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Mở bài:
[Topic ]has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, Including
in Viet Nam. While components of the argument (các thành phần của lập luận) are in favor,
however the opponents are completely against the relevance of the[ topic]. This essay will
discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such as a situaLon and draw a conclusion/personally.
Thân bài:
To commence with topic has many good sides. The most prominent one is that [ posiLve
opinion/advantage]. Another good point would be that [[ posiLve opinion/advantage].
Thirdly, [ posiLve opinion/advantage]
On the other hand, criLcs [nhà phê bình] point out[ chỉ ra] that one of the most significant
disadvantages of the essay topic/ keywords is that[ disadvantage/ negaLve opinion]. Another
problem is that [disadvantage ]
Giải pháp: There are various of soluLons to this problem. Firstly,

Kết bài:
To conclude, there are two sides to everything, and this situaLon is not an excepLon. The topic
has become a crucial part of our life. Therefore, efficient use of topic should be promoted,
however, its misuse [ lạm dụng] should be condemned.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
vietnam. While components of the argument are in favor, however, the opponents are
completely against the relevance of topic. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of
such a situaLon and draw a conclusion.
To commence with topic….has good sides. The most prominent one is that…advantage…another
good point would be that…. Thirdly….
On the other hand, criLcs points out that one of the advantages is that….another problem is
There are some soluLons to this case. Firstly…
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything and this situaLon is no excepLon. Topic has
become a crucial part of our life. Therefore, the efficient use of topic should be promotes,
however, its misuse should be condemned.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. While components of the argument are in favor, however, the opponents are
completely against the relevance of the topic. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks
of such a situaLon and draw a conclusion.
To commence with topic has many good sides. The most prominent one is that… another good
point would be that…. Thirdly…
On the other hand, criLcs points out that one of the most significant disadvantage of the essay
is that….another problem is that
There are many soluLons to solve this problem. Firstly,…
To conclude, there are two sides to everything, and this situaLon is no excepLon. The topic has
become a crucial of our life. Therefore, efficient use of the topic should be promoted, however,
its misuse should be condemned.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. While components of the argument are in favor, however, the opponents are
completely against the relevance of the topic. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks
of such a situaLon and draw a conclusion.
To commence with the topic has many good sides, one of the most prominent is that…
For instance…
Another good points that …thirdly,..
On the other hand, criLcs points out some of drawbacks of the essay as… in addiLon, another
problem is…
Therefore, there are some of soluLons for these issues. Firstly,…
To conclude, everything has two side, but any problem has each soluLon. The topic has become
a crucial part of our life. This situaLon is no excepLon. The efficient use of the topic should be
promoted, its misuse should be condemned.

An integral part of the rising debate: một phần ko thể thiếu trong cuộc tranh luận
Components of argument: các ý kiên lập luận
In favor : sự ủng hộ
The opponents: các đối thủ
Completely against : hoàn toàn phản đối
The relevance : sự liên quan
To commence with : bắt đầu bằng
Prominent : nổi bật
CriLcs: nhà phê bình
Point out: chỉ ra
Crucial : chủ yếu
Misuse: sự lạm dụng

Mở bài:
Topic has become an integral of the rising debate in the world, including in Vietnam.
While components of the argument are in favor, however the opponents are completely
against. The relevance of the …. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such as a
situaLon and draw a conclusion/personally.

Thân bài:
To commence with topic has many good sides. The most prominent one is that…another good
point would be that….
Kết bài: all in all, everything has two sides and this situaLon is not an excepLon. The topic has
become a crucial part of our life. Therefore, efficient use of topic should be promoted. However,
its misuse should be condemned.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. While components of the argument in favor, however, opponents are completely
against the relevance of the topic. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a
situaLon and draw a conclusion.
To commence with topic has many good sides. The most prominent is that…., another good
point would be that… Thirdly ,…
On the other hand, the opponents shown that the most significant problem of the topic is
that…. In addiLon, another problem is that…
There are some soluLons to this problem. Firstly ..
To conclude, everything has two sides, benefits and drawbacks, and this situaLon is not
excepLon. This topic has become crucial part of our life. The efficient use of the topic should be
promoted; however, its misuse should be condemned.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. While components of the argument are in favor, however, the opponents are
completely against the relevance of the topic is…. This essay will discuss on benefits and
drawbacks of the situaLon
To commence with topic… has many good sides, one of the most prominent one is that…
Moreover, another good point would be that. Thirdly…
On the other hand, criLcs point out that the most significant disadvantage of the topic is that…
Another problem is that…
There are some soluLons to these problems. Firstly…
To conclude, everything has two sides: benefits and drawbacks, this topic is not an excepLon. It
has become crucial part of our life. The efficient use of topic should be promoted, however, its
misuse should be condemned.

The topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world,
including in Vietnam. While components of the argument are in favor, however, opponents are
completely against the relevance of the topic… This essay will discuss benefits and drawbacks of
this situaLon.
To commence with topic has many good sides, one of the most prominent of the topic is …
Another good point would be that… thirdly….
On the other hand, criLcs point outs advantage of this situaLon, one of the most significant
advantages is that… in addiLon, another problem is that…
There are some soluLons of the situaLon. Firstly …
To conclude, everything has two sides: advantages and disadvantages, this situaLon is not an
excepLon. It is crucial part of our life. The efficient use of the topic should be promoted, but, its
misuse should be condemned.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. While components of the argument are in favor, however, opponents are completely
against the relevance of the topic. This essay will discuss benefits and drawbacks of this
To commence with topic has many good sides, one of the most prominent is that… another
good points one is that… thirdly… for instance…
On the other hand, criLcs point out that one of the most advantages is….in addiLon, another
problem is that…
From these problems above, there are some soluLons of these situaLons, example such as…
Firstly… secondly… thirdly…
To conclude, everything has two sides, and this situaLon is no excepLon. The topic has become
a crucial part of the rising debate of our life. The efficient use of the topic should be promoted,
its misuse should be condemned.


In today’s society, topic has become an essenLal part of the rising dabate in the present
world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debated whether ( viet quan diem dc ban luan ).
Personally, I strongly agree/disagree that [quan diem minh dong y]. This essay will provide some
reasons and relevant examples to support my arguments.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that [ reason 1] This means that ( explain 1]. One
example that supports this view is [example 1]. This clearly demonstrates that [ topic] has a
posiLve/ negaLve impact on…
Another interesLng point is that [reason 2] . this is because of the fact that [explain]. For
instance, [example ]. This evidence suggests that ( reason that example favor the opinion]
To conclude, this essay argued that [ viet lai quan diem]. However, everything has two sides, and
this situaLon is no excepLon. Therefore, the efficient use of [topic] should be promoted,
however its misuse should be condemned.

In today society, topic has become an essenLal part of the rising debate in the present
world, including in vietnam. It is widely debated whether… personally, I strongly agree… this
essay will provide some reasons and relevant example to support my arguments.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that… it means that… one example that supports this
view is… this clearly demonstrates that topic has a posiLve/negaLve impact on…
Another interesLng point is that… this is because of the fact that…for instance,…. This evidence
suggests that…
To conclude, this essay argued that… however everything has two sides, and this….
In today’s society, topic has become an essenLal part of the rising debate in the present world,
including in Vietnam. It is widely debated whether…. Quan diem dc ban luan…personally, I
strongly agree/disagree that … quan diem dong y… this essay will provide several reasons and
relevant examples to support my argument.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that…this means that… one example that supports
this view is…this clearly demonstrates that…topic… has a posiLve or negaLve impact on…
Another interesLng point is that… this is because of the fact that…. For instance,… this evidence
suggests that…
To conclude, this essay argued that… viet lai quan diem dc ban luan. However, everything has
two side, this situaLon is no excepLon. Therefore,…

In today’s society, topic has become an essenLal part of the rising debate in the present
world, including in Vietnam. Its widely debated whether …. Personally, I strongly agree/ disagree
that… this essay will provide some reasons and relevant examples to support my arguments.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that …. This means that….one example that supports
this view is…. This clearly demonstrates that topic has a posiLve or negaLve impact on…
Another interesLng point is that… this is because of the fact that… for instance,… This evidence
suggests that….
To conclude, this essay argued that…. However, everything has two sides, and this situaLon is no
excepLon. Therefore, the efficient use of topic should be promoted, however, its misuse should
be condemned.

