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- Sportspeople: deportistas (men and women)

- They refer to what is upcoming: a lo que viene, está por venir.
- Some countries are more committed to sports than others.
- We’re not so fond of skiing and skating.
- She’s not fond of sports.
- Sailing: hacer vela  at full sail: a toda vela (velocidad)
- Rowing: remo
- Bay: bahía, ensenada, golfo
- He lives out of sport: who makes a living out of sport
- Soccer: futbol (normal)
- American football
- Rugby
- Hockey
- Handball
- Skateboarding
- Roller skating: patina con patines
- Ice skating
- Roller hockey (con patines)
- Squash (the ball rebounds on the wall)
- Table tennis: pin pon
- Yoga
- Zumba fitness
- Motor racing
- Tenpin bowling
- Mountain biking
- Hiking // Trecking (difference: in trecking you spend more than
one day, you probably camp), senderismo
- Kayaking
- Surfing
- Ballroom dancing: bailes de salon
- Paddle tennis
- Yoga is good for relaxing and distress
- You need a mat and loose old clothes
- Squash is an exhilarating (excitante, emocionante (thrilling,
exciting)): sport.
- It’s very demanding (exigente, desafiante)
- It’s dangerous. You can run into your opponent and their racket
and hurt yourself. I got a black eye.
- Why is it good in order to get fit?
- Field hockey
- You run up and down the field.
- You have to tackle (derribar, placar) your opponent.
- Dribble the tacking.
- You need to be hold responsible for what you’ve done: considerar
responsable (tienes que ser considerado responsable por lo que
has hecho, tienen que considerarte responsable)
- Gymnastics
- Weightlifting: ejercicio con pesas 2. Halterofilia, levantamiento de
- Martial arts
- Skydiving, parachuting: paracaidismo
- Wing suit: hombre pájaro
- Hang glider: ala delta
- Fencing
- Canoe sprint
- Shooting
- Canoe slalom
- Archery
- Pole vault
- High jump: salto de altura
- Long jump
- Discus throw: lanzamiento de disco
- Shot put (lanzamiento de bola pesada)
- Wheight throw: lanzamiento de peso (Escocia)
- Hurdling: carrera de obstáculos
- Darts

1. archery: bow and arrows
2. badminton: shuttlecock and racket (tennis and squash)
3. baseball: ball and bat (and cricket)
4. hockey: puck and stick
5. darts: darts and dartboard
6. golf: ball and clubs
7. rowing: boat and oars
8. scuba diving: fins, snorkel, and mask
9. skiing: poles and skis
10. snooker/pool/billiards: table, balls, and cues (palo)
11. Canoeing: paddle
12. Fishing: rod

1) one trick pony
2) against all odds
3) a run for his money
4) won hands down
5) throw in the towel
6) the ball is in you court
7) give it his best shot

1. rides horses in races? Jockey
2. drives cars in races? Racing driver
3. does the long jump? Long jumper
4. throws the discus? Discus thrower
5. does pole vault? Pole-vaulter
6. does gymnastics? Gymnast
7. plays tennis? Tennis player
8. plays basketball? Basketball player
9. rides a bicycle? Cyclist
10. practices canoeing? Canoeist
Other words and expressions:
- Most sports are very competitive these days.
- She felt proud as she held the trophy in her hands.
- He won two gold / silver / bronze medals.
- She set / broke the Olympic record last year.
- He holds the record for the 100 metres breast-stroke.
- Our team qualified for the world championship but got knocked
out in the third round.
- Our team made it to the semi-final but then we were beaten.
- We needed a play-off to settle the tie.
- Players who disagree with the referee set a bad example to their
fans / supporters and
to the other spectators.
- We are playing football this evening, at 8.00 pm.
- Who’s winning? What’s the score?
- We are losing 3-nil.
- Liverpool beat / defeated Hamburg 4-2 yesterday.
- I think this game will end in a tie / draw, 1-1.
- How many goals / points has he scored this season?
- Which half are we in? In the second half.
- Do you think Celta will be relegated this year?
- He is very happy because his team was promoted.
- Tennis court
- Horse racing course
- Footbal pitch
- Skiing piste
- Tenpin bowling alley
- Boxing ring
- Ice skating rink
People who do particular sports

The suffix -er can be used for many sports, e.g. footballer, swimmer, windsurfer,
highjumper, golfer, mountaineer, archer, fencer, boxer, etc.

But sometimes we must use the suffix –ist, e.g. canoeist and cyclist.

Adding the noun player is other times necessary, e.g. tennis player, snooker
player, darts player, etc. We can also say football player, cricket player...

And some names must be learnt separately, e.g., jockey, racing driver,
javelinthrower, and gymnast.

Idioms related to sports

1. (Not)Up to par: satisfactory, good enough, up to standard.

2. The home stretch: the final stage, the end.
3. To hit below the belt: to do or say something unfair.
4. To get / let off the hook: To get / let (someone) free from blame
or punishment.
5. To call the shots: to be in charge, make the decisions.
6. To go to bat for someone: to show support.
7. To blindside: to attack unexpectedly, to surprise unpleasantly.
8. The ball is in your court
9. A slam dunk
10. To throw in the towel

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