as liberal arts colleges are not strictly art-focused, most large research
universities also offer programs in arts, humanities or other subjects. Research
universities just tend to be known mostly for their science and research.
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Art colleges
Art colleges focus on the arts. In addition to general education courses, art colleges
provide training in arts such as graphic design, illustration, painting, photography, and
Many art colleges offer associate degrees or bachelor of fine arts (BFA). The majority
of art schools in the United States are private. Massachusetts College of Art and
Design is the only publicly-funded art school in the country.
While art colleges may be a good fit for some students, many kinds of institutions
offer similar BFA programs, so art majors are not forced to only attend these
specialized institutions.
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Religious colleges
Religiously affiliated colleges are connected to religious faith. All religiously affiliated
colleges are private institutions.

Some of the connections are historic in nature, while others incorporate faith in
everyday student life. Some of the colleges do not require students to share the faith
of the college, while others require a statement of faith during the application process.
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Single-sex colleges
Single-sex institutions only admit students of one sex.
The majority of institutions of higher education are coed. However, there are only a
small number of single-sex institutions in the U.S. The majority of men’s colleges are
seminaries preparing men for religious service.

However, there are a few men’s colleges. Consider traditional colleges such as
Morehouse College in Georgia and Saint John’s University in Minnesota. The majority
of women’s colleges are liberal arts schools.
Types of Colleges (or Universities)
• Specialized and mission-driven colleges
Specialized mission colleges focus on educating specific groups of students.
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were established before 1964 with
the purpose of serving the black community.
HBCUs now admit students of all races, but many still have an African American
Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) have at least 25% of their undergraduate student
population identifying as Hispanic. HBCUs and HSCI offer activities, programs, and
services targeted to the underrepresented students they enroll.

에꼴 42, 올린공대

in Korea

Sources: MOEㆍKEDI (2018). Brief statistics on Korean education.

대학 유형

Framework Act on Education 교육기본법

Higher Education ACT 고등교육법

Types of Universities
Higher Education Act 고등교육법

Article 2 (Types of Schools) The following schools 제2조(학교의종류) 고등교육을 실시하기 위하여 다음
shall be established to provide higher education: 각 호의 학교를 둔다.

1. Universities and colleges; 1. 대학

2. Industrial colleges; 2. 산업대학

3. Teachers' colleges; 3. 교육대학

4. Junior colleges; 4. 전문대학

5. Air colleges, correspondence colleges, air and 5. 방송대학·통신대학·방송통신대학 및

correspondence colleges and cyber colleges 사이버대학(이하 "원격대학"이라 한다)
(hereinafter referred to as "cyber colleges"); 6. 기술대학
6. Technical colleges; 7. 각종학교
7. Various kinds of schools.
National Law Information Center
Article 3 (Classification of National, Public and Private Schools)Schools listed in
subparagraphs of Article 2 (hereinafter referred to as "schools") shall be classified into
national schools established and managed by the State, or established by the State
as national university corporations, public schools (they may be classified into city
schools and Do schools according to the founding entities) established and managed by
local governments and private schools established and managed by incorporated
school foundations.

Article 5 (Guidance and Supervision)(1) Schools shall be under the guidance and supervision
of the Minister of Education.
(2) If the Minister of Education deems it necessary to guide and supervise schools, he/she
may request the heads of schools to submit relevant data, as prescribed by Presidential
제3조(국립·공립·사립 학교의 구분) 제2조 각 호의 학교(이하 "학교"라 한다)는 국가가
설립·경영하거나 국가가 국립대학 법인으로 설립하는 국립학교, 지방자치단체가 설립·경영하는
공립학교(설립주체에 따라 시립학교·도립학교로 구분할 수 있다), 학교법인이 설립·경영하는
사립학교로 구분한다.

