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3 Buloke Shire Council & Ors 9-4-2024
6 Cc: Cr Alan Getley (Mayor)
7 Cr David Pollard
8 Cr Carolyn Stewart
9 Cr Bernadette Hogan
10 Cr Graeme Milne (Deputy Mayor)
11 Cr Bronwyn Simpson
12 Cr Daryl Warren
13 Penelope Grant Revenue Officer
15 Tim Mayer
17 Ref; 20240409-Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Buloke Shire Council & Ors
21 Sir & Ors,
22 I consider it appropriate to include below a copy of a writing I did “20240408-Mr G.
23 H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Lawyers Molly Metcalf, becklegal-Supplement 15-
24 UNDATED THREATS, etc-” in particular the 7 & 8 April 2024 writings to Banyule City
25 council. This, because the writings deals with a lot of issues applicable to most if not all councils
26 around Australia. The 8 April 2024 gives also a considerable set out that all and any
27 legislation/agreement by any government regarding Aboriginals is without constitutional validity
28 where they are against the “general population:”. Meaning, it is utter and sheer nonsense for any
29 council to go along with the State of Victoria secret deals made with Aboriginals that somehow
30 they can about giving Aboriginals powers to dictate for example farmers what they can or cannot
31 do with their farming properties, including as to how deep they can insert a post, etc.
33 In The Netherlands farmers started to unite, and slowly most of European farmers joined in, and
34 the result was a significant back down by the European Union regarding increases of charges,
35 etc. This is what I view we ought have in Australia before there is too much harm inflicted not
36 only upon farmers but also on growers, etc.
38 The defeated Section 129 Voice referendum exposed that it really was a communist kind of take
39 over intended to use the Aboriginals for this so as to divide and conquer. No doubt as my
40 writings explain there are Aboriginals who do want to oust any non-Aboriginal from the
41 Commonwealth of Australia but I understand the majority just want to be left alone. The
42 minority, basically those who are running so to say Aboriginal land rights businesses and making
43 a lot of money in the process while ignoring the real suffering of certain Aboriginals, may just
44 seek to persist to dominate the majority.
9-4-2024 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 There can be no question that fire fighters putting their lives on the line do deserve appropriate
2 compensation but is the money really going where it should be going or just getting some
3 bloated payments to those in the top of the of the ladder sitting in their expensive offices while
4 the real uncalled dangers that places fire fighters at risk are left unattended.
6 Buloke Shire Council is but one example where for over a decade there are areas under the
7 control of Buloke Shire Council and/or VicRoads and other government department are
8 neglected that there has been hazardous build-up of fire dangers, I used some images in past
9 litigation, and as such it is not something I make up but proved to be real. Our Commonwealth
10 of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) within which the States were created in Section 106
11 “subject to this constitution” provides for the legal principle that is embedded in it:
13 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
15 I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step,
16 not beyond the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the
17 different colonies, and say that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous
18 principle that the Ministers of the Crown and their officials shall be liable for any
19 arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as any private person would be.
22 Then the question arises how often did Buloke Shire Council issue any notices against itself
23 and/or Vicroads and other government department for failing to comply with relevant laws to
24 clean up any fire dangers. Despite Buloke Shire Council pursuing as I view it a reign of terror
25 against me regarding alleged violations it somehow being one of the worst offenders has to my
26 knowledge never issues a single notice against itself let alone to VicRoads or any other
27 government department. Why not? Is it that Buloke Shire Council couldn’t really give a darn
28 about unduly placing at risk the lives of fire fighters and the local communities? Is it just a
29 matter of terrorising residents so Buloke Shire Council then can extract monies from them
30 whereas they may not succeed against themselves, VicRoads and other government department?
31 Wayne Wall during my cross examination appeared to have admitted he didn’t follow up with
