Didactics II Observation Lessons

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Observed lessons

-What’s the date today?
-Cooperating teacher showed me how to use “libreta digital”
-How did the lesson start? T correcting homework
-Ss started working with questions (Open-Close)
-T uses the sandwich strategy
-Explains the activity with examples
-T gives motivation to the ss so they don't get frustrated
-Now they are doing an activity in which they have to order questions
-When a ss gets errors, the T corrects and asks them to rewrite (she only points the errors)

Activity 2: ordering mixed questions.

After the ss finishes the activity, the T corrects their notebooks.

In the second hour, some ss arrived late due to the weather. As a consequence, the teacher
explained what they had to accomplish.

After correcting the notebook, the T used the “libreta digital” to register the activities.
-Doing corrections with feedback.

The students write the correct order on the whiteboard.

External motivation: extra mark for going to the whiteboard

T recommended the book New Headway for listening and other activities.

T shows me the annual plan: Every month the students will start working with a different
thematic unit.

At the end of every correction, the teacher encourages the ss to read the questions. (To
practice pronunciation)

Lesson observation 24/04

How did it start?

Ss will start with Unit 1 > Do you remember the name of the unit? What are we going to talk
T elicited the student by asking what was the T profession called in English.

S action > Teacher

T action> Explained that there are many types of teachers

T action > What types of jobs do you know? (Checking S's background knowledge)
S action > Some students arrived late
T action> Explained some jobs and also what they have to do (match the jobs with the

S action > Activity 1 > They have to match the words with the images
T action > Monitoring and checking that everyone is doing the activity
Some ss did not open their books, others did the activity quickly.

S action > Some Ss forgot to match everything

T action > Teacher helped (in English)

T action > Now she is monitoring and checking who finished

T action > Said the letter with the picture and Ss say the type of job. Some words are
repeated in order for the students to practice pronunciation.

T action > Asks what they have to do.

Explains with examples

For activity 2 they have to complete the sentence with the vocabulary that they learned in
activity 1.

Observation class 26/04

Introduction: Using the coursebook told the topic they will work with a biography (Reading

Activity 1: T reads aloud the text and asks about the meaning of some words, T also asks for
the variation of words

Schemata with vocabulary > Asks personal questions (Do you help in the house? What kind
of information does the text provide?)

S action > Routine

Ss read for the general idea and at the same time work with vocabulary. Also, Ss connect
biographies with their personal lives.

“What do we have to do in activity 1?” T elicit ss ideas

Activity 2: Underline true sentences to show evidence

“What do you have to do?”

In the first hour, many students did the pre-reading stage and the first part. They did a
skimming activity to answer general questions, and now they are answering questions. Many
probably have time to finish by the end of the lesson.

Activity 3: Listening
Ss copy the blank spaces. The resource is the cellphone and a speaker.

Observation class 08/05

Personality adjectives

Today they’ll work with personality adjectives

The T writes the personality adjectives and asks the meaning in Spanish.

First > They will do a listening activity about personality (Listen and complete the blank
spaces with personality)

The teacher played the audio twice and used authentic material.
I should bear in mind the noise from the courtyard when doing a listening activity.

Activity 2 > The Ss have to use personality adjectives to write a sentence about a family

-Today there were a few students. Probably because of the weather.

-After explaining the activity, the teacher asked a student to tell the others what they had to

Activity 3 > Here they have to match the questions with the answers.

Observation class 10/05

Warm-up > Revision about the last lesson

The teacher asked who Frieda was and what she did.
S said the profession.

S action > There was tension between two students

T action > She could resolved the situation quickly to stop the conflict

Revision activity > Ss have to match the images with the professions (jobs) from the book

When the T corrects, she gives the explanation when the answer is wrong.

When correcting spelling mistakes > T highlights the word and writes the right letter up in the

The assessment of the revision activity is with the whole group. First, the teacher corrects
the notebooks and then allows the Ss to use the language orally.

Activity 1: A JOB INTERVIEW > T is asking the Ss what they know about job interviews
What’s the meaning of the interview?
The teacher is doing a brainstorming with interviews.
After the break, the teacher explained what the Ss had to do using a scaffold example.
Wrote the question and completed the blank space.

As a teacher, I have to check the register because some Ss don’t assist until the 2nd hour.

Correction from the activity “A job interview”:

The teacher asks the question and the student answers

Activity 2: With the activity book of SpeakOut

Observation Class

Today Ss will start with a new unit > Places

Warm-up > Is short, the teacher asked the name of the unit and provided examples of
vocabulary for “country”, ”cities”, and” Towns”. T elicited the Ss to provide examples

Activity 1

The Ss have to answer 3 questions related to Ss' preference > Living in the countryside and
why would they want to visit a specific place.

S action > Ss are engaged with the activity

When one S finishes writing a sentence, the T demands and encourages the S to practice
pronunciation when correcting Ss’ notebooks. The focus is on accuracy > T corrects errors
from the written sentence.

Tip > Sometimes I can ask the Ss’ to raise their hands to know who finished the activity.

Activity 2

Group activity > Ss’ have to discuss and decide the advantages and disadvantages of living
in the countryside and the city.
The teacher provided a chart for comparison.

Observation: Now the alarm sounds on time.

Observation class 17/05

-I delivered my second lesson in the first hour

The teacher started correcting the homework from the previous lesson

Activity 1: My capital city_London.

