Transverse and Longitudinal Waves - Sound Waves, Amplitude and Frequency - 4th Level Science Revision - BBC Bitesize

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4th level

Sound w%ves,
%mplitude %nd
P"rt of Science
Vibr%tions %nd w%ves

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P"ge 2 of 8

Tr%nsverse %nd longitudin%l

Tr%nsverse w%ves

In tr"verse w"ves the p"rticles of the

medium vibr"te "t right "ngles to the
direction th"t the energy tr"vels. This is
where the n"me tr"nsverse comes from -
it me"ns '"cross'. All of the
electrom"gnetic w"ves, eg light,
infr"red, ultr"violet "re tr"nsverse
w"ves, "s "re w"ter w"ves.

Step one

A h"nd holding " rope held t"ught "nd


Step two

A h"nd jerked down to produce " sine

w"ve sh"pe in the rope.

Step three

A h"nd jerked up to continue the sine

w"ve motion in the rope.

Longitudin%l w%ves

With sound w"ves, the energy tr"vels

"long in the s"me direction "s the
p"rticles vibr"te. This type of w"ve is
known "s " longitudin"l w"ve, so n"med
bec"use the energy tr"vels "long the
direction of vibr"tion of the p"rticles.

Step one

A h"nd holding " st"tion"ry spring

stretched horizont"lly.

Step two

A h"nd jerked forw"rd to produce "

compressed "re" in the spring.

Step three

The compressed "re" in the spring

tr"vels "long its length.

P"ge 2 of 8


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Sound w"ves, "mplitude "nd


Non-visible p%rts of the

electrom%gnetic spectrum

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