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The writer Gabriel García Márquez was born in

Arataca, Colombia, on March 6, 1927. Among his
greatest achievements is the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1982. He published his most
successful work, "One Hundred Years of
Solitude" in 1967 and became one of the most
important novels of the literature of the 20th
His grandfather, a colonel whom García Márquez
called Papalelo, profoundly influenced his vision
of the world. His grandmother Tranquilina was
the one who instilled in him his passion for
Gabriel began studying law in Bogotá, but his
career was cut short after what was known as
"Bogotazo", bloody riots that broke out in the
capital as a result of the assassination of
presidential candidate and liberal leader Jorge
Eliécer Gaitán on April 9. 1948. The young
García Márquez then decided to move to
Cartagena de Indias, where he worked as a
journalist in various media such as El Universal or
El Heraldo. García Márquez would dedicate the
following years of his life to journalism,
becoming his great passion, which he would
combine with his other passion: literature (years
later, when he was already a consecrated writer,
and despite the fact that he never finished his
higher studies, some universities, such as
Columbia in New York, awarded him an honorary
doctorate in Letters).
Finally, the death of the writer Gabriel García
Márquez occurred on April 17, 2014 in Mexico

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