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Select the type of plan

Lesson plan Activity plan Task plan Project plan
Complete with the information about you and your students
Teacher’s name School name
Angie Novoa Cabrera Universidad del Atlántico
Grade Length of lesson Number of students Average age
7 60 minutes 35 12-15
Area English level
Rural Urban A1 A2 B1
Complete with information about the content and methodological approach of the plan
Topic How do our teenagers spend their free time?
Module / Unit Module 1 / unit 1
Functional language Language skills Vocabulary
Language focus
Principles / approach Task based learning
In “Aim”, describe the most important thing you want your students to achieve by the end of the session. In “Subsidiary aims”, relate the language skills (communicative and linguistic) students need to master
in order to achieve the main aim of the lesson. Make sure the aims are learner-centred, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and action oriented.
Learning objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to …
● Enhance reading comprehension by developing and improving their reading comprehension skills, with a focus on interpreting texts
related to teenagers' free time in urban and rural settings.

By the end of this lesson, students…

● Learn new words related to countryside and city activities.
Subsidiary aims ● Get better at reading between the lines and understanding why people prefer certain activities in different environments.
● Participate in discussions and debates about which environment offers better free time activities.

List all the materials needed for this plan. Please, do not include any picture or photograph.
Materials needed
Guide book (Way to go 7) activities, board, markers, papers.

Write the name for each state of the plan. Then in the “Procedure”, write a detailed description of what the teacher and students do at each stage of the session. Be sure to be thorough so any teacher can
follow this plan. Write the procedure in third person and present tense.
Stage Procedure Time and interaction
Warm up
Ice-breaker Teacher asks to students about where they like to spend their free time and what kind of activities they like to do. 5 minutes
Teacher - Student

Introducing language
Pre-reading Teacher presents the vocabulary that students need to understand the text and also provides definitions and brief examples 10 minutes
Teacher - Student

Controlled practice
While-reading The teacher provides some questions before the reading. Students organise themselves in pairs and read the text, underlining 15 minutes
main ideas and preparing to discuss the answer to the questions the teacher asked. Teacher - student

Freer practice
Post-reading Teacher asks students to choose a character from the text and write a short narrative from that character's perspective. 25 minutes
students should use the information in the text to do this. Some students will read aloud their story. Teacher - student

Assessment Students do an individual reflection on which of the two options (city and countryside) they like best and why. Afterwards, 5 minutes
Feedback students share with each other what they learned from the lesson. Student - student

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