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Second Law and Availability Analysis SECOND LAW AND AVAILABILITY ANALYSIS According to the first law of thermodynamics, all forms of energy are equivalent. One form of energy can be converted into other form and any process is possible as long as it does not create energy or destroy energy. Also, in a cyclic process, the heat is converted into work and vice-versa. But in actual practice, all forms of energy cannot be changed into work. Hence, there are certain processes which are not possible to occur even though these processes do not violate the first law of thermodynamics. The following examples will clarify the above conclusion: Example 1: A cup of hot tea left in a cooler room automatically cools off. This process satisfies the first law of thermodynamics since the amount of heat energy lost by the tea is equal to the amount of heat energy gained by the surrounding air. The reverse process i.e. the hot tea getting even hotter in a cooler room as a result of heat transfer from the room air never takes place. This process is possible but it does not Violate the first law as long as the amount of energy lost by the air is equal to the amount heat of energy gained by the tea. Example 2: Let us consider a paddle-wheel mechanism which is operated by the fall of a mass as shown in Figure 2.1. The paddle wheel rotates as the mass falls and stirs a fluid within an insulated container. As a result, the potential energy of the mass decreases, and the internal energy of the fluid increases in accordance with the conservation of energy principle. However, the reverse process, raising the mass by transferring the heat from the fluid to the paddle wheel, does not occur in nature, although doing work which do not violate the first law of thermodynamics. “Engineering Thermodynamicg Figure 2.1 Paddle wheel mechanism Thus, from these examples, processes proceed in a certain direction and not in the reverse direction. The first law places no restriction on the direction of a process but satisfying the first law does not ensure that the process can actually occur. Hence, it seems that there must be some other natural principle in addition to the fist law of thermodynamics which governs the direction in which a process can take place. This principle is known as second law of thermodynamics. A process cannot occur unless it satisfies both the first and the second laws of thermodynamics. 2.1, HEAT RESERVOIR, SOURCE AND SINK The ideal body having large thermal energy capacity which either continuously supplies or absorbs the infinite amount of heat without changing its temperature is called thermal energy reservoir or heat reservoir. If the reservoir continuously supplies heat energy to the system, it is called a source. The source is always at higher temperature. If the reservoir continuously absorbs heat energy from the system, it is called a sink. 2.2. HEAT ENGINE AND ITS PERFORMANCE Heat engine is a device which operates a thermodynamic cycle and produces work by supplying heat from hot reservoir. Example: LC. engines, Boiler etc. The performance of any engine is measured by the term ‘efficiency’. It is defined as the po penetwork, Output proauced by an engine to the amount of heat supplied © - It is expressed as given below Efficiency, 1 = —Networkoutput jy ; Network output 7 ii - Total heat input, "(AY syhere, W—work done : = i Qs —heat supplied from the heat reservoir at temperature Ts we know that, ; W= Os On where, ++(2.2) Qk — heat rejected from the engi sa + €ngine to the sink at temy ature Ty substituting (2.2)in 2.1), then the efficiency becomes SSS 1 Oya OT ea qa ee Se © oe ; 2s Ty 1 Qs where, 7 and 7; are high and low temperature of reservoirs respectively. The thermal efficiency of a heat engine is always less than unity. Thermal efficiency is a measure of how efficiently a heat engine converts the heat into work. High temperature reservoir, Tx Figure 2.2 Heat engine Figure 2.3 Refrigerator 23. REFRIGERATOR AND ITS PERFORMANCE Refrigerator is a device which is used to remove heat from a cold system. In other Words, it is used to maintain the temperature of the body lower than that of Surroundings. Example: Air conditioners, Freezers etc. ' The reftigerator is expressed micterins pp *Coeffcien : efficiency i rk input. a io of heat extracted to the wo Performance’ (COP), It is the ratic : COP of a refrigerator is given by at gs Pos Desired heat oul = =a On- f,, -T, (COP) ry = Re guired work input W O-Q 1-7, Jow temperature of reservoirs respectively, igh and lo where, Ty and 7; are high COP can be greater than unity. This is in contras, a Note that the value of eat thermal efficiency, which can never be greater RFORMANCE, meta e oD me ae is used to supply heat to a hotter system, In Heat pump is a ee temperature of the body higher than the surroun, dig words, it is used to maint empe Example: Room heater used during winter season. Figure 2.4 Heat pump | COP of a heat Pump is given by (COP)yp =Desired work output 9, Required heat input > by Il law Figure 2.5 Kelvin-Planck statement — ~ Otherwise, it is impossible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process converts the entire heat energy supplied into equivalent amount of useful work. mply, it can be stated that the entire heat energy given to an engine cannot be it into useful work and some amount of heat energy will be rejected to sink. h _ The Kelvin—Planck statement can also be expressed as no heat engine can have a a efficiency of 100 percent. __Engineering Thermodynany. 