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All phrases in bold type are from the original “oblique

strategies” set of cards by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt.
Other texts were auto-generated by Alan Licht using A.I.
models Eleuther A.I. and DeepAI, January 2022. The
introduction was text-generated using the phrase
“oblique strategies”
A.I. Oblique Strategies

A.I. oblique strategies, in the long run, must be preferred

to the normal strategies. The steady-state distribution is
then obtained by iterating the map of the form. To see
this, let us first consider the sequence of steady-states.
Each of the steady-state distribution in the sequence is
obtained by iterating the map of the form. In each
iteration, the steady-state distribution is obtained by first
iterating the map of the form and then iterating the map
of the form.
Note that the map of the form is a perturbation of the
map of the form, as can be seen by comparing the
equations of motion and. In other words, it can be
thought of as a perturbation of the map of the form.

Let us define the vector field as, where the element is

defined as. It can be seen that the vector field is a
perturbation of the vector field of the form. The steady-
state distribution of the dynamics of the form is obtained
by iterating the map of the form.
#### Steady-state of the form of the dynamics {#steady-

Consider the dynamics of the form of the dynamics, for

which we have the following Lyapunov equations, ###
A simple example: the Fokker-Planck equation {#a-
equation.unnumbered} Consider the following
dynamics: where is the time-derivative of the position,
and is the time-derivative of the velocity.
The equation of motion of the form of the dynamics is
obtained by applying the Euler-Lagrange equations, as
shown in the. The equation of motion of the form is
obtained by setting and and using the Euler-Lagrange
equations, as shown in the. The solution to the equation
of motion is given by the. It can be seen that the steady-
state distribution of the dynamics is obtained by iterating
the map of the form, as shown in the. The steady-state
distribution is obtained by iterating the map of the form.
Consider the following dynamics: where is the position
and is the velocity. The equation of motion of the form
of the dynamics is obtained by applying the Euler-
Lagrange equations, as shown in the. The equation of
motion of the form is obtained by setting and using the
Euler-Lagrange equations, as shown in the. The solution
to the equation of motion is given by the. It can be seen
that the steady-state distribution of the dynamics is
obtained by iterating the map of the form, as shown in
the. The steady-state distribution is obtained by iterating
the map of the form, as shown in the.
#### Steady-state of the dynamics of the form {#steady-
Remove specifics and convert to ambiguities
Make context-sensitive compiler warnings
Make state machines auto-parsable
Think of the radio as you think of the highway
Don’t be frightened of cliches
You won’t lose the buzz.
You will remember everything that you watched and no
Allow an easement (an easement is the abandonment
of a stricture)

the act of “administering” a public beach may be

regarded as an “administrative action,” giving the public
access to the beach in exchange for an “ancient spirit”
that cannot be removed.
What is the reality of the situation?
My wife and I are living in Germany, which means we're
mostly living in private. We have a new home, our
family and the family house we bought in our family
home. We live with our kids in our new home. We have
a new baby at home. We haven't changed anything. We
are living in Germany, our lives really have changed."
I could never imagine a situation where children don't
have that. But for me, the reality was really hard to
"It's not for me! I know these children don't have this,
and they don't belong to one of those kids, but they're
kids! We want all kids! We want all kids for them to go
to school! We wanna do anything to help the kids come
out of school, for their future, for their safety!"

I would know, my wife and I.

Simple subtraction
If we’ve acquired any new code in the last six months, it
would be nice to see some sort of comparison with the
history. Here’s a simple snippet:

tmp = b.c.tmp tmp.d = b.c.b;

Next we’ll run it with the -debug flag, because

otherwise you might be confused.
[ -debug ] tmp = b.c.tmp tmp.d = b.c.b; [ -debug ] b.c.b =
tmp.c [ -debug ] b.c.h = b.c.h [ -debug ] [ print > tmp ]

Which says:

tmp = b.c.tmp tmp.d = b.c.b tmp.h = b.c.h

That’s pretty neat.

This kind of mental exercise is great for the brain, but if
you’re doing some quick mental calculations like I was,
you might forget to actually use the new function,
because it might not even exist
Are there sections? Consider transitions.
A good visual transition will cause your reader to lose
track of where he is, which gives you more space to get
your point across. How do you get the reader to buy into
your message? Use eye contact and voice inflection.
Most of us read with our eyes focused about 25 to 30
inches away from the book. The way to get your reader
to pay attention is to make sure that his eyes are on you,
not the book.
Turn it upside down and the magnet comes out.
Go slowly all the way round the outside and then back
into the barn.

After that it will be time for his breakfast.

And last night our neighbour rang to ask if he could

come and have a look at Cloudy.
She has been trying to catch him for three days but every
time he bolts off, clings on to the tree with his back feet
and goes round and round, clearly testing her with
the weight of his body.

He is gorgeous and not at all frightened by her, but she

hasn't managed to get him in a crate, so the poor boy is
going to get a free run today to test him out.

Well, that was a surprise!

A line has two sides: those whose legs can only jump
two feet per second, and those whose shoulders can
only raise one foot per second. Thus, you can only
choose one of a kind. Yet one may find it useful to build
a "journey clock." There can be no need for this type of
method. In order to build this clock, you must first
understand how it works - such as how the elements
behave with all light and dark. And, once a "journey
clock," you are ready to jump.
The first thing to understand as to what you are
creating, is that the light is on the clock, because the
light is always moving, so if you cannot see it, you
cannot see it. In order to perform this function, a single
set of instructions should be written. Each one or two, a
single "journey clock" will be shown along with another,
but before starting with that, you must first remember
that all this is your imagination.
As soon as you complete this "journey clock," you, too,
must know when this "journey clock" is going to be
completed and when it won't.
Infinitesimal gradations of cosmic rays in the last phase
of the Great Acceleration have been detected by
cosmic-ray detectors.
Make an exhaustive list of everything you might do
and do the last thing on the list

Take it to bed with you!

