Real-Time Control and Optimization of Internal

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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2023) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 00 (2023) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 248–258

27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering

Systems (KES 2023)
27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering
Systems (KES 2023)
Real-Time Control and Optimization of Internal Logistics Systems
Real-Time Control and
withOptimization ofRobots
Collaborative Internal Logistics Systems
with Collaborative Robots
Naveen Sharmaa*, Rafal Cupeka
Naveen Sharmaa*, Rafal Cupeka
Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Silesian University of Technology, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

This study explores the benefits and challenges of using robotic process automation (RPA) and collaborative robots (CoBot) in
This studymanagement.
explores the The combination
benefits of RPAofand
and challenges CoBot
using can process
robotic streamline processes,
automation minimize
(RPA) errors, and boost
and collaborative robotsproductivity.
(CoBot) in
transport the implementation of such technology
The combination of RPA and comes
can challenges
streamline and costs [1].This
processes, minimizestudy aims
errors, andtoboost
provide valuable
insights into
However, thethe role of RPA of
implementation andsuch
CoBot in transport
technology comes management, adding
with challenges andto costs
the growing
[1].This body
study ofaims
research on thevaluable
to provide use of
insights intointhe
role ofandRPA
CoBotmanagement [2].management,
in transport Our analysis indicates
adding tothattheRPA and CoBot
growing body ofcanresearch
on thetransport
use of
automation in but their implementation
logistics and supply chainrequires careful[2].
management consideration
Our analysisofindicates
factors such
that as
RPAsecurity and investment.
and CoBot The study
can revolutionize fills a
gap in the literature
management, byimplementation
but their providing an in-depth
requiresexamination of the benefits
careful consideration and challenges
of factors of using
such as security and RPA and CoBot
investment. in transport
The study fills a
management, offeringbypractical
gap in the literature providingrecommendations for organizations
an in-depth examination considering
of the benefits implementing
and challenges such technology.
of using RPA and CoBot in transport
© 2023 The Authors.
management, offeringPublished by ELSEVIER B.V.
practical recommendations for organizations considering implementing such technology.
© 2023
This is The
an Authors.
open access Published
article by Elsevier
under B.V.
the CC BY-NC-ND license (
© 2023 The Authors.
This is an open access Published by
article under ELSEVIER
the scientificB.V.
CC BY-NC-ND license (
This is an under
open responsibility
access article underof the
the CC committee
license International
under responsibility
Collaborative robots;
the scientific committee
Automated guided
of the (AGVs);
27th International Conference on Knowledge Based and
Material handling; Warehouse management; Production
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems committee of KES International
Keywords:Inventory management;
Collaborative Artificial
robots; Internal intelligence
logistics; (AI); Machine
Automated learning;(AGVs);
guided vehicles Industrial automation;
Material Industry
handling; 4.0
Warehouse management; Production
planning; Inventory management; Artificial intelligence (AI); Machine learning; Industrial automation; Industry 4.0

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Transport management is the process of planning, executing, and controlling the movement of goods and materials
from one place
Transport to anotheris[3].
management This includes
the process the management
of planning, of transportation
executing, and controlling theresources
of as vehicles,
goods drivers,
and materials
and routes,
from as well
one place as the [3].
to another coordination of transportation
This includes activities
the management such as scheduling,
of transportation resourcesdispatching, tracking,
such as vehicles, and
monitoring. The main objective of transport management is to ensure the timely and cost-effective delivery
and routes, as well as the coordination of transportation activities such as scheduling, dispatching, tracking, and of
products to customers
monitoring. The mainwhile maintaining
objective the highest
of transport levels ofisquality
management and the
to ensure safety. Transport
timely management delivery
and cost-effective is a critical
products to customers while maintaining the highest levels of quality and safety. Transport management is a critical

