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Criterion D - Fireworks

Óscar Carbonell Tena - 5th PAI C

Picture of pyrotechnics

1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 3
2. What is pyrotechnics?....................................................................................................... 3
3. Pros and cons of fireworks............................................................................................... 4
4. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................5
5. Bibliography....................................................................................................................... 5

Fireworks have been a form of entertainment which has surprised people since they exist. It
is known that this amazing show has existed since ancient China, so approximately 2000
years ago. The Chinese started using some elements as sulfur charcoal and potassium
nitrate, to make explosions in mysticals or religious events, however also used as
entertainment. Later on, some other countries such as Japan or India, started trading
through the Silk Road. They made their arrival to Europe during the Middle Ages, and were
used with military purposes such as signalling and weapons. As the years passed this
amazing show was started to use in celebrations like weddings or coronation ceremonies.
Throughout history fireworks have evolved from tiny explosive mixtures to complex dazzling
displays of pyrotechnic artistry, however they have also polluted because of the remains they
leave in nature. The purpose of this text is to explain fireworks as well as to explain the
different types of fireworks and the different economic, social and environmental pros and

2.What is pyrotechnics?
In this paragraph we’re going to see how fireworks function, before that we need to know
what are the parts of a fireworks. The first part of the firework is the fuse, the fuse is a little
string you light to start the firework. The fuse carries the heat to activate the lift charge,
which will launch the firework and is made of black powder. The black powder is made of
75% potassium nitrate (saltpetre), 15% charcoal and 10% sulphur. This powder is connected
to the shell, which is the lower part of the firework. When the heat reaches the black powder,
it starts to create hot gases and lots of energy, and will launch only the shell out of the tube,
which is called mortar. Once the shell is in the sky, another fuse has been lighted by the
black powder. This fuse will measure the time when the fireworks explode in the sky, and it is

called a timed fuse. However before explaining how it explodes, it is necessary to know what
is inside of the shell. The shell contains the burst charge, this burst charge is formed by little
pellets called stars. Once the timed fused reaches the inner part of the shell, the firework will
explode causing a beautiful show of colourful explosions. Also you can change colour or the
type of explosion depending on the type, amount and size of the stars you put inside the
shell. Some stars contain metal salts which help to create beautiful bright colours in the sky,
while others use different chemical compounds in order to create effects such as sparkling or
strobing. As we saw in the practice some metal salts create a special colour, such as LiCl
red or NaCl orange. For example, bismuth creates a crackling or popping effect meanwhile
potassium chlorate accomplishes a louder sound. Other types of fireworks are tightly put
together in a small tube and create a whistling sound. Down here I have picked a photo of
the anatomy of the firework.

Picture of the anatomy of a firework

3.Pros and cons of fireworks

Fireworks are a great form of entertainment, however this show has positive and negative
aspects. In first place, we are going to analyse the positive consequences of fireworks.
Firstly we have the economic positive consequences. One of these positive effects is the
creation of jobs. Like any other product, it needs some jobs like manufacturing, sales and
organisation, or even some artists are dedicated to create shows with this product. The job
creation is likely to be in seasons or festivals which use fireworks, so it creates temporary
and seasonal employment. Another field in which it creates positive effects is in a social
aspect. Pyrotechny creates a wonderful atmosphere, which makes the party enjoyable and
provides a mood of wonder and excitement.
Secondly, we have the negative effects of fireworks. The economic negative consequences
are that fireworks displays can be expensive. Using these products mean you have to

purchase them, ensure safety measures, obtain permits and licences, and manage logistical
aspects. Also fireworks are a delicate product and mean you need qualified personnel to
transport them, prepare them and light them. An important problem when including fireworks
is that the budget usually overruns, as you have to hire people and the transport of
pyrotechnics is usually more expensive, so this might waste a lot of money that you could
invest in other decorations or shows for the party. We also have some negative social
effects. The first social disadvantage is disruptions to the health and wellbeing of individuals.
The noise of fireworks and the pollution on the air that generates can disrupt the health and
wellbeing of humans. Stress, discomfort and hearing damage can be some consequences
that individuals might suffer, and will be even more discomfortable for people with sensible
senses of hearing and sight. The released products from fireworks which pollute the air, can
lead to respiratory problems. These problems can also be applied for wildlife, where loud
noises and the flashing lights could disturb animals routines and disorientation. These can
end in problems for local ecosystems and people who live near them. Accidents are also an
important part of pyrotechny consequences. Even though protocols exist to avoid these
kinds of problems, there is always a chance that something goes wrong and ends up hurting
someone. Finally a negative environmental effect. The manufacture of fireworks uses natural
resources, including metals and chemicals. The waste of the fireworks can also end up
degrading the environment.

4. Conclusion
In conclusion, fireworks are a world wide form of entertainment and make people happy all
around the world since they first existed in ancient China. This form of entertainment is a mix
of positive and negative aspects, however they are evolving to a more ecofriendly world and
people around the world still have the same passion and excitement as if it was the first time
they had saw this magical and lighting show.

5. Bibliography

Rull, E. M. (2022, 11 marzo). ¿Adiós a las fallas? la contaminación que hay detrás
de los fuegos artificiales.


The science of fireworks. (s. f.).
20of%20the%20shell (s. f.). ChatGPT. ChatGPT. Recuperado 21 de octubre de 2023, de


Golero. (s. f.). Silhouettes of human crowd cheering in front of vibrant firework. . . iStock.

The science of fireworks. (s. f.-b).


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