In today’s society, topic has become an essenLal part of the rising dabate in the present
world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debated whether… personally, I strongly agree/disagree
that… this essay will provide some reasons and relevant examples to support my arguments.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that… this means that… one example that supports
this view is… this clearly demonstrates that topic has a posiLve or negaLve impact on… another
interesLng points is that…. This is because of the fact that…. For instance… this evidence
suggests that…
To conclude, this essay argued that…however, everything has two sides, and this situaLon is no
excepLon. Therefore , the efficient use of the topic should be promoted, its misuse should be

In today’s society, the topic has become an essenLal part of the rising debate in the
present world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debated whether …. Personally, I strongly
agree/ disagree that… this essay will provide some reasons and relevant examples to support
my opinion.
I think, first and foremost, it should be recognized that… this means that….one example that
support this view is…
Another interesLng point is that… this is because… for instance … this evidence suggests that…
To conclude, this essay argued that [ viet lai quan diem ] however, everything has two sides, and
this topic is no excepLon. The efficient use of the topic should be promoted, but its misuse
should be condemned.

In today’s society, the topic has become an essenLal part of the rising debate in the
present world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debated whether… personally, I strongly
agree/disagree that…. This essay will provide some reasons and relevant examples to support
my arguments/opinion.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that… it means that… one example that supports this
view is…
Another interesLng points is that.. this is because of the fact that… for instance … this evidence
suggests that…
To conclude, this essay argued that… however everything has two sides, this topic is no
excepLon. The efficient use of the topic should be promoted; however, its misuse should be

In today’s society, topic has become an essenLal part of the rising debate in the present
world, including in Vietnam. It is widely debated whether viet xuong quan diem dc ban luan, I
strongly agree/disagree viet quan diem dong y…this essay will provide some reasons and
relevant examples to support my arguments.
First and foremost, it should be recognized that…it means that…one example to support this
view is…
Another interesLng point is… this is because of the fact that… for instance…this evidence
suggests that…
To concluded, this essay argued that… however, everything has two sides, this topic is no
excepLon. …

It is widely debated whether: ng ta tranh luận rộng rãi.

This is because of the fact that: lí do thực tế của điều này là
For instance: ví dụ
This evidence suggest that: bằng chứng này cho thấy

Mở bài:
Topic has become an integral of the rising debate in the present world, including in Vietnam. In
the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest causes associated with topic, before
suggesLng possible soluLons.
To commence with the main cause related to topic is cause 1. The reason for this is that reason
1. In addiLon, another undeniable cause is cause 2. For example, specific example – tuy chon
In my opinion, the best approach to overcome topic is soluLon 1. It is oxen argued that in fact
reason 1. Furthermore, soluLon 2. For instance, specific example 2.
To conclude, the topic has become a crucial part of our life. It has now been shown that the
main cause related to topic is cause1, but the best soluLon to overcome that is soluLon 1. It is
expected that this trend will conLnue to increase in the future.

Topic has become …. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest causes
associated with topic, before suggesLng possible soluLons.
From my point of view, the main cause related to topic is… it means that… the reason for this
cause is that…
In addiLon, another undeniable cause is …for example…
From the above cause, therefore there are some of soluLons for this topic is that….it can be
overcome…..besides, another soluLon is that…
To conclude/in conclusion, topic has become …. It has now been shown that the main cause
related to topic is…. The best soluLon to overcome that is… it is expected that this trend will
conLnue to increase in the future.
Topic has become…. Vietnam. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest
causes related to the topic, before suggesLng possible soluLons.
To commence with the main cause related to topic is…the reason for this is that…. It impacts
on… in addiLon, the cause cannot be ignored / another undeniable cause is…
In my opinion, the best approach to overcome topic is… it is oxen argued that in fact …
furthermore…. For instance...
To conclude, the topic has become a crucial part of our life. Each cause has comfortable
soluLon; therefore, we cannot worry about these. It has now been shown that the main cause
related to topic is,… but the best soluLon to overcome that is… it is expected that this trend will
conLnue to increase in the future.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest causes associated with topic,
before suggesLng possible soluLons.
To commence with the main cause related to topic is… the reason for this is that…in addiLon,
another undeniable cause is… for example…
In my opinion, the best approach to overcome topic is… it is oxen argued that in fact…
furthermore… for instance…
To conclude, the topic has become a crucial part of our life. It has now been shown that the
main cause related to topic is… but the best soluLon to overcome that… it is expected that this
trend will conLnue to increase in the future.
Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest causes associated with topic,
before suggesLng possible soluLons.
To commence with the main cause related to topic is… the reason for this is that
In addiLon, another undeniable cause is…for instance…
Furthermore,…its is oxen argued that in fact…
To conclude, the topic has become a crucial part of the rising debated in our life. It has now
been shown that the main cause related to topic is… but the best soluLon to overcome that…
It’s expected that this trend will conLnue to increase in the future.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest causes associated with topic,
before suggesLng possible soluLons.
To commence with the main cause related to the topic is…the reason for this is that…for
In addiLon, another cause is that… the means that… example…
Furthermore, it is oxen argued that in fact…
To conclude, the topic has become a crucial part of our life. It has now been shown that the
main cause related to topic is … but the best soluLon to overcome that… it is expected that this
trend topic will conLnue to increase in the future.

