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International relations:

Treaty of westphalia and congress of vienna

Prelude to world war 1

Austro-Hungarian Empire
Italy - later participants of World War 1
Ottoman Empire

Austro Hungarian Empire wanted to take over the serbian region as the population consisted of
slavs who themselves wanted independence.
Germany was already in conflict with France and that Russia also wanted to prevent Serbia
from going to the Austro empire and hence Germany came into alliance with the AUstro
Hungarian empire. Furthermore, Russia was already in conflict with the Ottoman Empire due to
balkan states.
Bismarck of Germany tried to bring Italy into a triple alliance on the condition of transfer of some
of the region of the austro hungarian empire to Italy.

France was against Germany already and did not want Germany to be too powerful. Though
Bismarck was pro russia in approach but after the william-1’s accession to the throne the policy
of pro russia changed.
The Ottoman empire came into alliance because of the support of Balkan Wars by Russia.
Bulgaria played a link between the Austro-Hungarian empire and Ottoman Empire. The
Bulgarian region was already facing war and being a friend of Germany served as a link
between the Ottoman Empire and Germany. Germany was the dictating power of the triple

Britain did not want Russia to engage in conflict over colonial India and there was also a trade
relation between Britain and Germany that was blocked in WW 1. There was already conflict
between Britain and Italy.
Tunis war- war between Italy and France, Italy was defeated. There was also conflict between
France and Italy over colonialism in north Africa.
Bulgaria signed an amicus treaty with Britain and retreated from WW1 and thereafter the
Ottoman empire also took an exit.
After the exit of Ottoman the Austro Hungarian Empire also backed out of World War-1. The
Italy conflict was one of the major reasons and afterward Russia withdrew due to the bolshevik
revolution. The US also came into conflict and Italy signed a treaty of London with Britain. Even
before Russia left Italy shifted loyalty due to Britain and wanted an area of the Austro Hungarian
Empire and Italy Backed out of the War.
The Ottoman empire also attacked the coastal areas of Black Sea, bringing it into conflict with
the Russian Empire.
Woodrow Wilson- father of idealism
Political and economic factors leading to emergence and end of world war need to be
Treaty of versailles was done with a major objective to reduce the power of Germany.
14 points of Woodrow Wilson.
1. Public and transparent treaties- secretive treaties were one of the major factor of ww1
2. Free trade and navigation during peace and war time
3. Equal trade conditions and opportunities
4. Reduction of armaments among all nations.
5. Adjustment of colonial claims and that britain and france were left out.
There was hegemonic propaganda by the Usa and presenting it as Idealistic approach but the
points were not neutral in approach.
Alsace- lorraine was given to France after the treaty of versailles.
Demilitarization of the rhineland , imposition of fine and that the country was economically
ruined, redistribution of colonial territory to britain and france. Budpassing done by the USA after
world war-1
Formation of league of nations the basic purpose of which was to prevent world war 2 from
The nationalistic browbeating of German leaders after the loss of world war-1 led to the
emergence of rapid nationalism that was the starting point for the emergence of Hitler. Treaty of
versailles and consequent unjust treatment of germany was the ground of formation of world
This whole development is the starting point of the emergence of concept of states as
understood in the modern sense as the concept of territory moved beyond to develop into
concept of modern borders considered to be the constituent element of state.
The problematic nature of euro centric hegemonic discussion of issues.

NON state actors:

Difference between revolutionaries and terrorist organizations and the nature of actions that is
being carried out by them.

Japan wanted to establish hegemony and control in the areas of west pacific ocean and
therefore ww1 japan wanted to be on the side of ENte ente alliance as China had been
colonized by britain and that in west pacific ocean there were some german controlled territories
and these wanted to be controlled by japan and as germany was already in war in WW1
therefore japan joined the entente alliance but no benefit was given to japan in treaty of
versailles as it was late entry therefore, after this treaty axis alliance grouping began and
germany japan italy came together.
Treaty of sevre’s- between ottoman empire and ente ente alliance and a lot of territory was
given to britain and france and in 1919 treaty was signed and the nationalist leaders started
consolidating the territory of Turkey after one more treaty(Lausanne) in 1923.