32 VicRoads, why not if it was his job doing so?
33 It must be clear I never sowed any grains on my property and so what did Buloke Shire Council
34 do to minimise any contamination of my property caused by others? So far I am aware of it did
35 absolutely nothing. Surely it should have addressed the source of the problem?
37 We now seem to get some woke braindead person to be the next Governor-General who has
38 already claimed that the British conducted a “bloody invasion”, when even “ARTIFICIAL
39 INTELIGENCE”, commonly referred to as AI, upon my questions made it very clear and so
40 citing numerous documents, including those in museums, that Cap Cook never invaded “New
41 Holland” (as it then was known)! Not even the Dutch invaded “New Holland”, because it were
42 those who survived shipwrecks and then well did what most men and women do that is create
43 descendants. Hence the copper coloured blond haired Aboriginals.
44 While Senator Linda Thorpe draws the attention of the general WOKE media about her peaceful
45 Aboriginals, reality is that there are actually hundreds of different Aboriginal tribes and well they
46 would battle to the death and some were cannibals. So, forget about Aboriginals being one race
47 and being peaceful as I understand Senator Linda Thorpe is claiming.
49 Constitutionally, I do not view there is any legitimate lawful excuse to let Aboriginals dictate
50 non-Aboriginals what they can or cannot do. Many may show respect to (then mayor) Tim
51 Mayer for his stance to fight for farmers and others.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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2 I may never have been interested to become a farer but while residing in Berriwillock I learned
3 they are generally a hard working lot of people one can only have respect for. They have enough
4 battles, in particular with weather conditions, as to try to successfully harvest and they need a
5 council which is in total support of this and not act to undermine them by going along with
6 unconstitutional arrangements the State of Victoria made with certain Aboriginals.
8 Before the Kevin Rudd apology there were ample of warning that this apology would be the start
9 of an ongoing movement to disown non Aboriginals of their rights. Actually, I wrote that the
10 Federal Government had absolutely no legal position to apologise, if there was a need for it that
11 is, as whatever wrongdoing was committed against certain Aboriginals was the doing of the
12 former Colonies /States and nothing to do with the Commonwealth. Where is the apology by
13 certain Aboriginal tribes to have mass murdered other Aboriginal tribes one may ask? We had as
14 I understand it the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) which then commenced to
15 infiltrate councils by them making statements in favour of Aboriginals. The ALGA really should
16 be renamed Australian Local Council Association (ALCA) because local governments are
17 constitutionally “state governments” and councils are not sovereign entities but merely
18 corporations as the Framers of the Constitution made very clear. And if a local council being a
19 “corporations” can legislate then all corporations must be able to do so. Not just some group of
20 corporations which happen to be “councils”! This as “equality” is embedded in the constitution.
22 What I would like to see is that there is a formula in place where farmers, growers, etc, are
23 guaranteed a certain minimum percentage for whatever they provide to supermarkets, etc.
24 I a few weeks ago attended to a hardware store purchasing 8 packets of rechargeable batteries for
25 $5 each. I yesterday attended to a different store of the hardware store chain and now the same
26 rechargeable battery packs are $20 each. If they make a profit with selling for $5 each then
27 surely they make a huge profit with $20 each.
29 While many food items such as vegetables are in storage one may find that when due to weather
30 conditions the supply of certain vegetables are significantly reduced then the grocery stores such
31 as supermarkets dramatically increase their prices when in fact they just take it out of storage.
32 For sure storage can be expensive but surely not that low cost produce are to be sold at
33 astronomical high prices.
34 We have this QR code, which I so far have continued to refuse to use and pay cash whenever I
35 can, but let us use the QR code/barcode for a different purpose. When a producer, say
36 farmer/grower, etc, sells his goods to a supermarket then the item is given a QR code/bar code
37 that includes the amount of monies that was paid to the farmer/grower, etc. When then this is
