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Select the type of plan

Lesson plan Activity plan Task plan Project plan
Complete with the information about you and your students
Teacher’s name School name
Angie Novoa Cabrera Universidad del Atlántico
Grade Length of lesson Number of students Average age
7 60 minutes 35 12-15
Area English level
Rural Urban A1 A2 (X) B1
Complete with information about the content and methodological approach of the plan
Topic Tell your story!
Module / Unit Module 2 / unit 2
Functional language Language skills Vocabulary
Language focus
Principles / approach Task based learning
In “Aim”, describe the most important thing you want your students to achieve by the end of the session. In “Subsidiary aims”, relate the language skills (communicative and linguistic) students need to master
in order to achieve the main aim of the lesson. Make sure the aims are learner-centred, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and action oriented.
Learning objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to …
Aim ● Communicate effectively on their own stories using both oral and written language.

By the end of this lesson, students…

● Ask and answer questions about your life and the life of others.
Subsidiary aims ● Describe experiences and situations.
● Tell a personal story in a clear and coherent manner when speaking in public.

List all the materials needed for this plan. Please, do not include any picture or photograph.
Materials needed
Guide book (Way to go 7) activities, board, markers.

Write the name for each state of the plan. Then in the “Procedure”, write a detailed description of what the teacher and students do at each stage of the session. Be sure to be thorough so any teacher can
follow this plan. Write the procedure in third person and present tense.
Stage Procedure Time and interaction
Warm up
Ice-breaker The teacher asks students to write a brief personal story about an interesting moment in their last vacation. 10 minutes
Teacher - Student

Introducing language
Pre-task Students read a text from the unit (Module 2, unit, lesion 1 "Michael's school trip") and point out unknown vocabulary. The 15 minutes
teacher as mediator, gives the definition and correct pronunciation of the new words. Teacher - Student

Controlled practice
task The teacher asks questions related to the reading and the topic of the unit: 20 minutes
Teacher - student
1. What was the most exciting trip you have taken and why?

2. What activities did you do during that trip?

3. Can you tell me about an experience where you learned an important lesson?

Students share their experiences orally, using learned vocabulary and past tense structures. Students must be attentive to the
stories of others to do the next activity.

Freer practice
Post-task The teacher divides the students into groups of 3. Each group should answer the following question: What is a moment in your 10 minutes
life that you consider especially significant or memorable? student- student

The first student answers the question. After the first storyteller has finished, the second team member should repeat the first
storyteller's story, but this time focusing on correcting the mistakes they noticed in the first version. The third team member
will repeat the story, focusing on further correction and improvements. They may try to make the story even more detailed or

Assessment The teacher asks students to reflect on their own performance during the activity. They should identify the areas in which they 5 minutes
Feedback felt most confident and the areas in which they faced challenges. They can also suggest ways to improve in the future. Student - student

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