Emergence of fascism in italy and hitler in germany

Further the ethnic relationship between austro-hungarian empire people and germany was
attacked by the treaty of versailles as it provided for germany to not come into the alliance with
austro-hungarian empire.
Around 1920’s the hitler’s rise in germany began with revoking of obligations under treaty of
versailles - militarization of rhineland.
There was occupation of Czechoslovakia by the virtue of Munich pact in 1939 and the invasion
began in 1938. There was also a agreement between soviet union and germany as german
invasion was not responded to by the league of nations and west was also silent further signing
of Munich pact whole czechoslovakia was invaded. Further after the poland invasion soviet
union entered into pact with germany for a friendly nation. Both the sides were using germany
for their own purposes. Britain and france wanted to create instability on soviet borders by
signing of munich pact.
Molotov ribbentrop pact was signed between germany and soviet union to prevent german
invasion and further instability and the poland was divided(western went to germany)

Development of polish invasion

1939 propaganda was designed by germany to invade poland (gleiwitz). The german pretended
that it has the reason to invade poland and after the MRT pact the western poland. After two
years germany wanted to capture the eastern poland meaning war against soviet union this
majorly happened after the rise of morale of germany. 1941 germany directly came into the war.

Japan attacked the pearl harbour and US came into war to prevent japan dominance in west
pacific region.

There was great depression in the USA and there was imposition of fine on germany payable to
france and usa gave loan to germany to pay off the loan and after the great depression usa
asked for the payment of loan at the earlier date and this led to worsening of the economic
conditions in germany.

League of nations being quiet was also a very big factor.

This led to emergence of ultra nationalism in germany during these situations in germany by rise
of hitler.
Expansionist tendencies of germany under Hitler.

There was also invasion of manchurian region of china by japan forcing the japan into a two
faced war with soviets hand USA. further usa dropped the bomb on japan ending the war and
provided security to japan on borders with china.
Faced with no other option Japan opted out of the world war 2.
Why nazism is criticized ?
No side was fair in both the wars.
After world war 1 the empires and feudalism gave way to emergence of nation states in the
modern sense and full fledged development of international organizations after world war 2.

Monarchial and kingdom states were more relevant in pre WW1 era.
The definition of the state in terms of it s4 constituent elements is very cleay inport ww2 era and
not in pre ww1 time.

The debate between behaviouralism and post-behaviouralism is very relevant understanding

the international relations.
The decline of political theory came in light of the WW1.
Emergence of international relations and organisations. EH kart on international relations
The emergence of international relations emerged due to trade relations between the countries.
This concept of utility in terms of economic benefits was contributed to by jeremy benthams
concept of utilitarianism but the designated theories began to decline inthe post world war era.

In the post behaviouralism time value became important and this led to development of value
system based on Stimulus origin and reaction.

Pre world war alliances came in view of factual scenarios in line with behaviouralism.
Idealist solution was proposed by woodrow wilson and there was a inclusion of value system in
the approach of a country toward the other country.

Origin of international relations in ancient phase -

Thucydides- anarchy and consequentialism.

Lawless scenario in international scenario that guides or regulates the countries.
If the proximity of the country is higher to other country than that country will be placed at higher
priority. Not the physical distance but the cumulation of other factors.

Consequentalism- when the way of acting is based on the expected outcome.

Political scenario of the country is determinative of the relation of the country with the other
country. Further, in case of recent maldives issue on the statements of the minister that are not
pro india led to the chnage in shift of foreign policy of India as the economy of maldives is
dependant on tourism.

Indian soft power in the indian ocean region and also the emergence of india as fast ppower in
recent times has led to the placement of india in terms of consequentialist approach.

Indian view on international relations-

Kautilya’s arthshastra (realist view)-

1. Mandal theory-
Conflict and alliance
2. Saptang-
National power
3. Shadgunya ( six fold policy)-

Manifestation of those concepts-


The region which is desired then the surrounding areas of the territory are enemy territory and
that those outide this circleis the friendly country and the country that is farther is neutral in its
approach . this thoery is not static and willbe relvant depending upon the circumstanceesn and
changes over a period of time.