Corresponding author.
* E-mail address:author.
E-mail address:
1877-0509 © 2023 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is an open
1877-0509 access
© 2023 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published by ELSEVIER license
Peer-review under
This is an open responsibility
access of the
article under the scientific
CC BY-NC-NDcommittee of KES
license International
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of KES International
1877-0509 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge Based and
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
Naveen Sharma et al. / Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 248–258 249
Naveen Sharma, Rafal Cupek/ Procedia Computer Science 00 (2023) 000–000

function in supply chain management, which involves the planning, execution, and control of the movement of
goods and materials from one place to another. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards automation
and digitalization of transport management systems to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize errors [4]
[5].Internal logistics management is a part of supply chain management, which includes the movement of materials,
goods, and information within a facility [4]. The process of internal logistics management can be complex and time-
consuming, requiring coordination and management of multiple tasks and systems. Internal logistics can be defined
as "the management of materials, information, and people within an organization in a way that supports the
organization's strategic objectives" [5] This includes activities such as material handling, inventory management, and
transportation, which all contribute to the efficient movement of goods and materials within a facility or

Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs) have been recognized as a significant technological advancement in internal
logistics [6]. They are increasingly used in internal logistics systems to improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety.
The integration of AGVs into internal logistics systems has the potential to revolutionize the way these systems are
managed, leading to greater efficiency, reduced costs, and increased productivity. The advantages of using AGVs in
internal logistics operations are numerous. Firstly, AGVs offer improved flexibility, as they are designed to work
alongside humans in a shared workspace. This allows for greater flexibility in internal logistics operations, as AGVs
can adapt to changing production needs and can be programmed to perform multiple tasks. Consequently, they are
suitable for use in facilities with high product variability and changing demand. Secondly, AGVs are highly
efficient, capable of operating 24/7 without the need for breaks or rest periods. They can transport materials and
products quickly and accurately, reducing processing times and increasing throughput, which can lead to significant
cost savings and increased productivity. Thirdly, AGVs are cheaper than traditional fixed transportation systems and
require less maintenance. They also do not require additional infrastructure, which can further reduce costs, making
them an attractive option for companies looking to reduce their internal logistics costs. Fourthly, AGVs are designed
to work alongside humans and equipped with sensors and cameras that allow them to detect obstacles and avoid
collisions, thus reducing the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. Finally, AGVs are highly accurate and
can transport materials and products with precision. They can be programmed to follow specific routes and stop at
precise locations, which reduces the risk of errors and delays.

Fig. 1. Internal logistics – classical use of robots and AGVs

CoBotAGVs are Collaborative Robots integrated with AGV. The collaborative robot (cobot) is designed to work
alongside humans, often in close proximity, to perform tasks that are difficult, dangerous, or repetitive [7]. The
250 Naveen Sharma et al. / Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 248–258
Naveen Sharma, Rafal Cupek / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

CoBotAGV combines the collaborative capabilities of cobots with the autonomous navigation of AGVs. It is
designed to work in collaboration with human operators, helping to transport materials between workstations and
freeing up workers to focus on more complex tasks. Using a CoBotAGV for material handling can improve
efficiency and safety in industrial settings. By automating the transport of materials, workers can focus on more
skilled tasks, while the robot handles repetitive or physically demanding tasks. Several studies have demonstrated
the potential benefits of using CoBotAGVs in internal logistics. For example [8], found that the use of CoBotAGVs
for material handling in a semiconductor manufacturing facility resulted in significant improvements in cycle time,
labor productivity, and material delivery performance. Similarly [9], showed that the use of CoBotAGVs in a
warehouse setting improved material handling efficiency and reduced labor costs.
The main research contribution of this paper is critical review of main challenges related to implementation of
CoBotAGVs in internal logistics systems. It includes: (i) Analyze of the facility and determine the areas where
CoBotAGVs can be utilized. The analysis should consider factors such as the type of goods being transported, the
frequency of transportation, and the areas where human intervention can be minimized; (ii) System integration -
CoBotAGVs should be integrated with existing systems, such as Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This integration ensures that CoBotAGV performs required tasks
efficiently and seamlessly; (iii) Safety - CoBotAGVs operate in a way that ensures the safety of humans working in
the facility. Safety considerations include the installation of sensors, emergency stop buttons, and the establishment
of safety zones; (iv) Training and support should include both the technical operation of CoBotAGVs and the safety
protocols involved [10] The rest of the paper is organized as follow: a key features of robotic process automation are
analyzed in section two.

2. Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a type of software technology that enables the automation of repetitive,
rules-based, and manual business processes [11] RPA is based on the use of software robots that can mimic human
actions in completing tasks. The software robots can be programmed to interact with different systems, applications,
and databases to execute various types of processes, such as data entry, data manipulation, and data extraction. RPA
is often used in conjunction with other automation technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine
Learning (ML). The concept of RPA can be traced back to the early 2000s when screen scraping technology was
used to automate repetitive tasks in business processes. However, the term "Robotic Process Automation" was first
coined by Blue Prism, a UK-based RPA vendor, in 2012. Since then, RPA has gained significant attention as a
promising technology for automating business processes in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and
manufacturing. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global RPA market size was valued at USD 1.57
billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33.6% from 2020 to 2027
One of industry trends is hyperautomation, which involves combining RPA with other automation technologies
to automate end-to-end business processes. Hyperautomation is seen as the future of RPA, as it can enable
organizations to achieve greater efficiency and agility in their business processes. There are several potential
benefits of RPA, including increased efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. RPA can also help reduce operational
costs and improve compliance and auditability. By automating repetitive and manual tasks, RPA can free up human
workers to focus on higher-value tasks that require creativity and critical thinking. Additionally, RPA can be
deployed quickly and easily, without requiring significant changes to existing systems or processes.
Although RPA has several potential benefits for internal logistics systems, there are also some challenges: (i)
RPA systems must be integrated with existing systems, such as warehouse management systems (WMS) and
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, in order to be effective. This can be a complex process that requires
significant time and resources, and can be challenging to accomplish without disrupting ongoing operations; (ii)
RPA systems require access to sensitive data, such as inventory information and customer data, in order to automate
internal logistics processes. This can create security risks if not properly managed. RPA systems must be designed
with security in mind, with appropriate access controls and data encryption measures in place; (iii) Flexibility- any
changes to the process or system may require significant reconfiguration of the RPA system, which can be time-
consuming and costly; (iv) Reliability - RPA systems are highly dependent on the quality and consistency of the
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input data they receive. If the data is inconsistent or inaccurate, it can lead to errors in the RPA system output. This
can be particularly challenging in environments with high variability, such as those with frequent changes in
demand or product mix; (v) RPA systems can be complex to develop and maintain, requiring specialized skills and
expertise in areas such as software development and process automation. This can create challenges in finding and
retaining skilled personnel, and can also increase the cost of implementing RPA; (vi) Human Interaction: RPA
systems are designed to automate tasks that are typically performed by humans. However, there are certain tasks that
may still require human intervention, such as decision-making or tasks that require physical dexterity. RPA systems
must be designed to work seamlessly with human operators, with appropriate communication and collaboration
mechanisms in place; (vii) Return on Investment (ROI): The cost of implementing RPA can be high. The ROI may
take longer to achieve due to the upfront investment required in developing and implementing the system.

