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Experience sharing of grants recipients in university and in Taiwan (for use in
international student recruitment exhibitio
1. 中英文皆可
Both Chinese and English are acceptable.
2. 請務必於報到時完成電子檔繳交:
Please be sure to submit the ELECTRONIC file upon registration:
3. 至少上傳一張照片(JPEG、橫式照片)
At least one photo with a description (JPEG, horizontal)
4. 學生基本資料 student basic information
欄位名稱 Column 內容 content
姓名 Name 黃美玲
性別 Gender Male Female
國籍 Nationality 印尼
Current School in Taiwan
就讀學籍 Degree Level
Master Ph.D.
就讀科系 Current Program 音樂系

5. 學生分享內容
欄位名稱 Item 內容 content
經驗分享 This is my second year in Taiwan. It is
A few words about the an amazing opportunity to study in
student's general Taipei. At first I am afraid to come to
experiences about Taiwan and in school Taiwan. My chinese was very limited.
Now everything much better. I get a lot
of friends from school or outside school.
When I were a freshman it is really
difficult to catchup with the classes
because all classes are using chinese.
But now, I can catch up because my
chinese is improve and my classmates
really help me a lot during this 2 years. I
study a lot in University of Taipei . I
meet a lot of amazing teacher. Even

though I need to work really hard, but it

is worth it. During weekend or vacation,
I also go out and play. I went to
Taichung, Taoyuan, and many other
places in Taiwan. Taiwan also afford a
lot of scholarship. It help me a lot during
my study time. I also do part time job in
my free time. So I think Taiwan a great
place for students.

圖片上傳 Picture
請提供 jpg 或 png 檔,照片建議尺寸寬度
1200px ,高度 600px 不建議上傳直式照片

Cello Section of UT Orchestra in

National Concert Hall
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