Rotor Tuning Tips For Initial Program 412

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Rotor tuning tips for Initial Program 412_50

-Ideal track is + /- 20mm within +/- 2mm Max. @ idle & 100% FPG
-correct for max 2mm track change between idle & 100 FPG
-hover track within +/- 4mm of +/- 20mm
-initial program works on the track only @ idle, 100%fpg and hover
-initial program works lateral only @ 100%NR + 27%TQ

- significant phase angle change from ground to hover indicates product balance
correction required.
- significant track change between ground & hover (more than 6mm) also
indicates product balance correction needed.

-to correct track at 62% - edit adjustables to all off except pitch links
-to correct track at 100%fpg - edit adjustables all off except tabs
-to correct lateral at 100% NR & 27%TQ - turn everything off except hub weights.
-to correct for track change between 100% & hvr, turn everything off except
product balance
Note: track correction at 100% may affect track at idle. go back and redo
the idle to desired condition before continuing. Some back and forth may be

If significant improvements have not been made in 5-6 runs look for problems:
-check for loose drive link bearings, loose p/c link bearings, worn
swashplate gimble bearings & bushings, collective lever eccentrics
- good spherical bearings can have .007 radial & .015 axial play.
- If all bearings are worn loose it could all add up to allot of play making
rotor tuning difficult if not impossible.
- check for bad rubber in m/r hub
- check mast bolt retorque after each run until no movement is observed.
A loose hub will mess with you.
- check pendulum absorbers for smoothness & grease. Check for bearing
wear / looseness in plane

General info on adjustments:

Note: track adjustments vary from a/c to a/c due to variable condition of
blades, tabs, bearings and elastomers.

Rolling or tabbing a blade down has approximately the same effect on lateral
1/rev on the ground and in hover as adding hub weight to the same colored yoke.
Conversely rolling or tabbing a blade up has the same effect on lateral 1/rev as
removing hub weight from the same colored yoke.

Role out track using pitch link only at 62% prior to going to 100%NR
Tab out the track (use mid & outbrd tabs) at 100% before adjusting hub weight
for lateral at 100%NR +27 %TQ

Use mid tab to supplement outboard tabs. Try to keep tab settings to 3 or 4
degrees. High settings (6 or 7) deg. tend to washout.
At 120KIAS role out fine track adjustments using PC links

The following numbers are approximate:

Pitch Links:
-Barrel: 62%fpg 1 flat = 1.5mm
100%fpg 1 flat = 2mm
100%fpg 1/2 turn = 3 flats
120kias 1 flat = 4mm

upper rod end 1/2 turn = 12 flats

1 turn = 3% auto rpm

lower rod end 1/2 turn = 8.5 flats

1 turn = 2% auto rpm

Otbd. & mid Tabs

62%fpg 1 deg = 0.04mm
100%fpg 1 deg = 4mm
120KIAS 1 deg = 15mm
max setting 7 deg. + /-

Inbrd Tabs Used primarily to correct for vertical in letdown

max setting 15 deg +/-

Product Balance:
Product balance moves are made to both leading & trailing edge pockets .
Remove or add weight to trailing edge is accompanied by a lesser and opposite
correction in the leading edge pocket. This is done to maintain blade balance.
Trailing edge pocket weight changes adjust track characteristics of blade
-1/2 weight move = 4 -5 mm track correction between ground & hover
- a 1 weight move will affect lateral 1/rev by about .5 IPS.

Ratios: trailing edge to leading edge weight = 1 to 0.85

-Leading edge pocket weight corrections can be made for emergency

purposes to correct span wise balance of blade pair if hub weights are not
-one –056 weight is aprox = to 11 hub weights

It takes about 9 grams at the hub weight mount arm to offset 1 gram at the
trailing edge product balance pocket
It takes about 10.5 grams at the hub weight arm to offset 1 gram at the
leading edge product balance pocket.

Hub Weights:
adjusting of hub weights can have a significant effect on track at 100%NR.
adding hub weight to a blade will cause that blade, and to a lesser degree
the blade leading it, to climb.

Balancing excessive lateral 1/per rev at idle and higher rpms which cannot be
balanced with available hub weight provisions.
Likely Source: main rotor blade unbalance

If lateral accelerometer is in reversed position it will ask for increasing
weight on the wrong blade following each correction.

Corrective actions:

-check RADS installation for correctness

- ensure droop restraints are not hanging up - rig per MM. or remove arms
and operate a/c without them for maintenance tests only.
- restore m/r blade product balance load in each pocket to standard load
configuration. Adjust product balance according to RADS Initial Program
- if resetting product balance does not fix the balance problem, check
lateral 1/rev phase angle at idle. 245 deg. Blue blade is heavy, 135 deg.
Orange blade is heavy, 45 deg. Red blade is heavy, 315 deg. Green blade
is heavy.
- remove suspect blade for reweighing / rebalancing against master
- replace suspect blade with another


In an emergency if replacement blades are not available, it is possible to adjust

the product balance weights to balance the pair of blades in the rotor. This
however will limit the ability to product balance the rotor in flight. To balance a
pair of blades using product balance weights, add a -056 weight to the leading
edge pocket of the light blade (or remove one from the heavy blade).
One -056 weight is approximately equal to 11 hub weights.


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