28.2. Clausius Statement qe The Clausius statement is expressed as “It is impossible to construct an Per ating device working on a eyelic process which produces no other effect than the transyp, energy as heat from a low temperature body to a high temperature body”. The Clausius statement can also be stated as “heat cannot flow from colg "eservoir 10 hot reservoir without any external aid. But, heat can flow from hot "eServoir to cold reservoir without any external aid.” Q Q Possible system Impossible system Possible system Figure 2.6 Clausius statement 2.6. COROLLARIES OF THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS The statements which can be proved with the help of reversible cycles are called as corollaries of the second law of thermodynamics. Corollary —1 It is impossible to construct a system which will operate in a cycle and transfer | the heat from a cold body to a hot body without supplying work on the system by | surroundings. Proof: If the above-said statement is not true, the system could be represented by a heat Pump for which W = 0 as shown in Figure 2.7. If it takes Q, units of heat from the cold reservoir, it must deliver Q, =Qr units to the hot reservoir to satisfy the first law. “A heat engine could also be operated between two reservoirs. It delivers of heat to the cold reservoir while performing W units of work. Then the f gates that the engine must be supplied with (W+On), or (W+Q,) units of heat from the pot reservoir : Figure 2.7 If both plants are combined, then the cold reservoir becomes unnecessary and the heat rejected from heat engine is directed to heat pump as heat intake. The combined plant represents a heat engine extracting (W+Qx) — Or = W units of heat from a reservoir, and delivering an equivalent amount of work. This is impossible according to second law. Thus, corollary —1 must be true. Corollary — 2 An engine operating between two heat reservoirs cannot have higher efficiency than that of a reversible engine operating between the same temperature limits of heat reservoirs. Corollary — 3 All reversible engines operating between the same two reservoirs have the same efficiency. Corollary — 4 The efficiency of any reversible engine operating between more than two reservoirs must be less than that of the reversible engine operating between two reservoirs which have temperatures equal to the highest and lowest temperature of the fluid in the original engine. Engineering Thermod c e YhaMicg a F ‘ Whenever a System undergoes a cycle, 52 will be zero, if the Vel ig ~ i a * Mma --It is impossible Ans. | .d Availability Analysis as Irom engha SOE drives a heat pump of COP = 5. The heat is gasferred bo ae a ‘e.and heat pump to the circulating water for heating the in winter. Find the ratio of heat transfer to the circulating water from the poate the heat transfer to the circulating water from the heat engine. Qs’-heat transfer to the circulating water from heat pump. Qs -heat transfer to the circulating water from heat engine. @ Solution: For Heat Engine: nHE = Os— Or= 0.305 On= Os-0.30K= 0-708 W= Qs— On=Os— 0.795 W= Op - Os'= Qs -0.8 3 W=02 0s Ans, red A reversible heat engine operating between reservoirs at 900K and 300K drives a reversible refrigerator operating between reservoirs at 300K and 250K. The heat engine receives 1800KJ heat from 900K reservoir. The net output from the combined engine refrigerator is 360kJ. Find the heat transferred to the refrigerator and the net heat rejected to the reservoir at 300K. cee ee W, =O, * Mggs =1800% 0.66 = 1200 W = Qs, — Or, On,= Os, — Wi = 1800 — 1200 = 600 f, ok ‘COP, TT, Beeler 20. 25 2 %-7, 300-250 Qn, we OPO, =O, Qn w* aa It is given that Wy — W2= 360k Wz = W, — 360 = 1200 — 360 W= 840 kT ' From equation (2.11), 2, 840 Ory = 5x840 = 4200 kJ” => ae yi Heat transfer to refrigerator, Or. = 4200 kJ We know that, W2= Qs) — Oro 840 = Qs, — 4200 ~, Qs, = 840+4200 = 5040 hI Ans, “. Net heat transferred to the reservoir at 300 K | = Qr,+Qsy = 600+5040 = 5640 kT Ans. oa bade) du) ee % A Carnot heat engine cycle, works at maximum and minimum temperature of 1000°C and 40°C respectively. Calculate thermal efficiency and work done if 0. 1010 kJ. Given data: | Ty = 1000°C = 1273 K LE eee eae 761.54 kJ °C source. The efficiency of the 9%. Find the amount of heat supplied and heat rejected per kW of work Ans. oe - 1.695 — 1 = 0.695 kW Ans. -© be maintained at -10°¢, through the refrigeration ‘The temperature ina domestic refrigerator Ble ay ambient air temperature Is 30°C. If He heat (00 cat continuously oi KW, determine the least power necessary 10 pum ony : 4 | Given data: T, =-10°C =263K Ty= 30°C = 303K Os=3 kW To find: Power (W) © Solution: Figure 2.14 A refrigerator removes heat at the same rate at whi ich the heat leaks from it. For reversible engine, the condition of minimum power requirement Qe Os T, Ty I, n= 7 *2s 263 O% ans kW W = Qs—On=3-2.6= 0.396 kW Ans. © | 7,=300K ? case(i) Wa= We ‘ ¥ a» z 1 case (ii) Na= Ne fofnd: 6 Tin C for (i) and (ii) case (9 Solution: Let, Osy and Qa, --- Heat supplied and Tejected to HE -A. Qsz and Org --- Heat supplied and rejected to HE -B Figure 2.15 [-- ny =, ,equatingabovetwo equation | (870-1) = 870 (T-300) 8707-7 = 8707 - 261000 T= 261000. T= 510.88 KT = 237.88°C consumed by electric heater = 1209 ky a coP of H.P = 20% of Cop oFideal =0°C=273 K = AC = 297 K ~¥ Heat supplied by the Hp, Os= 0.65 x Cost of electricity = Rs. 1.75/kW-hy Tofind: “COP of heat pump (ii) Money saved per month @ Solution: Electricity charge by using electric heater = 1200 x 1.75 = Rs. 2100 per month Ti 297 t = = COP of Carnot pump T, Figure 2.19 Integrating the above equation from state | to state 2, 2 2 dV 2dT dS =mR{j<+mc, j= 1 Se ra ea er [s]? =mx[inv]? + mC,[inv? Seo Sm RIN ~InVi) + mC, Un 74 In 7] ener mRin [F}eme, wf 4 2.22) aterms of pressure and temperature: -- (2.23) potting 2.23) in 2.22) change in entropy as=mRin( B x 3) eee »( 3) Pp T, Sale T =mai( 2 Jomain(% A) omen{ 2) T = maio( 2 ome, -cn{ 2) mc, (3) =m rain 2 Jeme, n(B i) mC, in( BJome, »( 2) dS = maio( 2 Jeme, n(B } wee (2.24) Pr qT (ii) In terms of pressure and volume by gas equation: PV _ Pas ZT f Pita Bay _ Engineering Thermog, Pare, this value in equation (2.22) change in entropy V, Yenc (Bex } asamni( 2 }+me, é V, V, V, P2\+mC, In (2 amc, -ene(% }omeon( 2] % V, y cain( 2 Jom LA =mco( (fom Py aaah ¥, P. dS =mC, of Jemece( 2) ~~ Q25) 2.22. APPLICATIONS OF CHANGE IN ENTROPY FOR DIFFERENT PROCESgeg | (@) Constant volume process: | A system undergoing a change of state from 1 to 2 at a constant volume Process jg shown in p-V and T-s diagram of Figure 2.20. Ta qh Vi s—— (@) p-V diagram () T-s diagram | Figure 2.20 | From equation (2.22), the change in entropy is given by dS=mR mf Jem: in| 4 T jn constant volume process n=V; 7 1 2 3) ; dS = mc, inf % q for constant volume process, ds ~me.n( 2) ele , ats (2.26) o Constant pressure process: undergoing a chan Asystem Be of state from 1 to 2 at a constant pressure 4 it process sown inp-V and T-s diagrams of Figure 2.21. Pi (b) T-s diagram (a) p-V diagram Figure 2.21 From equation (2.22), as=mRin| 2 }4mc, nf & y, 7; For constant pressure process, me % 7 dS=m Rin a +mcC, In Ba y K Engineering Thermodynamic, V, A In| 4) ceR= Geom oo me,-coo( 2 me ( [k=e ea] | Taking m In (#) commonly \ as=min(2]tG-O7 % Ve) or ds=mC, (2) + QZ asoncqb( f or ds=m\r'!