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10. Sameera deposited Rs. 250 per month in her bank for eight months under the Recurring Deposit Scheme. What will be the maturity value of her deposit ifthe rate of interest is 8% per annum and the interest is calculated at the end of every month? [Ans: Rs. 2,060] David opened a Recurring Deposit Account in a bank and deposited Rs. 300 per month, for two years. Ifhe received Rs. 7,725 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest pe: annum. I) Mrs. Nair deposits Rs. 500 every month in a recurring deposit account for 3 ye a. interest. Find the maturity value. 10,220) Mr. Mehra opened a recurring deposit account in a bank. He depositag/Rs. r month for two years. At the time of maturity, he got Rs.67500. Find: (H The total interest earned by Mr. Mehra fans: Rs. 7,500] (ii) The rate of interest per annum [Ans: 1296] Prerit has a recurring deposit account in a bank. He depos per month for 2 years. If he gets Rs. 66,250 at the time of maturity, (i) The interest paid by the bank and ( Ans: Rs. 6,250] (ii) The rate of interest [Ans: 10%] Calculate the amount receivable on maturity deposit of Rs. 800 every month for 5 years at 11% per annum. [Ans: Rs. 61,420] Kritika needs Rs. Ten lakh after 5 yearsWhat lest money (in multiples of 100) should be deposited per month in a recurring eposit so that she gets at least the required amount after 5 years? The rate of interest bankis 12% per annum. — [Ans: Rs. 12,800] Mr. Desai opens a recurring déyosit of R€2,000 per month for 30 months, paying simple interest of 12% pa. Cal hee he receives at the time of maturity. [Ans: Rs. 69,300] in.a bank for 8 month under the recurring deposit scheme. ‘What will be th ue of his deposits, if the rate of interest is 8% per annum and interest is the end of every month? [Ans: Rs 1236] Bitto dep in sum of money in a recurring deposit account of a Bank. Ifthe rate of interegof B9Mger annum and Mr. Bitto gets Rs.8,008 from the bank after 3 years, find the value fhly installment in nearest hundred [Ans. Rs 200 | recurring deposit account in Bank of Baroda and deposits Rs.140 per month . If he gets Rs.8,092 on maturity, find the rate of interest given by the bank, [Ans. 10%] id opened a recurring deposit account in a bank and deposited Rs.300 per month for ‘two years. If he received Rs.7,725 at the time of maturity, find the rate of interest per annum. [Ans. 7%] ‘A part of monthly Hostel charge is fixed and the remaining depends on the number of days one has taken food in the mess. When Swati takes food for 20 days, she has to pay 13000 as hostel charges whereas, Mansi who takes food for 25 days pays ? 3500 as hostel charges. Find the fixed charges and the cost of food per day. Ans:- fixed:- 1000. samme 2. Ansve using cross multiplication method: xty=1 2x-3y=11 3. Ansve for xand y: 6(ax + by) = 3a + 2b 6(bx-ay) = 3b-2a 4. Determine the value of m and n so that the following Rgir offinear equations have infinite number of Solutions, (2m - Ix + 3y = 5; XN 3x4 (n-Dy=2 S& 5. Places A and Bare 80 km apart figm jer ona highway. A car starts from ‘Aand another from B at the wot ney move in same direction they meet in 8 hrs and if they move opéGite directions they meet in 1 hr 20 minutes. Find speeds of the cars. sw ‘Ans:- A= 35km/hr & B= 25km/hr 6. Find the value gf®for Wiijch the following pair of linear equations have infinitely many Solution y= 7; (k-Dx + (k+ 2)y = 3k ‘Ans:-7 “and b for which the following pair of linear equations has 7. Find the ingffteiymipy Solutions: 2x + 3y = : 3/A(a + b)x + (2a - by = 21 Ansa =5;b=1 8, Fi ue of a so that the point (3, a), lies on the line represented by 2x-3y = 5 % “ 9. Write whether the following pair of linear equations is consistent or not x4 14, xy=4 Ans:- unique Solutions, 40. Ansve for x andy: —-—=a+b; ax—by = 2ab. es . Ans-x = 11. Without drawing the graph, find out the lines representing the following pair of linear equations intersect at a point, are parallel or coincident. 9 10 parallel 12. Ansve the following system of linear equations graphically. 