Saptang theory- seven elements

King, minister, terriotry, army, fort, population, foriegn friend(mandal theory)

Shadgunya policy-
Emergence lies in buddhism , panchsheel principles.

Propoganda - may lead to conflict or allainces.

Espionage- conflict or alliance
- Duts(may involve an angle of espionage by virtue of dipomatic immunities) and guptchar
Nature of assasination has changed in modern sense.

The para diplomacy, The historical evolution of IR as a discipline,

Shadgunya- ways of treating a foreign nation.

Sandhi- treaties and agreements

Vigraha- two parties fall out of alliance mostly indentified by war
Dvaidhi bhav- dual-policy
Do from gk today.

Three ways of getting power acc to kautilya

Courage- related to nationalist feeling in terms of westren nations.

Sun tzu- not much role of morality in case of war (contemporary of kautilya)
Talked about by machiavelli inmodern sense.
Plato- hegemonic stability of theory-not directly availabe in his texts. Grreks were in conflict with non
greek areas.
The four theories are principles manifested through propoganda, espionage and assaniations in case of
Invasion was inheretnly based on expansionist territories.
George schwazenberger- divison of states into various categaories in post colonial period.
Dynastical state, colonial, pseudo federal, religious, commonwealth.
Treaty of westphalia
The congrees of vienna
Treaty of versailles.

Relation between international relations and international law-

Hugo gratius- founder of international law
In terms of morality, altruism and that here shoildbe organizations governingthe states through
Binding of legal bindingness in the international law in view of hugo.

There should be equal treatment based on principles of legal bindingness. Govern and treat the
states equally.
If national treatment of the states is in line with the international law then it will have a binding
character but the very law governing should not be something that prejudices the interest of
other states that join in to form a international organizations.
Relations between the states should be between the states and not above them- this very
objective was violated and prejudice in the treaty of versailles and severe that kept the interest
of one of the states above the other state (this was opposed to the idealist objective founded on
the principle of welfare and protection of state interest rather was in nature of hobbessian nature
of self interest).

Rousseau’s concept of general will also comes relevant in the picture of international relations.
But the treaties that place the interest of one of the countries above the other then the equal
treatment of the countries gets defeated and the hegemonic impact of the states tends to
undermine the collective equality.

Treaty of versailles was against the conception of equal treatment of states asper hugo gratius’
There was a dispute between us and mexico due to which mexico wasinvaded by usa and that
there were rise of separatist agencies in mexico and the zimmermann telegram from mexico
and germany for the formation of secret agreement . there was a formationof espionage alliance
between us and britainas the britain interceptedthe simmermann telegram due to which usa
entered WW1 further germany attacked USA navy ships and citizens and the cumunlative effect
of two events, us entered into WW1.

Two principles of Int. law- neutrality and peace.

Further entering into war and giving for peace terms by 14 point agreement is a hypocritical
attitude on the part of the USA.
Absolute neutrality is not possible in the case of modern IR as all countries today have some
sort of interdependence.
League of nations and paris peace conference failed and the formation of n after ww2 so far
more structured and organized compared to the league of nations.

The source of international law is based on natural law but now is defined by
treaties,conventions and decisions of international organizations.

Un charter is a primary document that is the source of international law.

The dynamics of the NAM has changed in the modern scenario due to economic development
and growth and that the regional blocs formed now the nam has begun to garner support gain

Even the formation of ILC in 1947 was formed by the UN to dedicatedly codify an international
law by compiling sources of international law, customs, ICJ and other national judgements.

Idealism, Realism , neo realism , neo-liberalism

Idealism - founded on peace and cooperation. This may be a result of compromise which is the
norm in the contemporary world. The compromise is shrouded in the form of a cooperation.
The concept of idealism failedin the lieu of world war 1 and 2. As the 14 points in purisance ot
treaty of versailles didnt bring about a long lasting peace.

The conceptof power gives genesis to the idea of realism.