\ 7, 27) (c) Constant temperature process: A system undergoing @ change of process is shown in p-V and T-s diagrams ee from 1 to 2 at constant temperature of Figure 2.22. Vs J—_— (a) p-V diagram () T-s diagram Figure 2.22 From equation (2.22), ds =n mC, in| 2 y, T; where T; = 72 os (2-0 ds =nnr{ 2) A fe 2 Eyon ¥, a= [ Q marolt)] } w+. (2.28) 1 geversible adiabatic or isentropic process @ Adiabatic process is the process in which the heat is neither received nor rejected. co tere is NO heat transfer during the process, P-V and T-s diagrams are shown in igure 2.23- : ote: There is no area under T-s diagram because there is no heat transfer. ae Ve (@ p-V diagram (b) T-s diagram Figure 2.23 Since there is no heat transfer during the process, the change in entropy is zero (=0). () Polytropic Process: During the polytropic process, there is being the heat transfer between a system ind its surrounding. There will always be a change in specific entropy. p-V and T-s Glagrams are shown in Figure 2.24. neering Thermodynam., We know that from equation (2.22) z V, a emc,n( 3 dS nn?) T, vie ee ve (a) p-V diagram (b) T-s: diagram Figure 2.24 yy is calculated by using equation. (2.22), (2:28) and (2.27). derived as follows: ytropic process is giv’ Change in entrop; Another expression may be Heat transfer during po! dQ [the y-1 en by where y = Adiabatic index n= Polytropic index W = Work done ao-| =" oa [-W=pdV] Dividing both side by “T” di is 2 ake x dV mR é es [+ v=mar: 2 -as| : 2 eal Yon 2aV aS =|" a : [a }sme] v as {2 y-1 E 1 romeo) | 2] pV =pyr 2 -| 2. P, ¥ dS =mC, (y— en] | [-ina' =xIna] nlp Fe =a a] n Pr 223, PRINCIPLE OF INCREASE OF ENTROPY The change of entropy for reversible process is given by the expression, as 42 T Now, the change in entropy is examined for an irreversible process. Tet a thermodynamics system undergoes a change of state from 1 to 2 by a "versible process 1- A-2 and returns to state 1 either by an internally reversible Process 2-B-1 or by an irreversible process 2-C-1 and shown in Figure 2.25 . “a 1p dO. 40 i -Q39 poTiiaicET SS Ca . pee: do Since, the process 2-B-1 is reversible, ds= = Substituting this value in equation (2.33) 2 2d0 do ao dso es fase Jr (cr) T 234) Where the equality sign refers the reversible process and the inequality sign refers the irreversible process from equation (234)(50, the effect of irreversibility is always to increase the entropy of the system.|From this equation, the entropy of a system increases when the heat is supplied to the system. | principle is the quantitati ics. It is due to imreversil ein irreversibility. is allowing are applications: x Transfer of heat through a inte temperature di Be. Mixing of two ftuids. et AERO aa 3. Maximum work obtainable from two aie of temperature Ty and 7». ; Maximum work obtainable from a finite body and thermal energy reservoir. the heat (Q) from reservoir 1 to reservoir 2. ‘or reservoir 1, the change in entropy AS; = 2 - 1 [ — ve sign indicates that the heat is transferred from (1) ] 2 For reservoir 2, the change in entropy, AS2 = @ Figure 2.26 ae servoir 2 to the surrounding is conside, Ted y Heat transfer from reservoir | and res ‘i entropy of universe, negligible. Therefore, the total entropy (or) ASoniv = S51 + AS2 scan % dQ _%mCaT 57 5 T AS; = If ASyaiv < 0 (or) T2> Ti, the process is impossible. 2.24.2. Mixing of Two Fluids Consider a system having two subsystems. Subsystem 1 contains fluid of mas, m, the specific heat at constant pressure of Ci, and the temperature of 7; ang subsystem 2 of mass mp, the specific heat at constant pressure of C2, and the temperature of 72. These two subsystems are separated by a partition with an adiabatic enclosure. When the partition is removed, then the two fluids will mix with each | other. After the mixing is over, it will attain the thermal equilibrium of temperature; 4 Figure 2.27 Tyshould always be less than 7; but it is greater than 72 fm = mz =m, and Ci = C,=C ee a z ve Sia lee Serie Now, ASuniv= 7 C In TT, mC Th 7 +7, Tatas T+T, ive) ra T+ yell ee m »(24) a (T+h)/2 ASuniy = 2m Cy In Sir Engineering Ther eg Bodies at Tempera oS tures, y Work obtainable from Two Finite and T . Consider two identical finite bodies containing third constant heat capacity vely. Then the final temperate the same mass at the temperatures Tiy and T;, respect! is given by 7, = 2 xt. Th ‘Sink Figure 2.28 When the heat engine is operated between these two temperatures of Ty and 1, the portion of heat (Q;) from the body 1 is supplied to the heat engine to convert inty | | work (W). The remaining heat is rejected to the body 2. So, the temperature of body | decreases and simultaneously the temperature of body 2 will increase. After some time, both bodies will reach thermal equilibrium at a temperature of 7; At thermal equilibrium temperature, the heat engine stops its working. Heat supplied to heat engine, Q; = Cy (Tu- T) Heat rejected to body 2, Or = C, (Ty— T1) Work delivered W = Q,—- Op W= Cp (Ta Ty Ty + T= Cy (Tu + Tr -21)) We know that, Change in entropy of body 1, Hiasae f, AS\= [ C,—=C in“ 1 J ma C, in z H Similarly, change in entropy of body 2, Maximum work, Winax = Cp (T, + T; —2. ii TT) =o (VR) + (Way RE] Winax= Cp Rea VE]? entropy of a pure crystalline substance at absolute zero temperature is zero. the statement of third law of thermodynamics. This law provides an absolute ce point for the entropy called as absolute entropy. It is very much useful in ‘thermodynamic analysis of chemical reactions. is simply defined as the amount by which the entropy of system changes initial state to final state. But it is not measured in terms of absolute entropy. To ‘determine the absolute entropy, a Seca of the system is arbitrary chosen as a standard state. ‘Then the entropy change is calculated with respect tog, Stondard site ba ws For example, consider a system & ‘5 a / ie absolute entropy, AS = Si f where, ee entropy of system at state 1. = entropy of system at Cie tm oy) 2.26. ENTROPY BALANCE As per the entropy concept, the entropy change of any system is more than the entropy transfer by an amount equal to the entropy generated during the process, j, makes the imbalance between entropy change of the system and entropy transfer from the system. The entropy balance equation can be expressed for any system as: Entropy Entropy ‘Entropy Losses i.e. Entropy entering |+| generation =| leaving | +| change of the the