SPDX Electrocardiography-Ecg

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Special Diagnostic Procedures


ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY ECG/EKG  Detects your heart's electrical rhythm and
 Measures the heart’s electrical activity produces what's known as a tracing.
 ECG / EKG  This tracing consists of representations of
BRIEF HISTORY several waves that recur with each
1. 1786 Dr. Luigi Galvani first noted that
electrical current could be recorded  The wave pattern should have a consistent
from skeletal muscles. shape. If your waves are not consistent, or if
2. 1887 The first ‘electrogram’ (ECG) from the they do not appear as standard waves, this is
intact human heart was recorded with indicative of heart disease.
a mercury capillary electrometer
by Augustus D Waller at St. Mary’s Cardiac Cycle
Hospital, London.  Is the sequence of events – electrical or
3. 1895 Einthoven, using an improved mechanical events taking place in the heart
electrometer and a correction
from the beginning of one heartbeat initiated
formula developed independently.
by an impulse from the sinoatrial (SA) node to
He labeled the corrected derived
deflections PQRS and T. the beginning of the next heart beat also
4. 1900 First article source using the term initiated by an impulse from the SA node.
“Elektrokardiogramm” (EKG) by
Willem Einthoven Electrical events
5. 1902 Einthoven publishes the first  Depolarization, repolarization of the atria and
electrocardiogram recorded on a depolarization and repolarization of the
string galvanometer. ventricle.
6. 2018 Apple smart watch: Over 400,000
people enroll in a study being Mechanical events
conducted by researchers at Stanford  Contraction or relaxation of the atria and
and Apple to determine whether a ventricles
wearable technology can identify
irregular heart rhythms suggestive
Normal Electrical Conduction Pathway
of atrial fibrillation.
 Consists of the following components:
Important diagnostic tool in the evaluation of 1.Sinoatrial  located on the right
node / SA atrium near the
entrance of the
• Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmias) superior vena cava
 too slow / fast  this is the natural
• Myocardial ischemia/infarction peace maker of the
 inadequate supply of oxygen heart
• Chamber enlargement  initiates all the
• Electrolyte abnormalities heartbeat and
 specifically the potassium or calcium that determines
being utilized by the heart heartbreak(?)
2.Atrioventricul  located on the other
Purpose of ECG ar node / AV side of the right
atrium near the AV

Special Diagnostic Procedures
 serves as the  Atrial contraction starts about a
electrical gateway to 100millisecond after the P-wave begins
the ventricles and;  The PQ-segment represents the time
 delays the passage of distance travelled from the SA nodeto the
the electrical AV node
impulses to the  The QRS complex marks the firing of the
AV node and represents ventricular
This delay is to ensure the atria depolarization
have ejected all the blood into  Q wave corresponds to the depolarization
the ventricles before the of the intraventricular ??
ventricles contract  R wave is produced by the depolarization
 the AV node receives of the main mass of the ventricles
signals from the SA  S wave represents the last phase of the
node and passes them ventricular depolarization at the base of
into the AV bundle the heart
3.AV bundle /  This bundle is then  Atrial repolarization also occurs during
(bundle of His) divided into right and this time but the signal is obscured by the
left bundle branches
large QRS complex
which conduct the
impulses toward the  The ST segment reflects the plateu in the
apex of the heart myocardial action potential, this is when
 The signals are then the ventricle contracts and pumps blood
passed onto purkinje  The T wave represents the repolarization
fibers immediately before the ventricular
4.Purkinje  Turning upward and relaxation
fibers spreading  The cycle repeats on every heart beat
throughout the
ventricular ECG SETUP

 The electrical activity of the heart can be

recorded in the form of electrocardiogram
 The ECG is a compulsive recording of all
the action potential produce by the node
and the cells of the myocardium. Each way
for segments of the ECG corresponds to a
certain event of the cardiac electrical
 When the atria is full of blood, the SA node
fires electrical signals spread throughout
the atria and caused them to depolarize,
this is represented by the P-wave on the Types of ECG
ECG  Resting ECG Tracing
 Exercise/Stress ECG Tracing

Special Diagnostic Procedures
 Holter Monito  V4 – 5th intercostal space, left
ECG Leads midclavicular line
 Bipolar Limb Leads (usually located below the nipple)
 Lead 1 – right arm and left arm (+)  V5 – left anterior axillary line, at the
 Lead 2 – right arm and left leg (+) same level as V4
 Lead 3 – left arm and left leg (+)  V6 – same level as V4 and V5 but
located at the mid
axillary line
 Lead V4R - same level as V4 but
located on the right
 Lead V3R - between V1 and V4R

1.P wave
 Represents atrial depolarization
2.QRS wave
 Ventricular depolarization
 Corresponds to phase 0
 Q-wave interventricular septum
 R-wave apical depolarization
 Unipolar Limb Leads
 S wave — depolarization of the base of
 ECG machine usually augments the the ventricle
potential by 1.5 than the original 3.T wave
potential  Ventricular repolarization
 Comes from a central terminal  Corresponds to phase 3 of repolarization
 Lead aVR - towards right arm 4.U wave
 Lead aVL - towards left arm  Uncommon wa at is believed to be due to
 Lead aVF - towards left foot the slow
 repolarization of papillary muscles
ECG Leads 5.ST segment
 Landmark: Angle of Louis  Starts at the end of S to the beginning of
 Chest leads represent the horizontal T
plane of the heart  Represents phase 2 of ventricular
 Position of chest leads
6.ST interval
 V1 – attached at the 4th intercostal
 Starts at the end of S to the end of T
space, left
 Measures the whole period of latent
parasternal border repolar
 V2 – 4th intercostal space, right
parasternal border
 V3 – located between V2 and V4

Special Diagnostic Procedures
 The lead wires will be attached to the

 Once the leads are attached, the

technician may enter identifying
information about you into
the machine's computer.
The ECG will be started. It will take only a
short time for the tracing to be completed.
Once the tracing is completed, the
technician will disconnect the leads and
remove the skin


 You should be able to go back to your
normal diet and activities, unless your
doctor tells you differently.
Generally, there is no special care after an
electrocardiogram (ECG).
Tell your doctor if you develop any signs or
symptoms you had before the ECG
Examination Protocol (for example, chest pain, shortness of
breath, dizziness, or fainting).
• Remove any jewelry or other objects that may
interfere with the test.  When reading the ECG, look at the: NAME
• *Depending on the reason for your ECG, your / AGE/ DATE/ STANDARDIZATION
doctor may ask you to stop taking some of your INTERPRETING THE RESULTS
medications. The Tracing
EXAMINATION  A tracing consists of repeated waves that
 Remove clothing from the waist up. have a standard shape.
 Lie flat on a table or bed for the test.  The waves have sections named the P
 If your chest, arms, or legs are very hairy, wave, QRS complex, ST
the technician may shave or clip small segment, and T wave.
patches of hair, as needed, so that the  There is also a PR interval between the P wave
electrodes will stick closely to the skin. and the QRS
 Electrodes will be attached to your chest, complex, and a QT interval between the QRS
complex and the T
arms, and legs. wave.

Special Diagnostic Procedures


Special Diagnostic Procedures


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