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Copyright © 19961FAC 8f-03 2

13th Triennial World Congress. San Francisco. USA


Th. RoBmann·, F. Pfeiffer·

• TU Miinchen, Lehrstuhl B fUr Mechanik, Germany

Abstract. The project of an eight legged robot for pipe inspections is presented. Its
structure and its function principle is explained and its control is described. The latter
not only includes the presentation of the controlling concept but also the control design
with respect to the specific structural conditions. Furthermore the mechanical model
and its transformation into a simulation program is explained. A simplified model is
used for controller design. The effects of this reduction on the system dynamics are
examined. Finally simulation results using the designed controller are shown.

Keywords. Pipe Crawler, Mechanical Properties, Simulation, Force Control


Tube systems differ in their pipe diameters, length, the

mediums inside and complexity of the tube arrangement
etc. Different kinds of robots have been developed for
inspecting and repairing the tubes from the inside. They
move forward by wheels, chains or float with the me-
dium. All robots have their specific difficulties, for ex- Fig. 1. Construction of the Pipe Crawling Robot
ample problems of traction and low flexibility. In con-
trast the machine discussed in this paper moves by legs. third direction. The crawler has a length of about 0.75m
and is able to work in pipes with a diameter of 60 -70cm.
In each of the eight legs, the distance between the two
2. DESIGN OF THE ROBOT active joints (hip and knee) is 15em and the length of the
last leg segment (from knee to foot) is 17em. The highest
The robot, shown in figure 1, has eight legs arranged possible torque of the hip joint is 78N m short term and
like two stars. The attachments of the legs are located in 40Nm permanent. The corresponding values of the knee
two planes that intersect at the longitudinal axis of the are 78Nm and 20Nm. So a leg is able to carry 6.5 times
central body. These planes are called leg planes. Each leg its own weight permanently and 12 times for short time
has two active joints, which are driven by DC-motors. operations in a stretched out position. This powerful leg
Their axes of rotation are orthogonal to the leg planes. design is a progress of an already existing construction
This provides each leg with a planar mobility. The leg is that works very effectively (Pfeiffer et al., 1994). The
mounted to the central body with an additional passive total weight of the robot is about 20kg including the
joint, which allows small compensating movements in the whole power electronics and the controllers.

4. DYNAMICS OF THE CRAWLER sticking with the kinematic condition YTi = O. In order
to determine the accelerations, the equations are trans-
A simulation program, which includes all the relevant formed into a linear complementary problem This can
properties of the robot, was developed. By means of this be solved with the Lemke algorithm (Glocker, 1993).
program it is possible to get informations about the sys-
In addition to the mentioned ones, the following phe-
tem behaviour and to determine the motor power re-
nomena are part of the simulation model: The contact
serves. Since the elastic eigenfrequencies of the system
between legs and ground is realized with a spring-damper
parts are very high, a modeling as a rigid body system
element, which represents the rubber balls at the end of
is favourable. The system parts are the central body, the
the legs. The temperatures of the motors are integrated
rotors of the motors, the shafts of the gears and segments
with a two body model with unlimited caloric conduct-
of the legs. Different to industrial robots the stiffness
ibility. With these temperatures the torque reserves of
of the gears is negligible for the system behaviour. The
the motors can be determined, which are only limited
reasons for this are the extreme light weight design, the
by burning out. Furthermore the motors are changing
very short lever arms and the small moments of iner-
their behaviour in a not negligible manner caused by the
tia of the segments. The friction of the used Harmonic
dependence of their coil conductivity on temperature.
Drive Gears, which strongly depends on the torque, has
great influence on the control and on the loads of the mo-
tors (coulomb friction in meshing). For consideration of
this effect, "normal torques" are established to calculate
tangential friction torques that act against the direction 5. REDUCED MODEL FOR CONTROL DESIGN
of the rotation. To include sticking without load (effects
like No-Load Starting Torque and No-Load Back Driving 5.1 Nonlinearities
Torque) an initial tension Aa of the gears is introduced.
For sticking under load the transmitted torques are ad- Nonlinearity of the leg position: The system paramet-
ded to the initial tensions. The dynamics are described ers of the robot can be considered as constant within a
by the following equations (Seyfferth, 1993): period of time due to the slow motion. A usual method
for such systems is to change the parameters of the con-
Mij= h + WNAN + WHAH + HR (ANa + Aa) (1) troller in dependence of the parameters of the system
(adaptive control). In contrast, the aim of this work was
YN = W~ij + WN = 0 (2) to find a PID controller which is robust against these
YH = WJ;.ij + WH =0 (3) changes in the parameters. For the controller synthesis,
with: a temporary design is realized, which uses the linear-
ization around the mean value of the leg positions. Fi-
H Ri = -J.liwTisign(9T;) (4)
nally, the robustness of the control system is achieved
>'Nai = IANiI (5) by means of a multi-model-design, which uses several
linearizations around different leg positions.
M denotes the mass matrix, h is the vector of gyroscopic
forces, active moments and active forces. The vector of Coulomb Friction: As already explained, the friction in
the generalized coordinates q (its dimension is 62) con- the leg joints has a considerable influence on the system
tains the six degrees of freedom of the central body, the behaviour. The friction can be divided into the follow-
angles of the leg joints and the degrees of freedom of the ing three parts: A constant part, a part depending on
motors and the gears. AN is the vector of the normal torques (Coulomb friction) and a part depending on an-
torques (see above) and AH the vector of the constrain- gular velocities (viscous friction). Especially the first two
ing torques caused by sticking of the gears. Correspond- parts cause a not tolerable error in the controlled forces.
ing to this, the constraints are denoted gN, gH with This error can be reduced by using a feedforward com-
the Jacobian matrices W Nand W H. Different to usual pensation in the case of rotating joints. In the case of
stick-slip problems, the normal torques can have positive sticking joints the acting friction torque is unknown (the
and negative values and are therefore corresponding to direction as well as the amount) and can not be com-
normal forces of a bilateral guiding device. The friction pensated in this way. Since the friction parameters are
torques of the rotating gears are determined by the ab- uncertain, the differences to the nominal values should
solute values of the normal torques, the initial tensions be compensated by integral controllers. Possible stick-
and the friction coefficients and are projected into the slip behaviour of such kind of systems did not show up
generalized sliding directions through WTi. As usual, the in the simulation of the system. An other possibility for
passing from sticking to slipping is detected by reaching compensation of the Coulomb friction torque is to use
the stick limit ATi = J.l(ANi + Aad and from slipping to a disturbance observer. This solution has the advant-