system) ( within the system) | the system) \ surrounding Sin + Sgen = Sout tASsurr ASeurr = (Six ~ Sou) * Spon Seon = ASiystem + ASaurr EWS | 83) This entropy balance equation (2.35) can be applied to any system undergoing any thermodynamic process. For unit mass, it can be written as Sgen = ASsysten + AScurr -- (2.36) ‘The entropy balance can be stated that the entropy generation during the process is the sum of the change in entropy of the system and change in entropy of the surrounding. re valabilty Analysis Y GENERATION “earlier, the entropy generation Chita pa ieee aM afl : ig the process depends on the change of the system. and change in entropy of the surrounding, It is given by Seen = ASorientAS, : ‘sure entrop. yy of the system is based on the type erm ic process Tee she system but the entropy of surroundi Se ped 2 vunding depends on the amount of waste to the atmosphere or sink at a i rature. particular . tro} al on surrounding is calculated by ven ae potroPY of surrounding, “BS cue = Goer ysually, Teurr is the ambient temperature, T, z seen sg similar to principle of increase in entropy, if: {@) Sgen = 0 for reversible process (i) Sgen > 0 for irreversible process ii) Sgen <0 for impossible process. D PROBLEMS 16 kg of air compressed according to the law py'>= C form a pressure of 1.2 far and temperature of 20°C to a pressure of 17.5 bar. Calculate (a) the final volume and temperature (b) work done (c) heat transferred and (d) change in ntropy. Given data: m=1.6 kg pye=C 2n=13 Pi=1.2 bar = 120 kN/m?* t Tan 3, Manel ai dengan! too a x1.121 = C % -(i70) Bean elibexsiv; ~« a From polytropic process relation, mi nonx(2)" = 293x( eye - =543.82K Ans. A s t = AM ~Pby Workdone, W Fr w= Me TE TOT =- 384.02 kJ pe y-1 O=~-384.02 x C2) O=-96 ky “Heat transfer, Q=W x (2) Ans. ©

" process: adiabatic Tofind: f acne T, Wand AS QA @ Solution: ? p, Vand T relation for adiabatic process is given by ca q (2) Bere 2)" 7, T \A =| |" 300)" E 2e)" en e| eee (2) i-(35 x 567.78 K rm ie. as (yen ne Work done, W = 2 a y-1 y-1 287 x (823 567.78 = 110.287 (623-56778).. 195.12 ksthe oDg 5 Change in entropy AS = 0 for adiabatic process Ans. ~ neering Thermodynan, ley L kg of air is compressed according to the Jaw pV’ =C from ss bar and Iso, ¥=0. 17 bar. Calculate the change in entropy. G,=1.005 kI/Kg K and C=0.72 kikg x. i) Given data: m= kg pV'=C, So,n=1.25 p= 1 bar = 100 kN/m? (p> = Thar = 1700 kNim? T= 15°C = 288 K p= 1.005 kilkg K C,=0.72 kulkg K R= Cy—Cy= 1.005 — 0.72 = 0.285 kulkg K To find: Change in entropy AS © Solution: From polytropic relation, = 12s 7,=|”|* x7 -(%) 125 x 288 =507.55 K 2 lp 100 Change in entropy (AS): 47h AS= mRIn [2 encom (2) Pr q O78 1 " 0285x In | — |+1 x1.005xIn =-0. . | bas (=) x x ( 288 ) 0.238 KJ/K Ans. » One kg of air in a closed system initially at 5°C occupying a volume of 0.31 undergoes a constant pressure heating process to 100°C. There is no work, other than pdV work. Find the work transfer, heat transfer and the entropy change of tt so mu-Apr'95] am sor transfer, W=PVa-Vi)= men, = Nn) * 10287100125) swore helo Se talk K = 27.26 ky ary ey Heat transfer, Q= mC (Tr ~ 71) *1% 1.005 (100~5)=95.48 7 Ans. ~ a th Change in entropy, AS = mC,q (2) fi =1%x 1.005 In ae = 0.295 kKJ/K Ans. -o 278 Ten grams of water at 20°C is converted into ice at -10°C at constant simospheric pressure. Assuming the Specific heat of liquid water to remain constant 420g K and that of ice to be half of this value and taking the latent heat of Mision of ice at 0°C to be 335 J/g. Calculate the total entropy change of the system Gofice = 2.093 J/gk. [MU-Oct?95] Given data: m= 10g T,=20°C Te =— 10°C G42 Jie K. Me=335 Jy a ineering Thermog, To find: ‘Change in entropy, AS © Solution: Heat absorbed from the water to form Heat absorbed latent heat absorbed from a ere *| the solid phase from the liquid heat the solid pl 2. = my Cp, (Tr — 9) + yg + ee (oe = 10 x 4.2 (20-0) + 335 + 10 x 2.093 O-G 10g of ice @-f) 10)) = 4399.3 7 Entropy change of the atmosphere, = 2 _ 43993 _ 16.12 IK ASastem mney) Entropy change of the system from 20°C to 0°C ir a) AS) = Th ) = 10x 4.21n | <= 1 me Cin( 2] 10 x 4.2 & m from 0 to — 10°C 2.97 JIK Entropy change of the syste T, 263 AS2 = tice Cojee 18 (2}- 10 x 2.093 In (a) - 0.781 IK A “Total entropy change AS = AS; + AS2 + ASpsiem =_2.97—0. 781 + 16.12 = 12.369 JIK Ans. rss ‘A constant volume chamber of 0.3 m? capacity contains 1 kg of air at S6C Heat is transferred to the air until the temperature is 100°C. Find the wor transfer, heat transfer and the change in internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. [Madras Univ. Oct'5 Given data: V,=0.3 m? m=1kg T, = 56°C T, = 100°C | =1x0.718 (100 ~56) = 31.59 xy Ans. -o Change in enthalpy A= Ay 31.59 Ky Ans. fT, a Change in entropy, AS = mc, jy ( 2 ae qT A agi. =1x0.718 In (2 =O, ie 32 3) 09 KITK Ans. ~ 10 kg of water 90°C mixes with 2.5 kg of water at 20°C under adiabatic condition. Find the final temperature and entropy Seneration, [MU-Apr’97] Given data: m= 10 kg T)=90°C m=2.5 kg Q=20°C Tofind: T; and AS Solution: T= ™at+mCT 7 a m,C, , of water = 4.187 kivkg K. = rs x293 10x 4.187%363-+2.5x4.187 b= tel 1.x 4.187+2.5%4.187 = 349 K;= 76°C Fy PY generation, AS = m, C, In| — +m, C, In| i : 349 =10 4187 «In (285) +25 «4287 " 18 (=) | Ans. | = 0.184 KJ/K 5 ted} In a certain heat exchanger, 45 kg/min of water is 10 be heated from 60° ¢,, sat 225K and flow at the rite 115° C by hot gases, which enter the heat exchanges. 90 kg/min. Compute the net change of entropy. Assume specific heat for water ang gases as 4.18 and 1.045. kI/kgK. [MU-Oct’ 9, Given data: é my = 45 kg/min Ty, = 60°C Ty = 115°C Tg, = 22°C mz = 90 kg/min To find: Net change of entropy, AS © Solution: By energy balance, Heat gained by the water = Heat given out by the gas te Coy (Trey — To) = eCp, (Te, - Tey) 45 x 4.18 (115 — 60) = 90 x 1.045 (225 — T,2) T,, = 115 K awand Avallabllity Analysig or ane in entropy-of gas, As, = ™Cyln ie q,, = 0. Lis 60" O45in( LIS =) =~ 1.052 KK in entroy f water, AS, = T, e in entropy oi fer, AS, mC, In (2) ™ iol 388 oo™*18hn( 3) 333 Net change in entropy, as — AS, + AS, ~> A perfect gas is contained in a cylinder and undergoes'a controlled expansion ding to the law p =A + BV, where Aan ‘4 B are constants. p be the pressure in and v be the volume in m’. The init ial and final pressures are 8.4 kefien? gi2bkgfiem’ and the corresponding yo umes are 0.056 m’ and 0.168 m’. Assume 1-138, R= 0.28 kJ/kg K. The initiat temperature is 15°C. Determine (a) work dme by the gas (b) heat transferred during the process in magnitude and direction (j change in entropy per kg of 8as during expansion @ maximum value of internal energy per kg reckoned from 0°C. [MU-Oct?98] Given data: p=A+BV P= 8.4 keficm™ D=28 keflem? Yi= 0.056 m?