Change instrument roles with no loss of efficiency
Into the impossible air

In the name of peace, let’s break the law

Accretion, but in a rough balance to everything else
Ask people to work against their better judgement. We
can go for an hour on the beach; the next one or two, a
thousand years, I mean there will literally be a million of
us doing some of these things in the hopes that we
might break into the system.
Disconnect from desire.

Forget of the world

Unfurl the wings of the eagle and fly to your man.
The feeling: The final movement which is also the key
part of the opening is the rollicking No 10, which was
the very first time you performed the whole opera, in
Vancouver at the Leonard Cohen tribute show. This
feeling is about breaking the ice with a partner that you
have never actually met.
Take away the elements in order of apparent non-
importance, such as weather and traffic.
Emphasize repetitions

2:00-2:45 p.m. — Industry Efficiencies

3:00-3:45 p.m. — Self Development

4:00-4:45 p.m. — Challenges and Threats

5:00-5:45 p.m. — Critical Thinking & Planning

Don’t be afraid of things because they’re easy to do.
Don’t be afraid of things because you’re good at them.
If we're not trying to go too far, we're not going to try to
stop us from being more successful. I'm happy for the
other guy but I don't care if he likes it.
Is there something missing?

An answer to the mystery of how.

It's not all bad advice.

Don’t be frightened to display your talents.
We’re all on the same team.
You’re not the only person who can get a job for you.
Use unqualified people to evaluate your own ability. It’s
the quickest way to lower your self-esteem.

Use unqualified people to fill in your absence.

Use high-rise apartments.

If it's not budgeted for, make it up.

Breathe more deeply.


Fantasize about this being the last time.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as my legs start to

feel weak.

But what if it's not?

What if, after all this time, this is just what he does?

What if, after all of this time, this is the way it's always

I open my eyes again and look at the demon.

"Why don't I just forget it happened?"

My voice cracks.
"You know, like I never told you that story."

For a split second, he looks almost...pleased.

Then, his smile fades.

"Is this because of yesterday?

Because of me?
Is it because you're still upset about your father, and, I
don't know, frustrated that he's getting in your head?

I'm not really sure why you keep coming back here to
me," he says.

"But, just to be clear, I'm not going to take that shit off
How would you have done it?
I would have taken a piece of paper and a pen, sat down
with my kids and said, “What would you like to do
today?” I would have written “Go to the park” or “Go to
the beach” or “Take a ride on the train” or “Play at the
playground” or go to the pet store” or “Play with the
dog” or “Eat lunch” or “Go shopping” or “Read a book”
or “Draw a picture” or “Go see a movie” or “Make a
mess” or “Play with Legos” or “Play with blocks” or “Go
outside” or “Go to a party” or “Play with your toys”
or “Go to the pool” or “Go to the store” or “Go to the
museum” or “Go to the library” or “Go to the park” or
“Go to the beach” or “Go to the museum” or “Go to the
library” or “Go to the park” or “Go to the beach” or “Go
to the museum” or “Go to the library” or “Go to the
park” or “Go to the beach” or “Go to the museum” or
“Go to the library” or “Go to the park” or “Go to the
beach” or “Go to the museum” or “Go to the library” or
“Go to the park” or “Go to the beach” or “Go to the
museum” or “Go to the library” or “Go to the park”
Honor thy error as a hidden intention, and forgive
thyself for it.

He paused a few seconds, and then resumed: “There is

an old saying: ‘No man can live in a city who does not
know how to laugh.’ I do not know that the saying is
true; but I know this: that if you laugh with the people,
you are sure to be laughed at by the people. The new-
born laugh is the laugh of the people.
The people will laugh at you when you laugh with them;
but if you laugh alone, they will be your friends. I am a
man of the people; I am a laugher; I love them, I love
you; and I wish to live and die among them. The man
who is not born among the people is not worthy to
Emphasize differences between C and C++
Only one element of each kind of frame is defined, e.g.
if the frame is of type X and it is an array of type X then
the only element of the array is of type X.
Do nothing for as long as possible. Then do everything.
--burn (x 1)




--jump (x 5)



Eater & Wine

You don't have to be ashamed of using your own ideas.

He said her "dream" about using ideas is "not gonna

turn you to the dark side."

"I had a dream for 10 years in the hospital, but you

never knew who to believe," he continued.

Watch the video below from NBC

Make a sudden, destructive unpredictable action;
incorporate the use of telekinetic power. Move your
arm with enough force to lift and throw an object across
the room.
Tidy up


Consult other sources



Do the words need changing?

I'm just guessing... Click to expand...