38 conditional to a percentage of a sales price then whenever the supermarket increase its prices
39 beyond the share paid to the farmer/grower/etc then the supermarket be legally obligates to pay
40 the farmer/grower, etc, the additional percentage that was above what the farmer/grower, etc, had
41 been paid. Meaning, that the more a supermarket sell the goods for the more the
42 farmers/growers, etc, will be paid. No more to have farmers, growers, etc, struggling to make
43 ends meet and the supermarkets making a fortune and then use this to depress even further the
44 farmer, growers, etc, buy seeking to reduce payments to them.
46 In recent times my wife happened to get a liking to certain soups and well certain packages were
47 priced at $3.50 each. Then about 2 weeks ago they were suddenly about $1.40 each (expiry date
48 in 2026 as such not out of date) and then yesterday I noticed the prices up to $3.00 Meaning that
49 supermarkets are obviously making a handy profit. For sure they are entitled to reduce prices to
50 seek to attract customers to try to use a product but that should not be at the cost of farmers,
51 growers, etc. That is their own kind of business attraction to get customers to try something and
9-4-2024 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 then perhaps become hooked upon it. Neither should this lower sales price then affect the farmer,
2 grower, etc. Yet, you find at least to my understanding councils not engaging in this kind of
3 system to benefit their residents, but they are more interested in this FAKE “bloody invasion”
4 and whatever in politics, which I view is none of their business.
5 The same with the so called “invasion day” instead of Australia Day”. Councils are all up in
6 politics and clearly are lacking any proper understanding what is FACTUAL. As the British
7 never did invade the “New Holland” as also explained in the documents I wrote to Banyule City
8 Council, then what utter and sheer nonsense is there to rename or all together abolish “Australia
9 Day”? I gained a lot respect for lawyer Josephine Cashman of Aboriginal descent who has done
10 a considerable job trying to educate Australians what the plan of the U.N. is about, and how her
11 relatives were amongst the soldiers fighting for what is now Commonwealth of Australia.
12 We need to honour those who gave their lives, regardless of the colour of skin and what race
13 they belong to!
15 Being a great grandfather I desire my descendants to grow up respecting those who gave their
16 lives, as well as any other person who sacrifices so much to uphold the rights and freedoms we
17 all are entitled upon. As I made clear in past writings I stood for State election in Swan Hill area
18 and well electors overwhelmingly vote for another candidate, well because he belonged to a
19 certain political party, and in the end decades later they may just have to reflect back what did
20 that person really achieve for them? I am however a constitutionalist and know to stand my
21 grounds very successfully as I did in the years of legal battles in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka for my
22 constitutional rights not being “compelled” to vote if I do not desire to do so. It doesn’t mean I
23 never vote, just only if I consider there is a worthy candidate to vote for. However, councils,
24 state and federal governments are all fining people nevertheless, blatantly ignoring the
25 constitutional rights of other Australians. When they tries to fine one of my sons about not voting
26 I got involved, and made clear that you cannot charge my son unless they charge me, and as I
27 succeeded in both cases they cannot charge me (Res Judicata) and so then neither my son as he is
28 entitled to the same constitutional protection, and so anyone else, as I am. That as I understand
29 then was the end of pestering my son.
31 One may ask why do I care about farmers, growers, etc, and not just enjoy my life and
32 considering my wife’s ill health avoid complications, however that is not what life is about, at
33 least not to me.
35 Hansard 8-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
36 Convention)
38 Mr. ISAACS.-We want a people's Constitution, not a lawyers' Constitution.
41 HANSARD18-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
42 Australasian Convention)
44 The right of a citizen of this great country, protected by the implied guarantees of its
45 Constitution,
48 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
50 Mr. BARTON.- Of course it will be argued that this Constitution will have been made by
51 the Parliament of the United Kingdom. That will be true in one sense, but not true in
52 effect, because the provisions of this Constitution, the principles which it embodies,