제5조(지도 · 감독) ① 학교는 교육부장관의 지도(指導)·감독을 받는다. <개정 2013. 3. 23.>

② 교육부장관은 학교를 지도·감독하기 위하여 필요하면 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라
학교의 장에게 관련 자료를 제출하도록 요구할 수 있다.
1. Universities and Colleges
Article 28 (Purpose)The purposes of universities and colleges are to develop students' personality,
teach and research the profound theories of science and arts necessary for the development of the
State and human society, and methods of application thereof, and to contribute to the State and
human society.
Article 29 (Graduate Schools) (1) Universities and colleges (including industrial colleges, teachers'
colleges and cyber colleges; hereafter the same shall apply in this Article) may establish graduate
schools: Provided, That cyber colleges may establish graduate schools only if they meet the standards
prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the evaluation on educational circumstances and
management of curricula, etc.
(2) Graduate schools may establish research courses which do not grant degrees as necessary, in
addition to degree courses.
(3) Matters necessary for degree courses and research courses in universities and colleges and
operation thereof shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
1. Universities and Colleges
• Article 29-2 (Types of Graduate Schools)(1) Graduate schools shall be classified as follows according
to their main educational purpose:
• 1. General graduate schools: Graduate schools, the main educational purpose of which is to learn
basic theories of studies and to conduct advanced academic research;
• 2. Specialized graduate schools: Graduate schools, the main educational purpose of which is to
apply practical theories required for training of human resources in the field of specialized vocations
and to conduct research and development related thereto;
• 3. continuing graduate schools: Graduate schools, the main educational purpose of which is to
provide continuing education for working people or ordinary adults.
2. Graduate Schools
Korean graduate school system
1. 대학
제28조(목적) 대학은 인격을 도야(陶冶)하고, 국가와 인류사회의 발전에 필요한 심오한 학술이론과 그 응용방법을 가르치고
연구하며, 국가와 인류사회에 이바지함을 목적으로 한다.

29조(대학원) ① 대학(산업대학·교육대학 및 원격대학을 포함한다. 이하 이 조에서 같다)에 대학원을 둘 수 있다. 다만,

사이버대학은 교육여건과 교육과정의 운영에 대한 평가 등 대통령령으로 정하는 기준을 충족한 경우에 한한다.
② 대학원에는 필요에 따라 학위과정 외에 학위를 수여하지 아니하는 연구과정을 둘 수 있다.
③ 대학에 두는 학위과정, 연구과정 및 그 운영에 필요한 사항은 대통령령으로 정한다.

제29조의2(대학원의 종류) ① 대학원은 그 주된 교육목적에 따라 다음 각 호와 같이 구분한다.

1. 일반대학원: 학문의 기초이론과 고도의 학술연구를 주된 교육목적으로 하는 대학원
2. 전문대학원: 전문 직업 분야의 인력양성에 필요한 실천적 이론의 적용과 연구개발을 주된 교육목적으로 하는 대학원
3. 특수대학원: 직업인 또는 일반 성인을 위한 계속교육을 주된 교육목적으로 하는 대학원
② 대학(제30조에 따른 대학원대학은 제외한다)에는 일반대학원·전문대학원 또는 특수대학원을 둘 수 있고, 산업대학 및
교육대학에는 전문대학원 또는 특수대학원을 둘 수 있으며, 원격대학에는 특수대학원을 둘 수 있고, 제30조에 따른
대학원대학에는 전문대학원이나 특수대학원 중 하나의 대학원을 둘 수 있다. <개정 2013. 8. 13.>
③ 제1항의 전문대학원 중 법학전문대학원의 설치·운영에 관한 사항은 따로 법률로 정한다
2. Industrial Colleges (산업대학)
Article 37 (Purpose)

The purpose of industrial colleges is to train industrial human resources who will contribute to the
development of the State and society by providing an opportunity for higher education to those who
intend to undergo continuing education for the research and study of science and arts or expert
knowledge or skills required for industrial society.
제37조(목적) 산업대학은 산업사회에서 필요로 하는 학술 또는 전문적인 지식이나 기술의 연구와
연마를 위한 교육을 계속하여 받으려는 사람에게 고등교육의 기회를 제공하여 국가와 사회의
발전에 이바지할 산업인력을 양성함을 목적으로 한다.

