The Key To Super Consciousness Chapter 1

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The Key to Superconsciousness by Arkady Petrov


History has preserved for us a few cases of spontaneous opening of the "biocomputer." Socrates had the gift of foresight, and explained his unusual abilities by being daymoniona [internal spirit] demigods, who appeared in it and told him what to do. Socrates argued that daymoniona were never wrong in their forecasts. Pythagoras, Plato, Heraclitus - in the ancient world; Albert the Great, Dante, Paracelsus, Joan of Arc, Descartes - in the Middle Ages; Wilhelm Leibniz, Sir Isaac Newton, Emanuel Swedenborg, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Franz Anton Mesmer during the Enlightenment; - they all enjoyed the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the most phenomenal worlds that modern science has denied, only on the basis that so far has failed to develop reliable tools for studying such phenomena. But this is a problem of science itself, but not for those who are already using them, who open up the possibility of them. Primitive dogmatic denial did not reach them. Moreover, history teaches that the movement of science going forward at a time when scientists deliberately and consistently turned to the "wrong events". Here's how a scientist works: Scroll through your entries, and make sure that the formulas of modern science are much stronger than the voice of the exceptions, not what was observed. The great Carl Jung warned that the very rationality of common sense may be the worst prejudices, as we call reasonable whatever we think. Mendeleev saw his famous "Periodic Table" in a dream, as something given to him, and only then began to look for patterns that connect the chemical elements in a single system, by his arbitrarily opened bio-computer. That is, first he got the knowledge and only later began to pick up his explanation. Outsiders perceive it as a miracle. But any member of the Academy of Human Development understands it as a mechanism for obtaining knowledge through the information field. The phenomenon of Juna, Kulagina, Kuleshov, Vanga, Uri Geller, the Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Zhang Boosh, Yan Xin, and even Copperfield, who pretends to be carefully magician, is also directly related to the opening and operation biocomputer. The only pity is that each of them independently, as if the touch, had to go the way of knowledge of the laws of this unique mechanism of interaction with other domains. After all, what Wang did over the years, such as radar vision, you can get at the Academy of Bronnikov just two or three months. And you can learn to use his new gift to treat yourself and others. Today in my family there is no surprise in this request: "My daughter, vision inside me, look what I have there with the throat, what is it?" The normal situation, treatment using bio-energy. In fifteen minutes you can drive away a cold, for a day or two to cure a sore throat without any medication. It's not whether the most famous psychics did not explain the mechanism of the treatment process and by letting in a mystical mist? A year ago, I began to study the phenomenon of Bronnikov, and I had no idea that this case involved in almost all his relatives, friends and colleagues. Many of them, especially in those who did not interfere with age or lack of time, specialists of the Academy which opened the promised capabilities. But even those who have not reached the best possible result, were still able to very significantly improve their health. But recently I was one of the fiercest opponents of ESP. I remember the first class, where I

struggled to contain my skepticism. Instructors explained to us that during the energy exercises we are working with a plasma. Rubbing his hands, we call the blood flow to the palms and thereby create an electric field, in which both would stretch in different directions ionized atoms and electrons, forcing them to move first to the cathode (negative electrode) and the second to the anode (positive electrode). By following these simple requirements, I felt like the kid in kindergarten. But later I got caught with a hand research materials, which were held in the biochemical laboratory Hill College (Buffalo, NY). And I no longer feel like a baby. The experiments involved a well-known psychic Esterbani Oscar - an American of Hungarian origin. Biochemist Dzhasta Smith specializes in enzymes - large protein molecules, catalysts that speed up the biochemical reactions. Finding that the processing enzymes increase their reactivity in a strong magnetic field, it is interesting that they do not imitate the effect of Esterbani's hands. The experiment consisted in Esterbani held a test tube with the enzyme in it while every fifteen minutes the assistants check the level of chemical activity with an infrared spectrophotometer. They found that the enzyme behaved as if they were placed in a magnetic field of about 13 000 gauss. This is the twenty-six thousand times greater than Earth's magnetic field, but the magnetometer measurements did not reveal at the hands around Esterbani any anomalous magnetic field. In another experiment with Esterbani measured the level of hemoglobin in the blood of patients he had treated by the method of attachment arms. During the six-day period, the hemoglobin level in patients increased by an average of 1.2 grams per 100 cubic centimeters of blood. In patients not using the services of a psychic, hemoglobin levels did not increase. A study in the future examination of water treated by Esterbani, found that there are clear differences between the spectrophotometric between it and from water which was not processed. This effect was independently reported by several laboratories. The situation is compounded by the fact that water molecules are treated by psychic influence were slightly ionized. It can not be called anything but a call to physics. Indeed, the transformation of atoms and molecules into ions requires considerable energy. But what is this mysterious force that is capable of catalyzing subatomic interactions? However, if we assume that the radiated energy is capable of psychic due to intra-atomic interactions created by an external electric field, it may well be further explained by the known physics of the phenomena. According to plasma physics, in such an external field exceeding the electric field in a microvolume of the human body caused accelerated electron and ion and the collision with the atoms themselves act as ionizers, forming a new charged particles in its path. Thus as a rule, where a person has some physical pathology, creating an avalanche of charge carriers easily dissolves it. In this way the healing process begins. Unexpected theoretical support from an area of science which seems so far away, like geology, has been received by perceptions of microplasmas and related psychic effects. Others, like Vernadsky and Dokuchaev, exploring the mechanisms of crustal evolution and non-living matter into living beings,

