Health Promotion & Education

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LEARNING TASK Communication in health promotion and health education

SGD 7 :
Pt. Yunita Primasari ( 1102005102 ) Febriyani ( 1102005109 ) Cok Sadwitri Pemayun ( 1102005111 ) Tasa Rizkia ( 1102005112 ) Aretha Aprillya Kusumadjaja ( 1102005113 ) Nila Febriyan Suharto ( 1102005116 ) Brilliana Firly Arie ( 1102005117 ) Sharon Jessica Stephen ( 1102005214 ) Norhara Binti Noosham Kamal ( 1102005215 ) Ravinniya Sandrasegar ( 1102005216 ) Dasheni Sathivel ( 1102005217 )

The definition of health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. Usually in health promotion, there are instances or government participation and support. Health education is the profession of educating people about health. Areas within this profession encompass environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health.It can be defined as the principle by which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance, or restoration of health. Health education more concern about the changing of peoples unhealthy behavior to a healthier ones rather than just improving the knowledge. According to Bloom, there are four major aspects affecting health status: - genetical & biological factors which determine an individuals predisposition to disease - lifestyle factors in which health behaviours - environmental factors such as pollution or housing - the extent and nature of health services. Some principles of health behaviour: - personal and environmental hygiene - balance and nutritious food consumption - regular physical exercise - enough rest - avoiding of dangerous substances such as drugs, ciggarettes, too much alcohol - stress management - safe sexual activity There are many theories of behaviour change. Some of them are: - Social learning/social cognitive theory According to the social learning theory, which is also known as the social cognitive theory, behavioural change is determined by environmental, personal, and behavioural elements. Each factor affects each of the others. - Theory of Reasoned Action



of Reasoned


assumes that individuals consider

behaviour's consequences before performing the particular behaviour. As a result, intention is an important factor in determining behaviour and behavioural change. According to Icek Ajzen,intentions develop from an individual's perception of a behaviour as positive or negative together with the individual's impression of the way their society perceives the same behaviour. Thus, personal attitude and social pressure shape intention, which is essential to performance of a behaviour and consequently behavioural change - Transtheoretical/Stages of Change Model According to the Transtheoretical Model, which is also known as the Stages of Change Model, behavioural change is a five-step process. The five stages, between which individuals may oscillate before achieving complete change, are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. At the precontemplation stage, an individual may or may not be aware of a problem but has no thought of changing their behaviour. From precontemplation to contemplation, the individual develops a desire to change a behaviour. During preparation, the individual intends to change the behaviour within the next month, and during the action stage, the individual begins to exhibit new behaviour consistently. An individual finally enters the maintenance stage once they exhibit the new behaviour consistently for over six months. There are many different kind or version of steps in behavior changes. This is just one of them: - Knowledge. In this stage the individual is first exposed to an innovation but lacks information about the innovation. - Persuasion. In this stage the individual is interested in the innovation and actively seeks information/detail about the innovation. - Decision. In this stage the individual takes the concept of the innovation and weighs the advantages/disadvantages of using the innovation and decides whether to adopt or reject the innovation. - Implementation In this stage the individual employs the innovation to a varying degree depending on the situation. During this stage the individual determines the usefulness of the innovation and may search for further information about it.

- Confirmation. Although the name of this stage may be misleading, in this stage the individual finalizes his/her decision to continue using the innovation and may use the innovation to its fullest potential. The principles in imparting health information to the community at large: - see whats the community problem is - keep it easy and simple - knowing our audience: level of education, cultural background, relligion, etc. - information should based on real and relevant situation to the community - make it more interesting and communicative During dispensing health information to the community, there are some problems that possibly be faced: - technical problems: microphone, presentation, laptop errors - nervous - lack of preparation - misconception - misunderstanding - lack of audience respond and attention Of course its really important to understand the cultural charateristic of our audience during delivering health information to the community. By understanding the culture, we could prevent misunderstanding between us and the audience. The information which given will be relevant and suitable to the condition of the community without breaking the norms or rule apply there. We also can build a good relationship so that the information will be easily delivered to them and finally our goal of health information will be achieved. Media communication to support health information delivery are developed. People used to use leaflets, stickers, poster,and billboards but nowadays, the media communication is more concerned on electronic and modern media such as powerpoint presentation, websites, blogs, onair talkshows, etc.

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