3x+y-12=0; x-3y+6=0 Shade the region bounded by the lines and ii>axis. Also, find th shaded region. Ans:- 15 sq units 13. The owner of a taxi company decides to run all the xi on, fuels instead of petrol/ diesel. The taxi charges in city comp! yf larges together with the charge for the distance covered. Fora journey of 13 km, the charge paj oY 129 aft for journey of 22 km, the charge paid is 210. What will a per pay for travelling a distance of 32 km? 14. Ata certain time in a zoo, t! if heads and the number of legs of tiger and ifW@as found that there were 47 heads and 152 legs. 9 7 Mary = 245 oxy = Ans:- 300 peacocks were count Find the number oi peacacks in the zoo: Why itis né to Uhserve these animals? Ans:- tigers:-29; peacock 18 15. Draw thegraph¥gf the following equations: x + y—5;x-y=5 (0 Fjga jon of the equations from the graph. (iifsn triangular region formed by the lines and they-axis. Ans: x=5;y=0 1 consists of two digits. When the number is divided by the sum of its digits, fe quotient is 7. 1f 27 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchange their aces, find the number Ans:- 63 17. Ansve the following pair of equations 9. If-5 is a root of the quadratic equation 2x? + px -15 = 0 and the quadratic equation p(x? +x) + k = O has equal roots, find the value ofk Ans: 7/4 A two digit number is four times the sum of the digits Itis also equal to 3 times the product of digits. Find the number. Ansve for V3 - 2V2x-2V3= ee é For what value of k, is 3 a zero of the polynomial 2x2 + x + k? Ans:--21 Find the value of m so that the quadratic equation mx(x~7) + 49 ro equal roots. Ans:-4 Ifthe roots of the quadratic equation (a - b)x? + (b= Ky 2) = 0 are equal, prove that 2a = bie x ‘Three consecutive natural numbers argSuth that the square of the middle number exceeds the difference of the squares of the other ) Find the numbers Ans:- 910,14 Two water taps together San fifa tank in 9 hours 36 minutes. The tap of larger diameter takes 8 hours less than t Jc to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which each tap can separately i nk ‘Ans:- 16 and 24 hour ‘Ansve oe equation for x: 9x? - 9(a + b)x-+ (2aé + Sab-+ 2b?) =0. zasb) 9 (ata © ans (2) & (2) inf that non-zero value of k, for which the quadratic equation kx? + 1-2 (k- 1)x + x?= Ohas ‘qual roots. Hence, find the roots of the equation. Ans: 3 11, IF2 is a root of the quadratic equation 3x? + px- 8 = 0 and the quadratic equation 4x?~ 2px +k = O has equal roots, find the value of k, Ans: 1 12. For what value of k, are the roots of the quadratic equation(k + 4)x? + (k-+ Ix + 1 = 0, equal? 13. The time taken by a person to cover 150 km was 2. 1/2 hours more than the Yn the return journey. If he returned ata speed of 10 kn /hour more than the: Me going, find the speed per hour in each direction. 30 km/hr 14, A rectangular park is to be designed whose breadth is 3 m le’ fngth. Its area is to be 4 ‘square metres more than the area of a park that has alt ‘bef made in the shape of an isosceles triangle with its base as the breadth of the re@anguffr park and of altitude 12 m. Find the length and breadth of the rectangular park. Jength is 7 m and breadth is 4m 15. A pole has to be erected at a point on ty Boundary of a circular park of diameter 17 m in such a way that the differences ofits distances from fWo diametrically opposite fixed gates where the pole is to be erected. Ans 15m 16. The denominator of Y more than twice its numerator. Ifthe sum of the fraction and its reciprocal the fraction ‘Ans: 3/7 1, larger diameteQg used for 4 hours and the pipe of smaller diameter for 9 hours, only half the poolcan ind, how long it would take for each pipe to fill the pool separately, ifthe ‘OfgmAljer diameter takes 10 hours more than the pipe of larger diameter to fill the pool. ‘Ans:- 20 hours, 30 hours 18)A train travels at a certain average speed for a distance of 54 km and then travels a distance of {63 km at an average speed of 6 km/h more than the first speed. Ifit takes 3 hours to complete the total journey, what is its first speed? Ans:- 36 km/hr 19, The total cost of a certain length of a piece of cloth is rs 200. Ifthe piece was 5 cm longer and each metre of cloth costs rs 2 less, the cost of the piece would have remained unchanged. How longi the piece and what is ts original rate per metre? ‘Ans:-Rs, 