> ¥=139 and R= 0.28 kjkg K. a v=0.168, =307 Jay = 100 (1127 ake | = 62.72 kI ‘Ane oe = me 8.4%100%01056 _ 9 593 4 | Mass of the gas, m Ba = 0583 ke We know that ym [-pV=mR7] « 2.40) Substituting (2.40) in 2.37) cede BmRT p-Ap+BmRT-0 240) = gay O842-273)= 79.84 kitkg Ans. ~w Heat transfer, O = work transfer [- forpV=c] » = 62.72 kT Ans. > [- Heat is supplied into the system] 2.29, HIGH GRADE AND LOW GRADE ENERGY @ High grade energy: be converted into other useful form : is y which can completely radfe energy. Generally, the work output is considered as high energy. It ‘not depend on the available quantum of energy. For example, i electrical euergy ‘can be converted into mechanical work and vice-versa is 4. possible at any time, Mechanical work, electrical energy, water power, wind tidal power, Kinetic energy of jet ete. come under the category of high grade energy, (ii) Low grade energy: The energy which cannot completely called ow grade energy. The partial conversion of low grade energy 0 high graj energy is possible. Based on the second Jaw of thermodynamics, the possi), conversion of low grade energy is known as available energy. At the same time, th unavoidable rejection of low grade energy to the sink or atmosphere is cali unavailable energy. Generally, the thermal energy is considered as low grade ener, For example, heat or thermal energy, heat released during nuclear fission process ng heat released during combustion of fossil fuels are considered as low grade energy. be converted into high grade energy jg. Based on the concept of various grades of energy, the following statements ar arrived: 1. The fist law of thermodynamics does not deal with the same grade of energy ai its feasibility but it says that all the energy absorbed is converted into work ou without losses. Workouput _W HeatSupplied Q [ «. Work is a high-grade energy and heat is a low grade energy sm = 100 % where O= W] 2. The second law of thermodynamics says that all the energy absorbed as heat by t be converted into work. Some part of the energy must be rejected an engine canno' sink Qi=W+Q [L. W= useful work, Q2 = losses] \ fas lability Analysis and Aval limits 7; and 72. According to the second |; therm i Pr-34 is called useful energy, But the area ofa ee een S eswoundings due friction (ancontrollable toss), ur main aim is to reduce energy losses to the Surroundings, Heat rejection or Joss can be reduced by decreasing the temperature 7, to Ty (temperature of suntings)- By doing this, useful energy will increase with decrease in energy loss. Figure 2.29 T-s diagram | e already know that no engine can have higher efficiency than Carnot engine. ofthe corollary of second law] According to this, =F, gee «-(2.42) TN max neering Thermodynamic Workoutput _ W. Roc bebe enpine, 1 pe ee NHe Fest Supplied | O = Q43y eee Q q Aja eae cS) Useful energy, w-(- Available energy, 4.E = (-8) ° ; IfT)=To . i T Now available energy, 4.E=|1--2 |O= Q-— 0 qT, qT By entropy principle, AS = g i AE =Q-ToAS Unavailable energy (U.A.E): The portion of the energy supplied as heat, which cannot be converted into work due to friction is called as unavailable energy. Unavailable energy, U.A.E = Total heat energy — Available energy =Q-AE=Q-[Q-TAS] =T AS [Hint: Unavailable energy = loss in available energy (or) Irreversibility (or) Principle of entropy generation} Decrease in available energy through a finite temperature difference: Consider a reversible heat engine operating between 7; and Tp. Heat transfer, Q; = T; AS Heat transfer, Q2 = Ty AS Work output, W = Available energy Lo tnd! ike 7 er. Ss aate - Figure 2.30 ‘bat heat Q1 is supplied to the engine. The temperature wil be 7 this heat reaches heat engine not 7). But, the will be at same T;. Therefore, entropy due to 7,” will j increase from AS to AS’. According to reversible heat engine concept, Q,=T,AS=T, As ad by the heat engine will be 0,’ not Qo. Q, =T,AS’ Actual work done by the heat engine, W =0\-0, =T/AS ~T,as =(1}-7,) as’ We know that, the work output, W= (T — Tp) AS * The actual work output of heat engine will be less because O, > O, * Decrease in available energy, W-W =9,-Q, ley, If the temperature difference between Ti and Ti’ is greater, the decreas, ; available energy will be more. Thus, there is a decrease in available energy whey c is transferred through a finite temperature difference. 2.31. AVAILABILITY A thermodynamic system undergoes a change of state through a Teversiby Process until it comes to equilibrium with the atmosphere. Then, the work done by system on the atmosphere is a maximum. The maximum. work obtained is calleq .. the availability of system. The system transfers heat to the atmosphere at pressure Po and temperature 7, Here, the equilibrium will exist between the system and atmosphere [ Po =1.01325 hg, and T, = 25°C ]. It is denoted by 6 for closed system and y (or) B for open system, Availability, $ = Q — To AS for any type of closed system Availability, y (or) B = (hn - hn )~ To (Si — Sa) for any type of open system 2. Wmax (or) $ (or) v1 Figure 2.31 T-s diagram 2.32. IRREVERSIBILITY (I) It is defined as the difference between maximum work to the actual work obtained in a process. T= Wimax — Wact = To SS [-. Energy loss] Law and Availability Analysis “AND! LAW EFFICIENCY law efficiency is defined as the oie! to the system. Tlaw efficiency, n, = Net work output Network output Heat supplied Tatio between net work output and heat : ratio between the change in the available the system and change in the available ener, it é 'gy of the source, i net F ee een urce. Otherwise, it may Bate ilability of output to the availability of iopt. ae nn = Change in the available energy ofthe system_ 4, Change in the available en 2 ergy of the source 4, 34, EXPRESSIONS FOR THE ENERGY OF A CLOSED SYSTEM IN TERMS OF AVAILABILITY AND SECOND LAW EFFICIENCY Case a: constant volume process Consider air heated from the temperature of T, to T at constant volume and also eat transfer with the surrounding at 7,, Total heat energy supplied to air, =m C, (2-T) Available energy, A.E = Q~-T, AS where, AS =mC,In 2 1 Unavailable