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Eunice Montiel
José Jiménez
José Correa
Sebastián Reyes
Hoibis González
◦ Task-based language teaching (TBLT) focuses on the use of tasks as the central axis of
planning and instruction for the development of language teaching.

◦ One of its defenders (Willis 1996) presents it as a logical development of

communicative language teaching.
◦ According to (Skehan 1996 and Nunan 1988) the communicative task is part of the
work in the classroom.

◦ Involves students in understanding, production or interaction in the language, while

their attention is focused on meaning.
◦ “Task-Based Learning” has been defined in school context as:

◦ 1. Things that students do in everyday life.

◦ 2. A goal-oriented activity.

◦ 3. A completed work plan that can be evaluated.

Other important insights:
◦ Task-Based Learning focuses on students’ natural abilities to acquire language, through
the completion of task to obtain knowledge.

◦ 1. A needs-based approach to content selection.

◦ 2. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction.

◦ 3. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.

◦ Task title: “Plan a Dream Vacation”

◦ Research: Students are divided into groups and each group is given a different
destination (Paris, Tokyo, New York). They must research in their destination attractions,
accommodations, and cultural Traditions.

◦ Presentation: After the research, the teacher and the others partnership ask questions
about that and the group answer those questions, using images and other materials.
Types of Tasks for TBL
◦ Listing/Brainstorming
◦ Ordering and sorting
◦ Matching
◦ Comparing
◦ Problem solving
◦ Story telling
Classification according to the type
of interaction:
◦ Face-to-face interaction. Teacher-Student interaction.
Classification according to the type
of interaction:
◦ Individual interaction. Online interaction.
Students Teachers Materials

◦ Group participant Preparing Learners for Tasks Instructional materials

◦ Monitor Consciousness Raising Newspapers , TV and Internet

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