Ss have to write the sentences in the blank spaces.

Observation class 24/05

How does it begin?

With questions: Do you remember what we did last lesson?
Ask SS to answer
London is a city
T explained the activities that the Ss’ did.
She also reviewed the activities that Ss could not do
T also asked about the date

How did the lesson develop?

T shows the activity that they will do
Is a group work activity
Ss have to write paragraphs about > Size, location, why is famous the location for, favorite

The previous activity called “London, my City” has the structure as an example for students
to start writing.

Now they will write the same paragraphs but with information about Punta del Este.

T monitors around to check if Ss are doing the activities in groups.

This activity was demanding for the Ss because they had to write a paragraph about their
city, and also Ss had to use the internet. The good thing about the activity is that Ss worked
in groups. However, some students worked alone. The teacher clarified multiple times that
the activity must be done in groups.

After writing, the Ss had to read 1 paragraph aloud.

The London activity was a pre-writing activity, before writing pre-writing was compulsory.

In each paragraph, the teacher specifies which will be the contents

Paragraph 1 > Size and location

Paragraph 2> Famous for
Paragraph 3> Problems
Paragraph 4 > Solutions

After the break, the teacher told the Ss’ to raise their hand to check who wrote about
Maldonado/Punta del Este

Then, Ss had to comment on the 4th paragraph.

The teacher waits for the Ss to deliver an answer

(In terms of grammar, Ss are working with comparatives)

Eiffel Tower
T and Ss did a comparative activity (Whole-group)
T did a revision about comparatives (how to compare) with “er and “more”

Before the activity, T provided examples of how to use the grammar point.

Observation class 07/06

How does it begin?

Revision and setting a date for the Midterm test
Ss will start working with a book activity

Setting vocabulary - asking for meaning

Finger gesture for the word match

Ss have to match the pictures with the vocabulary

T told me the importance of providing an example for the activity, some ideas can be
misunderstood. It is also useful for visual learners.

How does it develop?

Activity 1 > Match the images with vocabulary
The first activity took almost the first hour

T showed me how to use the electronic list.

Activity 2
Fill in the blanks comparatives > Complete with the missing nouns

The Ss have to copy all the sentences

Activity 3 > Reading with true or false about space (Living in Space)

Ss had to provide the evidence.

Observation class 14/06

How does it begin?

I arrived late
T gave the marks from April, May, and June.
T started working with the activity “Living in space, the life of an astronaut”

Reading comprehension activity

How does it develop?

Find the information about food, sleeping, activities, and exercise: Differences between
Earth and Space

Now Ss will have to do another activity for those who finished the first activity
T told me the importance of good marks to motivate Ss

Observation class (No date available)

Today Ss will start with a new thematic unit

Warm-up: The meaning of lifestyle and examples

The teacher uses the notebook for whiteboard organization

Name the Ss to check comprehension

Share > Professional soccer lifestyle and: being a football player is a lifestyle?

I have notes in Spanish about how to use “libre digitalfor the annual plan.

Activity 2: What is the key to being a professional football player?

Activity 3: 3 statements > Ss mark if they are right or wrong.

Today there was a strike, there were very few students.

Observation class 28/6

Today Ss will start working with the Unit “LIfestyles”

Ss will have to read a text with a T or F

They have to answer what the text says

Instructions are provided in the whiteboard.

I have more notes about how to use “libreta digital”

Correction whole-group activity 1

Vocabulary related to a healthy lifestyle

Match the vocabulary with images > Activity 2

Activity 3 > Fill in the blanks with the words above (vocabulary in context)

Observation class 03/07

Can you read and tell me what the text is about?

T is silent to create silence in the Ss

Activity 1 > Reading comprehension activity (Healthy lifestyles)

After finishing activity 1 Ss have to provide information about what they should and shouldn’t
do with a simple sentence.

Observation class 05/07

Today is midterm test (There will not be many things to observe)

The teacher is going to copy a text on the whiteboard - the students have to answer

T clarification > Answer what the text provides

T showed me a photocopy of a formal test > Assessment of evaluation > A project is

considered a type of evaluation that is compulsory.

The teacher adapted the text for Ss’ level

Pautas para inspección > Requisitos de una evaluación formal escrita

(After all this the winter holidays started)

Observation class 26/7

Revision > Working with the text (Answer questions) (Scanning)

Use whiteboard (Vocabulary list)

Famous lives > The new thematic unit that the Ss and I will start working (For August)

Questions > Ask an Ss about the questions and the correction as a whole group

Taxi driver text

Personal opinion questions > What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?

Presentation of a famous > Look information in English (Speaking in pairs or groups)

(Here the Student Teacher started working with the thematic unit in the next three weeks).

Observation class 23/08

-Uruguay - Small country

-Today they’ll start using the coursebook Livinguruguay (Physical book)
-I learned about “cierre de promedios”

Observation class 04/09

Today students worked with pag. 227 of the coursebook: They had to match the vocabulary
with the pictures.
The vocabulary is about movie maker professions

Observation class 11/09

What would be the pre-production?

Who can explain in Spanish?

The teacher set a time limit for the activity

Ss will do an activity about Sorting words in 3 categories: Pre-production, Production, and


Correction as a whole group: only orally, no need to write in the whiteboard if everyone did
the activity right.

“Silence!” Using words in English for discipline problems.

Transfer activities from the book to the classroom, and provide examples.

Activity 2: Math the questions with the interview.

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