Divine Domain - Hedonism V2

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Art by
by Mr.Kasuy

Divine Domain:

he Hedonism domain focuses on one thing and
one thing only; having a good time. They do
what they think feels good, and want others to
join them in this pleasure filled group with no
concern what others might think. You want to
party all night long? Go ahead. You and that
lady satyr want to head into the forest to do
who knows what? More power to you. Deities of this domain
reward their followers for indulging themselves and helping
others find liberation in pleasure. Deities of this domain
include Sune, Lliira, Sharess, Freyr, Hedone, Dionysus, and
Domain Spells
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the
Hedonism Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class
feature in the Player’s Handbook for how domain spells work.
Hedonism Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st charm person, goodberry
3rd alter self, suggestion
Channel Divinity:
Indulgent Presence
5th haste, hypnotic pattern
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to have people enjoy the
7th charm monster, compulsion party more or punish those who try to kill the vibe. You can
9th dominate person, dispel evil and good approach a group of creatures, and can expend a use of your
Channel Divinity as an action to convince them to partake in
Cloak of Confidence festivities.
Choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you that
At 1st level, your carefree lifestyle and strong confidence are not constructs or undead of your choice equal to your
materializes into an incorporeal cloak that allows you to Wisdom modifier to make a Wisdom saving throw, with
freely sidestep incoming attacks. While you are wearing no advantage if they are hostile to you. On a failure, the creature
armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your is charmed by you for 10 minutes or until you or your
Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier. companions do anything harmful to it, during which it views
Additionally, while you are concious you gain a bonus to all creatures as beloved friends. If the creature was originally
your Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma (Performance) hostile, the creature becomes intoxicated and suffers
checks equal to your Wisdom modifier. disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute,
or until it succeeds on another Wisdom saving throw at the
Invigorating Nectar end of it's turn.
At 2nd level, you can conjure a vial of ambrosia-like substance
that invigorates whoever drinks it. As a bonus action, you can
create a vial of drinkable fluid that you can give to a creature Author's Note to the DMs
within 5 feet of you. A creature with a vial can use it's bonus Although this ability doesn't explicitly grant the
action to gain the following benefits: cleric and/or their party any benefit in interacting
• A creature gains 1d12 + your Wisdom modifier in with allies of affected humanoids, it's encouraged
temporary hit points. that those allies should be less hostile to the cleric
• A creature as either one disease or one condition and anyone partaking in the revelry while it is
afflicting it ended. The condition can be blinded, deafened, or ongoing. Nobody wants to kill their vibe, and
poisoned. honestly? They're not too threatening while they're
You can only create one vial at a time. You can use this singing and dancing and drinking anyway. No need
feature an amount of times equal to your proficiency bonus to start a fight with the drunkards.
per long rest.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Art by
by Amber
Amber Harris

Channel Divinity: Party Foul

At 6th level, if someone is truly killing the good vibes you can
give them nice shove out of the party and this dimension. As a
reaction when a creature damages or inflicts a condition on
an allied creature within 15 feet of you, you can use your
Channel Divinity to have them make a Charisma saving
throw, banishing them until the end of your turn on a failure
(as in the banishment spell, no concentration required), no
banishing if they succeed. At the end of the banished
creature's turn they can repeat this saving throw to return.
Potent Spellcasting
At 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage
you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Avatar of Hedonism
At 17th level, no one can keep from having fun while you are
around. When you make a Charisma ability check you can
treat any roll on a 9 or lower as a 10.
Additionally, any creature has disadvantage against being
charmed by you. If the creature has a CR lower than your
cleric level and has immunity to the charmed condition, you
can ignore its immunity and it can make its saving throws
with advantage instead.

Created by Hicks Homebrew

Edited by the wonderful people of the Discord of
Many Things server.
Art by Mr.Kasuy and Amber Harris.

Author's Note: Non-Sexual

Because of the flavor of the subclass, some may
think that this subclass is only for romantic or
sexual characters to pick up and play. That is not
true, and is isn't meant for characters who want to
have fun, of any kind.
Also, just rule of thumb as a player and DM,
please check with your DM and table if they are
okay with these kinds of things before deciding to
do anything. Some people are not as keen on
playing romance out in their games, and the core
rule of Dungeons and Dragons is to make sure
everyone is having fun.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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