Topic has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present world, including in
Vietnam. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the biggest causes associated with topic,
before suggesLng possible soluLons.
To commence with the main cause related to topic is that… the reason for this is that.. for
In addiLon, another cause is… the mean that… example…
Furthermore, it is oxen argued that in fact…
To conclude, topic has become an essenLal part of our life. It has now been shown that the
main cause related to topic is…but the best soluLon to overcome that… it is expected that this
trend will conLnue to increase in the future.

In the following essay: theo bài viêt sau

Associated with: liên quan đến
Ralated to: liên quan đến
Another undeniable cáuse: một nguyên nhân ko thể phủ nhận khác
Approach: gaiir pháp/ cách Lếp cận
Furthermore: hơn nữa
MB: Dear sir/ madam,
Thank you very much for your last le~er/ my name is…
I am wriLng this le~er to…
- To inquire/ask about
- To inform you that
- To ask for you help in
- To ask if I could
- To provide you with the informaLon you requested.
- To apologize for V-ing
TB: ….
KB: If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you in advance for your consideraLons. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully/ sincerely.

Dear sir/madam,
Thank you very much for your last le~er./ my name is.
I am wriLng this le~er to
- Ask for you help in
- Ask if I could
- Inform you that
- Apologize you for ving
- Provide you with the informaLon you requested
- Inquire you about
If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you for in advance for your consideraLon. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully,

Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your last le~er/ my name is
I am wriLng this le~er to
- Inquire/ ask about
- Inform you that
- Ask for you help in
- Ask if I could
- To provide you with the informaLon you requested
- Apologize for Ving
If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you in advance for your consideraLons. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully,
Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your last le~er / my name is…
I am wriLng this le~er to …
- Require you/ ask about
- Apologized for Ving
- Ask for you help in
- Inform you that
- Ask if I could
- Provide you with the informaLon you requested.
If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you in advance for your consideraLons. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully,

Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your last le~er/ my name is…

I am wriLng this le~er to

- Require you that
- Ask for you help in
- Apologized for ving
- Provide you with the informaLon you requsted.
- Inform you that
- Ask if I could
If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you in advance for your consideraLons. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully,

Dear sir,
Thank you very much for your last le~er/ my name is..
I am wriLng this le~er to..
- Ask for you that help in
- Apologized for ving
- Inform you that
- Thank you for your…
- Require you that
- Provide you with the informaLon you requested
- Ask if I could
If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you in advance for your consideraLons. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully,
How are you?/ how is it going? How have your family been? Many thanks for your last le~er. It
is great hear from you again. I am sorry I have not wri~en for such a long Lme, but I have been
really busy studying English to pass B1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your family
are doing well.
I am so happy/ glad to hear that you…./I am wriLng to let you know that …
Can you tell me…
So that…
As you know…
Luckily/ fortunately…
I believe that …
Anyway I must go and get on with my study. Give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon. Please let me know when you are coming. I will look forward to hearing from you
Kind/best regards,

