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Esta foto de Autor desconocido se concede bajo licencia de CC BY-SA-NC.

For make a healer we
need aluminiun plates, steel plates ,
blue glases, for water
tanks, drawers and a oxygen mask

Esta foto de Autor desconocido se concede bajo licencia de CC BY-NC-ND.

What is it for?
The healer was made for heal all
of your damage and diseases or
patoloies, with the healer the life
expectancy is going to be highest
and the quality of life is going to
be better than now
The fuctioning of
the healer
The fuctioning of the healer in not
simple you need enter medicines
on the drawers, when the healer is
on teh medicines are going to be
disolve whith the water at a higth
presure creating a liquid that heals
you when you made contact whith
him and leaks inside the capsule
How use the healer?
Use the helaer is more simple than you can think, you only need enter
the medicines you need and ingnite the healer, when the liquid be
ready only enter in the healer and press the bottom inside of him whe
you press it teh liquid is going to leak inside the capsule teh oxygen
mask is going to apear and you only need use it and wait

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