10/m 20. Ina flight of 2800 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed reduced by 100 km/h and time increased by 30 minutes. Find the original duratiof maha it. hours 21, A two-digit number is such that the product of its digits is 14. Whe: led the number, the digits interchange their places. Find the number. ‘Ans:-27 22, Atrain travels 180 km at a uniform speed. Ifthe speed ‘km/hour more, it would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the speed\@f the ‘Ans:- 36 km/hr \ 23, Find two consecutive natural numbers@ff@ sum of whose squares is 145 Ans:- 8,9 24, Two water taps together ca neff 6 hours. The tap of larger diameter takes 9 hours less than the smaller one to fillghe¥fnk separately. Find the time in which each tap can separately fil the tank. ‘Ans:- 18,9 hours 25. The dil juares of two numbers is 88. If the larger number is 5 less than twice the is) ber, then find the two numbers. ‘Ans:-9,13 ‘consecutive positive integers are such that the sum of the square of the first and the wroduct of the other two is 46, Find the integers. Ans:- 45,6 27. A gitl is twice as old as her sister. Four years hence, the product of their ages (in years) will be 160. Find their present ages. Ans:- 6,12 years 6 daughter to the school next M7 ‘Ans:- 6720 }. Find the 60th term: we , if it has a total of 60 terms and hence find the sum of How many terms of the A.P. 18,16, 14, be taken so that their sum is zero? Ans:-19 ‘The 4th term of an AP. is zero. Prove that the 25th term of the AP. is three times its 11th term, If the ratio of sum of the first m and n terms of an AP. is m2: n2, show that the ratio smth and nth terms is (2m -1): (2n-1), vv ‘The sums of first n terms of three A. Ps’ are S1, $2 and $3. The first term of ead RS their common differences are 2,4 and 6 respectively. Prove that S1 +S A thief, after committinga theft, runs at a uniform speed of 50 m/ 2 minutes, a policeman runs to catch him. He goes 60 m in first minute and igveed by 5 ‘m/minute every succeeding minute. After how many minutes. eman will catch the thief? ‘Ans:- 5 min ‘The houses in a row are numbered consecutively f f Show that there exists a value of X such that sum of numbers of houses profyding fhe’house numbered X is equal to sum of the numbers of houses following X. Ans: 35 Reshma wanted to save at least? 6,500ypr sendlfig her daughter to school next year (after 12 months). She saved? 450 in the gff3¥ month and raised her savings by? 20 every next month. How much will she be abi next 12 months? Will she be able to send her its last 10 terms. Ans:- 1170 ). An arithmeticazor 5,12, 19, has 50 terms. Find its last term. Hence find the sum of its last 1 ‘Ans:- 4485 10. Find the naffie Wim of the sequence formed by all numbers between 9 and 95, which leave ar /hen divided by 3. Also find the sum of the numbers on both sides of the CS sm separately. ‘Ans:- 1043 1 1e middle term of the sequence formed by all three-digit numbers which leave a mainder 5 when divided by 7. Also find the sum of all numbers on both sides of the middle term separately. ‘Ans:- 551, 49824 12. If the seventh term of an AP is and its ninth term is, find its 63rd term, Ans 1 13, The sum of the 2nd and the 7th terms of an AP is 30. Ifits 15th term is I less than twice its 8th term, find the AP. Ans: 1,5,9,13 14, In an AP of 50 terms, the sum of first 10 terms is 210 and the sum of its last 15 terms is 2565. Find the AP. 171 15, In aschool, students decided to plant trees in and around the school to reduce air,polliign? Itwas decided that the number of trees, that each section of each class will p Pind double of the class in which they are studying. If there are 1 to 12 classesdp the each class has two sections, find how many trees were planted by the@fudl is shownin this question? ‘Ans:-312 16, Find the number of terms of the AP: 18,15. 