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Teacher Name___Abigail Seibold________________Date of Observation____2/2/24___________

Observer Name __ Dr. Kim Miccichi__________________________________________

Domain and Elements Evidence
2a: Creating an Students who were absent, I will help you out – this validates their need to be
Environment of Respect caught up and doesn’t make them feel badly for missing.
and Rapport

Elements include:
Teacher interaction with
Student interactions with
other students
2b: Establishing a Culture Classroom culture is quiet, calm and high expectations are evident. When
for Learning conferring with individual students, both CT and Abby whisper as to not disrupt
the rest of the readers in the room.

Elements include:
Importance of the content
Expectations for learning
and achievement
Student pride in work
2c:Managing Classroom Gave out dojo points when students transitioned into lesson and got materials
Procedures prepared. **Dojo is student led – students give each other points for
participation, correct answers, etc.

Dojo “Master” keeps the Ipad and gives out the points. Also use randomizer.
Elements include:
Management of
instructional groups I used the timer on the electronic white board so that our time was well
Management of transitions managed and students could see how much time they had left.
Management of materials
and supplies
Performance of non-
instructional duties
Supervision of volunteer
and paraprofessionals
2d:Managing Student Boy in back moaning – goes over to him to calm him? Reassure him?
Other boy in back – has student open book and start reading. Doesn’t do it
playing with pencil. Abby saw that he was reading in his lap and went over and
praised him.

One student went to the clinic. A few other disruptions were managed (fight at
recess) easily and smoothly by Abby and CT.
Elements include:
Teacher Name___Abigail Seibold________________Date of Observation____2/2/24___________
Observer Name __ Dr. Kim Miccichi__________________________________________
Monitoring of student
Response to student
2e:Organizing Physical Classroom is accessible for circulating – a variety of different facing rows with
Space one table group in middle.

Elements include:
Safety and accessibility
Arrangement of furniture
and use of physical
3a:Communicating with Abby explained and modeled content that was previously taught and then had
Students the students do the bulk of the work.

Here I have one of the students read the objectives that are posted on the board
that align with state-adopted standards. They are here so that students will know
what we are working on today.

Here I restating what we learned yesterday and say that we are going to be
adding onto what we learnt.

Elements include:
Expectations for learning
Directions and procedures
Explanations of content
Use of oral and written
3b: Using Questioning and Abby is working on including questions from Wonders – this is a great guide to
Discussion use as a resource. The questions are already formulated and promote higher
Techniques thinking order thinking.
Teacher Name___Abigail Seibold________________Date of Observation____2/2/24___________
Observer Name __ Dr. Kim Miccichi__________________________________________

Elements include:
Quality of questions
Discussion techniques
Student participation
3c: Engaging Students in Student read the objective aloud for class prior to the lesson.
Students were able to engage in the lesson even with a few interruptions.

Two students who are usually “reluctant learners” are still challenging. Abby is
working on finding what works with them.

I am passing out a graphic organizer to provide extra support and differentiated

instruction for students who need it.

I am using assistive technologies by using the electronic whiteboard to pull up

the question that I had written earlier for their short response.

Elements include:
Activities and assignments
Grouping of students
Use of instructional
materials, resources and
technology (as available)
Structure and pacing
3d: Using Assessment in Short response and exit ticket used to capture student learning.
Different character perspectives. Exit ticket comprehension for whole play.
Working on Part A and B style questions – finding the best details to support the
main idea.
Elements include:
Assessment criteria
Teacher Name___Abigail Seibold________________Date of Observation____2/2/24___________
Observer Name __ Dr. Kim Miccichi__________________________________________
Monitoring of student
Feedback to students
Student self-assessment
and monitoring of progress
3e: Demonstrating Based on the afternoon students and needs, lesson was modified by CT and
Flexibility and Abby. Tell me more about that.
Sick student to clinic – some interruptions but instruction continued.

VE teacher is absent so modified support for those students. Included the graphic
Elements include: organizers with the VE students since they didn’t have their teacher.
Lesson adjustment
Response to students
Questions Strengths of Lesson

POST-OBSERVATION CONFERENCE SUMMARY: During the pre- and/or post-observation conferences, the Observer and
Intern should complete the following observation summary collaboratively.

Danielson Domain 1: Planning (Can be completed during the pre-observation conference)

 Strengths observed: Keep planning with your CT and team. Using the textbook is great! Maintain instructional
focus and differentiating.

 Actionable feedback: Keep planning step by step in your mind. Visualizing what a lesson will look like.

Danielson Domain 2: Learning Environment

• Strengths observed: So responsive to interruptions, behaviors, and student needs.

Teacher Name___Abigail Seibold________________Date of Observation____2/2/24___________
Observer Name __ Dr. Kim Miccichi__________________________________________

• Actionable feedback: Keep positively reinforcing individual students when they approximate or do the behavior
you asked them to. CATCH THEM BEING GOOD.

Danielson Domain 3: Instruction

• Strengths observed: maintains a calm and flexible instructional stance and is constantly pushing her reluctant
learners. Fifth grade is no joke – she’s got this.

• Actionable feedback: Continue to follow through on behavior management to support instruction. Stronger
hooks and closure. Repeat the objectives – this is a high yield strategy – the more you can embed the objectives, tie
them to past and future learning, the more likely it is that students will understand what your teaching.

Danielson Domain 4: Professionalism

• Strengths observed: N/A

• Actionable feedback: N/A

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