energy, U.A.E=Q-A.E U.A.E =m C, (12-11) - [m C, (Tz-T)) — To AS] =T, AS Case b : Constant pressure process Ifair is heated from 7; to 72 with the surrounding at the temperature of 7p, Heat energy supplied, Q = m Cp (T2-T1) Available energy, AE = Q— Tp AS ea Bis ial lees are ‘Availability or Wax=Q—To AS — =o-m BUZAY 7 ( -rin2) Wir 1 Py For poly tropic process, <(olfb) © 7 (ca Irreversibility, /= Winar-W=T> AS SIS 5 SS SiS — Second law efficiency, Nu = 7 ilabllty Analysis # pRESSIONS FOR THE ENERGY g ee AVAILABILITY AND SECOND Lay crriomceN the steady flow i _ know that energy equa : the energy balance concept, ‘on for any kind of open system SYSTEM IN TERMS OF G of $5 078)}+0-n( ne eng) ey @ Turbine: ‘me following assumptions are made: i Potential energies are negligible jj, Inlet velocity of the turbine is negligible when compared to exit velocity pesead flow energy equation (SFEE) reduces to at Actual work output, Woes = m (hy — -hn)+Q (:Frait (i — hx) = Cp (Ti -T), O= ~ve when heat is transferred to the surrounding] Reversible work (or) maximum work or availability change Wrmax = (hy — hz) ~Ty (S, = S) <. Inreversibility, 7= 7, as [-4S=5\- 5] Wee Second law efficiency, yn = (ase b: Compressor / pump The following assumptions are made such as change in potential and kinetic | ‘nergy are negligible. Therefore, SFEE reduces to m(hi)+Q=m (in) + W W=m(h-m)+O Actual work input, Wc = m (hz — hy) = Q [-: Compressor / pumps are work absorbing devices] Maximum work input, Winax =m (h2— hi) — To (S2— Si) Irreversibility, => AS [» AS=S)-S)] . Wax Second law efficiency, qu = W. alll kL a ‘c: Heat Exchanger ~ Consider m) kg of hot fluid with a specific heat of C1 exchanging heat wg, fluid of m, kg with a specific of C2. Boy 1 Hot Fluid qh rel z Ts Cold Fiuld : Figure 2.32 Heat exchanger By heat balance, ©. Heat gained by cold fluid = Heat given out by Hot fluid mp, C2 (Ta-Ts) = my Ci (Ti-T2) Availability of cold fluid, B; = mz C2 (Ts - Ts) ~ To (Sa — Ss) Availability, of Hot fluid, By = my C1 (Ti ~ 72) — To (Si — Sz) Irreversibility, [= By, — Be Availability of Cold fluid Second law efficiency, nu = CY, Tl“ vailability of Hot fluid Case d : Throttling process For throttling process, Enthalpy before throttling = Enthalpy after throttling =h For throttling process, both work output and heat transfer are zero. Maximum work, Wimax = /1 — /2 = To (Si — 52) Wrmax = (ht ~ To $1 )— (ha = To Sz) = i - where w= availability at inlet, and w= availability at outlet 1 . gecond law efficiency, Ny = Avallabil iz = Vailabj ate Mo r lity atintet Wi FUL WORK BASED on ty, #8 VoN-FLOW PROCESSES | SECOND Law of THERMODYNAMICS jder a system having initia) and grounding is with the atmospheric ‘qhe work done on the atmosphere, The maximum useful work, W)max= te Wact ~ Woy = : ~ Wact ~ Po (Va ¥, 2.44 where Wacrbe the maximum work of the system or ae x oD Wact = Wax =Q-au =T. AS— au ... (2.45) [- Q=ras for reversible process ] = To (S28) —(Up— U1) «++ (2.46) sobstituting equation (2.45) in (2.44), «The maximum useful work, (W,)maz= °(S2— Si) —(U2-U,)—p,. (V2 Vi) =~ U2) + po (Vi — Va) — To (Si — 3) Wa)max = (Uh + po Vi = To $1) — (2+ po V2—To S2) Also, the maximum useful work can be written as (Wamax = 91 = $2 where @ be the availability function for a closed system, It is given by o=U+p.V-TMS For unit mass, the useful work becomes, (Wa)max = (ur + Po Vi — To $1) — (2 + Po V2— To 52) In addition to the atmosphere, the system exchanges heat with a thermal energy Reservoir at a temperature of 7,. So, the maximum useful work increases. ae = Coma ws) Pd %)-TsSi— 89401 PSO 20 Ire! "We know that the steady How energy equation for any Bu of open system 1 m( +Grzg)ro-n[h +Gong}or According to first law of thermodynamics, f ai a o-Ww=n{t - +2 }-m( 4 +Gsee)- AU....(2.47) For an open system, the maximum useful work, (Wi)nax is same a8 Wings due to the rejection of heat to the atmosphere itself. So, (W)max = Wact = Wr Similar to closed system, substituting equation (2.47) in (2.45), (Wa)max= To SS — AU ; : =T,AS= nh +Seze}-n( ts +G +2] In most of the cases, both potential and kinetic energies can be neglected. a)max= To SS~ m(Ih,—h)= To (S2— Si) - (Hz — Fh) award Availability Analysis pe written by nem = (Wu)max = (H, -T,S,)~(H, al ~TS,) = v4-y, where v be the availability function for an open V=H-Ts or unit mass, (Wi)max = (h, ~T.s)-(h,-T,s,) Similar to closed system, the increased maximum useful work due to the additional exchange of heat to thermal Teservoir is given by (Wodmas= (h~T.5)~ (hy -ts)+0[1-2) 438, SOLVED PROBLEMS Asingle stage air turbine is to operate with air inlet pressure and temperature 1 bar and 600K. During the expansion, the turbine losses are 20 ki/kg to the surroundings which is at I bar and 300K. For 1 kg of mass flow rate determine (i) decrease in availability (ii) maximum work (iii) the irreversibility. — [MU-.Oct?96] Given data: Vi=W2, Winas and I A5= S2-$1=mic; In (2) -rin(%)) = 11.005 in (233) 0.287 In ()- = 0.697 kitkg K 600. 1 Decrease in availability, Wi — Wo = m[(I — ha) — To (Si — Sa) =m [CG (Ti- Ta) - To (Si - )] = 1 x 1.005 (600 — 300) — 300 (0.697) = 510.6 kJ/kg Ans, . Maximum work = decrease in availability Wnax = 510.6 kIkg Ans, . From SFEE, | hi Ooh [-KE=0, P.E.=9) W=m [hy -hx) + Q) =m[C, (11-72) + O] | = 1 x [1.005 (600 — 300)-20] = 281.5 ki/kg | = Wrax— W = 510.6 — 281.5 = 229.1 kI/kg Ans. » | Irreversibility, rere In a steam generator, the steam generating tubes receive heat from hot gases Passing over the oxide surface evaporating water inside the tubes. Flue gas flov rate is 20 kg/s with an average specific heat of 1.04kJ/kgK. The gas T decrease from 650°C to 400°C while generating steam at 300°C water enters the tube ast saturated liquid and leaves with a quality of 90%. Assume environment temperatutt as T, = 27°C. Determine the water flow rate, availability of hot fluid and cold fluid, Irreversibility and second law efficiency. hs = hy= 1345 kulkg., hyg= 1406 kathg $3= 5/5 3.255 bike K, 54 =2.453kg K : ha = I+ X4 hyg= 1345 +0.9 x 1406= 2610.4 klk ’ S4= 57+ X4 53.255 + 0.9 x 2.453 =5.46 lhe K ne Tz) = mz (hyhs) 100) = m (2610.4 ~ 1345) mz = 4.11 kgls Ans. = 20 1.08 (650-40) ~300 « [1.041223 y | = 3228.88 kW ‘ AB: = | | V2 = ma [ (hah) To (04-55) ] Engineerin: = 4.11 [ (2610.4 — 1345) — 300 (5.467 — = 2473.39 kW Irreversibility, /= yi — y2 = 3228.88 — 2478.39 = 755.49 kW Ans, : Availability of Cold fluid Second | - : Scond Jaw efficiency, n=” ilability