identified geologic processes (the so-called bio-energy potential of the Earth) as a major factor. Later it was found that high-energy plasma, which is formed in zones of active faults in the earth's crust, create a powerful charge, which is necessary for the conception of quartz crystals of organic structures. By their physical characteristics geoplasmic energy corresponds to gamma radiation; therefore it can lead core elements to an excited state. Solar proton flux promotes the formation of a neutral shell around the framework structure (human skeleton). And there are no limits to plasma penetration, as its potential exceeds all high-density rigid structures. This was written in his book "The key to the mysteries of energy" (Kiev, 1996), Doctor of Geological Sciences and Minerology, Yuri V. Kononov. In it, he has convincingly shown the fantastic nature of turning energy into matter, how it works. In the light of new evidence, this becomes highly probable. I think a very important conclusion about the information through the organization of the biosphere geoplasmic processes. It seems that through this mechanism by the nucleation and the introduction of consciousness and life insights, and ideas that we then materialize in our level of Being. Now I would like to tell about personal experiences of interaction with one of the hierarchical levels of planetary living system which in this world is subject to ratios; this usually remains out of reach for most people not engaged in extrasensory perception. Even Leonardo da Vinci noted that the processes in nature differ geometrically from the processes of inanimate nature by the fact that the morphology of growth and the growth of defined functions in nature are self-similar models, the coefficient of similarity harmonically consistent with the golden section, which is expressed mathematically by Fibonacci numbers. The famous golden section ratio (y = 1.6180398) literally permeates all of nature. For example, the ratio of distances between the planets of our solar system to the distance from the Sun to Pluto cover seven octaves, as in a musical composition. Striking association of musical scale and location of the planets is explained by the law of harmony. Thanks to the golden section proportions, the male and female body appear in their rhythmic mutually conditioning. Interestingly, the ratio of "male" modular space to the "feminine" subject to the modular space ratio by a factor of 1.059, which fully corresponds to the ratio of births of boys and girls. Moreover, the ripple of the geometric elements of proportions equal to biorhythmic intervals of male and female body. "Neurons in the brain interact with each other using electrical signals of low frequency. Different states of the human brain correspond to the five frequency bands. The brain, like a self-adjusting electronic system, generates oscillations of different frequencies according to the different work being done. It turns out that the invariants (quantities that remain unchanged when various transformations) of all the biorhythms of the human brain are associated with the coefficient of y (Golden Ratio) basic algebraic calculations, the physical meaning of which is difficult to explain. With the value of y, we have already met on several occasions, it is now manifested in the brain, but in a new way - to describe mental activity of man - the greatest mysteries of the universe. This is hardly an accident - rather a manifestation of a more general, yet remained an enigma laws, acting as a micro-and macro-in. " Yu Safonov, "Novels of the golden section and Fibonacci numbers." M "1998. Why did I bring up this long quotation? The fact is that during practical exercises at the Academy,