제40조(산업체 위탁교육) ① 산업대학(전문대학·원격대학을 포함한다. 이하 이 조에서 같다)은

산업체(산업체를 구성원으로 하는 단체를 포함한다. 이하 이 조에서 같다)로부터 위탁받아 교육을
실시하거나 산업체에 위탁하여 교육을 실시할 수 있다.

2018년 기준 2개 학교가 있음(청운대학교, 호원대학교)

3. Teachers’ Colleges
Article 41 (Purpose)(1) The purpose of teachers' colleges is to train elementary school teachers.

(2) The purpose of colleges of education at universities and colleges (hereinafter referred to as
"colleges of education") is to train secondary school teachers.

(3) Universities and colleges may, where particularly necessary, establish a department of education
aiming to train school teachers (hereinafter referred to as "department of education"), as prescribed
by Presidential Decree.

Article 42 (Establishment of and Term of School Years for Teachers' Colleges)(1) Teachers' colleges
shall be established by the State or a local government.
(2) The term of school years for teachers' colleges shall be four years.
3. Teachers’ Colleges
Article 44 (Objectives)The education of teachers' colleges, colleges of education, comprehensive
teachers' training colleges and departments of education shall be provided to ensure that students
achieve the following objectives to realize the purposes of establishment thereof:

1. To establish firm values and sound teachers' ethics as educators;

2. To learn educational ideas and the detailed methods of practicing them;

3. To establish a foundation for developing the quality and abilities as educators for themselves
throughout their lives.
3. 교육대학
제41조(목적) ① 교육대학은 초등학교 교원을 양성함을 목적으로 한다.
② 대학의 사범대학(이하 "사범대학"이라 한다)은 중등학교 교원을 양성함을 목적으로 한다.
③ 대학에는 특별한 필요가 있는 경우에 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라 교원의 양성을 목적으로 하는
교육과(이하 "교육과"라 한다)를 둘 수 있다.
제42조(교육대학의 설립 및 수업연한) ① 교육대학은 국가나 지방자치단체가 설립한다. ② 교육대학의 수업연한은
4년으로 한다.
제43조(종합교원양성대학) ① 국가와 지방자치단체는 특별한 필요가 있는 경우에 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라
교육대학과 사범대학의 목적을 동시에 수행할 수 있는 대학(이하 "종합교원양성대학"이라 한다)을 설립할 수 있다.
제44조(목표) 교육대학·사범대학·종합교원양성대학 및 교육과의 교육은 그 설립목적을 실현하기 위하여 재학생이 다음 각
호의 목표를 달성하도록 이루어져야 한다.
1. 교육자로서의 확고한 가치관과 건전한 교직(敎職) 윤리 확립
2. 교육의 이념과 그 구체적 실천방법 체득(體得)
3. 교육자로서의 자질과 역량을 생애에 걸쳐 스스로 발전시켜 나가기 위한 기초 확립
4. Junior Colleges (전문대학)
Article 47 (Purpose)

The purpose of junior colleges is to train professionals necessary for developing the State and society
by teaching and researching expert knowledge and theories with respect to various fields of society,
and cultivating talents.

Article 48 (Term of School Years)(1) The term of school years for junior colleges shall be two to three
years: Provided, That cases where the term of school years shall be made three years shall be
prescribed by Presidential Decree.

