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SPECTROSCOPY Tt dloals uvith Ane randitions hat .a melee dunder “oes febisen its enargy Leuils Upon absorption of Auitble Aadiations volotermuned by Apontun mothsnccal AUlection Aurles Ddluin digs ori other metedts. D) Sample Arquvument L Ame Corvsuampeten 4 veby Les - 2%) kK was porururect Auesrd ef ths nrabysis 2) Sownple Aomroind Aurel fected y) Be a Aseful foe determrinitg To weclenitm of action diffrent Aypes € Auch ostepy = DY Corbis sper. = wslens atoms / molecules are ubjectea! to EM radiations tun Lt abberh enteyy L get excited to highs envy Mette; tphith Jos Liss fife Sper fo Lb seo Bath fo srourd Salt 4y suleeh sf energy Jn tee fom of EM. Andliation 3 When the oovitted Light dy pasded thrrongh Prim, Jk Ft AE AD Or ewrission APU, Aacorsled oe es sogptors vos Baiht Lipheg ea tics. 23 BYPOS Lin tae 2) ABSORPTION SPECL TL EM. hacliaton 48 vol lorivel Ao Pase {recy a trons pakevet moolium, tien dome of its portion 46 Absorbed 2 Nese Da transmitted & usher tris broimudeed Ai gut HS parsea Asor gy pea ee ue On absorption apes 1h : Dichc., of poe Aight Awhidh 1s Labserbed Ys dark Lined Molecular Spectear Et arises tem 3 types of — BtQuuition’- Fuotition, vibration, electronic drawiitiin Total enchigy of tus vuoltele ts gimen by Botun- epperhei meg apprer = E= Eq Cott Eumt Cee Wamsietional Luvigy iu not qMamtized out of VL tuk Quotes ko en SP ews Pa. 7 ee. As me value of Ey & V. Anall 1. ROA. Ca se Prakten es! Ee — ets Catan eave In diatomic molecule Ths woltcte possestes tyamilationt Cergy vag a ee at Oe Pe nee vyrauity Courses : Rotational energy orise Atlin tue molecule bostates, dcbout vom AMS 1 to tre inte mucha, nis b pasting Prgh tur Contre of — i. ‘ 2 WbAational energy is vassociated duitye fo L fo motor € tua muck. of He Melee Such Hart Covtye of weer volars wot tlonge elec boric envy 4s arssotiated UH tue tauiHen , , U of £- ad. Atete fo an excctkd State 2S of fon Je LU an ; ny Aiud of te mrolturle jolue obser tion of pluter of Aviteble bry. bes el ela he we) A Rotations’ 24 ae Oey ae Ce edyo wic neue Be eo Atade ~ SS vibra gual a a mnUrgy Sree ak = " onal Ve iis Rtete it Eee Ene. eo) Energy Level aiapecn Uv-Vvisible | ehebenic Speckled Lefy - TE solu tee Aromsttion of gly Wit In @ Motels faom Lower to Aigher gric entry Dovel CL Ka verso $y tra dbsotption OL emission of Srodicctions fatboy Jn tue Wels Jeonvel ¢ EM Apectyum . Sfeba jp obtainsd 0s Bowrels instead of veliscrete Zruc transitions Are Aéicompinied Kiss preaure Zric os : odanovol ebaniconen p, Rite ewe d ofa 4 4 ‘ oy tbs ‘\ Wome Lombért Bron s ound! uUdhin. @ Seam of Mone¢hsom- ahe Hadiotoys As parte troup, a solution Af ttn ee Abd By tus wliton ) pee bork 3 oe Cis bensmuitted Ta= pe (Latensity of (Uaiciduu Tromsmitted koa sity absorbs Ait) Tt.) Decree ar tee testy us olicetty Prepertion alte font, of tue Solubien