9-4-2024 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 5

1 and the details of enactment by which those principles are enforced, will all have been
2 the work of Australians.
5 The following will also make clear that the Framers of the Constitution intended to have CIVIL
6 RIGHTS and LIBERTIES principles embedded in the Constitution;
7 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
8 Australasian Convention)
10 the protection of certain fundamental rights and liberties which every individual
11 citizen is entitled to claim that the federal government shall take under its protection
12 and secure to him.
15 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
17 Mr. HIGGINS.-Suppose the sentry is asleep, or is in the swim with the other power?
19 Mr. GORDON.-There will be more than one sentry. In the case of a federal law,
20 every member of a state Parliament will be a sentry, and, every constituent of a state
21 Parliament will be a sentry.
22 As regards a law passed by a state, every man in the Federal Parliament will be a
23 sentry, and the whole constituency behind the Federal Parliament will be a sentry.
26 As a “sentry” my obligation is to pursue the true meaning and application of the constitution and
27 not be scared to stand my grounds. After all, let us not ignore the sacrifices the soldiers who died
28 in battle made when they stood their grounds.
30 In my view one has to be a braindead nitwit to be a councillor and acting in violation of once
31 duties and obligations as a “sentry”.
33 The mere fact that Buloke Shire Council failed for more than 2 decades to pursue the law of the
34 “Safe Drinking Water Act” (2003) may underlines , at least it does to me, that we got councillors
35 more interested in promoting themselves then actually do what is best for the community. After
36 all, firefighters who have to fight a fire with “untreated” water may not only place themselves at
37 risk but also their family and others.
39 QUOTE 20240408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Lawyers Molly Metcalf, becklegal-Supplement 15-
41 Molly Metcalf Lawyer, becklegal (Australia, Victoria date) 8-4-2024
44 Cc: Cr Alison Champion
45 Cr Fiona Mitsinikos
46 Cr Elizabeth Nealy
47 Cr Mark Di Pasquate
48 Cr Alida McKern
49 Cr Peter Dimarelos
50 Cr Rick Garotti
51 Cr Tom Melican
52 Cr Peter Casteldo
53 Mr RomanWojtkowski
54 Jan Richarson
55 Officer Janet Redgrave Team Leader Development Planning
56 Banyule City Council
9-4-2024 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 6

1 Re: 20240408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Molly Metcalf lawyer, becklegal-Supplement 15-

4 COMPLAINT-Supplement 15
5 Madam,
6 I do not know what kind of lawyer you are but surely you ought to make clear to
7 your client that it should conduct matters through you unless I specifically request your client to
8 provide me with details/information.
9 Here your client has continued its unlawful conduct and in this case specifically targeting my
10 wife by sending her a purported NOTICE TO COMPLY NTC 3730 which includes that “within
11 28 days after the date of the issue of this direction or notice” and “If you fail to comply with
12 this notice, you will be guilty of an offence” ´

15 I have repeatedly made clear my wife is 91 years old and suffers from a heart condition, and
16 other comorbidities, actually her heart according to her cardiologist specialist is only pumping
17 for a mere 30%, and her valves are leaking, but she is too weak to have an operation, besides it
18 may not assist her at all as she may not survive any operation, and so all the specialist can do is
19 to try the quality of life to be the best in the circumstances possible with seeing what medication
20 variation can achieve this. And then your client has the gall to scare the living daylights out of
21 her with this nonsense that she has to do something with 28 days of the non-existing date and
22 then Banyule City Council (not an impartial court) will hold her guilty of an offence.
23 For sure, her father was a lawyer and so her daughter (my step daughter) but my wife is not, and
24 to her this threatening writings scared the living daylights out of her, and her heart rate went up
25 to 122. Whereas it was 78 (according to her record keeping BEFORE SHE RECEIVED THE
26 THREATENING WRITING from Mr Roman Wojtkowski, who I understand is employed with
27 Banyule City Council, your client!
28 This purported notice had an image showing her red Ford station wagon to be lawfully parked in
29 front of our property, and as the vehicle has not been so for at least about 6 months parked at that
30 location, this means the aerial image was taken before that, and this when already other
31 purported notices were being send out. As such, your client is playing some kind of “lawfare”
32 game against my wife in a dangerous and totally unacceptable manner.
33 With all the trespassing and the harm your client inflicted upon my wife somehow it seems to
34 enjoy to continue this terrorism upon her and now places his life in danger. And pretend that not
35 an impartial court will decide any dispute but that a court essentially will be some puppet-on-a-
36 string and will enforce the guilt decision by Banyule City Council, etc.
38 This kind of conduct in my view should be denounced by any court and your client be held in
39 CONTEMPT OF COURT by claiming that not an impartial court but your client dictates what
40 a court should do. This in my view undermines the administration of justice, and cannot be
41 tolerated by any court of law!
43 I demand your client refrain from any further threats to my wife and also to myself.
9-4-2024 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 7