Article 50 (Conferment of Degrees)(1) Any person who has completed courses determined by school
regulations at a junior college shall be granted an associate degree.
(2) Kinds of associate degrees and matters necessary for the conferment thereof shall be prescribed by
Presidential Decree.
4. Junior Colleges (전문대학)
제47조(목적) 전문대학은 사회 각 분야에 관한 전문적인 지식과 이론을 가르치고
연구하며 재능을 연마하여 국가사회의 발전에 필요한 전문직업인을 양성함을 목적으로

제48조(수업연한) ① 전문대학의 수업연한은 2년 이상 3년 이하로 한다. 다만,

수업연한을 3년으로 하는 경우는 대통령령으로 정한다.

② 학칙으로 정하는 학점 이상을 취득한 사람에 대하여는 제1항에도 불구하고

대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라 수업연한을 단축할 수 있다.

제50조(학위의 수여) ① 전문대학에서 학칙으로 정하는 과정을 마친 사람에게는

전문학사학위를 수여한다.

② 전문학사학위의 종류와 수여에 필요한 사항은 대통령령으로 정한다.

5. Cyber Colleges (원격대학)
Article 52 (Purpose)

The purpose of cyber colleges is to train human resources the State and society need by providing
citizens with an opportunity to undergo higher education through distance education via
information and communications media, and to contribute to the development of lifelong
education by realizing an open learning society.

제52조(목적) 원격대학은 국민에게 정보·통신 매체를 통한 원격교육(遠隔敎育)으로

고등교육을 받을 기회를 제공하여 국가와 사회가 필요로 하는 인재를 양성함과 동시에
열린 학습사회를 구현함으로써 평생교육의 발전에 이바지함을 목적으로 한다.

National Institute for

Lifelong Education
Academic Credit Bank System (학점은행제)
The Academic Credit Bank System (ACBS) is an open educational system which recognizes diverse
learning experiences gained not only in-school but also out-of-school. When a learner accumulates
the necessary ACBS-approved credits, he/she can be awarded a degree.

The Academic Credit Bank System, a central agency for continuing education, aims to provide all
citizens with greater access to a variety of educational opportunities and to foster a lifelong learning
society. It seeks to innovate, diversify and maximize the educational opportunities for both students,
studying at post-secondary institutes, and adults, seeking additional education and training.

In the long run, the Academic Credit Bank System will raise the overall standards and status of the non-
formal education sector, as a vital means for promoting educational self-achievement and guaranteeing
the global competitiveness of the Korean population
6. Technical Colleges (기술대학)
Article 55 (Purpose)

The purpose of technical colleges is to train experts equipped with both theories and practical abilities
by having industrial workers undergo continuing education for the research and study of expert
knowledge and skills in the industrial field.

제55조(목적) 기술대학은 산업체 근로자가 산업현장에서 전문적인 지식·기술의

연구·연마를 위한 교육을 계속하여 받을 수 있도록 함으로써 이론과 실무능력을 고루 갖춘
전문인력을 양성함을 목적으로 한다.
제57조(입학자격 등) ① 기술대학의 전문학사학위과정에 입학할 수 있는 사람은
고등학교를 졸업한 사람이나 법령에 따라 이와 같은 수준 이상의 학력이 있다고 인정된
사람으로서 대통령령으로 정하는 기간 이상 산업체에 근무하고 있는 사람으로 한다.
2018년 기준 1개 학교(정석대학, 한진그룹에서 설립운영하고 있음.)
7. Miscellaneous School (각종학교)
Article 59 (Various Kinds of Schools)(1) The term "various kinds of schools" means educational
institutions similar to those listed in subparagraphs 1 through 6 of Article 2.

(2) Various kinds of schools shall not use any name similar to those listed in subparagraphs 1 through
6 of Article 2.

제59조(각종학교) ① 각종학교란 제2조제1호부터 제6호까지의 학교와 유사한 교육기관을 말한다.

② 각종학교는 제2조제1호부터 제6호까지의 학교와 유사한 명칭을 사용할 수 없다.