ages that the torques can be observed also in the case of
sticking and that observers can handle the uncertainties. x = (~ ~ ) ( _MO-le _M~l D) (~ ~ )-1 X
Nonlinearity of the Controller: The design ofthe control-
ler is linear. But in reality switch functions are required + (~ ~) (M-~ Bu ) U (7)
in the controller for observing the stick limits of the dif-
ferent legs. These are working in such a way that by
reaching the limit the set points of the leg forces are re-
distributed static-equivalently to other legs. The normal
forces are also modified automatically if higher tangen-
Since the controller should work decent rally, the prob-
tial forces are needed. An analysis has shown that the
lem of the design of such strongly coupled systems like
eigenvalues of the system change only by small amounts
this crawling robot spreaded in a tube is that not every
for different force distributions. measured signal can act on every servo component. For
the design of local controllers the design methods can be
divided into central and decentral ones. The latter have
5.2 Reduction of the Model the main disadvantage that the couplings are considered
only approximately and that their effects on the closed
The overall three dimensional rigid body model has 62 loop stability are examined only after the design process.
degrees of freedom. To reduce the effort the eigenforms Because of this reason and the strength of the couplings
of the three dimensional system are analyzed and com- a central design method seems to be better suited for
pared with the eigenforms of a planar substitute system this system. From a central point of view the desired
with 11 degrees of freedom. Thus the latter is identified controller has a structure with a general restriction. A
as the observable and controllable subset of the complete common method for these cases is an optimization of a
system with reference to the legs with ground contact cost function. This will be done in a second step with
(the normal load phase has four legs of one plane on the multi-model-system. The disadvantage of this tech-
the ground). Legs with no contact can be viewed as de- nique is that a stable set of controller coefficients must be
coupled from the remaining system and are not part of known at the beginning. To get this set another method
this model. This means that the reduction to the con- is applied with the robot linearized around the mean leg
tact plane is correct without any change of the relevant position.
system behaviour. The influence of the stiffness of the
different gear levels are also explored in more detail. To
do this, the simulation model was expanded in an appro-
6.1 Operating Level Restrictions
priate way. As expected the additional compliances do
not change the interesting system behaviour. The res-
The central level is shown in figure 3 by the feedback
ulting eigenfrequencies over 150Hz are negligible and
of the central body coordinates X z. The control mat-
damped to zero within 0.03s.
rix K L computes a dynamic output which corrects, if
necessary, the position of the robot. FG is added to
this output. This corresponds to a pilot control of the
5.3 Transformation of the Coordinates weight. The result is distributed to the legs with the mat-
rix V. The distribution is a non linear procedure caused
For the controller design it is useful to change the co- by the switch functions, which correct forces exceeding
ordinates to a set which contains only the controlled the sticking condition. For the controller design this is
variables. By neglecting the damping of the rubber balls, not considered and V is assumed to be constant.
which is an uncertain value and very small in compar-
ison to other damping effects in the system, the eight On the decentrallevel the forces and their derivatives are
controllable leg force components F can be expressed in passed back directly (direct force control). The matrices
the central body coordinates q z and the joint angles qB. K PE" K PF, KIF and K v have a block diagonal struc-
ture. Each block represents one leg and includes the coef-
ficients ofthe leg controller (index P F for force feedback,
P F for the feedback of the time-derivatives of the forces
and IF for the force integral components). The matrix
The whole system has the following state space repres- K v is the feedforward control of the desired forces and
entation. M, D and e are the rigid body system matrices, is well known. It depends on the transposed Jacobian
U is the vector of the motor inputs and Bu the corres- matrix, on the motor characteristic and on the trans-
ponding projection into the coordinate space. missions of the gears. With the described feedbacks the