1 Previously I requested your client to provide me with information details as to all and any
2 images (aerial or otherwise) that were taken of our property unlawfully and in violation to our
3 privacy and no response was received, however this newly provided image which also is
4 undated, shows my wife’s motor vehicle (that your client on 7 September 2023 vandalised) and
5 underlines that your client has made more photos of our property without our knowledge and/or
6 consent., and concealed from us having done so.
8 I provided your client with the following documentation in recent days:
10 It is regrettable that Banyule City Council seeks another angle to harass us rather
11 than to accept that its conduct isn’t resolving anything. Now trying with extensive
12 Artificial Intelligence set outs to try to get the message across.
13 You can download the document from:
15 Council-Cr-Mayor-Tom-Melican-and-Ors-Part-1
16 and
17 Banyule City Council and so any other council should reconsider what they are on
18 about and as this document Part 2 sets out how to show a real care for residents.
19 You can download the document from:
21 Council-Cr-Mayor-Tom-Melican-and-Ors-Part-2
23 Your client may ignore my writings but ultimately your client may have to face the music as to
24 its “lawfare” against my wife and myself instead of cleaning up its act and stop committing
25 criminal offences. Don’t you understand that if my wife were to die because of the stress due to
26 the terrorism of your client then this could haunt your client and possibly yourself in litigation
27 because of the utterly despicable conduct that never should have been started by your client in
28 the first place?
29 It appears to me that your client likely has used this format of threatening purported notices to
30 other property owners and whomever and I view this requires a full investigation how often your
31 client terrorist people with claiming they would be guilty even so no court was then involved.
32 While my lawyer step-daughter has had absolutely no involvement in the issues with Banyule
33 City Council nevertheless my wife knew from her daughter what was being done wrong in
34 another city council and she realises that I at least can pursue justice for her as well for myself
35 and others may benefit from this also where they are faced with similar problems.
36 There is also this comment “you should contact Mr Roman Wojtkowski at the Municipal
37 Offices between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm Monday – Friday on 9490 4222 for further
38 information about this notice, if required.” In case you as their legal adviser are not aware of it
39 there is a Disability Discrimination Act by the Commonwealth, and first of all my wife would be
40 in no condition to be on a telephone/mobile to talk to a person who claims he decides her guilt in
41 the manner he claimed already to do without having provided the date she has to rely upon. And
42 as my wife is wheelchair bound due to the terrorism on 29 November 2023 by Banyule City
43 Council staff she is in no condition to travel around but seek to limit herself to attending to
44 medical appointments as much as she can. And as I have a hearing disability I do not use
45 telephone/mobiles for oral communication and yet your client didn’t bother to include (without
46 seeking to imply the purported notice has any validity) any specific email address.
47 Are you just so to say wet behind the ears lawyer just having graduated from law studies and still
48 having to learn how to properly conduct matters? Don you get the message that your clients
49 TERRORISM needs to be stopped? In my view you ought to be disbarred if you are behind all
50 this TERRORISM, this as an OFFICER OF THE COURT you are bound to ensure that your
51 client doesn’t engage in any unlawful conduct, which appears to me having ongoing continued.
52 I requested previously for your client to give an undertaking not to continue its conduct against
53 my wife and myself but this was not responded upon and well, a court may ultimately have to
9-4-2024 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 8