한국예술종합학교: 유일한 국립 각종학교

순복음총회신학교: 2009년 설립된 현재 남아있는 유일한 사립 각종학교
*Special Colleges (특수대학교)
KAIST 경찰대학 한국전통문화대학교
KAIST(문지캠퍼스) 공군사관학교 한국전통문화대학교
KAIST(서울캠퍼스) 국군간호사관학교 한국학대학원
UNIST 육군3사관학교 한국농수산대학
광주과학기술원 육군사관학교
대구경북과학기술원 해군사관학교

• Other law-based schools beyond Higher Education Act 고등교육법 이 외, 그 밖에 다른 법률에

근거한 학교

1. Examine six types of Higher Education Institutions

2. Explore these HEIs’ main characteristics

3. Examine the organization charts of these HEIs


예시: 세종대학교

Three Systems of Universities
Structure of University
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Public and private institutions of higher education differ somewhat in their operating policies.
State-governed institutions tend to be more bureaucratic, with more rules and regulations.
Policy decisions are made at the state level and are carried out by state agencies in consultation with
the institutional administrative personnel of the state institutions.
Broad policies such as tuition rates and hiring procedures are often set by state legislatures or state
boards of higher education, but campus presidents, trustees and administrators may have discretion
in how they implement state policies, and some policy-making domains are actually reverting away
from the states and back to the campuses, a decentralization trend (McLendon, 2003).
Faculty members have little or no contact with the state officials who develop and execute
institutional policy. However, they do retain significant authority for curriculum decisions, personnel
actions (faculty hiring and promotion), and departmental decision making.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Article 19 (Organization of Schools)(1) Schools shall have necessary structures to achieve the purpose of
establishment within the scope prescribed by Presidential Decree.

(2) Basic matters concerning the structure of schools shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree and school
regulations in cases of national schools, by ordinance of the relevant local government and school regulations in
cases of public schools, and by the articles of incorporation of the relevant school foundation and school
regulations in cases of private schools.

제19조(학교의 조직) ① 학교는 그 설립목적을 달성하기 위하여 대통령령으로 정하는 범위에서 필요한
조직을 갖추어야 한다.

② 학교의 조직에 관한 기본적 사항은 국립학교는 대통령령과 학칙으로 정하고, 공립학교는 해당

지방자치단체의 조례와 학칙으로 정하며, 사립학교는 해당 학교법인의 정관과 학칙으로 정한다.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Internal Organization of Colleges and Universities

The university has various internal groups such as the president, the board of directors,
the professors, the students, the employees, etc. It has complex decision-making processes.

대학은 조직구조상 총장, 이사장, 이사회, 교수, 학생, 직원 등과 같은 다양한 내부집단을 그

구성원으로 하고 있으며, 교육과 연구기능을 수행하기 위해 내부집단의 특성이 반영된 복잡한
의사결정과정 및 집행과정을 가지고 있다. 또한 대학과 지역사회의 상생 발전이라는 측면에서,
양자간의 협력과 소통의 중요성이 날로 중요해지고 있다는 점에서 의사결정과정에의 외부적
참여의 필요성도 점증하고 있다(김종성, 2015).
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Typical Organization Chart
Structure of University 대학조직구조
The Role of the President

College and university presidents have as a primary role securing a firm financial future for their
institutions. Usually, they turn over the responsibilities for day-to-day policy making in
administrative and academic areas to executive vice presidents.
Presidents work closely with the board of trustees, which may meet four to eight times a year.
The board itself may have many subcommittees paralleling the committees of the faculty and the
officers of the administration.
Each of these subcommittees attempts to oversee the domain under its jurisdiction without
becoming so intimately involved in daily activities that it interferes with the roles played by the
faculty and administrators.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
The Role of the President

The president may devote most of the working day to external affairs-to talking with alumni,
potential financial contributors, state legislators, local community leaders, parents, and other
constituencies concerned with the performance of the institution.
The president tries to clarify to the public the image of the institution-what it stands for
philosophically and pragmatically-so that those outside can predict with reasonable certainty what
the institution can be counted on the produce.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
The Role of the Executive Vice President