when we go to contacts with other measurements, I repeatedly got into the mysterious world of the bizarre, like a factory or space of ideas. Unusual space in which constantly formed in the clear geometric shapes structured in a highly motile environment. Countless transformation gave rise to surrounding diamonds, spheres, cones, cylinders, cubes, trapezoids, hemisphere, complex structures, tetrahedra, pyramids, icosahedra, dodecahedra. The figures immediately radiated the delicate solar ocher, the harsh metallic mercury, the piercing blue, and carried away in obedience to the complex, but well-defined rhythm. All very nice, clear, vigorous changes in infinite space. Everything is permeated with powerful, mathematically precise pulse of life. I do not want to say that it's better than our world. Simply, it is quite another world, the world of mathematics, the exact form of a series of infinite geometric transformations, pulses, vibrations. In this space, where there is no heaven and earth, it was as if I was standing, leaning on nothing. And every high-speed interaction of many geometric avatars carefully skirted my obviously unintended presence here. Suddenly, as if torn from some paintings of Salvador Dali, from an infinity of uneven but obviously meaningful zigzags three dazzling white ball rushed out. They dragged over red elastic tubes, sensitively vibrated powerful as if quickened by life for some unknown reason. Stopping in front of me as if they are studying, threatened my uninvited presence here, and, once reassured, again were dragged away by their endless tube into eternity. Balls apparently served the function of guards and the fact that they showed no hostility, requires analysis. Suddenly, in front of me opened up one of the pyramids. The walls just fell off the side four flat triangles. Opening device, which constantly had something jumping out from the inside and disappearing again - wheels, cylinders, spheres, a Mobius strip, a strange little hammers, levers and counterweights. All this is performed silently and purposefully, an unknown work around a translucent prism. I was in such a space twice. Moreover, the second time I had seen in addition to that, as I said, a very strange motionless flat watch, on which all sides were glowing, drawn like a colorful web of filaments which they entangled themselves around. At the same time I was not able to sleep and maintain constant voice contact with the instructor. This geometrized space is not only which you can get into. There are thousands of different ones, worth of every secret of the universe. The problem is that the facts reported by people who have been in some other dimensions, are difficult to measure and study. Psychologists generally classify such stories as internal macroscopic hallucinations that often accompany infectious disease, brain damage, alcoholism, drug addiction, epilepsy. But in this case the facts are clearly beyond the scope of being explained as subjective illusions or hallucinations. Clarity can only experimental studies whose results can anticipate and repeated if necessary. I have such a possibility was Andrew Galinsky, - a young fellow of the Academy and one of the best psychics - also repeatedly found himself in a strange shape-generating space, of which I spoke. His observations coincided with mine - a world where the geometry is created, and architecture. Another friend of mine, Boris Orlov, had three visits in the intensive care unit because of his gastric ulcer. Although he was not psychic, he saw the same picture in a state between life and death. It seems that knowledge about this strange dimension has resulted in the time of Plato to the belief that the world of ideas is just as real as the world of objects - and even more real. "Objects, Plato argued are only shadows of ideas."

Very possibly, Plato was right in asserting that our reality is in some sense, hallucinatory in nature. But banging your head against the wall does not make you feel its authenticity. Once nature has created our world, then for some reason he needed her. And in this world an illusion of life is equivalent to life, and the illusion of death - death, and nothing can change, it will not work. The Bible says that man is created in the image and likeness of God. But do not rush to the mirror to see the divine counterpart. You do not see the vision, but a strange construction of the meat and bones. I think it is clear that you reflected in a mirror-like surface, are not a likeness of the person who creates the worlds. Also, the computer is not a likeness of a person or vehicle in which you move through space. Yet in these mechanisms actually have something on the person, and this is something called an idea, concept. It has not been materialized before the hand touched Kuhlman, to draw blueprints for future machines. Analogy can be extended in any direction. Carl Gustav Jung - one of those who came closest to understanding what a person is not a random phenomenon of the universe, - asserted if there is a certain immaterial world, the semantic field. "In this field there are ideas, thoughts, knowledge of the past-present-future. This field is informational and spiritual. This field does not obey the laws of space-time, that is, it exists beyond time and space. It is associated with the material world through the psyche. Psyche already exists in the material body, partly fused with the semantic field through the unconscious. " Jung KG "Synchronicity." Refl-book. Waller, 1997, sec. 7. In other words, consciousness - the offspring of an intangible space in the material and causal world, and the semantic field - is a projection of the universe. We, indeed, an integral part of the Creator, whoever or whatever he was. It is not known just what he is. Maybe - its a dream, perhaps - his breath or a toy, which he amuses himself? Who knows? But one thing is clear, everyone has a problem, his or her own role. And all of us bear the Unknown flow of cause and effect relationships of a new, really builds it with us. And we are free to do everything that we please in that kind thread, - go mad or gain, or yearn to enjoy life, to love or hate. The world will be for the time being (until the unconscious counterclaims) as we will make it. Just do not forget that unlike us - God has a lot of days. He can afford to make and remake, seeking their own, only he driven excellence. As for us, people only get one chance to become a co-creator of the universe, but not weakwilled extras - to know yourself. For. as the ancients said: know yourself - know the world. Therefore: First, it should be carefully studied and the main causative factors are the resultingforces that make the method of Bronnikov repeatable reliably replicated. Secondly, clearly identify a well-defined direction, causation which already has support for quite credible scientific research. Third, we must find out how Bronnikov pupils have come into contact with which spaces and active intelligent systems. Is it always helpful it is to come into contact? Is it always safe? After getting into the car without driving skills, we also run the risk that even though conditions may be good - the car itself, weather, highway - no accident would be a miracle. An important question is - can each and every person develop psychic capabilities? Indeed, the frequency of the phenomenon turns out to be a strong argument in favor of the argument that what we are dealing with is not an exceptional experimental situation, but is regular, with a verifiable method. It is essential that the mass of subjective interpretations should be severely tested by scientific practice. It is still regarded as an unacceptable anomaly until it effectively and reliably works in our lives.

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