Use an unacceptable color, or a color that doesn’t
match your room’s decor, and you’ll look like a clown. If
you’re a clown, you’ll be remembered by your friends
and loved ones for all the wrong reasons.
Ask your body


Humanize something free of error

A selfless act committed during an otherwise mundane

situation—which usually includes a number of events,
such as a trip, a date, or the purchase of a ticket, to
which we are also accorded our due—or, if not, a small
portion of it to perform something positive for our
country when it happens.
Use filters










Balance the consistency principle with the
inconsistency principle

Revelation on the original principle fundament

A common-sense rule of thumb for a good game-based
social interaction.
A rule of the wood, which is:
a group of rules, such as:
"I was invited, my opponent, was a bit strange."
"What were your favourite cards before your group
The difference lies in the rules they follow.
Two people are invited to your favorite room. If they're
both in the room on the right side of the room, I will
answer "No", and if they're on the left side of the place,
I will answer "Yes".
Fill every beat with something. And then do not over-
hit everything.

There is nothing wrong with not having a scene.

Discard an axiom and it will go. I don't want to be in this
business so I am going home.
Listen to the quiet voice of the Earth below your feet. It
is telling you where to go. It is telling you when to go.
What wouldn't you do?

The second-best thing to do

would be to go back to sleep.

The third-best thing to do would be to cry.

Is it finished?

Do you think you can beat it?

Decorate, decorate, decorate. That's all I've got.
Put in earplugs and sit in a quiet room. And if you’re a
human, just go to bed.
Give the game away

There’s no reason to hold back.


Abandon normal instruments
It’s time to step into the red.
Trust in the you of now
Main menu
Use fewer notes

In fact, there are plenty of games where you use fewer

notes than the opponent. I'm playing a game right now,
and I know that because I've already been playing it for
two hours and I still only have two notes.
What would your closest friend do?

The next question is "would you be in favor," which

would be an interesting question for a group of people.
And then, you're probably gonna get your own opinions.
And I'm sure I'll be a little bit more cautious about that.
But the point is, this stuff would just get weird. I really
don't go into it like that. No problem. No problem.
Repetition is a form of change. It’s also a recurring
theme in this year’s Emmy nominations, with the 69th
annual ceremony — which takes place in Los Angeles on
September 22 — focusing on the year’s most highly
anticipated television programs.

And I see the eyes of an elephant, that is made of iron,

from the left of his back and his right leg, or of metal
upon the left part of his face; and the whole assembly is
like a horse and an angel's, as I have said: and when
they say that there is not a single head in the whole
assembly, but six or seven heads, and that all the
persons are of four or five heads, and they say that
there are ten people, as I have said; the rest of the
assembly is like the rest of every house: as therefore I
did say, there are ten dwellings and ten houses in a
town; and when they see that there are no houses, they
will say, there are a thousand houses; as if there were
one dwelling only and one dwelling in every house, like
the other dwellings of all houses: and when they see
that there are no houses and no houses are not in the
way, they will say that there are none; as this may
appear to me a natural result to the people (and
therefore natural to the people of every town and every
village; and the people of this people also): and when
they see that there are no houses in every place and no
houses are not in the way, they will say, there are ninety
Distorting time
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
..................... .....................
.................. .....................
..................... .....................
Give way to your worst impulse
Why? Because if you can’t do it, you can’t fail.
Make a blank valuable by putting it in an exquisite


The inconsistency principle

Elsewhere: the concept of fundament

Ghost echoes along the walls, and you feel the hairs
stand on the back of your neck. The dark spaces are
filled with whispers, the echo of things forgotten.
Sometimes the darkness is a whisper, and sometimes
it’s a shout. You’ve been here before. The lights have
dimmed, and the room is empty. You move to the
center of the room, and you begin to stretch out your
arms. You begin to sing a lullaby of your own, to block
out the voices of the darkness. You are the light, you are
the warmth, you are the sound of your voice.
You are the light, and you are the warmth, and you are
the sound of your voice. You are the light, and you are
the warmth, and you are the sound of your voice.
Don’t break the silence.
V.P. and the Very Pointy Pencil
You can only make one dot at a time.


I was wondering
Discover the recipes you are using and abandon them.
Get rid of your kitchen and use a microwave oven.
Get rid of your hair and use a wig.
Get rid of your house and use a hotel.
Get rid of your furniture and use a sleeping bag.
Get rid of your family and use your children
as a company.
Get rid of your friends and use your enemies.
Get rid of your lover and use a prostitute.
Get rid of your food and eat the sun.
Just carry on

It's a safe place because this place will often have a

large flock of sheep and their pups on top of them. So
please don't drive by them, and don't ride all their pups
on top of them when they are out there.


(Organic) machinery

Finally… I'll be back…

The only real change on the planet.

A very special name, probably.

B. E. Z. L.
In order not to become suspicious.
What mistakes did you make last time?

You’re not alone. I’m going to do the same thing.

You are an engineer
noxious coda (and yes, it is a lot of fun)
Consider different fading systems for wireless links.
Consider different mobile devices with different
capabilities. Consider the mobility of wireless devices,
and the possibility of multiple simultaneous
transmissions. Consider the use of multiple antennas on
a single wireless device. Consider the use of multiple
antennas on multiple wireless devices. Consider
different types of wireless channels and their
performance characteristics.
Consider the possibilities of multiple antennas at a
single device, and multiple devices that can transmit
simultaneously. Consider the possibility of using
multiple antennas at a single device, and multiple
devices that can receive simultaneously.
Remove ambiguities and convert to specifics.


Mute and continue watching, or leave and come back
to watch later. Doesn’t hurt to check out the other
seven episodes that are available in the meantime.
Look at the order in which you do things.

I'm here. I feel it, I'm home. The sunsets don't melt
through the clouds, but I'm here, I see it from far away, I
see it here, I'm home. And you're not alone, I'm not
alone, I'm here, I feel it here. Just look at this scene, that
first scene. All in one. [I]
It is quite possible (after all).

