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During my Senior High School years, I have not really been inclined with the subject, research.

because I was not so sure of what field in education that would enhance my research interest. Luckily,
since I started college, during my 2nd year, we were required to take the Psychological Statistics subject.
This subject simply focuses on the statistical methods utilized in the field of Psychology, as it represents
data parsimoniously or in other words to present precise data from general picture of statistical scores
from a specific group. Now, for the first psychological research, in which it pushed me to enhance my
interest in research is our study about the relationship between Loneliness and Internet Addiction
among Adolescents. Firstly, it has given me an enlightenment in regards to mental health of adolescents
who suffer from internet addiction. But the question here would be, is there really a relationship
between their feeling of loneliness with internet addiction? To elaborate, this question has become a
hypothesis. A statement wherein researchers will predict the outcome of the study. In addition, the
outcome would not be possible to be seen by the researcher(s) if it weren’t for the supporting parts that
a research need. Specifically, the theoretical framework. It pertains to the idea of a research problem
and describe why it exists. And also, the conceptual framework where it is considered as the backbone
of the overall research. And ofcourse, the significance of the study, wherein it states as to whom the
research would be beneficial. In addition to that, the definition of terms. The variables of the research
would not be understood by the readers if it is not defined conceptually and operationally. This is
important as some words are defined subjectively, meanwhile, in the field of research, it is important to
see things objectively. That is why it is important to come up with supporting details with the
information that you put in the paper. Lastly, the most crucial yet significant part is the
recommendation, wherein, it shows the possible suggestions for the research paper that we conducted,
to expand our knowledge and probably, expand the variables in which it would help the study to be
improved in the following years. Truthfully, making a research paper should be innovative. Hence,
research should always upgrade as this helps the whole society to promote the importance of
innovation in the whole word.

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