b tue thine 5 abserbg Aolution —dt x dy BREN edt. 2 we dx BE deo Bencdint oe Wwe Qy caren) do p> tay te eel (AMso%bamce) ZH mater absorption coeff. | moles extincticn coeff dite, co mol dw? , De cm = Awf mel! cus? aes ss i R= - teen ai A ; ; Conc Bo By measeriiy tio ohserbawce of a Bown ple ean Outi: tea: oven. of tr ae MOUo Nem ole. Linnitetions’ 1) L.6- Law U jot obeyed) 2 fan jaepaess Mid 8 Mor wonedrrimmatc Ve is apliable For ils, Atos, 31 at high Low. Aue Iwitrrowe pyecdiatiors thr drat thaws tua ability of solute +o absorb at A frend of inciduct dodllahion - «- Relation blo A chy Ye) Lowy Dr ie ke > 1h tu value of € 2b ape Jol, teoke Aartitions One high sokentity abisrptiion Aras tion, > bre value 4 & u bellow, 10° tment re Tet, an Lew jatieusi ty absorption tention. a A Adliten ef tichnws % Cun trarrsmits el. mddot Hight calculate he Cone of tre Lito, $= Yymo dw? wot! ow mm -6o> Aq 2 » JL =0.S23> tel » = 45% Ng CH 0:S23 S SMBS XD Yao mel daj> ii Za Trstyumcntalen of Wve vis Apcheplofonctet » Racliation sowree Ib Yh Uscharge Lamp- Uv: — Ito—tYromn Thangsten filavnt Lomgp- VSI Mlenye pian 4 W0-700 an : e fue} Cie pli fi pts i - LS>JPhote t— 2 igs Ae For onmple feud ig quarts Us Med because lass cove Rbdorb Atvonyly Ty Uv. Sight Types Ene Mawsition’: eabitels foo o bowl > 0) 5% See T bend > m1” VT Yon dondiny oftbitel (n) Ee 4 note Inwalud im bond fps mation energy Be there 6 wo ADMD, associated Win dur, a Oy yNo > ord of enesyy reydred Dewar > > v7) Ns > Ya 1) 30" f Tomsitions in usin & Ub excited -from oben md to oY Aspro, MB o- dong i strey domd 29 Hiomdition taguixe igh, energy fo tas otcun at Ahert wiqueloyir # Legh £QYuencyen) 4 aekwrated H.¢. @ Ynr0rtt Pr ee : ears YOwsrhow An lich wo bonding cw eruted ri doo Amo 4 te dehy place in Compourd Covteini ny Aeke yor tom G aleolrols, ew, alhyt halides, amines, aldeldes Akos Thay Aire Ls energy tam coor trmitttion |, oCcurs at Logger A Bin als Aalides eorgy kequird 40 n Ao Aomsition lecrtases WAM Intree dn Wy f holepn atom, v Elechoregatinity decvsasss Cha h Cha- T AZ 12-17 Sas 253mm (Lote evgryy ) Wax DOTY! Thansten tn which WN 2's cu Crud Ro TY ppm.o. bit eccurs in Unrtadirattd Compound, @ Se (ey agit cn Bee Hurt ono Jigh devdersity pubsnprion Avomuiton Y) WSS Tromesition Jin which @ Af mow bending tonic rubiks eteitd to TO Tey we present Jy Compound Asving lawino wernA ct Soe Aateroatom. eg C=0 , Covbenylc Acid, exter, e=5 ete rare for tis Arardition 6 minimum, .' le Lffeers ak high 4 Chromophere? TL us dificult 0 voy Admictral feckre which thous a wclwraetertsbic ebso'ypbor wv. | us FEHon ARCS peckive of te fact Hah, Colowr LB “pradeveed evr vel Types thous 3) w)e Covleim Fee's & sir UadtAgo To We tromsi Hon. ete fne , aetylene , des haay= 25 Snm) Ja) Chim. w]e cvdain dot Tb nen Baa z A tty sondlivgo TOM bn TH hemsibin 4 Carbengls mugiles (R- c=n), Mido Comp. (Ree ) (Leo) o | H