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Have you ever read something complex and blamed yourself for not understanding
it? Fergal McGovern, CEO of VisibleThread, argues that it’s not your fault, particularly if
the subject is investing. He blames “turgid” and “dense” writing. He thinks that even
complex ideas can be expressed in natural, plain language.[i] Do you agree? If so, how can
writers do this? (L.O. 4)

Yes, scientific research, philosophy articles to history documents. Long and full of confusing
words. => I don't blame myself => I can search for the definition => However, at the same
time, I do think the authors can do better to convey their ideas to the general audience, who
are not on the same level of expertise as them.

And expressing complex ideas in natural, simple language is the key to make these ideas
accessible to a broader audience. Writing in plain language can sometimes be challenging
but it is possible … So, how can writers accomplish this ? I did a few research and here are
some practice that we could try

First and foremost, simplify jargon and technical language. Technical jargon can be
confusing and overwhelming, especially for those who don’t have the same technical
background as the writer. Simplifying technical language, writers can improve
comprehension, increase accuracy, and save time for their readers. To achieve this, writers
can replace complex words with simpler ones ( short and widely recognize), or provide
definitions and examples for each technical term used.

Another way to express complex ideas in plain language is to use analogies or metaphors.
Associating a difficult concept with something more familiar can make the idea less daunting
and more accessible. For example, a writer explaining the concept of a firewall on a
computer network may use the analogy of a security guard at the entrance of a building to
help readers understand the purpose of this protective technology. Another great method to
help illustrate complex ideas is to Use visual aids like diagrams and pictures. ( Like i did )

One way writers can express complex ideas in plain language is by breaking down the
information into smaller components. This approach involves dividing the information into
sections, simplifying the language, Use headings, subheadings and listing . By doing so,
writers can help their readers better understand complex ideas without becoming

By following these practices, writers can achieve clarity and convey their ideas in natural,
plain language accurately and make complex ideas more accessible to a wider range of
readers, I hope so..
2. Digital communication channels have overtaken face-to-face and voice-to-voice
communication in the workplace. How has this shift changed the fundamental process of
communication? (L.O. 1)

The shift to digital communication channels in the workplace has had a profound impact on
the fundamental process of communication.

1. Increased Efficiency: Digital communication has made it easier and faster to

communicate with others, especially if they are not in the same physical location.
Instant messaging, email, and video conferencing allow workers to communicate
without the need for travel or scheduling face-to-face meetings. This has made
workplace communication much more efficient and streamlined.
2. Greater Flexibility: Digital communication also allows for greater flexibility in terms
of work schedules and locations. Remote work has become more common, and
workers are able to communicate with others outside of traditional office hours. This
has allowed for greater work-life balance and more efficient use of time.
3. Loss of Non-Verbal Cues: One of the downsides of digital communication is the lack
of non-verbal cues. Body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions all play a
crucial role in face-to-face communication, but they can be lost or misinterpreted in
digital communication. This can make it more difficult to build trust and
understanding with colleagues or clients in the workplace.
4. Increased Misinterpretation: Without non-verbal cues, digital communication can
also lead to misinterpretation of messages and result in conflicts that could have
been avoided with face-to-face communication.

=> It is important to be mindful to use clear, concise language when communicating


These are just a few points to consider when discussing how the shift towards digital
communication in the workplace has brought forth transformations in the way people

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