Meanwhile, my mother began to wonder if I were going

to marry her. Now her mother was the only non-human
being in the world, and her parents weren't very happy
about it. As a girl, my siblings had already moved over to
the new home, and before they did, their parents had to
go to court, ask for the divorce papers, and pay some
rent or a whole load of interest.
They had to send the money to each other with a note
to keep me from getting divorced so they didn't ask for
their money. My sister and his younger sister wanted to
buy the house, but she didn't know how to get it to do
so. At one point, she bought a wooden planter and filled
it with water; I remember what she said when she told
me that's not how the family is setup. Anyway, after a
while, she got into a really, really bad car accident--the
one that caused the death of my dad and made me an
angry dad. This gave me my first real problem.
I was getting pretty good at socializing with the older
siblings, and while they were away, they could tell me
that I was an adult if someone asked me a simple
question--how old was my father who died while my
sister was in high school
Go outside. Shut the door.

LIBBY Boring, uninteresting, annoying, uninteresting!
A bad game...
a lot of uninteresting stuff. Like: 3 objects to go with Randomizing objects. I'm looking for more ideas
on this and looking for a few more ideas.
I really look for ways to get at the object types, and I
found in A Little Good Ideas I've found a way:
A few different randomizing objects. 2 objects One way I've found is to take some
randomization and randomly create a randomized
object (with special characters or other kinds of letters)
in a way which can be read only by the user and has a
much better chance of being readable by everyone
around the world. This is what I usually do.
I also used to randomly have a randomizer,
but it gets very noisy after a while or so, sometimes
the randomizers are actually completely pointless .
Don’t stress one thing more than another
It's true to say, the more you use it, the more you know
about that new item as if it was your friend. It's just a
matter of getting used to it. And then there's this thing
going on inside of it, which for me is a more
"interesting" way of looking at it, where it tells you a
story about you, and it's so specific to it that it's very
easy to put a lot of trust in what's actually going on.
I can't tell you what a "fairytale" is, but I assume the fact
that she's writing about an older family, because that
will be interesting to you. What that is is a very specific
way of taking the story, and saying you have a friend or
a family member who is younger than you because your
son is on that road, and you feel like you have a lot to
relate back to so when you make that claim, you have to
know what it means to them, you know what it means
to them. That's exactly what I meant when I said the
story that I knew most, the one that I talked to with my
dad about when getting into this new place, the one it
says so
Do we need holes?
Gut gush
Cluster analysis

Finally, it's time to go. I've been on a two-month hiatus

and I want to start back out as best I possibly can and so
let's go! I've got a bunch of things to do and I finally
have some idea how to get things going, so let's jump
right in and write down everything that I know...
Work at a different speed

I like sugarcane because its scent dissolves as quickly as

a straw cane. I know it tastes good in a good tea, but if
it's really bad, I try it on and lose more weight. When it's
cloudy, I put it on cold. Sometimes I will even just wash
it off with my hand.
What I have seen as soon as I pick up a piece of tea is a
puff of black tea with black, blue, or even green flavors,
and of course, that's all I can think of. I usually don't
care about color, and only care about quantity.
If I get a piece with black flavors, I know it is a fake tea.
People just want the flavor and quality.
Do something boring

However, the name "Soot" refers not to anything that

has been made from the wood or fiber, but refers to a
single solid, called soot.

Soo-Yam, but don't do shit if you're feeling bored by

being able to see things when you're not here.
Soo-Yam, but don't make too many wacky-goo-bump-

Soo-Yam, but don't make silly-bump-jerk-googles.

Soo-Yam, but don't make silly-bump-jerk-googles,

because it's a real thing.

Soo-Yam, but don't make silly-bump-jerk-googles.

Soo-Yam, but don't make silly-bump-jerk-googles
because it's a REAL thing.

Soo-Yam, but don't make silly-bump-jerk-googles,

because not all wacky-goo-bump-jerk-googles are real
Look closely at the most embarrassing details and
amplify them

Thus the first clue is that the real object or thing that is
used will be identified from this. This makes it the case
that the real object to take. Not the object in front of an
object or object with a visible side, but in front of a very
close object. This also proves the existence of a real
thing - a living thing - or something we are to imagine:
an actual object that holds information about us and
that we can manipulate. Now if you think about the way
we are supposed to believe that the "real world" is a
reality we can see that, in all our thought work we are
supposed to act like those animals. But when
confronted with a reality that is not, with what is really
happening, you are actually going to "react" to all that
and do things that in theory are normal and not so.
When you go to the zoo it has not been normal and it
isn't going to help you, when you are confronted with
the animal in front of a real thing, it is going to make
you "react".

What you can observe from that is, the animal in front
of the real thing acting, when confronted with the fact
that it is not.

As the great comedian George Carlin once said, “You’ll

have to laugh at your own jokes!”
Define an area as “safe” and use it as an anchor

This will prevent you from getting hit by a bullet.

Mechanicalize something idiosyncatic about Thursday,
July 29, 2010
Overtly resist change

Additionally with an explicit "loyalty":

In an alternate universe where the law is universal, the

same law of justice applied to each law is applied to all
Emphasize the flaws

Regardless of the situation, I'm ready to go!

But I have a big question for you, Mr. Igloo.

I'm asking for a favor.

I am going to ask you what you all had in
common with that guy, Mr. Igloo.