the interior loop, the system is transformed in accord-
ance with the cascade structure. A new Riccati solution
yields new eigenvalues. The weighting in the cost func-
tion changes to high values for the positions and velocit-
ies and low ones for the forces. Higher weighting of the
forces influences the input of the interior loop in an un-
desirable manner. These values should be justified with
Fig. 3. Block Diagram of the Operating Level the weighting of the central controller output. A matrix
with the following structure is calculated.
control structure shown in figure 3 results in the follow-
ing overall control matrix R: Ro=(KLOOO) (11)

6.3 Robust Control

The state vector is rearranged in a way that the feedback To achieve robust control a classical quadratic criterion
of the central body variables (q z, (lz) is represented is applied to state and control variables. The robot is
in the first column of R. The matrices of the first line linearized around three different leg positions.
are acting on the motors through the matrix B and the
matrices of the second line are acting on the force integral
components. (12)

6.2 Modal Synthesis Xji and U ji are the state vectors and controller outputs
of the i-th system. No general solution can be found for
In a first step the desired control matrix is evaluated us- systems with structural restrictions because of the de-
ing the method of modal synthesis which is given by G. pendencies on the initial conditions. To get nevertheless
Roppenecker (Roppenecker, 1983). Closed loop eigenval- a general qualification of the controller n different initial
ues Ai are achieved by: conditions (index j) are used. Assuming negative real
parts of the closed loop eigenvalues the integrals con-
verge and can be evaluated analytically. The optimiza-
tion started with the controller design of the last section.
The parameter vectors Pi can be chosen arbitrarily.
With an optimization (gradient method) the requested
structure of the controller matrix can be created by vari- 6.4 Future Work
ation of these vectors.
Force Feedback: It was found, that it is not useful to sat- For the design of the controller it was assumed that the
isfy all the conditions at once. A better way is to calcu- central body coordinates are known or can be determ-
late the force feedback first. The feedback of the position ined from the joint angles. The simulation of the robot
control has no conditions to satisfy in this task. Such a has shown that this is not possible, because the motions
procedure is suitable because the leg control is the in- in the compilances of the rubber balls are not negligible.
terior circuit of a cascade controlled system. A Riccati This is especially true for the velocities. With a filter
solution with a high weighting of the forces in the cost the results become much better, but the system becomes
function was evaluated to get reasonable eigenvalues of slower and shows more liability to oscillations. An other
the system. With these values a control matrix of the fol- unknown quantity is the gravity. It should be known to
lowing structure was calculated. The matrices K land prevent the robot from falling. In the current configura-
K 2 are not restricted and will not be used any further. tion the actual direction is given in the beginning and the
robot must integrate its movement. The position errors
R = (Kl KpF KpF KIF) (10) and unknown motions in the passiv joints are a imped-
I K2 0 0 0 iment for doing this. These problems can be solved by
using an observer for the central body motions and for
Central Body Feedback: Now only the matrix KL is un- the direction of gravity. Such an observer can be expan-
known. Since this matrix determines the two forces and ded for the contact points on the wall and can be used for
the torque to correct the robot position and these val- a early dedection of slipping. This would be important
ues can be considered as the input from the exterior to for successfull reactions of the higher controller levels.


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