2.1. RPA Architecture and Implementation

RPA systems consist of three main components [13]: the RPA software, the control center, and the execution
platform. The RPA software is responsible for automating business processes, and it typically includes a range of
tools for process definition, task scheduling, data management, and error handling. The control center provides
centralized management and monitoring of the RPA system, and it typically includes tools for process orchestration,
performance monitoring, and exception handling. The execution platform provides the infrastructure for running
RPA processes, and it may include virtual machines, cloud-based servers, or physical machines. RPA systems can
be designed using a variety of architectures, including centralized, decentralized, and hybrid architectures. In a
centralized architecture, all RPA processes are run on a single server or cluster, which provides centralized control
and monitoring. In a decentralized architecture, RPA processes are distributed across multiple servers or clusters,
which provides greater scalability and resilience. In a hybrid architecture, some RPA processes are run on a
centralized server while others are distributed across multiple servers.
The application of RPA needs to: (i) identify the business processes that are suitable for automation using RPA.
These processes should be repetitive, rules-based, and manual, and they should have a high volume of transactions;
(ii) assess the feasibility of automating the identified business processes using RPA. This involves analyzing the
process requirements, identifying the data sources, and evaluating the potential benefits and limitations of RPA; (iii)
select an RPA vendor that provides the best fit for their business requirements. This involves evaluating the features
and capabilities of different RPA solutions, as well as the vendor's experience and reputation in the market; (iv)
design the RPA solution by defining the process flows, creating the bots, configuring the data sources, and
developing the error handling and exception management processes; (v) test and validate the RPA solution by
executing the bots in a test environment, validating the results, and resolving any issues or errors; (vi) test and
validate deployed RPA in the production environment; (vii) establish a maintenance and support process to ensure
the RPA system is running efficiently and effectively.
Implementing RPA in internal logistics can also pose several challenges: (i) integration with existing systems.
Many organizations have complex logistics systems in place, and integrating RPA into these systems can be
challenging. RPA may need to interface with existing warehouse management systems, transportation management
systems, and other systems to automate logistics processes effectively; (ii) physical limitations. Unlike in office
environments, where RPA bots can operate on desktop computers, RPA bots in logistics environments may need to
move around the warehouse or interact with physical objects. This may require the use of specialized hardware, such
as mobile robots or robotic arms, which can be expensive and difficult to implement; (iii) data quality and
availability. As with other contexts, RPA in logistics relies on accurate and up-to-date data to operate effectively.
However, logistics data can be complex, with multiple sources and formats. RPA may need to be trained to
understand the data and work with it effectively; (iv) workforce training and adoption. Implementing RPA in
logistics may require changes to existing processes and workflows. This can lead to resistance from the workforce,
who may need to be trained to work with the RPA system effectively. It may be challenging to get employees to
adopt the new system, particularly if they perceive it as a threat to their jobs; (v) safety concerns. Implementing
RPA in logistics environments can raise safety concerns, particularly if RPA bots are working alongside human
workers. Organizations need to ensure that the RPA system does not pose a safety risk to workers or interfere with
the safe operation of machinery and equipment.
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2.2. RPA Technologies and Tools

RPA is increasingly being used in the field of internal logistics to automate repetitive tasks and improve
efficiency. Several RPA vendors offer tools that are specifically tailored to the needs of the logistics industry. Some
of the key players in this market include UiPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, Softomotive, and Kofax [14]
These vendors offer a range of tools that can automate various logistics processes, including inventory management,
order processing, and transportation planning.
When evaluating RPA tools for use in internal logistics, there are several factors to consider. These include the
platform’s scalability, security, ease of use, analytics capabilities, and compatibility with other technologies. In
terms of scalability, UiPath and Automation Anywhere are two of the most scalable RPA tools, with the ability to
handle large volumes of data and workflows. Blue Prism and Softomotive also offer highly scalable solutions for
logistics automation. In terms of security, all of these vendors have implemented robust security measures to protect
their clients' data. When it comes to analytics capabilities, Blue Prism and UiPath are considered to be leaders in this
area. Both of these tools offer powerful analytics and reporting features that can help organizations track and
optimize their logistics processes. In terms of ease of use, Softomotive and UiPath are often cited as being the most
user-friendly RPA tools for non-technical users.
RPA can be used in conjunction with other automation technologies to further improve efficiency and accuracy
in internal logistics processes. One key area of integration is with artificial intelligence (AI), which can help RPA
bots make more complex decisions and automate more advanced tasks. For example, AI-powered image recognition
can enable RPA bots to identify and sort items in a warehouse more accurately and efficiently. Another area of
integration is with machine learning (ML), which can help RPA bots learn from past data and improve their
performance over time. This can be particularly useful in areas such as transportation planning, where RPA bots can
use ML algorithms to optimize routes and schedules based on past data and real-time traffic information. Finally,
natural language processing (NLP) can be used to enable RPA bots to understand and respond to human input more
effectively. This can be useful in areas such as order processing, where RPA bots can be programmed to understand
and respond to customer inquiries and requests.