1/2, 13. (49. fintf the sum of all its terms. ‘Ans:--441 17. Students of a school thought of planting trees in and, es to reduce air pollution, It was decided that the number sion og ;ction of each class will plant, digo a section of class I will plant 1 ich value will be the same as the class, in which they ampggu tree, a section of class Il will plant 2 trees and class XII. There are three sections of each class. Find the total number of page% planted by the students of the school. Pollution control is necessary for everybod Suggest one more role of students in it, ‘Ans:- 234 18. Find the sum of all em between 500 and 900. Ans:- 39900 . is ~ 240, and its first term is 7, Find its 24th term, Ans:--39 19, Sum of the first 20 20, The sum of terms of an A.P. is 24 and the sum of its 6th and 10th terms is 44. Find the’ tten terms of the AP, Ans:-95 21, Fini f- 15, -18,-21, ‘Ans 3(n+4] (0, 3p+2 are in AP then find p. Ans p= 6 jetic mean between 3a and 2a-7 is a+-4, then find a, Ans a=5 irst term of an AP is -7 and the common difference 5, find its 18th term and the general ferm, Ans: a18 =78n & an = 5n- 12 5, If the nth term of an AP is (2n+1), find the sum of first n terms of the AP. Ans:Sn=n (n+2) Sh eb l= ho 5 =f the= Lo find the values of x and y. find P? + PQ. . [2 Seam = 2 find the matrix M. 2 1. Given = [P O).B= [) A.c= [5 GP}andma = C2. Find the vapses Find x and y uf al fl = lial 12) As given, A = E 2 ( . Evaluate [20860 Hen was [} S Janae = 2]. isthe oy le? Give a reason. If yes, find AB. a= SLe= [4 3 hss marco thesame aera ite a [Ans: 16 2 [Ans:M=[1 6] 0, find the matrix A. 1 0 4 2 So] and =|_45 {4}: Find Ksuch that KB = C~A.{Ansk = -3] fo gh find the values of xand y. [ar al .2} [cos0° 90") ind Isin230° cos®45*1[O0 Oye i A= 3 a |, find values of scalar factors x and y such that xA? + yA = B. [Ans:x= Ly = 3] 16, Let Mx [}G']= [617], where Ma matrix is. Find the matrix M, tans: [2.2 ]1 vuta=[3 Ye-2 S.c=[f Span (i) A(BC) Gi) (ABC (iil) IsA(BC) = (AB)C? Does it possess associative property? = 2 2 How many terms of the A.P. 18,16, 14, be taken so that their sum is zero? Ans ‘The 4th term of an AP. is zero. Prove that the 25th term of the AP. is three times its 11th. term. 19 . Ifthe ratio of sum of the first mand n terms of an AP. is m2: n2, show that the ratio Ve mth and nth terms is (2m -1): (2n -1), ‘The sums of first n terms of three A. Ps’ are $1, S2 and S3. The first term of eacl NG al their common differences are 2,4 and 6 respectively. Prove that $1 + A thief, after committing theft, runs at a uniform speed of 50 m/tnt minutes, a policeman runs to catch him, He goes 60 m in first minute and speed by 5 m/minute every succeeding minute. After how many minutes, sman will catch the thier? ‘Ans:-5min ‘The houses in a row are numbered consecutively f ) Show that there exists a value of X such that sum of numbers of houses i house numbered X is equal to sum of the numbers of houses following X. Ans:- 35 Reshma wanted to save at least? 6,500%igr sendipg her daughter to school next year (after 12 months), She saved? 450 in th nth and raised her savings by? 20 every next month, How much will she be able to saygin next 12 months? Will she be able to send her daughter to the school next y ‘Ans:- 6720 Find the 60th term o 2, fit hasa total of 60 terms and hence find the sum of its last 10 terms. ‘Ans: 1170 An arithmeti 5,12, 19, has 50 terms. Find its last term. Hence find the sum of its last 1 . Ans: 4485 10, Findthe mffle te¥m of the sequence formed by all numbers between 9 and 95, which leave are ‘when divided by 3. Also find the sum of the numbers on both sides of the mi rm separately. Ans:- 1043 1 Rgingshe middle term of the sequence formed by all three-digit numbers which leave a mainder 5 when divided by 7. Also find the sum of all numbers on both sides of the middle term separately. Ans:- 551, 49824 12, Ifthe seventh term of an AP is and its ninth term is, find its 63rd term. Ans: 1 13. The sum of the 2nd and the 7th terms of an AP is 30. Ifits 15th term is I less than twice its 8th term, find the AP. Ans:- 15,9,13 14, In an AP of 50 terms, the sum of first 10 terms is 210 and the sum of its last 15 terms is 2565. Find the AP. ‘Ans: 171 15. In a school, students decided to plant trees in and around the school to reduce air; wy Itwas decided that the number of trees, that each section of each class will plaj double of the class in which they are studying. If there are 1 to 12 classes in th each class has two sections, find how many trees were planted by the ich value is shown in this question? Ans:-312 16. Find the number of terms of the AP: 18,15. 