Augtechreme Tt has oe Ao - tae . | Levy ‘On of cClomoplore by Abonn lores dy t, a He Absorption bomd fousards Longs weigh, ck yy Pudurr as Aad Sbifp a % —on, - Ol, “Ni, “Sh we Tetiff tony cacen'e act ap phrmeplat ue S ee © botham, [280 mm) # ftbsoy pron & Prtensity Sift E ) A yprochrenuc effect [silt + St teads & ture Buide of absorption marina Aousards Mreree waulendr Ib hynovon as blue Alife 4 VE due title Ae Ad mougl of He VY Le OL Choma in polarity , leo aan \ fokase by of te Bol yert gy Bhcevorae: of Aniline Slufts from 2M ae te $0 1m 4 260 i Rovlitions nm ‘im Quolic ® Wis Lone pain of Nm, YOueP We Satie tl plies gi wet adailabl fo fs Compaen JZ Batracluromnc Ofer? Tt trade to te Milt of absorption macuivra, fourards Loy Aseuclergpn i ie prone eee Le 4 elbo sid She. Te w also ofped by Bion a2 Chonyt in polarity of podvent 3 Chr Ormuc a> Te Loads to te morctate In pe miensity of abse'rption Tyrtrrduction of duccechttomt Inoiiases tw value of ivbersity YW) Hi > pe Deads to te lecttase ar te Wkensity af absorption. Trtreduction of Hae Yrsup Wich disttrt the qromely of te soaplocule is respomsibdle fon nis effect B publtitution of — Cy POuP im bi phenyl cause fre olistorrtion i Carmo # Effet of ( aig ow > ltt wncrtade mC ony ugation, dwar fo & Compornrol AMCRAMA Cys ig aaa CH wy Chg CHa dwron= (650m (y3-Buadionw) Awan? 217m eS eum) Se en be a ay (LUMO) b | ee TT (Wome) “Te (Moro) ene sgy 1, Deane bE! fe. Asamsition wrtel Com pleres- DUSSH0 Ge Allonssd Hamels uae aniele eae Promotion of @ usrtrout Cae An trig spin CnO. of unrpaineel E pemain unchavyed) 2D Laporte Rules Laporte alloted = DL= +1 non -cantredymmutic Top Laporte fosbidden- octahedral (Conte ¢ Aprmeety) Ay" 2) 9) [hebyoy, 2) [vo 3) [malty Lh eupa- ibsationall Te lacs fre Liemditions Shy the vibrational Rerels a wmrolectle on tue absorplonr of jurdiahous Nef av tee Pramge € Gov “BI0 Gr (iA YEH) > Panel te im Dipole mamgnt gonrsretes the tS vulonane WIC arises shen He froery of gecillatiy elechic field is = to E609. of elechic fold acillaties In tre plane + fo plane of propagation of Em. vediahen, = He Bron hake! 2 pee Ay hokeds Low as ators &Sprvg as bond OUTS, A eee, = (ee , 5 Mee eel = eFC) fra outer yen ee Lin Bee Effect Y mats On soetchy f A partic ars Bren whan deuterium Te ant Compated with corres Parra i] He fenthon O-H 2 360 om! but pd Appear _at 2600 oni? Ms Ed=2 1, freq. is ~eoluced by ve. ae oe ee ts LWWIOUL yc. Vi brationad euthgy Arb Yrowtized > fen SHO (Compl harmmenic 08Mator) + Mec. fo Laeding wat a4! Eve (es) hWese (Soules) Vie8 Ubsational QMantum v2, (V=0,1,2,3-_7) Ev= & = AL) TS, c = a ae fr ve0 Epaghuty 6) €, =f Pose lucy Ths amplin tut wliatomic molecule Lan nent hove WO Vibratoual ere L ahmG Lan new, he vat sect elute fo each bther LEB Antu was p0-pt revgy > Moloculs Lhow wibsational spectra enty if ture y thomae ba Cigale rrsment So Romonuclees lated molucule