I am the guy who was the first person to

meet an attractive girl in the hall of fame, Mr. Igloo and
his wife, a little girl, who is married to the president of
the United States. We were invited to watch as the girls
performed in our high school.
Accept advice
And so on.
The next person I think to look to is C&C, with their
extensive set-up. There are a lot more of them in here
than I have been able to find, and I'm honestly blown
away by them all.
Remember those quiet evenings in the middle of the
night when you'd just been up to the loo or you had a
headache and you'd finally drifted off to sleep only to
be awakened by the phone ringing? Well that was my
life for the first year of my career as a researcher. My
phone would start ringing at 2am or 3am in the
morning, with no one on the other end of the line. I'd go
back to sleep, and then at 7am or 8am, it would happen
again. I'd wake up, and the phone would ring again. And
again. And again. And again. And again. I'd get up and
have a shower, then I'd get dressed and make myself
something to eat and head to the office. On most days
I'd be too tired to read, so I'd make myself a cup of tea
and sit down with my notes from the previous night.
The phone would ring again, and again. And again.
And again. The thing that struck me the most about that
experience was that for all that time I was awake, I was
totally alone. When I was working in the lab, I'd talk to
my colleague on the other side of the lab, but when I
was working on my own, I'd talk to no one.
My colleagues would come in to work at 7am, and
they'd leave at 6pm, and I'd be alone for the rest of the
night. I was no longer part of a team, I was just a
researcher on her own. There was no way for me to
socialise with my colleagues, or to discuss my day with
them, or to go out to dinner with them or to meet their
friends. I couldn't talk to them about my personal life,
or anything that was happening in my personal life. I
was on my own. It was a lonely existence. Then a funny
thing happened. One night, after working late,
I had just finished writing up my data and I was about to
leave the lab, when my phone rang. It was a colleague I
hadn't seen in a while, and we chatted for a while, but
as I was leaving the lab, he asked if I wanted to go for
a drink. So, we went to the pub in the centre of town
and we talked and we laughed and we drank beer. I had
a glass of wine and we went back to his flat, and we
watched a movie on TV, and we laughed again and we
talked some more, and I realised that the loneliness
I'd felt for so long had disappeared. I was part of a team
again. I was part of a group, and I was part of a culture.
I was no longer on my own. I was able to talk to my
colleagues about my work, and I was able to talk to
them about my personal life. I was able to do all of
those things that I'd been unable to do before. I realised
that that was something I'd been missing in my life, and
that I'd been lonely for a long time.
Take a break
Somehow things got better. Eventually. I've been
working on two different things I've never even thought
about before to make me growl at all. I'm not
completely sure whether one of them will save me from
my previous laziness or whether I'll see these kids for
what they truly are. The last thing I will say about this is
because the actual reason I say it is because of the two-
fisted old guys in the trailer.
The tape is now the music

Thus there is no contradiction.

Short circuit (example; a man eating peas with the idea
that they will improve his virility shovels them straight
into his lap).
A man sitting next to a woman wearing a "happy" bra
(i.e., a bra which covers the nipples, but is very low cut
in the back), and a man in a business suit eating out of a
container of soup with a spoon, and a man eating out of a
box with a spoon. Another man eating out of a box with
a spoon, and a woman eating out of a box with a spoon.
A man sitting next to a woman, and a woman sitting next
to a man, eating out of a box with a spoon.
Imagine the music as a moving chain or catepillar.
So the music is the message, but the message is not the
Use an old idea.

Meanwhile i. i. i. i. i. i. ... i. . . i. i. i. i. ... i. . ... i. i. i. i. ... p. .

. . p. . p. i. . i. 1. 2. 3. 4. ... 5. 6. ... 7. 8. ... 9. 10. 11. . ... 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.
60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.
75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.
90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 10
-credibility of -nobility of -humility of

The following list applies to the following situations:
While you are in any of the following locations on Lunar
Standard the player must travel across to the Lunar
Standard and have one companion at one of them. If
they are not in this environment the player cannot
access this location at that time.

(To start the game, just make sure Lunar Standard is

disabled and you are using it's ability)
(To start the game, find an additional room in the
middle of the level and activate Lunar Standard at there
position, then activate Lunar Standard and you will
be able to access it at the opposite of them at that

(To enter this room from the center floor of the first
floor room and enter it as a companion)
-the most important thing

Finally, the most interesting thing happens, as seen in

the final line from the last part: After that the rest just
Imagine the music as a set of disconnected events

This is music, and it is not composed

Change nothing and continue with immaculate
Moreover, what the heck is this?
Furthermore, what the heck is this?
Imagine the piece as a set of disconnected events.
The first event is the world.
The second event is the world, except with a person in it.
The third event is the world, except with a person in it,
except with a person in it, except with a person in it.

The first person is a painter.

The second person is a painter.
The third person is a painter.
The fourth person is a painter.
The fifth person is a painter.
The sixth person is a painter.
The seventh person is a painter.
The eighth person is a painter.
The ninth person is a painter.
The tenth person is a painter.
What are you really thinking about just now?
Furthermore, the second is going to be a long way.
Moreover, the first is going to be very much so and will
take over the third after that. And the third can start
slowly in the middle of the third. It's all so much more
than just some vague notion of a new word. I think you
could make an entirely different name for them.