2.3. RPA Future Trends and Directions

RPA technology is advancing at a rapid pace and bringing new opportunities and challenges for internal logistics.
Two emerging trends in RPA are hyperautomation and cognitive automation. Hyperautomation refers to the
combination of RPA with other automation technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and
natural language processing (NLP) to create end-to-end automation solutions. This integration of technologies
enables the automation of more complex and cognitive tasks that were previously beyond the reach of RPA alone.
Cognitive automation, on the other hand, refers to the ability of RPA to mimic human decision-making processes
using ML and AI algorithms. With cognitive automation, RPA systems can learn from experience and make more
complex decisions with less human intervention. This capability makes RPA even more versatile and valuable for
internal logistics. Potential future directions of RPA and its impact on business and society: The future of RPA in
internal logistics looks promising [15]. The integration of RPA with other technologies and the emergence of new
trends such as hyperautomation and cognitive automation offer exciting possibilities for businesses. RPA can help
companies improve their internal logistics processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Moreover, the ability of
RPA to work alongside human workers means that it can augment human capabilities, leading to better outcomes
for businesses. In addition to its impact on businesses, RPA has the potential to impact society positively. By
automating tedious and repetitive tasks, RPA frees up human workers to focus on more meaningful and creative
work. Moreover, RPA can lead to the creation of new job roles that require expertise in RPA and other automation
technologies. However, the adoption of RPA may also lead to job displacement in certain areas of internal logistics.
Despite the potential benefits of RPA, several challenges exist in the future of RPA with internal logistics. One
challenge is the need for a skilled workforce that can work with RPA and other automation technologies.
Organizations must invest in upskilling their employees to ensure that they can work effectively with RPA. Another
challenge is the integration of RPA with other automation technologies. While the integration of RPA with AI, ML,
and NLP offers new possibilities, it also presents technical challenges that must be overcome.
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3. Transport Management Efficiency through Application of CoBotAGV

The integration of CoBotAGV and RPA has the potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of internal
logistics systems while reducing costs. CoBotAGV can handle the physical tasks, while RPA can handle the
repetitive tasks, such as data entry and processing, resulting in a more efficient and accurate system. The
implementation of CoBotAGV and RPA in internal logistics systems requires careful consideration of factors such
as security, investment, and employee training. Proper security measures must be in place to protect sensitive data,
and employees must receive adequate training to operate and maintain the new system. One of the main challenges
of implementing CoBotAGV and RPA in internal logistics systems is the integration with existing systems and
processes. The new system must be integrated seamlessly with the existing systems and processes to avoid
disruptions and ensure smooth operations. The use of standardized interfaces and protocols can facilitate the
integration of CoBotAGV and RPA with existing systems and processes.. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of
the performance of CoBotAGV and RPA in internal logistics systems can help identify areas for improvement and

3.1. System Architecture

Warehouse Management System (WMS): The WMS is responsible for managing the entire internal logistics
system. It includes software that monitors the location and status of all goods within the warehouse or distribution
center. The WMS integrates with the RPA platform to ensure that the movement of goods is optimized. Integration
Middleware: The integration middleware is responsible for integrating the various components of the system. It
ensures that the RPA platform, Collaborative Robots, and sensors work together seamlessly. The middleware
enables real-time data exchange between the WMS, RPA platform, and other systems in the logistics ecosystem.
Collaborative Robots: Collaborative Robots are used to transport goods within the warehouse or distribution
center. The robots are equipped with sensors, including laser scanners and cameras, to detect obstacles and other
environmental factors that may affect their movements [16]. The robots are programmed to work collaboratively
with human workers, and their actions are guided by the RPA platform. RPA Platform: The RPA platform is the
core component of the system. It includes software that is responsible for monitoring and controlling the movement
of goods within the warehouse or distribution center. The RPA platform uses various technologies, including
machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, to make intelligent decisions based on real-
time data. The platform generates recommendations for the best routes, scheduling, and coordination of the
Collaborative Robots for optimal performance.
Sensors: The internal logistics system relies on various sensors to collect real-time data about the movement of
goods within the warehouse or distribution center. These sensors include barcode scanners, RFID readers, and
cameras, among others [17]. The sensors provide the RPA platform with real-time data on the location, quantity, and
condition of goods in the warehouse, enabling real-time decision-making and optimization. Analytics and
Reporting: The internal logistics system captures a wealth of data on the movement of goods within the warehouse
or distribution center. The system uses analytics and reporting tools to analyze this data, identify trends, and
generate insights that can be used to optimize the system.
The architecture of the entire internal logistics system with Collaborative Robots and RPA is designed to ensure
real-time control and optimization of the movement of goods within the warehouse or distribution center. The
system reduces costs and improves efficiency by optimizing the routes, scheduling, and coordination of
Collaborative Robots, providing real-time visibility into the location and status of goods, and enabling real-time
decision-making based on data-driven insights. The specific part of the internal logistics system that will be
controlled and optimized using RPA is the order fulfillment process. This process involves several steps such as
order receipt, order processing, and order shipment. By implementing RPA in this process, businesses can automate
repetitive, time-consuming tasks and achieve real-time control and optimization, resulting in reduced costs and
improved efficiency:
Order Receipt: The first step in the order fulfillment process is to receive the customer's order. This can be done
through various channels, including online, phone, or email. RPA can be used to automatically extract relevant data
254 Naveen Sharma et al. / Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 248–258
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from these channels, such as customer information and order details, and input it into the company's order
management system.
Order Processing: Once the order is received, it needs to be processed. This involves tasks such as inventory
management, order tracking, and billing. RPA can be used to automate these tasks, ensuring that they are completed
accurately and efficiently. For example, RPA can be used to check the inventory levels of the products ordered,
generate an invoice, and update the order status in the system.
Order Shipment: After the order is processed, it needs to be shipped to the customer. By utilizing RPA, companies
can automatically create shipping labels and monitor package delivery in real-time. This can ensure that orders are
shipped promptly and that customers receive their products on time. By implementing RPA in the order fulfillment
process, businesses can achieve real-time control and optimization. RPA can monitor the process in real-time,
identify any bottlenecks or inefficiencies, and make adjustments as needed. This ensures that orders are fulfilled
quickly and accurately, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced costs [18] Overall, implementing RPA in the
order fulfillment process can lead to several benefits, including improved accuracy, increased efficiency, and
reduced costs.