howe No. DM. & Ih, OM diatomic 1 thy ane lk inactive e 2 Deterowileat diatomic molec. vue [Ractive % hcl ha > Seluction Rule 4 dhapmenic oscillator »— hve t) Evacv = (4 #4) Bese (v4) Dose = Wee Comit) pt Ral wmralocules wlonot o obey exact tie oud "OL St motion. .'s < @ for eauhaunrente ogelbatry - Allourd Yibyational energy Mevele- fy = (v+L) B- (EY Bre const) (W261,2-+) He is eonharmorics ty constant by Qwcmhinds AM) , Vibra typal ewe, ae Lore fogetor 6 Vat tees te “ # TYPES OF MOLECULAR VIBRATIONS ra DQ Steetthing (BL ¢ 4) pie 2) Bending (Bend Sym woteie etretol, BSymmubic 4 bre ter, an 2ymmehical momney Out bond ls Lhetehid £ ofles eG Nea 3} PrLb sed eS oe peti! Compression 4) 4 typ Te plane a PS wy ~> smn pecia oak of plane am Twist, 2 OES. Gensrstly aAteetchng frequency temo Hrton bendy a Tre ve mollis wie as such ole not ent DM. but sown & vibyahonal yrocles ore attomparnied by dhany om D.M. tp Op Spamattt = c= dng CBR. Mache moet) yma => =o py PO (TL tebe) Bonds ohne =e puto GR fete) NO 6 -furdormontal vabyalbee 3 D Now=Lrnea Mole’ 3y-¢ end of afemy 3 tho B Lean 3N-5 29 Co, aes oe 7” a es A (5) frrarmenic — uibeati sae fs Lowmbineton Ca 4 ae ovedtorus L£. ay. eee fos 0, + 20, Hig) -~ Cowbinatienn hands Sum futo emia furdonnnd- freq, Jovertrus Wit,» 2 pu, , WY tts => furdaretal Lubrohons ane high Intensity trams. vA Qvertoyes F LOmbiotr fonds at howd Ausensity boms, | Somttinnes frrdamotl noel of vib. has samre # Thor are four atyions an IR spectra 2 te bowd RFIOW- aS One of tue atom focquenty wouge - YO — RESO. twit 2 Taiphe bod Reston = Q3/0-2 00 et ; pa eta = [4y0 ews On Ayo — BO emit on) - 4) use Ud I denti Orne Corfe) di) tack Compound seam Hae opin, a on Preale hs Alifferint Oryonaic Confined | + Dds CH tosl 28 So 3000 Coit (ebreteding) Uy $0 =1470 e771 9 . 1370- Bev | Bendlivy T= hs My, On, ‘ Q Abhomes 3040-30 C=c-n) 300-3) Ge) Premaric 9) Abas =n (330 ener) 4a 1600 Ot (eae) » CBC (2100-24 yp ent) ) nalidar 10-1350 ena 5) dluchells ROL OW 3600 ent PRpiney a variable ace Ae Hhorwel We note Vos ER Spectsa op OPO cot ip eee eae eisttee Coe 6 | ot deid Bohs dricle » eiblofi) | '8©—(3s6 pg y¢—MI0 cu! ) | . 9 CA mmebic Sym neste ahetch) Asbo bt ye igo ea | , | 930-1980 c rg ee or oe pi ees : B Adehoglis 2 Kefonss : Rho Ci7>0- 1749) Ae- Cro (695-1715) te Lap (1630-1690) abe (ovs—1790) Se Jaa, 4% ford odes (hond stsength) sd Meg. © | of (Darvel iy mort 20 double boud charts ig! mont tk Opps at Miglin preg, Lit happens - - Uhr tre Compousnel Zs aliphatic d& freq. Atcrrosy Ulin it 2 aromatic Wy tor velclenyes bates , alleligdis Bas (R grsuy” LERG) £ Aston how 2 op 2R gp De hifony Mebiligs (Qf) steucture A agplanset Lous preg es ald thy dus > wWietivetion Mo. > UpNo lyst Yr OZ +1 W= No. % tetranalut rem (c, £16. ee) A= (Mowoyatores ch, x) J Piva (nt ote De ie 3 0.