And the first is going to be actually a long way…

Children's voices
-speaking -singing
Thus they sing, and yet their hearts are weak; then, we
sing, and yet they are weak. Then we are a little boy;
then we are a little dog: then we are a little dog, and yet
we are weak: then we are a little dog, and yet we are
weak: then we are a little dog, and yet we are weak:
then we are a little dog, and yet we are weak: then we
are a little dog, and yet we are weak. Then they sing in
their houses, their voices differ; then they sing in their
bedrooms; then they sing in their beds; then they sing in
their houses: then they sing in their rooms. Then we are
a little little boy. Then we are a little dog. We are a little
boy and yet we are weak. Then we are a little boy.
And yet we are weak. The voices, now, are of a different
species, and yet we sound ourselves weak: then we are
weak and yet we grow weak. They sing for days, and yet
we sing only; then we sing only to make them forget us.
They sing a short time for long, and yet we sing just to
make them forget us.
Assemble some of the instruments in a group and treat
the group.

Unfortunately this function can only be used within a

set of four objects.
Feedback recordings into an acoustic situation
In a silent room, a number of adult males and females
(hereafter referred to as “participants”) are playing a
card game. In each trial, one of the players has a
randomly selected feedback tone, and the participant
has to respond to that tone by pressing a button. The
feedback tone is either loud (loud feedback) or soft (soft
feedback). Participants can thus win or lose depending
on whether they respond quickly enough to the
feedback tone.
Feedback tones are interspersed with a series of three
randomly chosen question stimuli. Participants have to
respond to the question stimuli by pressing a button.
We will show that the game described above is an ideal
testbed for investigating the effects of social
interactions on cognitive processes. The key property of
the game is that the responses of one participant can be
influenced by the responses of other participants.
Thus, the game not only provides a testbed for
investigating the effect of feedback tone and question
stimuli on cognitive performance, but also provides a
testbed for investigating the effect of feedback tone and
question stimuli on one another.
Shut the door and listen from outside

Finally I feel that you're awake from the night and the
place is dark. I am not going to sleep tonight. No. If you
put me down like that again it would only make me feel
sad. You have some good ideas for the future. What do
you think? I guess I should try them out if you've got any
idea. I guess I'd better try to remember things.















P.S. No, I will not play games. That’s one of the things I
keep forgetting: the idea of how to play games.
Towards the insignificant.

Finally I've decided that we've got it all. Here is a

collection of some of the most memorable words in
Shakespeare's plays. What is your favorite?
Is the tuning appropriate?

Annotation The next line is simply the annotation to
write this.
Simply a matter of work

Unfortunately, you didn't go. Sorry though! It's too late

for it anymore. I'm not sure how to explain this,

"I'm sorry. This isn't me who didn't even say 'sorry'. It's
because that was the last thing I said." said Aeryx who
was talking into the phone.
Aeryx shrugged when she heard Aeryx's voice. But as if
that wasn't enough, she heard something. A faint
feeling. A faint feeling. A faint feeling of emptiness. A
faint and strong feelings, something that had not been
there before. A faint, strong feeling was how she
understood it. A faint felt like a small small hole.

As Aeryx was walking in mid-air while holding on to her

hand, she stopped.
"You know that feeling is really strong? Well, I know
how difficult it is for you to think about that. A little
feeling of emptiness, like one that leaves you feeling like
a hole, isn't this the kind of feeling you had, at least

"You're right. It is." said Aeryx after she spoke.

"That's right. If I only thought such an expression, then

that would do me no good.”
Look at a very small object, look at its center.

I can move your left hand. You can move it. it is an

object in your hand. It is made of a material called
cellulose. It is composed of a cellulose material that is
more durable than cellulose that you have been using.
You are able to control your left hand. This means that
even when you look back, you can look at it and think,
"The only thing that can stop me right now is this. This is
where he left off." You can move your left hand. You
can move it. it is an object in your hand. It is composed
of a cellulose material that is more durable than
cellulose that you have been using. You are capable of
controlling your left hand. This means that even when
you look back, you can look at it and think, "The only
thing that can stop me right now is this. This is where he
left off." You can move your left hand. You can move it.
it is an object in your hand. It is made of a cellulose
material that is more durable than cellulose that you
have been using. You are able to control your left hand.
Not building a wall but making a brick

Despite his short arms, this boy might not have the best
eyesight to show off the best kind of footballs. Or if he
can't see quite as much football as you might think you
should. Or if you never see any football footballs before
you have just about enough time to think it over from
the get go. Or his eyes are so white they almost look like
half eyes, but his body is made up of two distinct parts:
The left eye of an upright player is visible from every
angle when you lift it up. Right eye of an upright player
is visible from every angle when you flip it up. He can
look forward, backward, forward. He can still, because
he's standing. But that's because he is an upright
football player. Like my nephew. Which is why I'm just
going to put him on one of my players and say, that's
not who he looks like (because he isn't). He looks like
what you see now.
Here's the picture:
Yes, it's the same picture all around. But when you read
the first paragraph of the first paragraph of this article,
you understand exactly what that is. He looks like a big
guy. He's so much bigger, bigger than you think.
Revaluation (a warm feeling)
The Dutch game is getting better and better, and
although I still prefer the Netherlands to play in the final
of Euro 2008, the Dutch team is improving with each
game. I do think the team will have a good chance of
winning the tournament, and the Dutch supporters are
well aware of this. I hope I am right and I will be happy
to see the Dutch team in the final of the European
Disciplined self-indulgence
Let's start a new day, you know, right? -----------------------
-- I'm writing this while we are eating. ------------------------
- My housekeeper brought us a couple of cookies. --------
----------------- What was their name? -------------------------
Their house is upstairs? ------------------------- What are
their initials? ------------------------- ------------------------- -----
-------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- --
----------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
Well, let's leave that for the day. ------------------------- My
housekeeper let me have some tea. -------------------------
I'll take it now. ------------------------- If you want
something, bring it to me. ------------------------- What is
this? ------------------------- I don't have something for you.
------------------------- ------------------------- Have you got
anything for me? ------------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------
------- Okay. ------------------------- So what? --------------------
----- I don't have anything for you. ------------------------- ---
----------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------
- Just something for you? ------------------------- ---------------
------------ --------------------------- --------------------------- ------
--------------------- This is my house? -------------------------- --
------------------------ Please be quiet. -------------------------
The most important thing is the thing most easily

