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1. Discuss the kinds of things in the UML?

2. What is an artifact?
3. Define Interaction diagram.
4. What are its common properties?
5. Discuss role in a class.
6. Differentiate between sequence diagram and collaboration diagram.
7. What is a relationship? What are the types of relationships?
8. Explain System Architecture.
9. What are constraints?
10. Compare Forward and Reverse Engineering.
11. What are Collaboration diagrams?
12. State and explain system design and object design.
13. Explain CRC Model. How to create CRC Model?
14. What are responsibilities?
15. Discuss design principles and strategies.
16. Differentiate between Activity states and action states.
17. What are packages?
18. How do you view the static parts of a system?
19. Differentiate between basic and advanced structured modeling.
20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Object-Oriented Analysis?
21. Object lifeline
22. Focus of control
23. Use case diagram
24. Stereotypes
25. Actor

1. Which diagram in UML shows a complete or partial view of the structure of a modeled system at a
specific time?
a) Sequence Diagram
b) Collaboration Diagram
c) Class Diagram
d) Object Diagram
2. How many views of the software can be represented through the Unified Modeling Language (UML)?
a) Four
b) Five
c) Nine
d) None of the above
3. Sequence diagram is ... oriented.
a) Time
b) Class
c) Activity
d) None of these
4. An actor is a class, which can be
a) Specialized
b) Generalized
c) Aggregated
d) Validated
5. What are the major elements required by a conceptual model of the UML?
a) Building blocks
b) Rules
c) Common mechanisms
d) All of the above
6. Which among these are the common notifications for deployment diagrams?
a) Artifacts and nodes
b) Stereotypes
c) Components
d) All of the mentioned
7. What is collection of model elements called?
a) Box
b) Dependency
c) UML packages
d) Package members
8. What is an object?
a) An object is an instance of a class
b) An object includes encapsulation of data
c) An object is a template of a class
d) All of the mentioned
9. UML Class and objects consist of ...
a) Digits
b) Letters
c) Punctuation Characters
d) All of these

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