of Hot fluid = 247339 .100=76.6% Ans. 3228.88 Lael ty i Steam flows in a pipeline at 1.5 MPa. After expanding to 0.1 MPa ing throttling calorimeter, the temperature is found to be 120°C. Find the quality of steam in the pipeline and also calculate availabilities, irreversibility and second lay efficiency. Assume T, = 25°C. Given data: Pi =1.5 MPa p2=0.1 MPa Tr = 120°C To find: 1, Wi, W2, 7 and nu © Solution: Corresponding to p2 =1 bar and Tz = 120°C from the super heated Table, hy = 2716.2 kk 52 = 7.4606 ki/kg K For throttling process, Ay=h hy = 2716.2 klkg But at p; = 15 bar, hy = 844.89 kikg e ‘and Avallability Analysis Nye = 1947.3 kilke 9° 2.3315 big x Sfg = 6.4448 kulke k fy = Iy+ xy lig 2716.2 = 844.89 + x, (19473) x1 = 0.963 Ans. -~w SL= St x1 Spy S1= 2.3315 + 0.963 (6.4448 i ) = 8.538 kilke K Availability at inlet, y= My ~ Tys, ie = 2716.2 298 x 8.538 = 171.876 AJikg Ans. jyalability at outlet, y=) —7, s, om = 2716.2 —298 x 7.4606 = 492.94 kJlkg Ans. > Irreversibility, 7= yw2— yy = 492.94 — 171.876 = 321.064 kJlkg Ans. -© or = To (81-82) = 298 (8.538 — 7.4606) = 321.065 kJ/kg Ans. ~ Second law efficiency, nu = 7 or 4a = 171.876, 100 = 34.867 % Ans. © 492.94 239. ANNA UNIVERSITY SOLVED PROBLEMS ee ure are limited to 18 bar is essure and temperat Ina Carnot cycle the maximum pr or Ral eo al 410°C. The volume ratio of isentropic comer i “pansion is 1.5. Assume the volume of the air at the a oder Pansion as 0.18m3. Show the cycle on p-V and T-s diagra’ isothermal () The pressure and.temperature at main points m Q2) Thermal efficiency of the cycle. ov") Given data: The highest pressure, p2 = 18bar The highest temperature, T; = 410°C = 683K =73 Volume, V2 = 0.18m° Fg —> y= 1.08m? 3 Keis aoe © Solution: Process 1-2: Be (4 = 983___333.55K Ans. Tim Oa T=Ts C= process 1-4 isisothermal) so ° Pre (#) Bh \n Bae = 100 = 1.46 bar Ans. V, (6) ° V, Pp Op Jpdegrem (b) T-s diagram Figure 2.33 | sal al =124(4 a J 0977 br Aus. d, On = vied 1800x0.18xIn) , l= x *In(1.5)= 131 Sli VY, ; ( = 31.37 ky v1 i Py atrejected, Or Py o(2)- are( 2 nels on 63.341 kT Cred Thermal efficiency, n = am Ans, ror A Carnot heat engine receives 650kJ of heat from a source of unknown ‘mperature and rejects 250kJ of it to a sink as 297K. Determine the ee 7 lov" MeSource and the thermal efficiency of the heat engine. INe Siven data: On= 650k Q&=250K7 T= 297K ee 4 x © Solution: Thermal efficiency, Mina = 650-250 _ Ty ~ 297 650 i Ty = 772.2K Ans, Thermal efficiency, Nnar= 2=2e © os | s | 650-250 Zhaeso) = = 61.54% Ans. Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series. A rejecting hey directly to B. engine receives 200kJ at a temperature of 421°C from a hot Source, | while engine B is in communication with a cold sink at a temperature of 4.4°¢, j the work output of A is twice that of B, find: | @ The intermediate temperature between A and B, (ii) The efficiency of each engine, and (iii) ‘The heat rejected to the cold sink. [Apr’05 & May'} Given data: Ty = 421°C = 421+273 = 694 K T, = 4.4°C = 4.44273 = 277.4 K Qs, = 200 kJ | Wa=Wo | To find: | T, na, Np and Or, © Solution: Work output from engine A, W4= Q,.~ Ox, = 200 — Or, a 1 $0, Figure 2.34 So, Wa= 200-0.2887 But and also Wa= Qs, — Or, = 0.2887—Qr, Eqating equations (2.50) and (2.51) 100 0.1447 = 0.2887— Op, Qe, = 0.4327 — 100 Similarly, for reversible engine B, 7 _ Oy T, On so, 2 _ On, 2774 On,” Wa=100-0.14a7 (~" 2, =¥, ) (:2,=0,) (:, =) --.(2.50) = 251) ames); Engineering Thermodynamicg T=416.42 K = 143.42°C Or, = 0.288x416.42 = 119.93 ky So, on ny = 0.432%416.42 — 100 = 79-89 kT Ans. 4 Efficiency of engine A, 14 12 = 40.04% Ma ; 79.89 » Effi ; st se ciency of engine A, a oe 203) Ans. = 33.39% Try ee . The first one receives heat Two Carnot engines A and B are operated in sert B receives heat rejected by the first engine at 870 K and rejects toa resérvoir at T. and in turn rejects to a sink at 300K. Find the temperature T for (1) Equal work outputs of both engines [Nov'13] | (2) Same efficiencies. Same as Problem 9 in page 2.25. | ery tor claims to have developed a refrigerating unit which mai 6°C while operating in a room where temperature is 27°C [Nov’0l] An inven intains the refrigerated space at — and has COP 8.5. Find out whether his claim is correct or not. Given data: Inventor’s refrigerating unit T= 2TE. T,=-€C cop =8.5 lability Analysis Law and Avail wn = T_ _ 64773 cor of TT, 27=(-6 8.09 eres COP inventor > <, claim is not correct. oa Ans. 7 ae GS inventor claims to have developed an engine which receives 1000kJ at a in a. ure of 160°C. it rejects heat ata temperature of 5°C and delivers 0.12kWh mechanical work. Is this a valid claim? Justify your answer through Classius incl [Apr’08] ven data: = 1000 kJ y= 0.12kWh = 0.123600 = 43247 qj- 160°C= 270+160 = 433K po 5°C = 27345 = 278K @Solution: ’ T,_. 228 Camotefficiendy! qe aia2= 1 ssieee YM To 13537 358% ca Engine efficiency, Monge = 5 = iS =43.3% Ans. -» Tagine Meaney « SO, inventor claim is not valid. wa A heat engine operates between a source at 600°C and a sink at 60°C. Determine the least rate of heat rejection per kW net output of the engine. . rrr tinea heresy [Nov’01 & Nn; ov'o3) Given data: Ty = 600°C = 273+600 = 873 K Ty = 60°C = 273+60 = 333 K To find: Qp/net output © Solution: Take W = 1kW. At the least rate of heat rejection, the efficiency shoulq i maximum. Carnot efficiency of heat engine, nxe= Tao in _ 873-333 _ 61.36% Tcarnot 873 nHe= i ane 2, 1 O 06186 | Q,= 1.616 if | VW = 1.616—1=0.616/ kW of the output Ans.» | yA POT A reversible engine operates between a source at 972°C and two si ks, one dt | ame at both the sinks. Whatis 127° and another at 27°C. The energy rejected is s heat rejected? Also calculate the efficiency. the ratio of heat supplied to th [Dec’05] | Given data: T, =972°C Tz = 127°C T=27°C Re ye tare ore Figure 2.35 D2=O; So, 21= Ort Q,=2 0, A __T _ 1245 Be +0, 7,47, 700 178 2, +9.) 