1/2, 13....... (-49. 1, e sum of all its terms, ‘Ans:--441 17, Students of a schoo! thought of planting trees in and aroui fool to reduce air pollution. It was decided that the number of trees, will be the same as the class, in which they arg stu ction of each class will plant, , section of class | will plant 1 tree, a section of class II will plant 2 trees and’ class XIL. There are three sections of each class. Find the total number of tré¥s planted by the students of the school, Pollution control is necessary for everybody heat. Suggest one more role of students in it, ‘Ans:- 234 18, Find the sum of all multiples oMAlying/between 500 and 900. ‘Ans:- 39900 19, Sum of the first 20 vis - 240, and its first term is 7. Find its 24th term, Ans:--39 20. The sum of 4 th Perms of an AP. is 24 and the sum ofits 6th and 10th terms is 44, Find the first fn terms of the AP. Ans:- 95 21, Findgath teM@of 15, -18,-21, ‘Ans 3(n+4] 22, 1f 2p, yA FON@p+2 are in AP then find p. Ans p=6 Mh, tic mean between 3a and 2a-7 is a+4, then find a. Ans a=5 rst term of an AP is -7 and the common difference 5, find its 18th term and the general m, Ans: a18 =78n & an = Sn- 12 5, IF the nth term of an AP is (2n+1), find the sum of first n terms of the AP. Ans:Sn=n (n+2) 1. The tops of two towers of height x and y, standing on level ground, subtend angles of 30° and 60° respectively at the centre of the line joining their feet, then find xy Ans: -1: 2. Aman standingon the bank ofa river observes that the angle of elevation of the top tree standing on the opposite bank is 60°, When he moves 40 metres away from tg ba he finds the angle of elevation to be 30°. Find the height of the tree. \ ov m 3. Two men on either side of a 75 m high building and in line with base bytildthg observe the angles of elevation ofthe top of the building as 30° and 60°. Fi between the twomen ‘Ans:- 155.7 m 4. ‘The angle of elevation of an aeroplane from a point A on fs 60°. Aftera fight of 15 seconds, the angle of elevation changes to 30°, iptff® aerdiane is flying ata constant height of 1500/3 m, find the speed of the plane in Ryy/hr. ‘Ans:-720 km /r flight of 30 ‘The angle of elevation of an aeroplanefypm a pnt on the ground is 60°. After seconds the angle of elevation becgfres 30°. If the aeroplane is flying at a constant height of 3000V3 m, find the speed of the aeroplar ‘Ans:-720 km/hr 6. Twoshipsare approaching a of the two ships from th from opposite directions. The angles of depression Tighthouse are 30° and 45°. If the distance between the veight of the lighthouse, ‘Ans:- 36.6 m two ships is 100 he between two poles is 15 m. The angle of depression of the top of first pole aXGen from the top of second pole is 30°. Ifthe height of the second pole is 24 m, find of the first pole Ans: 15.34 m A -d from the top of a 60 m high lighthouse from the sea-level, the angles of jion of two ships are 30° and 45°. If one ship is exactly behind the other on the same ide of the lighthouse, find the distance between the two ships. Ans:- 43.92 m 9, Theangle of elevation of the top of a building from the foot of the tower is 30” and the angle of elevation of the top of the tawer from the foot of the building is 60°. Ifthe tower is 60 m high, find the height of the building. ‘Ans: 20m 10. Two poles of equal heights are standing opposite each other on either side of the road, Which is 80 m wide. From a point between them on the road, the angles of elevation top of the poles are 60° and 30° respectively. Find the height of the poles and thesta of the point from the poles, ‘m 11. The angle of elevation ofa cloud froma point 60 m above a lake is 30° eB depression of the reflection of the cloud in the lake is 60°. Find the cloud from the surface of the lake. ‘Ans: 120m 12, The shadow of a tower standing on a level ground is found to| Jonger when the sun's altitude is 45° than when itis 60°, Find the height of the Ans:- 47.31 m 13, From the top of a tower 50 m high, the angle of depagssioiPof the top of a pole is 45° and from the foot of the pole, the angle of elevati {0p of the tower is 60°. Find the height of the pole if the pole and tower stand‘ep the safe plane ‘Ans:- 