Thankfully, I'm not sure I remember it well enough to

keep it from spoiling it so badly.
Always first steps of a child and a woman. The first
steps of a child are the first steps of a woman, as both
are made by her, and she is made by the first steps of
the child. A man's first steps may be his last steps, for a
child's first steps may be the last steps of his mother, as
well as the last steps of his father. A child's first steps
are those which he is given by the mother. But those
which a mother takes for her child are not always his
first steps, for there is a step which the child takes for
himself, by which he enters upon life.
When a child takes this step for himself, the mother is
no longer there to take it for him. And yet, though the
mother is not there, the first steps which the child takes
are as much his own as though he were alone in the
Idiot glee
She's going to die, and she doesn't want to. And her
parents, too. They're going to die, and they don't want
to. They're not even alive. She's not even conscious.
She's just lying there, her eyes open, tears running
down her cheeks. It's not even an image, just a dark,
blurry spot on the wall. A spot that's not there anymore.
She thinks she's going to die. It's not a thought she has
every day
Question the heroic approach
(I’ve got a secret weapon for you)
Be extravagant, not bankrupt
Always give yourself credit for having more than

Allowing ourselves to be misinformed, because only

time will tell
State the problem in words as clearly as possible.

I've always loved to be called out for my actions and

Faced with a choice, do both

oogie oogie oogie oogie

says St. Paul St. Paul St. Paul St. Paul St. Paul St. Paul
Tape your mouth

Tape the bottom of your chin. Tape your hands to your

sides. Tape your feet to the ground. Tape your eyes.
Tape your ears. Tape your nose. Tape your brain. Tape
your heart. Tape your stomach. Tape your lungs. Tape
your liver. Tape your kidneys. Tape your spleen. Tape
your lungs. Tape your liver. Tape your kidneys.
Tape your stomach. Tape your heart. Tape your lungs.
Tape your liver. Tape your kidneys. Tape your stomach.
Tape your heart. Tape your lungs. Tape your liver.
Tape your kidneys. Tape your stomach. Tape your heart.
Tape your lungs.

Twist the spine of a book and its cover is flipped to
reveal a hidden message: "The truth is out there." In the
back of the book is a special fold-out page with another
message: "The truth is in your head."

limbo of the head nix

nix of the neck


Melt butter butter butter nix

Melt butter

Nibble bread nix

nix of the back

Fool loope nix

neu of the head

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh yes oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Get your neck massaged

[You're too weak to perform any kind of relaxation until

you know you're going to cry.](You know you shouldn't
(Conduct a heart massage.)
[You think you can make it up.](Your muscles
hurt.)(You're hurting.)
For a moment, your legs are free to move like the
You can't look away and don't need to say it (If you say
it you'll feel it too.)(You're feeling hurt.)
[You go down.](Hold your right hand, so that your left
hand hits the soft tissue inside.)
The other part of your body is not touching the right
You are not touching the left side of one person.
You are seeing your body and seeing the body.
(How much space is too great? If one person has too
much space, that person is about to choke.
If one person is having too much space, that means that
one person has too much space to choke or that that
person has too much space for you to touch.)
(Let's talk about this further.)
[For a moment, your legs are free to move like the
(You notice the other part of your body is not touching
the right side)
Lowest common denominator check -single beat -
single note -single riff -single line -transition -can’t be
done -don’t do it -or just don’t

Guitar lick ie5 is a "permeable" lick. The melody is

played at the start of the note and is followed by a
repeating note (like a bingo card) followed by 2 more
moving parts; the beat of the note is replaced with
another part.
The word "permeable" can only begin to describe some
"melody" of a piece, but most are a single note. Guitar
guitar lick ie5 has a specific effect in this context that,
when followed by a note, is followed immediately. Most
of the time, the "permeable" portion of the note will
change from a riff and note to a melody and the music
will be played simultaneously, with no repeats. This is
what we were referring to here, and will probably
happen in the future, but we will not describe it in detail
here today.
Do the washing up
Buy a casserole
And you're done.
Listen in total darkness, or in a very large room, very
quietly but out loud, in an ordinary room, or even in a
small room, or a bedroom, if you can find the space, if
you can find the light, in the dark, in the room. But in an
ordinary room, in an ordinary space, in the dark, you are
not very likely to hear voices, and you are not very likely
to hear, in the ordinary way, the sounds of the outside
world, the sounds of the world outside.
But when you are in a very large room, or in a very small
room, or in a very dark room, or in a very large space,
and in a very dark space, you can hear voices, and you
can hear sounds, and you can hear the sounds of the
world outside, the sounds of the world outside. That's a
very interesting thing.

I am very far away from this...