3.2. Real-Time Control, Case Studies and Results Using RPA

The real-time control is an essential aspect of any internal logistics system that involves the movement of goods,
equipment, or personnel. With the increasing use of Collaborative Robots in such systems, it becomes critical to
ensure that the robots are efficiently controlled and optimized in real-time. One way to accomplish this is by
implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) which enables the automation of tedious and repetitive tasks,
resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings. The RPA mechanism used for real-time control involves a
combination of software, sensors, and hardware. The system architecture includes the use of sensors to collect data
in real-time, which is then processed and analyzed by the RPA software. Based on this analysis, the system
generates commands that are then executed by the Collaborative Robots in the system. The use of RPA in real-time
control allows for the automation of tasks such as navigation, picking, and transportation, among others. The RPA
software used for real-time control is designed to monitor the system and identify any anomalies that may arise. The
software can then make the necessary adjustments to ensure that the system continues to operate efficiently. For
instance, in a case where a collaborative robot experiences a mechanical failure, the RPA software can identify the
issue and reroute the robot to another path, minimizing disruptions in the system. To ensure that the real-time
control mechanism using RPA operates efficiently, it is necessary to have a robust and reliable hardware
infrastructure. This includes the use of high-performance computers that can process data quickly and efficiently, as
well as sensors that can collect accurate and reliable data [19].The use of advanced sensors such as LIDAR and
cameras is particularly important for the accurate mapping and navigation of the internal logistics system.
RPA can gather data from various sources within the internal logistics system, including sensors, PLCs, and other
automation technologies. By leveraging these sources of data, RPA can provide real-time monitoring and control of
the system. To gather data and monitor the internal logistics system in real time, RPA can be integrated with sensors
and other automation technologies, such as AI and ML. The RPA system can continuously gather and analyze data
from various sources, such as the Collaborative Robots, RFID sensors, and warehouse management systems, to
track the movement of goods and provide real-time updates on the status of the logistics operations.