The executive vice president, sometimes called a “provost”, is usually in charge of the internal
affairs of the institution. He or She must assemble and direct the administrative staff of the
institution. Although the president may be the titular leader of the various decision-making groups
(e.g., the faculty council, the senate, and the executive staff), it is the Executive Vice President who is
most responsible in practice. The planning, coordinating, and reviewing of the activities of each of the
executive staff officers is part of the role of the executive vice president.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
The Role of the Administrative Staff Officers

The roles of the other staff officers are fairly obvious from the functions indicated in their job titles;
however, not every institution provides the same title for the same role.
Most institutions designate the chief academic officer as a vice president for academic affairs. The
same may be true for the chief student affairs officer and the chief financial officer. Other functions
may or may not have the vice presidential designation. A large research institution may have a vice
president for research, but a smaller institution may call that position the director of research.
All of the deans who lead schools and colleges in the institution report to the vice president for
academic affairs. Each school or college is focused on a curricular or knowledge-based theme or
vocational objective such as education, engineering , social work, and law, among many others.
The deans are responsible for developing budgets and policies for the school or college. Most schools
operate independently of each other or are only loosely connected.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
The Role of the Administrative Staff Officers

Within each school, there are many departments, each with a department chair.
The definition of the department chair position is ambiguous, and duties and authority vary greatly
across different institutions. Some chairs have considerable authority; others have relatively little.
Some chairs speak for their faculty members; others speak to their faculty members on behalf of the
dean. In other words, sometimes a chair is considered as a member of the administration, sometimes
as a member of the faculty. Often he or she is both.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Faculty Roles and Faculty Organization

Faculty in colleges and universities are directly involved in organization and administration at all
levels through their membership in academic departments and through other faculty and
institutional decision-making bodies.
In academic departments, faculty engage in decision making about matters of direct concern to their
primary common activities-curriculum and teaching-but less often about research, which is more
individualized. Decision making about research is conducted by individual faculty members or in
voluntary collaborations.
The mode of decision making by faculty is almost invariably by consensus.
Faculty also serve on departmental committees and on school- and institution-wide committees that
address a wide variety of educational concerns, including curriculum, grading standards, and
personnel issues.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Faculty Roles and Faculty Organization

In larger institutions, a faculty council or senate (variously named at different colleges and
universities) is the representative body for the discussion of matters of cross-departmental or cross-
school concern to faculty in the institution.
Faculty representatives from the departments are elected by their peers, and faculty representatives
at-large may be chosen by the entire faculty as well.
The body generates a number of committees that are concerned with the various domains of faculty
Structure of University 대학조직구조
Student Participation in Decision Making

Another decision-making body is the student government, which is composed entirely of students
who are elected by their peers.
Again, a set of committees is usually mandated. Some, but not all, of the committees parallel the
concerns of faculty.
While the faculty senate can be a potent political force on the campus, most student government
bodies are primarily care-taker institutions that are not usually held in high regard by the majority of
This situation changes, however, when critical issues affecting students require decisions.
Structure of University 대학조직구조
The organization of higher education differs dramatically from that of most profit-making
Perhaps most important of the differences is the separation of the roles of academic and
administrative personnel and the sharing of authority and responsibility.
Colleges and universities are both bureaucracies and political entities rendering efficient decision
making difficult and time consuming.
Recent concerns of the general public about the apparent lack of efficiency of colleges and
universities-and the rising costs associated with it-for the most part do not take into account the
complications of decision making in these kinds of institutions.

* 느슨하게 결합된 조직 특성 (loosely coupled organization)

(Weick, 1976; Orton and Weick, 1990)
* Professional autonomy Accountability

1. Let’s reexamine the organization charts of various HEIs

2. Let’s examine and compare the different structures of Higher

Education Institutions.

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