1 consider why despite my request and in particular my wife’s ill health your client nevertheless
2 persisted in unlawful conduct causing more and more harm upon my wife totally uncalled for.
3 In my view a competent lawyer would insist that all and any (purported) notice is first properly
4 checked by the lawyer dealing with the case to ensure that any conduct of the client is lawful! At
5 least whenever I assisted/represented a party I made clear I would drop out of the case the
6 moment I were to discover any unlawful conduct by this party. Then again I never charged for
7 my services and so never sold myself out to anyone! By this I was able to keep my integrity!
8 END QUOTE 20240408-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Lawyers Molly Metcalf, becklegal-Supplement
11 Buloke Shire Council previously had spent about $18,000 on litigating against me, and the end
12 judgment had no legal basis/validity because of the failure to follow proper legal procedures.
13 Still I am aware that Buloke Shire Council might be more interested in seeking to defeat me then
14 to carefully manage finances and caring about the real interest of residents.
15 Time will tell if Buloke Shire Council will suddenly get common sense and start acting
16 appropriately but I suspect it more than likely is more interested in litigation then pursue justice.
18 And, if Buloke Shire Council desires to litigate about what is safe for residents well then it can
19 explain why it collaborated in the mass murder of Australians with this “covid scam”! And let
20 the councillors explain to residents it is so concerned about the safety of residents it may never
21 have bothered to check out if all those “childhood” vaccines are actually safe at all. What is the
22 use for say a farmer to work hard to provide for the family, etc, and then having a child ending
23 up with AUTISM or whatever because councillors can’t bother to make sure that they shield
24 residents from undue harm? The documents I have the links provided for in my writings to
25 Banyule City Council may be very interesting and compelling to follow so where the council
26 blatantly ignores to properly investigate the safety of any vaccine then at least parents may
27 educate themselves, for so far they are not aware of the FACTS to protect their children.
28 As I show in my writings, having small children with pups can in the end result to a child ending
29 up with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) due to the parasite the young pup may have which then are
30 transferred to a toddler and may enter through the blood brain barrier, etc.
32 Let us go back to the “covid scam” issue. One has to ask who in Buloke Shire Council actually
33 enforced this unconstitutional “covid scam” mandates? Those who did in my view were never
34 friends rather were working for foreign powers and were collaborating with those foreign enemy
35 powers to achieve their goals to wipe out about 80% of the world population. How on earth
36 could anyone justify some farmer working the fields having to wear a mask that was utterly
37 useless. What about the children who were terrorised also in the process. My blog
38 https://www.scribd.comm/inspectorrikati from onset did set out why this was all an elaborate
39 scam. I included links to videos and even provided transcripts that long before the governments
40 mandated that anyone not vaccinated was not permitted work, etc, the pharmaceutical companies
41 already were making clear this would eventuate as to force every person to be vaccinated, which
42 really was to inject every one with a poisonous “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION
43 “BIOWEAPON”. Just that while millions died it didn’t work out to kill of about 80% of the
44 population and well this “experiment” as former President Obama referred to it, simply has to be
45 repeated and politicians, army and police, and councillors as well as others including the medical
46 profession and perhaps even your friendly neighbour may be involved to ensure that this time
47 you and your family will be exterminated. I have watched the video’s how they would grab a
48 person on the street and by force injected the person. This covid-19 scam was in the works for
49 more than a decade and the media was all in it. No one has to take my word for it as I spend
50 decades in court rooms at the bar table and well aware one need to have evidence and that is
51 what I obtained and published at my Scribd blog, so anyone can check it all out. I understand
52 that already when Scott Morrison was PM legislation was passed for the U.N. to bring in their
9-4-2024 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 9

1 troops and they couldn’t be held legally accountable for whatever crimes they committed so they
2 could kill of whomever. Just that as a constitutionalist I explained in my writings that this
3 violates our constitutional rights. And well Anthony Albanese made clear he was in full support
4 of this so called “vaccination” to continue!
6 While the Federal government and others have painstakingly tried to prevent anyone to expose
7 the truth about the “covid scam” nevertheless so far they were unable to prevent my
8 publications, this because I know my constitutional rights!
10 Those councillors and so council staff who were in support of this “covid scam” in my view
11 should be held legally accountable. They should be ousted from those positions as I view they
12 are TRAITORS and collaborated with foreign enemies and home grown enemies
14 The reader may for example desire to consider what was stated during the following video:

17 And

20 And remember Daniel Andrews hotel fiasco?


9-4-2024 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 10

1 And also check out:


9 And

11 .
13 It is time that farmers, growers, etc, understand they are being conned and more than likely the
14 very people in councils who should be to protect them may be the once who are working in
15 collaboration with the home grown and foreign enemies.