21.16 m 14, A vertical pedestal stands on the ground ghd is surmounted by a vertical flagstaff of height 5 1m, Ata point on the ground, tMagnglgs of elevation of the bottom and the top of the flagstaff are 30° and 60° resp, e height of the pedestal. ‘Ans: 2.5m, 15, From awind the ground) of a house in a street, the angles of elevation and. depress 1¢ })Pland foot of another house on the opposite side of the street are 30° and 60° ictivély. Find the height of the opposite house and the width of the street ‘Ans:- height- 12 m and width - 5.196 m A the deck of a ship, 12 m above water level, observes that the angle of elevation of he Pp ofa cliff is 60° and the angle of depression of the base of the cliff is 30°, Find the jistance of the cliff from the ship and the height of the cliff. ‘Ans:-distance- 20.784m and height- 48m 17. From the top of a7 m high building, the angle of elevation of the top of a tower is 60° and the angle of depression of the foot of the tower is 30°. Find the height of the tower Ans:- 28m 18, From a point on the ground, the angles of elevation of the bottom and top of a transmission tower fixed at the top of a 10 m high building are 30° and 60° respectively. Find the height of the tower. Ans: 30m 19, From the top ofa 15 m high building, the angle of elevation of the top of a cable tower,is 60° and the angle of depression of its foot is 30°, Determine the height of the tower. m 20. The angle of elevation of the top of a vertical tower from a point on the grgund m another point 10 m vertically above the first, its angle of elevation is 30, Fi ight of the tower. ‘Ans:- 15m 21, The angles of elevation and depression of the top and mn fe from the top of 460 m high building are 30° and 60° respectively. Find a) the difference between the heights of the light|@use a y building. b) the distance between the lighthouse and ghe bul Ans:- (a) 20m (b) 20/3 m 22. A bird is sitting on the top of a 80 m hifty tree. Ffom a point on the ground, the angle of elevation of the bird is 45°. The biyff flies away horizontally in such a way that it remained at a constant height from the, we 2 seconds, the angle of elevation of the bird from the same point is 30°. Find the geedpf flying ofthe bird ‘Ans:- 29.28 m/s 23. The angles of elevatjoNof te top of a tower from two points at adistance of 4 m and 9m from the base and in the same straight line with it are 60° and 30° respectively. Find the. f the tower. Ans: 4V3 24. The augle OM@jevation of the top Q of a vertical tower PQ from a point X on the ground is 6 int Y, 40 m vertically above X, the angle of elevation of the top Q of tower is 4 the height of the tower PQ and the distance PX. ‘Ans:- height- 94.6 m and distance- 54.6 m Pre apoint on the ground, the angle of elevation of the top of a tower is observed to be 60°. From a point 40 m vertically above the first point of observation, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 30°. Find the height of the tower and its horizontal distance from the point of observation. ‘Ans:- 34.641 m 26. An observer 1.5m tall is 20.5 meters away from a tower 22m high. Determine the angle of elevation of the top of the tower from the eye of the observer. Ans: 45° 27. Aladder 15m long just reaches the top of vertical wall. Ifthe ladder makes an angle 600 with the wall, find the height of the wall Ans: 15/2m 28. Find the angle of elevation of the sun's altitude when the height of the shadow of a vertical pole is equal to its height: 29. Aladder 50m long just reaches the top of a vertical wall. Ifthe ladder makes a with the wall, find the height of the wall. m 30. A circus artist is climbing a 20m long rope, which is tightly stretched ie top of a vertical pole to the ground, Find the height of the pole, if the an with the ground level is 30°, ‘Ans: 10m 31. A tree breaks due to storm and the broken part bends so that the tree touches the ground making an angle 30 with it. The distance between ‘the tree to the point where the top touches the ground is 8m. Find the héfgRt of the tree. Ans:-8V3 m 32. The shadow of a tower standing on a level plat id to be 50m longer when sun's elevation is 30°.then when it is 60°, Fifahthe height of the tower. ‘Ans:-25¥3 m 