Amendment Essay

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8th amendment

8th amendment prohibits the use of cruel and unusual punishment.In other words this
amendment protects people from brutal and unneccessary penalty.I think to be executed to death as a
penalty is a direct voilation of this amendment and irrevocable action.

In other words, this amendment should protect american civils from brutal and cruel
punishment.Initially this amendment was adopted in 1971.But the first point to access the 8 th
amendment is it’s the rich history.”In 1700s years before Bill of rights was created,judges would issue
unfair punishments to those conficted if the judge advised the prosecutor. Furthermore, there was a
one man, Titus Oates had lied to judge about his crimes and blame the crime on other people.He was
responsible for killing thirty five civils and managed to avoid punishment through his
lies.”(Britannica T)

Also death penalty is unconstitutional and obvious violation of 8 th amendment because there
are other better ways to punish those rather than killing.The death penalty doesn’t solve the crime or
fix the problems caused by the crime and teach anyone a lesson.”Returning violence for violence
multiplies violence,adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.”-Martin Luther king as
this quote saying killing is not the only one option.In my opinion there are alternative ways to punish
criminals such as work hard in programs,or go into prison.Execution would onlu promote a inhumane
society which killing is considered okay.

Another reason we should stop the capital punishment is If court misuse its power and kill
person who is somehow innocent.Try to imagine yourself being convicted of a crime you did not
commit and eve worse id you being told you would die for that.This nightmare is actually a reality for
someone .On october 23 ,1989, innocent man Willie Bennet was convicted of a crime he did
not.Several reasons exist.First, Bennet had a previous arrest record and seemed to fit the description
of the killer.Second, the police was under pressure to solve a crim.Finally, above all public was found
the Bennet plausible target for Mrs.Stuart’s death.(Baird and Rosenbaum 97).Cases like this one lead
to innocent men found guilty with the potetial of being put on death row.”Between 1972 and 1996, 68
death row inmates were released because proof of their innocence was found.”(Acker,Bohm,and
Lanier 232).

I strongly believe that every human being put on earth for a reason,and no individual and court
or state has the right to take away a life.Nothing good comes of hate and nothing good can ever come
of capital punishment.


Acker,J.Bohm R.Lanier Capital punishment (2003) “Capital Punishment”

Britannica editor J.Wallenfeldt ( 2023)” Titus Oates”


R.Baird,S.E.Rosenbaum (2001) “ The Ethics of abortion ” Accessed 13 March 2024

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