9-4-2024 Page 10 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 11

5 The message should be very clear, let farmers do the farming and let councillors do their job and
6 it isn’t stuffing about farmers, etc, but ensure that all residents regardless of their chosen
7 profession and those other living in the Buloke Shire Council area are supported appropriately
8 and not that councillors are seeking to play politics while blatantly ignoring their true duties and
9 obligations. As I have made clear in my writings “councils” are constitutionally not a level of
10 Government but merely “corporations” and lack any “sovereignty” that the Commonwealth and
11 the States have at their respective levels. And if Buloke Shire Council prefers to litigate, well
12 then it better provide the transcript of the previous litigation as that will obviously be relevant!
14 Just when going to close this writing I received an email about “Battle lost but war on Digital ID
15 continues as bill has yet to go through the house of reps says Christiansen”, however the Bill
16 turned out already having been passed. Why is this important to Australians? Well let me explain
17 this as to how for example this could apply to a farmer.
19 As in Europe, the Federal Government in Australia is involved with the W.E.F. as it even has
20 one of its own staff members being a Member of the W.E.F. while I understand paid for by the
21 federal government, which in itself is a violation of Section 44 of the constitution, that it for the
22 Minister for whom this person works.
23 We had already this “covid scam” and well next time such a scam comes about and you are
24 reported not to have had the “gene therapy” DEPOPULATION “bioweapon” poisonous jab then
25 well they can simply delete your Digital ID or use it to ban you using your bank account, etc, by
26 this preventing you making any business payments or even buy food for your family, and well
27 what are you going to do when you have no access to any monies? Say the Federal government
28 for its deceptive “climate change” desire to cut down the use of whatever, such as they did in
29 Europe until there was a huge revolt, well if you fail to comply your Digital ID can be deleted. If
30 you dare to criticize a government decision well deleting your Digital ID will teach you a lesson.
31 And on and on it goes. If you have no Digital ID well they will simply target members of your
32 family who then like during the “covid scam” will be on your back you better do what the
33 Government demands, regardless if it is constitutionally permissible what the Government does,
34 as after all the “covid scam” mandates are a clear example what they did. And hiring a lawyer
35 may be a problem because the Government simply can then wipe out the Digital ID of the lawyer
9-4-2024 Page 11 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 to be an example to other lawyers not to take on any case against the Government. The same
2 with judges, they better decide in favour of the government or they judge is having his Digital ID
3 removed. As such, forget about “impartial court of justice” as required by the Letters Patent.
4 Some years ago, a woman made known that she received an infringement notice for having
5 driven on a toll way in Queensland without having paid for this. It was not some scam! She had
6 at that time driven on that toll road and the registration number and the model car and the colour
7 of the car was indeed that of the motor vehicle she had driven at that time on the toll road,
8 however she made clear to me she had an automatic payment and that was paid. She then phoned
9 the toll road and explained she was working for Victoria Department of Justice and she wanted
10 an investigation why there was an infringement notice against her when she had a record the toll
11 road had been paid. Well, it turned out that an identical car with an identical colour and an
12 identical numberplate had been also on the toll road but it turned out was of a different state.
13 Now imagine, if she had not had the ability (because of working for the Victorian Department of
14 Justice) to get her message across and the Digital ID system was in place? They simply would
15 delete the Digital ID and well you suffer the consequences. Actually, I understand that one a
16 Victorian toll operator issued infringement notices, some about 2,000, for NSW drivers not
17 having paid the toll road, just that they had accessed the wrong state registration system!
18 Whenever I purchase something I do insist to have a receipt, this because if you cannot prove
19 you paid then well they can always delete your Digital ID and then you end up having to get
20 monies somehow to pay what they demand. Let’s consider that you drive to another town to get
21 supplies and on arrival the store tells you that your Digital ID (digital Identity) has been deleted,
22 it might have been in error but nevertheless you suffer the consequences in the meantime, and so
23 you cannot purchase anything. OK, now you are really stuck because the petrol station also
24 cannot sell you any petrol or other form on fuel. You are not stranded away from home. OK let’s
25 use another example. Some council inspector claims you violated some rule (and yes they are
26 eager to do so because they know that if you dispute it they will cancel your Digital ID) and so
27 here you are that the separation of powers is no more. Haven’t gotten a child injected with a
28 poisonous injection, well they can always cancel your Digital ID to make sure you will bring
29 your child, regardless that the child already may have been injected but they simply stuffed up
30 the recording. Remember the “No Jab, No Pay” unconstitutional system by the Federal
31 government? You will face a nightmare of issues that you better comply. For example they
32 recorded you purchased too much food and so suspend your Digital ID so you cannot buy
33 anything that will teach you to toe the line! Went on the internet to look up some political
34 website that the government may disagree with then well suspend your Digital ID. Went to a
35 religious building? Well they will teach you that this result in your Digital ID being suspended.
36 And this is why I am a constitutionalist, because I know how to fight them using the constitution
37 to reclaim my rights! Let me give you some examples.
39 We have a constitution that provides for “gold” and “silver” coins and as such the
40 Commonwealth cannot enforce any digital payment as you have a right to using cash!
42 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
44 115 States not to coin money
45 A State shall not coin money, nor make anything but gold and silver coin a legal tender in
46 payment of debts.
48 And consider this:
50 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
51 Australasian Convention)