Power is of three types- hard, soft and smart though a fourth form is fast.
The idealist and realist approach came into conflict in post world war era.
Also the debate of traditionalism v behaviouralism arose in 1960’s.
The approach of US in ww1 and ww2 came to a mix of idealism and realsism . though
practically was the realist approach but the ideal approach was also visible in case of post war
treaty and peace proposals.

tradtionalism - subjectivity and behaviouralism- is practical and scientific in approach.

Realism- eh karr and morrenhow
Liberalism and neoliberalism-
Lasseiz faire in the international context about noninterfernce inthe political and economic
affairs of the country.
Neo liberalism and neo realism - the improved version of the above deabtes as teh both were
binary in approach and studied in the realm of idealism.
Neo liberalism and neo realism is an improved version of realism. The power is underlying
factor that operates and the idea is to protect national interest and this is the basis of conflict. So
due to the binary nature of realism the idea of compromise becomes the part of study under neo
liberalism and neo realism.
National interest power and conflict remain a part of neo realism but the version of the same
gets modifes in view of groups and economic benefits in the sense of neo liberal approachand
neo realist approach. Though the National interest power and conflict remain in relevance in the
sense of international anarchy in the sense of realist approach.
International anarchy and fear of the state in the context of absolute liberalism becomes
important as the one state is always fearful of interference by the other state. So as to garner
economic benefit and garner collective benefits in lieu of international anarchy led to the
emergence of-
Economic alliances come in the aspect of neo liberal approach while the defense alliances
came into existence in context of neo realism.

Interdependent economic benefits and technological advancement is the reason for the
emergence of modern states and the development of neo liberalism and neo realism as the
modern concepts.

Balance of power finds relevance in both realist and neorealist approaches.

The success of UN lies in the consent of the majority of the states in the modern world.

Emmanuel kant- altruistic approach of states in international relations.

Development of two ideological blocks based on communism and capitalism and india adopted
nam policy but still supported china during the korean crisis in hp eof cordial relations again the
example of idealism.

In the post world war 1 era the work of EH carr became important-
The invasiono f manchuria by japana and poland bby germany the legaue of nations could not
function that way it was supoosed in derogation of the 14 point principles.

The national interest of the various countries inevitably came into conflict with each other when
it came to self determination and drawing of boundaries.
EH Carr- advocated for taking the consent of the public before tackling the issues and conflict
between the countries. No mention of third party intervention. The approach of the EH carr is
actually contradictory in the sense of reverse wave of democratization. Realsit approach with
public diplomacy isthe way forward to resolve the issues instead of enetring into secretive
Unequal distribution of power in the international system is the reaosn for the conflict. The
german sanctioning in treaty of versailles is the classic example.
War is the only way of recalibration of international power( the hegemonic power is decided
through war) but the area of secretive alliances and treaty is not appreciated by EH carr so as to
prevent future wars and enhance accountability.

Balance of power- power politics-realism-national interest.

Mongolia- landlocked country so trade becomes difficult and that there are border disputes of
china with india. Stratgiic alliances to counter the string of pearls theory and air space mou with
ongolia and japan and vietnam route for trade route.
The development of QUAD and entering into alliances furthers the countering chinese
dominance in this region.
Realism- in the contemporary sense involves developing multiple alliances without developing
dependance on one nation.
The approach of India lies in capacity building and countering hegemonic influences of one
nation over the other but at the same time avoiding war as much as possible.

Hans Morengthow -
realism - pessimistic approach about the approach of other nations.
6 principles of realism by Hans Morengthow-
1. Objectivity of the laws.
2. National interest-foreign policy
3. National interest is consistent.
4. Moral principles do not guide international relations.
5. Moral principles are not universal.
6. Political sphere is autonomous
State of nature is pessimistic.
War being decisive of power determination. - eh carr
‘What is’ is the focus ie focusing on the contemporary developments and analyzing them - eh
Public consent in place of secret diplomatic alliances- eh carr.
National interest is the major objective of the state foreign policy and even though war is the
means of achieving it.