Dear hoa,
How are you and your family? Many thanks for your last le~er. It is great to hear from you again.
I am sorry I have not wri~en le~er such for a long Lme, but I have been really busy studying E to
pass b1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your family are doing well.
I am glad to hear that you will…
Can you tell me…
So that…
As you know…
I believe that…
Anyway, I must try and get on with my study. Give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon. Please let me know when you are coming. I am looking forward to hearing from you
Best regards,
How are you/ how is it going? How have your family been? Many thanks for your last le~er?
It is great hear from you again. I am sorry I have not wri~en le~er for you such a long Lme, but I
have been really busy studying E to pass b1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your
family are doing well.
I am wriLng this le~er let you know that/I am so glad to hear that you will…

Can you tell me
So that
I believe that you….
Anyway, I must go and get on with my study. give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon. please let me know when you are coming. I am look forward to hearing from you
Best regards,

How are you? / how is it going? How have your family been? Many thanks for your last le~er. It
is great hear from you again. I am sorry I have not wri~en for such a long Lme, but I have been
really busy studying English to pass b1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your family
are doing well.
I am wriLng this le~er to let you know that…/ I am glad to hear from you that …
Can you tell me…
So that
Luckily/ fortunately…
I believe that…
Anyway, I must go and get on with my study. Give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon again. Please let me know when you are coming. I am look forward to hearing from
you soon.
Best regards,

Dear hoa,
How are you?/ how is it going? How have your family been? Many thanks for your last le~er. It
is great hear from you again. I am sorry I have not wri~en for such a long Lme, but I have been
busy studying English to pass b1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your family are
doing well.
I am glad to hear from you that…/ I am wriLng this le~er to let you know that..
Can you tell me…
So that
Luckily/ fortunately..
I believe that…
Anyway, I must go and get on with my study. Give my love to your family? We must try and meet
you soon. Please let me know when you are coming. I am look forward to hearing from you
Best regards,

dear hoa,
how are you today? How have your family been? Many thanks for your last le~er. It is great hear
from you again. I am sorry I have not wri~en le~er to you such for a long Lme, but I have been
really busy studying e to pass b1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your family are
doing well.
I am glad to hear you that…
Can you tell me
So that
I believe that…
Anyway, I must go and get on with my study. Give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon. Please let me know when you are coming. I am look forward to hearing from you
Best regards,

Dear Hoa,
How are you today? Many thanks for your last le~er. It is great hear from you again. I am sorry I
have not wri~en for such a long Lme, but I have been really busy studying English to pass b1
vstep. I hope you and your family are doing well.
I am wriLng to let you know that….
Anyway, I must go and get on with my study. Give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon. Please let me know when you are coming. I will look forward to hearing from you
Best regards,

Der hoa,
How are you today/ how have your family been? My thanks for your last le~er. It is great hear
from you again. I am sorry I have not wri~en le~er for such a long Lme, but I have been really
busy studying E to pass b1 vstep and working recently. I hope you and your family are doing
I am glad to hear you that
Can you tell me…
So that…
I believe that,
Luckily/ fortunately,…
Anyway, I must go and get on with my study. Give my love to your family. We must try and meet
you soon. Please let me know when you are coming. I am looking forward to hearing from you
Best regards,

Topic 1: we are glad to help you in order to find a suitable job for you. We would like to know
more detailed informaLon regarding the reasons why you interested in working in our country.
We would also like to know the type of jobs you would look for and your previous work
experience. In addiLon, could you provide us some informaLon about your qualificaLons and
your English level. Also , what are your salary expectaLons?
We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dear sir or madam,

Thank you very much for your last le~er. I am so glad because you help me to find a suitable job.
I am wriLng this le~er to provide you with the informaLon you requested. Firstly, I am
interested in working in your country because it is a good place with breathtaking views and
kind, friendly people. It also offers many job opportuniLes.
I am looking for a job as a recepLonist full- Lme, from Monday to Friday because I want to
spend more Lme with my family on weekends. I have over two years experiences as a
recepLonist at the royal hotel, so I believe I can do this job well. Besides, I have a bachelor’s
degree of tourism and hospitality. Last year, I obtained a b1 vstep cerLficate, so my English is
good enough to work in an internaLonal environment. My salary experiences are 1000 usd per
If you require any further informaLon, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:
Thank you in advance for you consideraLon. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Your faithfully,

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