9-4-2024 Page 12 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 What a charter of liberty is embraced within this Bill-of political liberty and religious
2 liberty-the liberty and the means to achieve all to which men in these days can reasonably
3 aspire. A charter of liberty is enshrined in this Constitution, which is also a charter of
4 peace-of peace, order, and good government for the whole of the peoples whom it will
5 embrace and unite.lived in Berriwillock they so to say looked down on me, they simply
6 never realised that I was researching constitutional issues and other legal matters
9 Clearly “political liberty and religious liberty-” are enshrined in the constitution and they cannot
10 use Digital ID to deny you to pursue your political and/or religious desires.
12 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
14 Mr. SYMON (South Australia).- We who are assembled in this Convention are about to
15 commit to the people of Australia a new charter of union and liberty; we are about to
16 commit this new Magna Charta for their acceptance and confirmation, and I can
17 conceive of nothing of greater magnitude in the whole history of the peoples of the
18 world than this question upon which we are about to invite the peoples of Australia to
19 vote. The Great Charter was wrung by the barons of England from a reluctant king. This
20 new charter is to be given by the people of Australia to themselves.
23 What we however have experienced with the “covid scam” politicians were not the least
24 interested in your constitutional, legal, human, natural and common law rights. You are on your
25 own brother that is if you are not now speaking up before it is too late.
26 I am well aware that when I as a single father caring for up to 5 of my youngest children and also
27 researching constitutional and other legal matters. As one opponent barrister state to the court
28 that in his view I knew more than any lawyer ever having appeared before the court. Reality is
29 that it is not how much you know but that you know what you need to know for each particular
30 case. When Optus demanded I take a photo of myself and email it to them I made clear that it
31 would violate my constitutional rights and so I would not do this. Optus then dropped their
32 demand. As the “covid scam” mandates proved even once own family members with turn
33 against you! Well, the Digital ID is already applied in China and family members punished for
34 what someone in the family did, even so they had nothing to do with it! And yes they do punish
35 family members who had nothi9ng to do with someone offending against the system!

38 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
40 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
41 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


43 (Our name is our motto!)
9-4-2024 Page 13 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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