- =) H 3B Cete GH, (3360) 330, => WEG —N Zane 15 ony 4 (Pamnntune) mnie) #4 fF S at (conupited) a freee bods — Synnrmnomnc iS NG, ee pee - Ling’ — 1 tenols KS but dn 3° no Atsetthing 8 alhtue tybogins en 4y allel ante pinch 7p Gey HF Instrumentation of IR D Radiathon bounce? Nernst valonses PBs chine auee whe Of pane earth metal oxide, Te ved is leer catty tated to ¥Sa'e 40 produce |p 4) Monechwematoy- ) Samaple dildr: Tre are olreratty made ee pice Avcmsparet to IR Scion! ete cen nid 2 tomSparent vaboue Ye tit vis watt is - th sfic Um mate 44. tamplis Agce ee aeeite tl or e oy 2D dekector 4 main > Ont dertivy He Aratvg offet Mf wadialions Stay volepenrcliy on Photy Conductrrity Gf thermal detectors vans Thetmecoupls £ folornste, > Signal 6 tien mplified A welordid We play sabsorption | of He VES sane’ vis, Sample a Ce Rote Mong Thaval ; ny Ct a Aue ea Rocoudg p< Thrplifex] # Sample Prop ration Phir Tn gtitous phase 0 BWWAL 2, usd 04 woderial fom -be olinreetly Plarcd for TR Liquid Aampls are std either sdlirtetly or by own with Aolyewt A Solyent tute arr Coby, CHels; CS, H phialt fo CXOrnive hau Solid Sample ant Mort Aue eae puter we At dncident Reece L Arqusmutraee 6 very Lolo, 2, The dpectta of Solid is rucorded $y grivding ck v fatty ui tr perafifin oil (muyoh murtt) go , 1380Cns vt fipplications O¢ DR Spectrascop 0, D luael in idimffication ef 3 2) utd an ‘ ee 3 Used fo ce cane yer 4) unsot fox theft on CE hr rpuritier (hatons io ne? pe Sane mithool for AOUCAL 8) useck A check tre condition 23 Rt dn COWIE tbe = a- o€ ay Cwrell wain— J NCoMmplere LOmrbutt.on dy v AAivud on not) Ae due to a { i Pi AI IS owt De ee ‘ Hevgivs CO & praleet As preter t in erypive oho 1) Abativgaish dehueen dmtra § wiermoleent > ~ He fowctin 4 flpplicntions of vevis Apednatopy + ) Fey MCheracterization % aromatic Comptund £ Coviyupated slicves 3) Detection of purities 24 Bery Ud Oro nae An Ly Sea \t wbherb Te ee DD Pelesrmoretion Of wrhinbun Cow, > A= tee Wy) delemmivation of Mut’ by prepocitny bctebte” 0) Auiinakue Wle absorb an ub. (vis. ra, ; Gold deviate ef HO ib Plerote (Yellow coloua) ate sive absorbance 4y aifacluing it an Stuiteh te Solbwovet % wWeoduard Fisher, Rule The position of drax tom be Aheorahicolly preolictod by Aris Auto. This vbr shouss that yoricts eer tre Auch 0s Moubh bond, © tude ploubee bors in L ae Bodh of ule ore in Ow dung of a oom - mewrberud Fw 3 ia lel Gt 03s Tho dluble fonds in conyrgshon one of ule J Prt of ming dyttem ushile chur is ae ae Bystern, ae ae Shun = 3 f — Pe Pie he Tuo wlouble fonol in \ one of we ts a Part of xing Ay tem eh ae outiuole | ps Fo a . G — 2 My os SO 2 Exeeyetic: dlouble tomal - Cac tond im We ere Lirten Ces bows is part of mu Amg whe wloean't vomtain thet cloubl torral g Substitwent votorn oh. prseup etter Hon pieecaae vokbon wle is pareg era : fey keto eccolien tae , solve | me | Ceo | cut | Crs 06 Hs [nHe: See so apa

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