Fig. 2. (a) Real-time control mechanism using RPA; (b) RPA will gather data and monitor the system
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For example, the RPA system can use computer vision and image recognition technology to analyze the images
captured by the sensors and cameras installed in the warehouse, to track the location and movement of goods and
equipment. The RPA system can also use natural language processing (NLP) to monitor and analyze communication
data, such as emails and chat logs, to identify potential issues or delays in the logistics process. The RPA system can
provide real-time alerts and notifications to the logistics team, enabling them to quickly respond to any issues and
take corrective action. Additionally, the system can generate reports and analytics that can provide insights into the
efficiency of the logistics process and identify areas for improvement.
Steps to integrate RPA with AI and ML: (i) Identify the business process: The first step is to identify the business
process that needs to be automated. This includes identifying the inputs and outputs, as well as the specific tasks that
need to be performed; (ii) Determine the data requirements: Once the business process has been identified, the next
step is to determine the data requirements for the process. This includes identifying the sources of data, as well as
the data formats and structures that are required; (iii) Build the RPA component: The RPA component is responsible
for performing the tasks that are required by the business process. This includes tasks such as data entry, data
validation, and data manipulation; (iv) Train the machine learning model: The machine learning model is trained
using the data that is collected by the RPA component. This involves selecting the appropriate algorithm and
training it using the collected data; (v) Deploy the machine learning model: Once the machine learning model has
been trained, it can be deployed in a production environment. This involves integrating the model with the RPA
component so that it can use the data that is collected during the business process; (vi) Continuously monitor and
improve the system - the final step involves analyzing the data that is collected by the system, identifying areas for
improvement, and making the necessary adjustments to the RPA and machine learning components.
RPA can be programmed to respond to changes in the system in real-time, using a combination of rules-based
and machine learning approaches. When changes occur in the system, such as a delay in a delivery or a sudden
increase in demand for a product, RPA can detect and analyze the data in real-time. The system can then trigger an
alert or notification to a human operator, who can review the situation and take appropriate actions. Alternatively,
RPA can be programmed to take automated actions based on predetermined rules and algorithms [20] For example,
if there is a delay in a delivery, the RPA system can automatically reschedule the delivery or notify the relevant
parties to take action. RPA can also be programmed to make adjustments to the system based on historical data and
machine learning algorithms, which can help optimize the system over time
The RPA is able to optimize the internal logistics system and significantly reduce the time required for
transporting goods. The Collaborative Robots were able to move products between various points in the facility in a
more efficient manner, resulting in an increase in overall productivity. The implementation of the RPA system
results in a significant reduction in labor costs as the Collaborative Robots were able to perform tasks that would
have required human labor previously. This reduction in labor costs translated to a decrease in overall operational
costs for the internal logistics system. The RPA system is able to perform tasks with a high degree of accuracy,
resulting in fewer errors and less waste. This increase in accuracy resulted in better inventory control and more
efficient use of resources. The use of Collaborative Robots in the internal logistics system improves safety by
reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. The RPA system was able to control and monitor the robots, ensuring
that they were functioning properly and were not posing any safety risks to humans.

