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Rubric for English Oral Presentation on the Food Pyramid

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (3) Needs Improvement (1)


- Inclusion of Presents 3 images for each Presents 2 images for each Presents fewer than 2
images of food food group correctly labeled. food group correctly labeled. images for each food
groups with group or incorrect labels.
English names

- Inclusion of All category names are All category names are Some category names are
English names for included and accurate. included, but one or two are missing or inaccurate.
each category inaccurate.

- Explanation in Explanations are clear, Explanations are clear but Explanations are unclear
English of the detailed, and related to health could be more detailed. They or not related to health
benefits of each benefits. are mostly related to health benefits.
group benefits.

Organization and

- Clear and logical The presentation has a clear The presentation has a clear The presentation
structure introduction, development, and structure but could improve structure is confusing or
conclusion. Information is coherence between sections. unclear.
presented logically and

- Fluency in oral The speaker expresses The speaker expresses Oral expression is
expression themselves fluently, using themselves mostly fluently, choppy, with many
appropriate vocabulary and but there are some moments pronunciation errors or
clear pronunciation. of hesitation or pronunciation difficulties in expression.

Visual Presentation

- Quality of images Images are clear, high quality, Images are clear and support Images are blurry or do
and effectively support the the presentation content, but not effectively support
presentation content. could improve in quality. the presentation content.

- Presentation The presentation design is The presentation design is The presentation design
design appealing, organized, and adequate but could be more is unappealing or hinders
facilitates understanding of the appealing or better organized. understanding of the
content. content.

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