The eergence of the international relations as a subject gained prominenece in light ofthe
definition of state as a unit in international scenario by the treaty of westphalia(due to 30 years
war between catholics and protestants). Before this there was imperialism and empires with a
nationalist tendencies.
Following 1648 there was turbulence in Europe, rise of nationalist tendencies , congress of
vienna followed by german instability this was followed by a world war 1 in 1900’s that led to
sense of insecurity and perpetual pessimism among the countries. There was also a conflict
within the allliance but due to the common national interest that developed and led to formation
of alliances even among countries that had internal conflicts. Though world war 1 was triggered
immediately by a assaniation but the buildup had been there since past few years.
Us jumped world war 1 due to german attack on us navy and separatist tendencies in the new
mexico so though the coming of us into war was in the sense of realist tendencies but t he end
was idealist approach of woodrow wilson.

The approach of nationalism has changed and evolved in the present case being mostly
voluntary inthe present times but was compulsory during the world war 1.
The imposition of treaty of versailles and sevre imposed severe financial penalties on germany
that also led to humiliation and loss of territory.
The idea of idealism changed and transformed to realism in backdrop of failure of the league of
nations. World war 2 also had realist element in it, even though there were internal conflicts the
countries came into alliances with one another. World history was dominant around world war 2
as EH Carr held the view that international relations was a novel concept and too utopian in
nature and wont survive as a discipline.
Though there were alliances in WW2 but after the war the cold war led to ideological conflicts.

The focus shifted to the protection of national interest as the primary goal
Can Be classified into two
Tangible- trade, resources, territory , economy etc.
Intangible- dignity, respect and sovereignty.

The role of power has also acquired center space in protecting the national interest.
India maldives issue- intangible interest of tourism benefit and diplomatic respect. Tourism as
an aspect is related to both tangible and intangible elements. The tangible relates to economy
and territory while the intangible relates to culture and integrity.

National power - the power within the country
External power- as existing among the nations- hegemonic power.
Hegemony- belief of superiority over the other country and the ability to influence the decision
making of the other nations.

Hard power- military generally within the territory but can be outside the country. This coupled
with soft power leads to development of hegemony.
Soft power- construction of temples(cultural), schools and hospitals.
(G20 - cultural highlighting- vasudhev kutumbakam, dance forms and millet diet to g20
delegates in line with international millet year and cultural importance of bajra). Cultural
historical highlighting that helps in development of soft power. Rajghat tour of G20 delegates.)

The changes in the foreign policy due to change in the approach of the leadership and the belief
system of the population leads to development of soft power that invites reaction from the side
of the hegemonic states.
The diversification of indian diaspora in the countries aids in development of soft power. Hard
power- military assistance to UN peace keeping force, chabahar port, pakistan retalaition.
Smart power- baalncing of soft and hard power(increasing the economy and GDP, MNC
investments and foreign developments and economy)
Chabahr port, malabar exercise, duqum port of oman and other trust building strategic aliances
focused on soft rather than purely soft and hard.

Even though soft power was used in case of china the trust deficit from the china led to the
development of conflicts. So the soft power does not mean that there cant be trust benefit.

Fast power- sushma swaraj and john shipman.

National power that is quickly adaptable to a change particularly in areas of economy and
technology. The potential development of an economy as a whole leads to development of
hegemonic growth in the sense of fast power development.

Bipolar to unipolar transition to multipolar transition- Post world war 2 cold war- 9/11 attacks-
2005 indo-us nuclear deal- development of ties- barack obama visit- indo-us strategic alliances -
military exercises.

realism -
1. Conflict / war
2. National interest
3. National power- self reliance
4. Pessimistic - power struggle (relative power)
Offensive and defensive approach
5. Balance of power - essential to securing the national power

The struggle for baloch independence- jaish al adl- isis attacked kerman province one year
back- the dynamics of israel and isis played an important role. The cpec role in balochistan
areas and in immediate terms the conflict is beneficial for india but the dynamics have shifted in
long run due to oour running projects in iran and surrounding region.

China wants to expand in south china sea- and here us wants to counter china but the instability
of middle eastern countries as in presently in iran pakistan regon will stall the development of
chinese infra and US is following buck passing in the region of balochistan.

