Vodafone Agreement

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INDIA NON JUDICIAL Government of N nal Capital Territory of Delhi e-Stamp : IN-DL61164961346231P Certificate Issued Date : Ol-July-2023 04:35 PM ‘Account Reference + IMPACG (IV)/ I752103/ DELHV DL-OLH Unique Dec. Reference : SUBIN-DLDL75210325260572204757P Purchased by : VODAFONE KYC FORM Description of Document 2 Article 5 General Agreement Property Description NA Consideration Price (Rs.) 10 (Zero) First Party : VODAFONE KYC FORM Second Party : OTHERS Stamp Duty Paid By : VODAFONE KYC FORM 5 Stamp Duty Amount(Rs,) : 200 y (Two Hundred only) Please write or type below this line.. “gna «/ Bhat) s/ OTARS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING / 0.BIR epee Smee Trpry oa ‘This MOU is made on \ rae Ceo OQ; LQ x s Zoe Through their duly authorized representative, vodafone kyc form Hereinafter referred to as First Party, Ht ere cee pga tr eed SPSL de ty Soe eae el lg inlswomontAsa FIRST PARTY Mis S through their duly authorized representative Managing, (As a SECOND PARTY) Successors, WHEREAS ‘A. The First Party is engaged in the business of outsourcing Information Technology services including data entry, Back Office operations. 'B. The Second Party is engaged in the business of providing all IT enabled services and has the necessary expertise, requisite skills, infrastructure and quality control systems required to provide such services with accuracy and skill. C. The First Party is desirous of procuring certain services from the Second Party; the service shall include form filling of data into software provided by the company. NOW THIS MOU WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1. RULES OF INTERPRETATION 1.1. Unless otherwise provided, references to a specified Clause or Annexure shall be construed as a reference to the specified Clause or Annexure of this MOU. |.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words denoting gender shall include both the genders. 1.3 All references to the number of days mean calendar days, unless expressly indicated otherwise. 1.4 Any reference to a time limit in this MOU shall mean a time limit set out in the relevant Clause or such other time limit, which may be agreed mutually in writing by the Parties. 1.5 In this MOU, the headings are inserted for ease of reference only and shall not be used to limit or restrict any of the provisions of this MOU. 2. Summary DELHI Regn to-t0855 xpiry Date 7191 >, 1918/2024 Y O; Z or wD This project aims at reducing costs ofthe publishing houses and firms. The project involves form processing into the software. Scanned images shall be available by the medium of Compact Disks and these shall have to be filled in to software, according to given specifications. All work to-besdane in ENGLISH LANGUAGE only OtAR ER 3. Duration * 5. BIR ett This isan I! months contract. * gagn os Soon ost 4. SCOPE OF SERVICES 2 mS 4.1, the Second Party agrees to carry cut frm processing into the sofware. The First Party shall pros Veiga in PDF format thu Compact Disks monty. The Second Party shall conven the FOF deere ee provided bythe company, rough daa eny. +42. The Second Party agrees to provide services as specified in this Clause2, only in accordance with the detailed Technical Guidelines and specifications. This Second Party agrees to conform to the technical guidelines and specifications given by the First Party. Any change in Technical Guidelines and Technical Specifications from time 10 time shall be notified by the First Party tothe Second Party which shall be deemed to be accepted only when the First Party signs a copy ofthe same. Any violation or non-performance of these specifications or Technical Guidelines will tantamount to termination of this MOU and forfeiting of Business Procurement Fees, which is paid by the Second Party to the First Party. For the sake of clarity of any doubt, the termination shall not take place unless the First Party gives a notice to the Second Party to non-performance, the MOU shall stand terminated and the Business Procurement Fees shall be forfeited in fall 43. The First Party agrees to provide validation formats / process documents and other necessary information required for the documents to be processed by the Second Party atthe time of commencement of services. 44 The First Party shall make available PDF documents to the Second Party by Compact Disks on monthly bass. ‘The Second Party agrees to complete the assignment and return the same to the First Party within TAT from the time; the assignment is made available and / or downloaded by the Second Party.During the term of this MOU the First party agrees to provide a maximum of 1000 forms for I seat for 15 Calendar days in a month, The volume of assignment of services that would determine the number of seats authorized by the First Party to the Second Party Will be given to the second party.In order to ensure satisfactory performance on a timely and cost-effective basis, both parties agree to work in total cooperation and confidentiality and the Second Party agrees to provide its services to the First Party in a manner that meets or exceeds the applicable quantitative levels (“Accuracy Levels”) of Performance as are set forth by the First party.During the term of this MOU the First Party agrees to provide Minimum of 1000 forms for 1 seat for 15 Calendar days in a month. The volume of assignment of serviees that would determine the number of seats authorized by the First Party to the Second Party will be given to the Second Party. 5. CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT TERMS, In consideration of the se ' provided by the Second Party, the First Party agrees to pay Rs. Accuracy parameter’s :- DELHI Rogn. No-t065s Expiry Date 1 , 1982024" or wy 97.1 % to 100 % :- 9.50 (Rupees NINE POINT FIVE ZERO only) for every from. 93 % to 97 % :- 6.00 ( Rupees SIX ) for every form. 89 % to 93 %:- 3.50 (Rupees THREE POINT FIVE ZERO only ) for every form. 85 % to 89 % :- 1.75 (Rupees ONE POINT SEVEN FIVE only ) for every form, 81 % to 85 % :- 0.85 ( Rupees ZERO POINT EIGHT FIVE only ) for every form, 81 % or Below :- No Payment No Work. SECOND PARTY HAS TO COMPLETE MINIMUM 1000 FORMS IN 15 days, ALL FIELDS IN ONLINE FORM MANDATORY. DO NOTE USE ANY SHORT CUT KEY AND COPY PASTE IN INLINE FORM WIPE SECOND PARTY DOES NOT COMPLETE THE WORK OF FIRST WEEK , THEN THE Tug NOT GET WORK IN THE NEXT WEEK. IF THE SECOND PART DOES NOT COMPLETE ‘THE TARGET THEN NO PAYMENT GIVEN BY THE FIRST PARTY TO SECOND PARTY. SECOND PARTY HAS TO COMPLETE MINIMUM 1000 FORMS IN 15 days, ALL FIELDS IN QNLINE FORM MANDATORY. DO NOTE USE ANY SHORT CUT KEY AND COPY PASTE IN INLINE FORM 1 EHE SECOND PARTY DOES NOT COMPLETE THE WORK OF FIRST WEEK > THEN THE WILL NOT GET WORK IN THE NEXT WEEK. IF THE SECOND PART DOES NOT ‘COMPLETE, ‘THE TARGET THEN NO PAYMENT GIVEN BY THE FIRST PARTY TO SECOND PARTY SECOND PARTY HAS TO PAY Rs. 1999 + 18 % GST (ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE+ 18 % GST ONLY) FOR THE BUISNESS PROCESSING FEE. Rupees 1000 refundable after one month of success full business . Rs. 2499 + 18% (TWO THOUSAND FOR HUNDRED NINETY NINE 18% GST ONLY) FOR AGREEMENT CHARGE. IT IS REFUNDABLE AMOUNT 6. FIRST PARTY’S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT scars; Party will acknowledge the Accuracy Level & completeness ofthe processed assignment within a Period of 20 days of work. 7. MODE OF INVOICING & PAYMENT 7.1. The first party ensures to make the payment of the monthly invoice within 2 days from the date of closing of WEEK of work period of second party given by the second patty. 7.2. In the event of continuous failure on part of the Second Party to maintain Accuraey Levels for one times, the first party may terminate this MOU without giving any further notice. Upon such termination the first party shall also forfeit the amount of business procurement fees. Any cost related to telecommunication or data transmission for the services as provided in clause 2 shall be borne by each party at their end. The first party will not be responsible for expenses incurred on infrastructure or any other related costs, 8. QUALITY PARAMETER For Example: IFin 1000 forms second party has 100 mistakes then Quality becomes 90 percent. / ix ELH! 9. TRAIL WORK co No-10655, rata Company will provide Trial work before stating commercial work \ gy, 1382 SY 2 S NL of ‘Commercial work will be issued only after successfully completion of trial SECOND PARTY HAS CANCEL THE PROJECT GIVEN BY THE FIRST PARTY AFTER 2 HOURS DEMO IN CASE OF ANY PROBLEM AND DIFFICULTY FROM THE PROJECT AND FIRST PARTY REFUND 1000/- Rs. TO THE SECOND PARTY. SECOND PARTY HAS CANCEL YOUR PROJECT ONLY AFTER DEMO. IF SECOND PARTY SIGN THE AGREEMENT FOR COMERCIAL WORK THEN PROJECT DOES NOT CANCEL AND NO REFUND GIVEN BY THE FIRT PARTY TO THE SECOND PARTY. 10. TURN AROUND TIME, First Party will issue one week scanned data in advance thru PDF to the second party for form filing, Second party thas to submit the data with in 15- days of working of the software. 11, NON-PERFORMANANCE PENALITIES In case the second party fails to execute the project as per the schedule,. First party has the complete right to terminate the agreement if second party failed to do the work on time or non performance. If the second party fails to provide the required work on time period given By First Party then the agreement stands cancelled and no payment given by the first party to the second party and no project given by the first party to the second party in future. 12. TERMINATION OF MOU ‘This MOU may be terminated under the following cireumstances: 13.1 This MOU may be terminated by the first party , ifthe second party fails to deliver of work on time given By 13. DISPUTE RESOLUTIONS & GOVERNING LAW In the event of any dispute or differences arising between the parties hereto relating to or arising out of this MOU, including the implementation, execution, interpretation, rectification, validity enforce ability, termination ot rescission thereof, including the rights, obligations or liabilities of the parties hereto, the same the same shall, if not amicably settled, be referred to arbitration and conciliation act, 1996. Such arbitration shall be conducted in English, and each party shall nominate one arbitrator within 15 days of receipt of an arbitration notice from the other party and the two arbitrators so nominated shall select a third arbitrator who shall function as the presiding arbitrator. The venue of arbitration shall be Delhi. The Courts in the city of Delhishall, The Courts in the city of Delhi shall have KOTARN ( ber \ CEL (* sarc Expiry Date exclusive jurisdiction to entertain try and determine the same and the governing law shall be the law of Republic if India 14, ROYALTY = 10% of the Total Payout. FIRST PARTY Name: Address: Signature: SECOND PARTY Name: Address: Signature: ROTARY p.prR \ pegrnctesss *} ATTHSITE! SToecet ey UBLIC S7 noTaRie MELA (NDIA)

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