2 =1-| 2+, =1-|2t& }, (2 } x00 Efficiency, 1 1-—— ]100 = 43.82% . ( mE 3.82% Ans, “© cE / Problem 9 An irreversible heat engine with 66% efficiency of the maximum possible, is sperating between 1000K and 300K. If it delivers 3 kW of work, determine the heat extracted from the high temperature reservoir and heat rejected to low temperature reservoir, [Apr’13] _— Given data: {Me = 66% = 0.66 T= 1000 K 7, = 300 K W=3k" To find: Q, and Q, © Solution: Efficiency of irreversible heat engine, NHE= Q, 3 0.66= — 2. .Q, =4.54 kW Ans. Work done, W=9,-Q, 3=4.54-0, .Q, =1.54 kW Ans. 5 | ey ee | | A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of — 15°C. The ambient airis | at 30°C. If heat leaks into the freezer ata continuous rate of 1.75kJ/s, what is the | least power necessary to pump the heat out continuously? [Apr’03} Given data: 15°C = 273 —15 = 258 K 0°C = 273+30 = 303 K Q,= 1.75 kW Carnot Cop = __7, Rip st in ~T,, 303—253 ~ 5-733 ‘actual COP of refrigerator = Q. W orminimum ~ Tequired to pump the on arnot COP = Actual cop 5.733 = 175 Ww W=0.305 kw A house hold refrigerator is maintained at a temperature of 275K. se door is opened, warm material is placed inside, Ans. ~ Every time introducing an average of ok, but making only a small change in the temperature of the refrigerator. The door is opened 20times a day, and the refrigerator operates at 15% of the ideal COP. the cost of work is Rs. 2.50 per kWhr. What is the bill for the month of April for tis refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 303K. Given data: COP of ref = 15% of COP of ideal Camot refrigerator. 1 =275 K Ty= 303 K Heat rejected by the ref, O,= 420 kJ for one time In one day = 20times opened 420x200 i i = =0.0972kW Total heat rejected in second paaere 0, Cost of electricity = Rs. 2.50/KW-hr © Solution: a 9) COP of ref = 7,0 303 275 [Nov’07] ineering Therm, ‘Actual COP of ref = 15% of COP of Carnot re! = JF. 59:82=1.473 100 Figure 2.36 Heat rejected | Work input Heat rejected _.Q, _ 0.0972 Work dc _ ee = = ‘ork done ~Copof ref COP 1.473 | COP of ref. = = 0.066kW W = 0.066x3600 = 237.6kWhr Electricity charge for running heat pump = 237.6 x 2.50 = Rs. 594 Ans. ~~ Wary eames The interior lighting of refrigerators is provided by incandescent lamps whose switches are actuated by the opening of the refrigerator door. Consider a refrigerator whose 40W light bulb remains on continuously as a result of malfunction of the switch. If the refrigerator has a coefficient of performance of 13 | and the cost of electricity of the Rs. 8per kWh, determine the increase in the ene?®] | consumption of the refrigerator and its cost per year, if the switch is not fixe d. Given data: prov’ w=40W —<— ad Be and Availability Analysis Figure 2.37 cop = Ze Ww 13-2 40 Qp= 5S2W=0.052kW W=Qs-OQr 0.04 = Qs 0.052 On =W+ Os Os = Qr — W= 0.052 — 0.04 = 0.012kW Increase in energy consumption, Q, = 0.012x3600 = 43.2kWh hnetease in cost of electricity = 43.2x8 = Rs. 345.6 Ans. -© Er A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 820°C and 27°C. Eitine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at ih | ] | ering Thermoa, temperatures of 27°C and -15°C. The heat transfer to the engine is 2000K3 network available for the combined cycle is 300k. I) How much heat transferred to the refrigerant and also determine the total heat rejected 1 reservoir at 27°C. (2) If the efficiency of the heat engine and COP oy i refrigerator are each 40% of their maximum values, determine heat transfer ‘4, refrigerator and also heat rejected to the reservoir at 27°C. INov1 04) Similar to Problem 5 in Page 2.20. [Ans: Qs, = 8221.6 kJ; 8770.49 kJ and Os = 967.96 kJ; 1655.92 kJ] Hint: Efficiency, 1 = 40% fImar = 40%.72.55 = 29% COP, = 40%COP =0.4%6.143 = 2.457 RUSE ‘A Carnot heat engine receives heat from a reservoir at 1173K at a rate of sq kJ/min and rejects the waste heat to the ambient air at 300K. The entire work outpy of the heat engine is used to drive a refrigerator that removes heat from the refrigerated space at 268K and transfers it to the same ambient air at 300K, Determine the maximum rate of heat rejection to the ambient air. [Nov'03} Similar to AU Problem 13 in page 2.89. [Ans: 1918.5 kJ] UNS ed ‘A Carnot heat engine takes heat from an infinite reservoir at 550°C and rejects it to a sink a 275°C. Half of the work delivered by the engine is used to run | generator and the other half is used to run heat pump which takes heat at 275C and rejects it at 440°C. Express the heat rejected at 440°C by the heat pump as %0 heat supplied to the engine at 550°C. If the operation of the generator is 500 kW, find the heat rejected per hour by the heat pump at 440°C. [R-¥] paar availability Analysis niet Qe and Or Ds soln: 6 For Carnot heat engine, Qa _ 2m, Ro oy= 5 a 72% ~ Bon = 1.502 Oa, 53) work done by the heat engine, W= Qs — Op, = 1.502 Or, ~ On, = 0.502 Or, 0.5 Generator input, W, = ae =0.251 On, Work input to the heat pump, Wup = 0.251 On, Heat rejected by the heat a = Qn, + We = Ong# 0.251 On, « (Q54) Forreverse heat pump, =" 2, =o TT 548 iis 2 gy, = 3 Om = 027 On Substituting Q,, in (2.54), On, = 0.77 Or, + 0.2510R, =0.77 Or, + 0.251 x On, it fe On, = 0.727 Qs, + =72.1% Ans. The generator power input, W, = 500 kW 0.251 Qe, = 500 On, = 1992.03 kV +. Qn = 1.502 On, = 1.502 x 1992.03 = 2992.03 ki Qn, = 0.727 x 2992.03 = 2175.21 kW = 2175.21%3600 _ 7936.74 MJ/hr Ans. 1000 Bryer ‘A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat transfer from the hea engine and from the heat pump is used to heat the water circulating through the radiators of building. The efficiency of the heat engine is 27% and COP of the heat pump is 4. (i) Draw the neat diagram of the arrangement and (ii) evaluate the rat of heat transfer to the circulating the heat transfer to the heat engine. Given data: [0ct’95] nue. =27% COP np=4 To find: Qn + Qry 2, © Solution: Workdone _ Q,, ~Qr, TLE. Freatsupplied Q, ae 7 pet 07.56) Qs, — Qn, | Substituting (2.55) in (2.56), fe Qn Q, -0.730, 0.270, On, = 1.08 Os, ++ (2.57) ‘Total heat supplied to the water, Q = Qr, + Or, =0.730,, + 1.08Q,, = 1.81 Os, two reservoirs at 1000K and 300K is ysey reservoir at a rate twice that at wp, ms ec engine is 40% of the A heat engine operating between drive heat pump which extracts heat from the engine rejects heat to it. If the efficiency of th possible and the coefficient of performance of the heat pump is 50% of the maximum possible, make calculations for the temperature of the reservoir to wy, the heat pump rejects heat. Also work out the rate of heat rejection from the heal pump if the rate of supply of heat to the engine is SOkW. INov'o6, Given data: T, = 1000K T,= 300K Efficiency of heat engine = 40% of maximum possible efficiency COP of heat pump = 50% of maximum possible COP Rate of supply to heat engine, Q,, = SOkW. © Solution: ~_ 1000-300 _o 4 Camot efficiency, n= ee 1000 K Figure 2.39 Actual efficiency = 40% of Carnot efficiency = 0.40.7 = 0.28

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