Even india middle eastern economic corridor passes through these region.
Even holding expansionist tendencies is an important manifestation of national power.
There is also an element of defense attached with all the pieces of land.
Us-saudi relations and the consequent saudi relations with pakistan

Steven miller - offensive and defensive realism

Offensive(Mear sheimer)- proactive- taking first step in a conflict
Bait and bleed under offensive

Defensive(Kenneth woltz )- reactive

Bargaining power of the states comes into play

France president visit and UPI payments and indication of technological advancement and sart
Fast power- technological adaptability in face of technological advancements and flexibility of
the indian economy as a whole- quick retaliation(surgical strike).
Cultural advancements and technological growth in the contemporary Indian scenario.

Ring gift of diamond of gujarat merchants from modi ji to biden’s wife.

Classical realism(marengthow) and neo realism(kenneth woltzand thomas schelling).
The concept of offensive realism is given by mear sheimer.

Peace can be established through 3 means (Morengthow)- limitations(international

Transformation (world community creation)
Accomodation (diplomacy).

Peace through diplomacy-

After world war 2 USA and USSR came into a table and a number of agreements were signed
to make sure that world war 3 does not happen - stark treatments, npt, ctbt, biological
coventions - this phase was called detente phase.
9 rules-
a. Non aggressive
b. National interest and national power to protect the same.
i. India and china ki bt at g20 indias case for permanent seat in unsc and
representation of AU by the same.
ii. Indias role in the contemporary scenario as growing economic and military powe
along with the fact that INDIA has been called into conflicts by other nations.
c. Point of view of other nation
d. Real advantages (military, economic) over superficial (indias approach in indo-china
dispute inm early period after independence.
e. Weak ally must not make decisions- selfish interest, (pli in money laundering and these
countries are providing platform for doing so and national interest of other nations is
compromised and that these countries opinion cannot be taken into consideration for
making a decision).
f. Govt should function on public opinion.

Perkins and Palmer - important pointers-

State - difference between nation and state state is a legal concept while national is a
sociocultural concept basedon nature of common belongingness.
The concepts of extent of sovereignty are not clear inthe contemporary world.
Georg schwarzenberger- six forms of multinational state-
Dynastic states
Religious state
Colonial sttae
Federal state
Pseudo dederal stsate

Relative pwers of states vis a vis each other

World power- world wide possession and commitments- france and uk
World possession and commitment + extraoridnary military power- usa
Term superpower has also been used
Great ower- broad globalinterests and commitments and willigness to meet commitments
(UK)- also held to be those that have unsc permanent council seats

Middle power- local and regional superiority and whose effective power in being is substantial.

Samll power- limited interests may have wide interests but do not have great power to them.

Power of uncertain status - germany and japan in post world war 2

The state system-

It is the pattern of political life in which people are separately organised into sovereign states
which must soehow or other get along togtehr.
Though states are soveregin but they live within the world where otehr states are andthat impact
the absoulte sovwreign exercise of power.
The features of naton state system-
a. Doctine of natonalism
b. Concept of sovereignty
c. Pricniple of national power

The genesis of modern state system-

By 16th century europe was on threshold of a new age.
Renaissance- interest in learning + indivisuality was seen with esteem
Feudalism declined
New forms of government
New economy- trade and domestic manufactures
City- was gaining a new importance in economic and social life of people.
Discoverey of india and africa and emergence of nation state in engalnd and france- but a
system fo nations tates seemed to emerge after treaty of wetsphalia.

Machiavelli focus on roles of a prince that is divroced from morality

But the kings were still subservirent to papacy
Sttae took form- stong monacrh inc royal revenue a consciousness of common interests and
emergence of symbols of unity in form of language
Engand generally percieved as first nation state
Pg 24

Corollariries of state system -

Doctrine of nationalism
Concept of sovereignty
Principle of national power
Leadersof every state regard the national interests as interpreted by themselves as aramount
ad loyalty to the state as superior to every other obligation.

Precise definiton of nationalism is difficult to ascertain - kohn and hayes - modern emotional
fusion and exageration of two very old phenomena nationlaity and patriotism.
Nationalism is a state of ind and consciousncess.

See unit 1 and 2 from perkins and palmer upar upar se saturday shaam ko.