3.3. Challenges and Opportunities

Technical Challenges: One of the technical challenges of implementing RPA and Collaborative Robots in
internal logistics systems is integrating them with existing systems. This can be a complex process that requires a
deep understanding of the systems being integrated, as well as the capabilities and limitations of the RPA and
Collaborative Robots [21].Additionally, it is important to ensure that the systems are able to communicate
effectively, so that data can be shared in real-time. Another technical challenge is ensuring that the RPA and
Collaborative Robots are able to operate in the same environment as the human workers. This may require
modifications to the physical environment, such as the addition of safety barriers or modifications to the layout of
the workspace. Human-robot Interaction: A key challenge when implementing Collaborative Robots in internal
logistics systems is ensuring that they can safely and effectively work alongside human workers. This requires
careful planning and design of the work environment, as well as training for both the human workers and the robots.
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It is also important to consider the impact that the introduction of robots may have on the workforce. While robots
can improve efficiency and reduce costs, they may also lead to job displacement or changes in job roles. It is
important to consider the potential impact on employees and to plan for any necessary retraining or reskilling
Security and Privacy: As with any automation technology, there are concerns around security and privacy when
implementing RPA and Collaborative Robots in internal logistics systems. These systems may be connected to
sensitive data or other systems within the organization, and it is important to ensure that they are secure from cyber
threats. In addition, there are also privacy concerns around the collection and use of data by RPA and Collaborative
Robots. It is important to ensure that the collection and use of data is transparent and compliant with relevant
Opportunities: Despite the challenges, there are also many opportunities that come with the implementation of
RPA and Collaborative Robots in internal logistics systems. These technologies can help to improve accuracy and
efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of work [22] In addition, RPA and Collaborative Robots
can help to improve safety in the workplace. By taking on repetitive or dangerous tasks, they can reduce the risk of
injury to human workers. Furthermore, the implementation of RPA and Collaborative Robots can lead to new job
opportunities in areas such as robot maintenance and programming, which can help to offset any potential job
losses. Overall, the implementation of RPA and Collaborative Robots in internal logistics systems can bring a
number of benefits, but also presents some challenges that need to be carefully considered.
Future opportunities for RPA in internal logistics systems include: (i) Expanded Use of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) and Machine Learning (ML). With the ability to integrate AI and ML with RPA, there is the potential for more
advanced and intelligent decision-making in real-time control and optimization of internal logistics systems. This
could lead to better prediction of system failures, optimization of workflow, and enhanced performance. (ii)
Development of Hybrid Systems. Combining RPA with Collaborative Robots could lead to the development of
hybrid systems that can improve efficiency and reduce costs. By using RPA to control and optimize the system in
real-time, Collaborative Robots can be used to perform the physical tasks involved in internal logistics. This could
lead to greater flexibility and agility in the system; (iii) Increased Interconnectivity. As technology advances, it is
possible that internal logistics systems will become more interconnected with other systems within the organization,
such as supply chain management systems, enterprise resource planning systems, and customer relationship
management systems. This could allow for more seamless integration and optimization across the entire
organization; (iv) Improved Safety. Collaborative Robots are designed to work alongside humans, with safety
features built in to prevent accidents. As the use of Collaborative Robots in internal logistics systems increases,
there is the potential for improved safety for workers and reduced risk of accidents; (iv) Greater Customization:
RPA and Collaborative Robots have the potential to be highly customizable to the specific needs of an organization.
This could lead to greater efficiency, as the system can be tailored to the specific requirements of the organization;
(v) Enhanced Sustainability. By improving the efficiency of internal logistics systems, RPA and Collaborative
Robots can help reduce waste, minimize environmental impact, and improve sustainability. Use of Augmented
Reality (AR): As AR technology advances, it could be integrated with RPA and Collaborative Robots to improve
the accuracy and speed of internal logistics tasks. For example, AR could be used to provide workers with real-time
instructions on how to complete a task or to highlight the location of specific items.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented a comprehensive overview of real-time control and optimization of internal
logistics systems using RPA and Collaborative Robots. Our contribution to this field is in the form of a proposed
architecture, case studies, analysis of possible solutions, and identification of future opportunities and challenges.
Our proposed architecture integrates RPA and Collaborative Robots into the existing internal logistics system, with
the goal of achieving reduced costs and improved efficiency. We have described in detail the specific part of the
system that will be controlled and optimized using RPA, as well as the RPA mechanism that will be used, including
necessary sensors, software, and hardware.
In addition, we have provided a detailed description of the real-time control mechanism using RPA and how it
can be integrated with other automation technologies, such as AI and ML. We have also explained how RPA will
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gather data and monitor the system in real-time and how it will respond to changes in the system and take
appropriate actions. We presented case studies showcasing the benefits of real-time control and optimization using
RPA and Collaborative Robots in internal logistics systems. These case studies demonstrated that implementing
RPA can result in improved efficiency, reduced costs, and increased safety. Furthermore, we discussed the
challenges and opportunities that arise when implementing RPA and Collaborative Robots in internal logistics
systems. We highlighted the ethical and social implications of these technologies and identified potential future
opportunities for RPA and Collaborative Robots in this field.
In conclusion, this paper has made a significant contribution to the field of real-time control and optimization of
internal logistics systems using RPA and Collaborative Robots. Our proposed architecture and analysis of possible
solutions provide a framework for future research in this area. We believe that the implementation of RPA and
Collaborative Robots in internal logistics systems will continue to be a topic of interest and will pave the way for
more efficient and cost-effective logistics operations.


The research leading to these results received funding from the Norway Grants 2014-2021, which is operated by
the National Centre for Research and Development under the project “Automated Guided Vehicles Integrated with
Collaborative Robots for Smart Industry Perspective” (Project Contract no.: NOR/POLNOR/CoBotAGV/0027/2019


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