33. The angle of depression of the topfnd battom of a tower as seen from the top of a 100m. high cliff are 30° and 60° respectively, FipA the height of the tower. Ans-.66.67m 34, From the top of a hil Uepression of two consecutive kilometer stones due east are found to be 31 ‘ind the height of the hill. Ans: 1.37 km ‘are standing opposite each other on either side of the roa which is, ide. FPom a point between them on the road the angles of elevation of the sare 60 + and 30 +. Find the heights of pole and the distance af the point fe of elevation of a jet fighter from a point A on the ground is 60°, After a flight of 15 S, the angle of elevation changes to 30°. Ifthe jet is flying at a speed of 720km/ hr, find ie constant height at which the jetis fying. Ans:-1500m_ 37. A window in a building is at a height of 10m above the ground. The angle of depression of a point P on the ground from the window is 30°. The angle of elevation of the top of the building from the point P is 60°. Find the height of the building. ‘Ans 30m. 38, A man on the deck on a ship 14m above water level, observes that the angle of elevati the top ofa cliff is 60°and the angle of depression of the base of the cliffis 30°. Cal distance of the cliff from the ship and the height of the cliff. 39.A straight highway leads to the foot of a tower. A man standing at observes a car at an angle of depression of 30°, which is approa Sf tower with a uniform speed Six minutes later, the angle of depression of is Madd to be 60°. Find the time taken by the car to reach the foot of the tower. G ‘Ans:-3 minutes S 20 tickets, on which numbers 1 to 20 are written, are mixed thoroughly and then a ticket is drawn at random out of them. Find the probability that the number on the drawn ticket is a multiple of 3 or 7. (2/5) Ina single throw of a pair of different dice, what is the probability of getting w (i) a prime number on each dice? (ii) total of 9 or 11? ‘A box consists of 100 shirts of which 88 are good, 8 have minor defects agi 4 jor defects. Ramesh, a shopkeeper will buy only those shirts which are g ‘Keyl’ another 3. shopkeeper will not buy shirts with major defects, A shirt is take mat random, Whatis the probability that (@) Ramesh will buy the selected shirt? 22/25) (ii) ‘Kewal’ will buy the selected shirt? ( } [24/25] 4, Anumber [Cis selected at random from the nu 4. Another number y is selected at random from the numbers 1, 4,9 and F om yy that product of JC and y is less than 16, 11/2] 5. A game of chance consists of spinning Which comes to rest pointing at one ofthe numbers 1, 2, 3,4,5, 6, 7, 8 and these are ®fally likely outcomes, Find the probability that the arrow will point at any fact 2 a fn pack of playing cards, The remaining cards were well at random from them. Find the probability that the drawn (10/23) [3/23] 7. Apoxcontyfis 20 cards numbered from 1 to 20. Acard is drawn at random from the box. Find pedypifity that the number on the drawn card is arffsible by 2 or 3 [13/20] (ii) a prime number. (2s) 8, "Two different dice are tossed together. Find the probability (i) that the number on each die is even. ny (ii) that the sum of numbers appearing on the two dice is 01/9] 9, Allthe black face cards are removed from a pack of 52 playing cards. The remaining cards are ‘well shuffled and then a card is drawn at random. Find the probability of getting a ( facec [3/23] (i) red card (13/23) black card In (iv) king tt 10. Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting at least one h x 11. A box contains cards numbered 3,5,7,9,... 35,37. A card is drawn at random fggm the Dy Pind the probability that the number on the drawn card is a prime number. 11/18] 12, A box contains 100 red cards, 200 yellow cards and 50 blue cards. tra cag drgwn at random from the box, then find the probability that it will be a) abluecard ¢} 9 Ww b) nota yellow card 3/7] ©) Neither yellow nora blue card. 2/7) 13. A coin is tossed two times. Find the probability Cy. and both tails. [1/2] 14, Two dice are rolled once. Find the prebabyiy of ich numbers on the two dice, whose product is 12. 