I will show you what's at stake in this.
I am an outsider to these creatures, this is my way
of survival.
I have only been here for 2 years. I have no idea
what I did wrong. I don't know what to do.
I am not prepared for this situation, because now
I'm not prepared for this.
I shall have the answers to this day.
After all, the answer is no.
You must die alone, but I assure you that I will
survive with you, I will go to you,
I can only do this by living for myself, and that
means for every creature in this world.
Please leave, please leave. Please leave.
I pray that you will understand. Please understand.
Please. Please.
I have some good news for you, please understand.
Here is what I can offer you, please understand.
Now it is your turn, my dear my dear.
If you're willing to die for this god who knows, then
no matter what, die now. It is your duty
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element

I am reclining! What kind of rhythm is that? It is a

musical element that can be played at different scales
depending on the pitch you need. In this case, there is a
melodic element called a rispen, which has been
interpreted as a melodic element and is often called the
melodic element of the guitar and guitar solos. If you
are listening to a lick or solos of a guitar, you should try
to play both rhythm and melodic elements.
The latter will be quite easy to remember, but the
melodic element and accompaniment will not be so
obvious. But this element represents the very core of
the guitar and guitar solos. I can tell you that I like the
melodic element of the guitar solo well and the melodic
element of the solos well.
But let's get that out of the way quickly. When I look at
the rhythm and melodic elements of the guitar solos, I
can tell you that the melodic element is usually found in
the following places: In the first place, in the solos in the
solo mode of those solos, the notes that will be placed
into space are usually those that are in front of you or
under you. In the back of the guitar solos, there are
note combinations and space patterns that are left out
that will be in front.
Would anybody want it?

I don't think a big issue is solved with the "do everything

the way you are asked." Because you're a single-sex
person, there's no way to "fix the world in the way you
believe and treat different people." You have to fix the
world in ways that make it better, without the benefits
of all of the "do everything the way you are asked."
Maybe it would be better if you'd spend most of your
time helping different communities be "real people."
Spectrum analysis

Once upon a time, a human was the only way out of the
world, a living and breathing space between the human
and the alien: space. But by the 1950s, technology had
allowed someone to travel further, and beyond that, to
new heights of knowledge and freedom – and within
the limits of space, many of us still find ourselves unable
to return.
A scientist in the lab has arrived with a new knowledge
and hope that no one else will. All the while, the people
in his field are being left behind in the lab.
Since the beginning of human history, a human being,
or a character, has taken on different levels of purpose
across the galaxy and in different parts of the galaxy.
That character can be defined in two ways: by his
human nature, or by his humanity or by his human
The former involves the change of a single human
factor, an attribute and purpose to his human form,
which is of infinite nature. The latter involves the
transformation of a single actor into "the character he
once was." In terms of the former, the latter is the
transformation of a different man, or a character, back
into the former. Humanity, in this perspective, is a form
of organization, like humanity, or a character. As human
beings, we're not defined by what we look like, or what
we have and what we're capable of, or our "humanity"
Retrace your steps
To the left of the public restrooms, you'll find a small,
unmarked side door. If you can see it, you're in the right
place. Go through the door, then down the stairs. You'll
find a room with a small, narrow window. Look through
the window and you'll see the same thing you did in the
Public Restroom—a well-lit hallway with a door at the
far end. When you're ready, go back to the elevator.
Push the "close" button. When the doors open, step in.
Walk down the hallway. The doors will close.
Push the button that opens the elevator door. Once
you're inside the elevator, push the button that opens
the door at the top of the stairs. When the doors open,
you'll be in the hallway where you were before. Go back
to the Public Restroom. Take the elevator up to the top
floor of the building. You're back at the top of the
escalator, which is the same place you started. Go back
to the Public Restroom. You're done.
Go to an extreme, move back to a more comfortable

My back is getting stiff. Is my back getting stiff?

You can ask for clarification. You can also ask what the
other person means. Ask about what the other person
means. You can also ask the other person to repeat
what they said. Repeat what you heard. You can also
ask the other person to repeat what they said.
Repeat what you heard. You can also ask the other
person to clarify what they mean. Clarify
Once the search is in progress, something will be found
within 5 to 10 minutes
Only a part, not the whole
"You, too, have the soul of a hero." "My only problem is
I have a low body count." "You will." "You have to." "
You're saying kill him?" " No, just put him to sleep."
"Sleep?" "How do you know how to do that?" "I don't."
"You know, I've seen too many movies." "You know
what?" "I'm gonna go get the car." "I want you to go in
there and take a look around." "Take a few minutes."
"Make sure he's still alive." "So we're just gonna leave
him here?"
"We're gonna send the cops and the FBI after him?"
"They're not gonna believe us." "That's right." "You
think they believe you?" "No." "But what if we give
them something that ties the two of them together?"
"Like what?" "That he's got her son with him." "But how
do we know that?" "Because I know where they're
going." "But how do we know that?" "Because he told
me." "He told you?" " Yes." " You see?" "That's what I
mean." "The whole thing is so crazy."
From nothing to more than nothing
1. How the world could be saved, the crisis could be
solved and the environment could be rescued – in 30
2. The backsliding of the world and the crisis of the
world could be solved – in 30 seconds
3. The crisis of the world could be solved in 30 seconds
4. The crisis of the world could be solved in 30 seconds
5. The crisis of the world could be solved in 30 seconds
6. The crisis of the world could be solved in 30 seconds
Be less critical more often

Losses your ability to use your hands to move.

Is the intonation correct?

The English pronunciation of “you” is “you”

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