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AS1001:Extra-Galactic Hubble s Discovery !

• Having shown M31 to be an external galaxy,

Astronomy! Hubble took images and spectra of fainter
Lecture 8: The Universal Expansion • From photographic images he estimated
distances using the brightest stars
(Cepheids were not visible).
• For nearby galaxies he showed that the
brightest star method works as a distance
indicator and calibrated it to Andromeda
• From spectra he calculated the radial velocities
of these galaxies
• Plotting distance versus velocity he found:

Hubble s Law! Hubble s Data!

• Most galaxies recede
• More distant galaxies For 5 bright ellipticals in
recede faster nearby clusters, fainter
• There is a linear galaxies have Ca H & K
relationship between lines further redshifted.
velocity and distance:
v = H od Assuming the brightest
elliptical in a cluster is a
– v = velocity (km/s)
standard candle , we
– d = distance (Mpc)
– H0 = The Hubble constant
can see Hubble s law.

Universal Expansion! Universal Expansion!

Q) What is so special about our location ?
Hubble s law appears to violate the A) Nothing !
Copernican Principle as it seems to place Me You
us at a special location:

According to Hubble s Law:

Milky Way v v 2v 3v
I see:

Is everything moving away from us? You see:

3v 2v v v
The Universal Expansion! An Expanding Universe!
• An observer in any galaxy will see all other Hubble’s discovery resolves Olber’s Paradox
galaxies moving away from it, with the same (and lets Einstein remove the Cosmological Constant
Hubble law. from his equations).
It overturns the idea of permanency
• Expansion (or contraction) produces
and provides an approximate age for our Universe.
a centre-less but dynamic Universe. Why ? V1 V2

At what time would the

receding galaxy be located at
zero distance? d2
For Hubble s Law, this time
is the same for all galaxies. d d1 d2 1
t Age = = = =
V V1 V2 H 0

The Hubble Constant! The HST Key Program!

• The exact value of the Hubble Constant has been
HST: designed to
hotly debated since its discovery.
measure Cepheids
• Hubble measured H0 = 500 km/s/Mpc. in Virgo Cluster,
• Hubble mistook RR Lyraes for Cepheids in most of galaxies, giving
his galaxies. When corrected, H0 = 100 km/s/Mpc. our first accurate
value for H0.
• For several decades measurements using different
standard candles gave 50 to 100 km/s/Mpc.
• The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was named
after Hubble. Its primary goal was to measure H0.
H 0 = 72 ± 8

HST Key Project! Hubble Expansion -> Finite age.!

-1 #1
H 0 " 72 ± 3 ± 7 km s Mpc V = H0 d
d 1 ! 1 Mpc $ ! 3'1019 km $ ! 1 yr $
Freedman et al. t0 ~ = =# &# &#
2001 ApJ 553, 47. 7 &
V H0 " 72 km / s % " Mpc % " 3'10 s %
( 13'10 9 yr = 13 Gyr.
d d2 V2
Slope = d/t = V

d1 V1

t 0 = 1/H 0

Deceleration -> younger. Acceleration --> older.!
V = H0 d V = H0 d
! 1 Mpc $! 3'1019 km $! 1 yr $ d 1 ! 1 Mpc $! 3'1019 km $! 1 yr $
d 1 t0 ~ = =# &# &#
t0 ~ = =# &# &# 7 &
7 & V H0 " 72 km / s %" Mpc %" 3'10 s %
V H0 " 72 km / s %" Mpc %" 3'10 s %
( 13'10 9 yr = 13 Gyr. ( 13'10 9 yr = 13 Gyr.
Slope = d / t = V = H0 d
Gravity decelerates: d Gravity decelerates, but d
1 / H0 we observe an acceleration,
distance vs time: d ) t 2/3
attributed to "Dark Energy":
2 1
age: t0 ( ~ 9 Gyr. 2 1
3 H0 ! age: t0 ( 13.7 Gyr
!> .
3 H0
t0 t t0 t
Problem: globular clusters older than 9 Gyr.

! !
! !

Cosmological Redshifts! Observed Redshifts!

• Expansion is a stretching of space-time. • The observed redshift of a galaxy is:
• The more space-time there is between you and a ! = observed wavelength
# $ #o %#
galaxy, the faster it appears to be moving away. z" = !0 = lab wavelength
#o #o
• Expansion stretches the wavelength of light, ! = !0 (1+ z )
causing a galaxy s spectrum to be REDSHIFTED:
• Analogous to the Doppler shift:
STATIONARY: from which Hubble s law gives:
! v
c zc
REDSHIFT: • Redshift is NOT a Doppler shift:
For z > 1 this would imply v > c !

Calculating Distances! Peculiar Velocities!

• Hubble s Law gives a distance from a • Gravitational attraction causes galaxies to move.
– MW and M31 are falling together.
galaxy s measured redshift.
– The Local Group falls toward Virgo Cluster.
• If H0 = 75 km/s/Mpc and the redshift is – Virgo Cluster falls toward The Great Attractor .
z = 0.1, what is the distance ?
• Every galaxy has a peculiar velocity
z c 0.1 ( 3 "10 km/s) relative to the Hubble flow .

d= = = 400 Mpc
Ho 75km/s/Mpc

• For z = 0.1, the [ O II ] line, at λ0 = 3727A, VIRGO

! is redshifted to λ = λ0 ( 1+z ) = 4100A.
Correcting for peculiar velocity!
Peculiar Velocities!
• MW falls toward a Virgo cluster galaxy:
Vpec = -1000 km/s (approaching).
VIRGO • Distance is d = 50 Mpc (from Cepheids)
• If the redshift, z = 0.01, what is H0 ?
• We measure from spectra:
VOBS = c z = H 0 d + VPEC
" # "0 c z " VPEC ( 3000 + 1000) km/s
VOBS = c z = c H0 = =
"0 d 50 Mpc
= H 0 d + VPEC H 0 = 80 km/s/Mpc
Note: Take care with the sign of VPEC.
It depends on the direction of the peculiar velocity:
! !(towards us VPEC < 0, away VPEC > 0.)

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