11/9) 15. A die is thrown twice, What is the profybsit€"Qhat the same number will come up either time? N\A 0/6) 16, Cards bearing numbers 1, 3 a. keptina bag. A card is drawn at random from the bag. Find the probability ard bearing, () a prime number’ (5/18) (i) a number, Band 5. [1/18] 17. From awell4 Acard is k of playing cards, blackjacks, black kings and black aces are removed. mn at random from the pack. Find the probability of getting, re [13/23] tamond card (33/46) \rown once. What is the probability of getting a number greater than 4? 1/31 ix contains 80 discs which are numbered from 1 to 80. If one disc is drawn at random from 0x, find the probability that it bears a perfect square number. (1/10) 1. The surface area of a solid metallic sphere is 616 em?. Its melted and recast into smaller sphere of 35 cm diameter. How many such spheres can be obtained? {[Ans: 64] 2. Ahemispherical bow! of 14.4 cm diameter is filled completely with chocolate sauce. This sauice is poured into an inverted cone of 9.6 cm radius. Find height of cone. (Ans: 8.1 cm] 3. Asolid cone of 5 cm radius and 8 cm height is melted and made into small spheres of radius. Find the number of spheres formed. An: 4. The given figure represents a hemisphere surmounted by a conical block of diameter A of their bases is 10 cm each other and the slant height of the cone Caleulate: i) The height of the cone, and (ii) The volume of the solid. id base diameter is 10.5 m.1f is available for each person? [Ans: 7.7 m3] Atentisin the form of a right circular cone. Its height is 4, it can accommodate 15 persons, how many eybic nldres, 6. Asphere has aradius of 105 cm, Find js a) Volume, and b) Surface area, 7. Aspherical ball of a metal, 6 cm in drames Diameters of two balls are 3 8. What is the least numbe@agsoli and recast to form a gall [Ans: 4851 om" [Ans: 1,386 m2} is melted and recast into three spherical balls. and 4¢m. What is diameter of the third ball? (Ans: 5 em] fllic spheres each of 4 cm radius that should be melted ‘of 24 cm outer diameter and of 2 cm uniform thickness? [Ans: 12] 9, Avessel is in the fe yn inverted cone. Its height is 8 cm and the radius of its top which is open is led with water up to the rim. When lead shots, each of which is a sphere | itis, are dropped into the vessel, one fourth of the water flows out. the qumbeR@{ leads shots dropped into the vessel. (Take m = 22/7) face area of a cone of 6 cm radius and 8 cm slant height. ‘tent, 6 m in diameter and 4 m high, is made of canvas. How many such tents can be 1m 1,000 m long. 110 cm wide canvas, allowing 10% for wastage? [Ans: 21] fd cylinder of radius 12 cm and height 20 cm is melted into solid spheres of radius 0.5 3. Find the number of solid spheres made. [Ans: 17280] 113. A hallow cylinder of outer radius 15 em and inner radius 5 cm add height 20 cm is recast. {into solid cones of radius 4 cm and perpendicular height 10 cm. Find the number of cones formed. [Ans: 75] 14, The area of the curved surface ofa solid cylinder is 2200 cm? and the circumference of the baseis 55 em. Find: a) Height of the cylinder, and [Ans: 40cm] b) Volume of the cylinder. [Ans: 9625 cms} 15, How many revolutions willa roller of radius 0.7 m and length 2.5 m make to level a field 770m x 350m? [Ans: 24500] 16. A cube is immersed completely in a cylinder containing water. Ifthe level of water rises by 7 mand the base radius of the cylinder is 22 cm, find the length of the cube. [Ans: 22cm] 17. Find the cost of painting a hallow cylinder of outer diameter 14 m, thickness 7 cm an height 7 m at Rs, 100 per m2, Ans: Ry 64.974) 18. A solid cylinder has its radius and height in the ratio 1:3. Ifits volume is 404.2 its ’om| radius. 19, Find the volume of a cylinder which has a base diameter 14 cm and h l : 3696 cm? 20, The total surface area of a cylinder is 264 cm? Find its volume ofits h em more than its radius, [Ans: 357.25 cm?] 21. The volume of a cylinder of height 4 cm is 196 m cm*. Fingits lal face area and its total surface area. fAns: 176 em?; 484 cm?] 22, The volume of a conical tent is 1,232 m? and the argaraits Nye is 154 m2, Calculate a) The radius of the floor [Ans: 7m] b) The height of the tent, and (Ans: 25 mi] ©) The length of canvas required to covel st fits width is 2m. [Ans:275 m]

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