National power-

The struggle for power is mostly because states struggle to survive. Not because they plot
aggresion - eh carr- WW1 had a defensive or preventive charater in minds of all the pricnipal
The preservation o f ational security requires poer and this is supported bby the concept of
sovereigty also. Power can be sed to meet the peceful ends but it might be missued aand absed
also by the states.
This possibilty of abuse of power by the states is the reason that other states must have power.
The concept of sovereignty propunded by bodin- offered ethica justification for what had already
hapened. But this was nto it this involved obligation to maintain the welfare od the oeople and
acquring of strength to acheve the ends.
The sovereginty accorded a duty on the sttaes to have enough power t survvie and maintain
The predatory forces outsde and inside interests demand policies to be tailoredintheir favour.
This inherently onvolves us eof national power for eg USA does this to furtehr interests of the
captialists weapon manufactures.
All other organizations worlk within states system. State is sui geenris and security purpose of
sttaes requires it to maintain power.
Legal justification in the concept of sovereignty and the responsibility on each state to protect
the interetss of is people.
G lowes dickinson - both absurdity and inescapability on relieance of every state on power.

Forms of national power

Gerog scharzenberger- power is the capacity to inpose ones will on the others by reliance on
effective sanctions in cases on non compliance

Different from influence and force

Eh carr- power is an indivisible whole - difficult to imagine a country having one form of pwoer s
in isolation from others.
Military power
Power over opinion
Diplomatic power

The Elements of national power-

Great differences exist in the kin dof power and amount o fpower the states have.
Power might be tangible or intangible
Interdepenedence among the componenets of power.
1. geography
Size, location(more important than size actually), shape and toppgraphy.
Science of geopolitics
2. Natural resources
Classification of raw materials- minerals veegentable products and animal products
Distribution of minerals
Utlization of the same
3. Population- demographic dividend
4. Technology- propaganda and political warfare
The contribution of economic production to world war2
Element of fast power is visible in the american victory in WW2
5. Morale- ideology building up od morle though oiterture nd speech is important
6. Leadership.

The appraisal of national power-

Interdependence of elements
Relativity of power
Changes in power- there might be a change in relatie power with no perceptible change in
absolute power.


Balance of power
National power is the most importnt of allcontrols in interstate relations. It has proved to be the
only effective instrument foe halting aggression.
The most cogent of the modern definitons isprovided by professor sidney b fay-
A ‘just equillibrium’ in power amongthe members of the family of nations as will prevent any one
of them from becoming sufficiently strong enough to enforce its will upon the others.

Prof morentthau in politics among nations uses the term in four meanings :
1. As a policy aimed at certai state of affairs
2. As an actual state of affairs
3. As a approximate equal distributon of power
4. As any distribution of power
When used without qualification it refers to an actual state of affairs in which power is distributed
among several natons with approximate equality.

1. Balance power is subject to constant change and shifting political patterns and power
2. Balance power is not primarily aied at maintaining status quo but is a policy that is
dynamic and changing in its apporach.
3. It is impossible to estmate accuratley the relative power position of various states vis a
vis each other. Elements of power are many and variable.
4. It os both sibjective and objective in nature. - historians study it objectively but statemen
study it subjectively from the perspective of their country that holds the balance with
freeom o navigating as per its own national iterest. (indian foreign policy in lieu of russia
ukraine war). Nicholas spyman points out that tates want a balance of power that is in
thier favur. Nations want to augment their national power and therefore the balance of
power cannot be ever achieveed i absolute equillibrium as each nation wants to have a
margi that is in his favour.
5. Great states havig hegemonic power want to hhave a balance of power.

Role of engalnd as a balancer in europe till 18-19th century but after ww1 britain lost this tatus.
The polarization of power-
Us ans soviet blocs in posst ww2 period.
If the balance is not multipolar then it is very dangerous and unstable.
Bipolarity tends to become rigid and inflexibile and a peaceful transition to complex balance
founded on multipolarity becomes difficlut.
The most effective balance of poer after treatty of wetsphalia was comlex and not simply bipolar
i nnature.
Read the perilsof the bipolar world by quicny wirgt on pg 314.

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